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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11862975 No.11862975 [Reply] [Original]

Scientists' only role should be to provide philosophers with empirical data.

>> No.11862976

The human race’s only goal should be to build a bridge with the flesh and spirit of the whole species for the Overman.

>> No.11862985

Society only role should be to provide welfare to its dumbest members.

>> No.11862988

Low IQ pleb detected. Philosophy doesn't need empirical data because philosophy only cares about that which is true a priori.

>> No.11863000

They gave Stern–Gerlach to phils but they just pissed their pants and cried.

>> No.11863064


>> No.11863138

Philosophy and science have always been intertwined and work off each other.

>> No.11863141

philosophers only role should be to provide scientists with human trial subjects

>> No.11863163

Science IS philosophy. How do people still not understand this.

>> No.11863166


>> No.11863836

Imagine being this retarded.
Far from all philosophy only cares about a priori knowledge.

>> No.11863844

Greeks called science "natural philosophy."

>> No.11863866
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Science is an application philosophy. That's why the highest degree for scientists is the PhD "doctor of philosophy degree." The only reason there is argument against philosophers from scientists is that they don't want want any money from science departments getting funneled into philosophy departments where it will be used to investigate the gender of trans fish grasshopper rapists. Literally all of the "philosophy hate" coming from the scientist camp, which knows fully well that they themselves practice philosophy, is due to the absolutely proper fear that gubbmint money will get shuffled out of hard science and into liberal arts as an equal competitor with hard science, eventually leading to some situation where the Congress needs to know the bulk modulus of some material and they say, "Let's get some philosophers' opinions on the best way to compute the compressibility of XYZ novel material." If it wasn't for the tight budgetary constraints making everyone fight over every penny of academic funding, everyone would say that philosophy is pretty cool.

>> No.11864739

fucking based

>> No.11864950
File: 13 KB, 241x272, 2973A652-D579-4555-893F-F9FD93491C5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already happened 2000 years ago bro

>> No.11865016

This couldn't be further from the truth. Critical Theory has invaded literally every subject except philosophy because the philosophers are the only ones who know the foundations of such theory and for the most part rejected the Frankfurt school years ago. The institute of physics which accredits pretty much every relevant physics degree literally promotes critical race/gender theory on the cover of their website and it's integrated into their policies and how they give accreditation.

>> No.11865019

Philosophists' only role should be.... uh....

>> No.11866535


>> No.11866575

Philosophy turned into science. Modern “Filosophee” is just a catch all major for lazy college pseuds.

>> No.11866594

The actual Sophists weren't all too bad. Callicles was pretty good.

>> No.11867065

Philospohers role is to flip burger while he's provided empirical data about other burgers he flipped.