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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 134 KB, 638x900, trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11870707 No.11870707 [Reply] [Original]

Some people say 14 or so, some say 12, some say 18? What's Science say?

>> No.11870718
File: 34 KB, 500x356, women btfo photographing object.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

says it all desu senpai

>> No.11870721

different brains, hard to quantify something like that

>> No.11870729
File: 165 KB, 800x820, women stupid 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

totally desperately wrong, just look at measures of maturity like performance on the Iowa Gambling Task

>> No.11870734

what are the two plasters on her (yes i said her) tummy? what surgery did she have to get those?

>> No.11870746

estrogen patches dummy

>> No.11870747

At what age do male children learn to understand basic morality? That's your answer.

>> No.11870749

TERFs just exist because of MTFs like this, right? like, if the tech got a bit better and it was impossible to discriminate a trap for straight guys IRL, then "women" like this who look better than 80%+ of biological females are a big problem for women. so biological females are then strongly incentivized to play up the "that tranny can't have kids and isn't a real woman" card...but then they're in a bind because they're feminist like most women and want to value "muh career" over being a housewife and having 3+ kids.

>> No.11870752

no need to be rude anon, we're not all as familiar with changing gender as you are

>> No.11870753

brain weight isn't necessarily the best way to predict IQ

>> No.11870755

Every TERF I've ever seen on the internet has obviously/explicit mental or physical illnesses.
They're basically female incels

>> No.11870758
File: 95 KB, 618x662, soy cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't matter, proves the broader point. You on the left

>> No.11870780

>you on the left
This is /Sci/ not /pol/

>> No.11870787

did you miss the recent news of JK rowling coming out as a TERF? she is like white women influencer #1, the end boss of pumpkin spice PMC females. I am sure most women are sympathetic to it, maybe not entirely for the reason I mentioned (invading female spaces makes sense, like in sports or even splitting the support for feminist causes as trannies will go their own way, influenced on certain issues by being biological males) but stay silent for fear of social approbrium.

>> No.11870788

JK Rowling is a femcel? You are a retard. I guarantee if you polled just your normal everyday woman who calls themselves a "feminist" but isn't a Twitterati intersectional zealot 98% of them would say trannies aren't women and look at you like you are insane for thinking there should be any contraversy in such a statement like all other people who arent mentally ill would agree.

>> No.11870797

She's mentally ill and was abused by a Mexican guy for years. Many TERFs hate men and were abused, which is mental illness

>> No.11870802

kys tranny go back to discord and don't come back

>> No.11870804

Ugly, abused, and mentally ill femcel moment
You're just mad traps are more attractive than you and trap-husbands would never abuse each other

>> No.11870816

is this the conway daughter? like before she overtanned her face into leather

>> No.11870832

lmao retard. this photo is retarded and you are retarded for posting it. I can tell you don’t have any science background at all.

>> No.11870836

Woman = mad

>> No.11870841

Would you suck dick and take it in the ass for science, /sci/?

>> No.11870880 [DELETED] 

tranny's on suicide watch

>> No.11871033

What are those scars on her tummy? We all know this is a tranny so what are those scars she is trying to hide. It's not liek he got an Oophorectoy!?!?!?

>> No.11871056

>Proves the broader point
>By not logically following from the antecedent
>Which apparently doesn't matter
So this is the power of the sexist brain

>> No.11871185

Define mental age. The difference in IQ scores between an average adult female and male is measurable (about 2 point) but negligible and largely visuo-spatial. Keep in mind that you are more likely to meet men with 'childlike' intelligence anyway due to our sex's greater variability in intelligence. Of course, this variability also expresses itself at the other tail of the curve as well.

Anecdotally, men are about 5 years behind on most of the life skills that make up what I'd call mental maturity until about their early 30s. I'd hire a 40 year old woman over a 20 year old man for practically any position. A typical 20 year old male is functionally a fucking retard with almost no emotional and motivational self-awareness, even though he is likely to have more raw cognitive horsepower based on the age and sex differential. It's not just the lack of social game, you can't rely on someone who doesn't know for them self what they are after and who is also likely to get tired of constantly losing social capital and give up. I'm confident saying the mental age of young men is much lower than the mental age of young women in all meaningful respects.

I guess what I'm trying to say is if you're posting here, you're probably (very) young, and if you think most of the women you meet in general are childlike compared to you, you're likely wrong. What you may observe as a woman being stupid and emotional is often just her running her social game on you and getting what she wants, even if it makes her look foolish for a few moments (and even if you don't recognize what she wanted).

>> No.11871209

You think that's a girl?

>> No.11871210
File: 13 KB, 220x369, GNFOS_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tranny calling someone mentally ill because they know you aren't a woman just because you cut your dick off
Peak clown world gents

>> No.11871216

More like JKKK Rowling

>> No.11871217

Fucking unreal. Welcome to the future.

>> No.11871252

Women tend to be more mature than men until their mid 20s-30s.

At that point, if and only if a man has children, he’s likely to catch up and surpass the average woman in maturity by his mid 30s; on the other hand, those men who do not have kids often remain quite immature throughout their lives.

>> No.11872421

If it's atheism they never do.

>> No.11872424

Science says fuck off

>> No.11872435
File: 2.41 MB, 640x360, 1530400917801.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about neuron and synapse count?

>> No.11872592

Bigger bodies need more neurons to just do basic maintenance. Whale brains are around 7x as large as our own for example. Brain mass to body weight is a more reasonable measure.

>> No.11872597

men have bigger brains & more neurons in the cerebral cortex even after correcting for body size champ

>> No.11872672

>be more mature
Mimicry is a key feature of female autism and, by extension, female nature.
Do not be fooled by appearances.
People can "act" mature without "being" mature.
Even the most mature-looking woman will reveal her childishness when she opens her mouth outside of the "act".

It might be useful to define "maturity".
Preferably, it would be in a way so that it cannot be faked.