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File: 511 KB, 1156x1440, Screenshot_20200703-055232_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11862947 No.11862947[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

John Tooker is finally getting the recognition he deserves.


>> No.11862950

can't spook the took

>> No.11862956

Based schizo, putting netflixes where they belong

>> No.11862993


>> No.11862999

lol all the /pol/yps in the comments

>> No.11863053

Worth mentioning Tooker is a black belt in jiujitsu, if you see him in public, DON'T mess with him.

>> No.11863059
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Awww, I missed you Tooker.

>> No.11863065

can someone tell me why this guy is relevant on sci? apart from being incredibly based of course.

>> No.11863086

shits up /sci/ threads with /x/ tier schizo babblieng

>> No.11863105
File: 224 KB, 619x599, wbb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based tooker threads keep getting deleted.
This censorship only adds to his infamy.
Look at the chad, he is immortal.

>> No.11863111

>t. butthurt reddit cuckold

>> No.11863124

>John Tooker
still didn't answer my question.

>> No.11863142

Not our fault that you're a kike.

>> No.11863195

pretty based ngl

>> No.11863200
File: 108 KB, 680x510, EZ7qvK8UYAAj9FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blm made it clear you're either with them or against them. there is no in between. fuck these niggers.

>> No.11863212

>them comments
has /pol/ taken over?

>> No.11863230

You mean /sci/?

>> No.11863233

>nobody knows about tooker except /sci/ nerds debunking his pseudery
>nobody cares
>toooker says the n-word on video
>twitter SJWs go crazy and spam falsehoods about how he still works at georgia tech
>/pol/ has an orgasm and celebrates him for saying the n-word
>apparently people care now
the absolute state

>> No.11863245

scientifically speaking, how can he be stopped?

>> No.11863286

>no middle ground
I'm against them then, I guess.
All according to plan

>> No.11863289

No shit, you stupid retard. You are either racist or you aren't. There are no degrees here.

>> No.11863298

Don't liberals say all whites are racist? Like in that best selling book White Fragility?

>> No.11863303

>You are either racist or you aren't.
You are obviously being disingenuous but Blm is not about racism. It's not about cops. It's not even about black lives. Look at their official plan and the organizations they support and that support them. Blm is about a no-whites-allowed Marxist takeover of the West, spearheaded by the Jew. An anti-American militant group supported by the blind of this nation. It's sad, really.

>> No.11863305

you're the stupid retard here. there is racist, non-racist and anti-racist. blm demand your adherence, to them a non-racist is a racist. blm is retarded cultist bs.

>> No.11863309

>spearheaded by the Jew
this is where you're wrong. it's spearheaded by woke cultists. many jews are actually in opposition to this retardation, like bret and eric weinstein.

>> No.11863322

Jews like Weinstein and company don't like BLM because the movement supports the Palestinian cause while denouncing Israel as an oppressive apartheid state.

>> No.11863335

nah, they don't like blm because it is cultist horseshit that shuts down any honest discussion and is antithetical to liberal meritocracy. bret and and eric opposed this bs way before that tweet.

>> No.11863354

who is this legend?

>> No.11863356

> before that tweet

That groups like that oppose Israel actions has been common knowledge before any tweet you dumb fuck. Keep trying to divert attention from the true motives of those jews, Mr Goldberg.

>> No.11863363

/pol/ pls. bret's opposition to this bs first appeared on the radar when there was that mandatory day of absence for whites at evergreen. get your facts straight. this isn't some jewish plot. also if it was why would it be anti-israel? makes no sense.

>> No.11863394
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>he can't even read

>> No.11863449
File: 132 KB, 464x401, 9345B210-0A49-4FF9-ADAC-1094765C3C2E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ this fucking thread.

Up next on /sci/: How graph theory is actually /pol/ in disguise.

>> No.11863529

anon the conflict between Bolshevik and Zionist jews is a very old one.

>> No.11863575

You mean between jews and jews?

>> No.11863585

Yes. They've been at war since biblical times. Both want sole subjugation of the goyim.

>> No.11863662

I’ve jerked off to that picture more than once but less than five times.
I’ve seen tookers graffiti around here before. I always thought it’d be cool if I ever saw him irl but the odds are low of ever bumping into him. He seems like he would be a fun person to talk with.

>> No.11864348

Why is he not wearing a mask, I thought he was smart?

>> No.11864359

Are you guys ready for this? John Tooker is John Titor. The "time traveler" who posted on several message boards back in 2000 and 2001.

>> No.11864363 [DELETED] 

Clamped, vaccinated, circumcised.
Snipped, clipped, untipped.


>> No.11864364

really this is 4chans fault. If it wasn't for 4chan he probably never would have called her a netflix.

>> No.11864375

What? /pol/ has a very liberal definition of Jew. Tooker is obviously half Hitler, half queen of England.

>> No.11864387

>4channel bad
There is 0 reason to believe you, how do you know he wouldn't act like that without 4channel? You don't. I suggest you leave here and never come back.

