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File: 566 KB, 987x1174, 1815DADD-8BE3-4D37-B398-E7414914C4A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11870768 No.11870768 [Reply] [Original]

How do you put a neural network in someone’s head and program it?

>> No.11870793

Just use the naturally occuring NN's dude

>> No.11870874
File: 72 KB, 512x600, useful idiots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neural networks as you know them are actually called artificial neural networks (ANN). They are inspired by the biological neural networks found in your brain.
You "program" them the same way you program an artificial neural network: by exposing them to data. Control the input to control the output.
That should work on most people. There is a very small percentage that have the ability to feed the output back into the input, allowing them to evaluate both the inputs AND the outputs for correctness. You won't be able to program them but don't worry, there's only a few.

>> No.11870976
File: 66 KB, 920x574, 566FC413-F867-4F81-BD7D-AD242C009CF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s an input: communism is a tribal dictatorship/monarchy that enslaves, takes away freedom, starves, and rewards only those loyal to the tribe of selfish gangsters on top of the balance of power over the state.

You only want to be Lenin or someone loyal to the top dog in cage fight. The 0.1%

Go live to Cuba or North Korea. No dictator state will become anything else.

To be appalled by the selfishness of humanity only to give up all your independence to another selfish human. To think they’ll be benevolent because they’re apart of the same political tribe.

You’d be best off disconnecting what you want to fix about the world from communism.

>> No.11870996

At least in capitalism we can insult our leaders and not get shot.

>> No.11871014

>porkie is the enemy! he has to die!
>did you ever notice 99% of porkies have the same religion
why are commies so fucking retarded

>> No.11871092

Judging by your weird post you’re a communist doing a strawman of a capitalist.

>> No.11871268
File: 212 KB, 1218x1015, 1555024964702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These three brainlets are a perfect example of the caricature in the image.

What makes them think the image is pro-Communist?

>> No.11871283

Quite the self projection you got there.

The fool only fools himself.

>> No.11871310
File: 54 KB, 566x480, read a book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The brainlet, unable to address the arguments of his hated enemy, now blindly tries to accuse someone of projecting.
He remembers how hurt he felt when someone did the same to him, and figures he ought to try it. It falls flat, and only makes him look even more stupid.

>> No.11871337
File: 22 KB, 400x400, print(tropes[i]).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting back to the OP's question, observe:

You could make a different version of this image blaming various boogeymen ("Liberal", "Minority", "Martian", "Aliens from the Pleiades Cluster") with everything else remaining the same, and the thrust of the image would not change.

But upon being shown the "communism" inputs, they automatically reach back into their data banks and dump canned responses that don't even pertain to the argument or discussion at hand. Much like today's primitive conversational AI.