>> No.11864397

I know it for a fact. He was exposed to the word nigger so much on here so it became like 2nd nature to him.

>> No.11864400

Nice. Who else can we wreck with classical conditioning?

>> No.11864401

You're obviously a nigger yourself anon. He's from Georgia, I doubt this place is the way he's heard it.

>> No.11864434

>be science board
>see guy solve RH
>see guy solve like 10 Nobel-worthy problems in physics
>see guy call nigger nigger
>make thread about sandwiches

This video was probably my single worst jiu jitsu match in competition ever. I was totally gassed and looked terrible there. No surprise that is the one and only match that ever got onto YouTube. Same thing with me speaking about the plight of the USA economic underclasses for years and years: no one heard that apparently but as soon as I called this sandwich nigger a nigger, suddenly that came to everyone's attention. Also, I see they are brigading my YouTube now with whiny comments but no one is commenting anything on the comment sections on viXra.

feels bad man

>> No.11864435
File: 229 KB, 602x324, TIMESAND___xxxieufc9y8tr762tggffffmfmfj986397f3guyfeuhfijbfftttj676tftttt7jfefr762rr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am against them. They only got invented to subvert and mock what I was trying to do with occupy. Their name is a joke too and it got invented by people to whom black lives absolutely do not matter. You can tell BLM is a government operation because everyone in the media takes their whining about cops being assholes seriously while all the predicates about economic injustice voiced by occupy were totally mocked as the whining of hippies in the media. Literally BLM only got invented so that any time anyone trues to put a protest together about any more pressing issues, it can get flooded with fat ugly black women saying, "Yoo raciss," if they don't decide to make BLM's complaints into their own complaints.

Listen you stupid fucking BLM troglodytes: more so than the cops who fuck with you when you're out on the street, it is capitalism that is fucking you the most by leaving you out on the streets to begin with. Remember when MLK was protesting about race, and no one killed him, but then her started protesting about war and capitalism and the powers that be almost immediately killed him. Overall, millionaires and billionaires FUCKING LOVE IT when they get people who make $20k/yr to cite cops making $75k/yr as the object of their anger. It is so stupid, it really disgusts me and I hate it.

>> No.11864437

You are giving this shithole more credit than it deserves.

>> No.11864442

We don't need a secondary source to prove that we moved mathematics forward.

>> No.11864443

Are you still doing jiu jitsu? How long did it take for you to get to that level?

>> No.11864447


>> No.11864448
File: 474 KB, 1461x2221, TIMESAND___JihadRider2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, man. You are wrong. BLM got its name specifically to mock the people who participate in it because black lives do not matter AT ALL to the people who decided to undermine occupy with their cointelpro protest. Back at occupy, I was always calling it bullshit when cops would kill people for things that a judge could never, ever give them the death penalty for. A lot of the people criticizing the predicate of my occupy grievances were mocking me for sticking up for blacks because they hate black and see me as a traitor to their cause, of which I am not a part. They were mocking me, "This fucking retard thinks black lives matter, HAHAHAHAH," and their whole cointelpro protest is just an extension of the derisive rhetoric of them who disagree with my opinion that blacks are human beings.

You how the many people who call themselves Jews say that the lives of the goyim don't matter at all? The ones who say that feel that way ESPECIALLY about blacks, and 100% of BLM is a mockery of my opinion that blacks are humans.

I am the Lord.

>> No.11864449
File: 1.92 MB, 2932x2868, TIMESAND___TGU2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eric weinstein.
My enemy going back to 2013, at least. Pic related.

>> No.11864453
File: 378 KB, 2467x1551, TIMESAND___logoLOGOlogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Titor logo is from my solution to the Riemann hypothesis.

Hi, I am Jon Tooker: the inventor of the time circuit...

Mundane events related to time travel.

John Titor, the Montauk Project, the e-Cat and Geometric Unity

I am the anonymous physicist featured in the black hole article yesterday.

30 Tooker Papers

LOG (from the log meme, HTML only)

Exide Docs


Threads about my never-ending sexual torture:
https://ibb [doot] co/r7mdxfv
https://ibb [doot] co/6DMWz3H
https://ibb [doot] co/9HxL0S1
https://ibb [doot] co/yWk59b3
https://ibb [doot] co/y0PvJcN
https://ibb [doot] co/gj34xVj
https://ibb [doot] co/YXYrfNs
https://ibb [doot] co/p3cX0mk

>> No.11864455
File: 3.63 MB, 4656x3112, TIMESAND___ZETA+Final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my solution to the Riemann hypothesis

>> No.11864459

This is a legit lynch mob, holy shit

>> No.11864464

There's a reason the jews handheld him through his plagiarised thesis, wrote his speeches, and covered up his womanising.

>> No.11864467

You're actually quite based, Took.
Never change

>> No.11864468

What are your views on C Murray?

>> No.11864472
File: 45 KB, 800x450, TIMESAND___ou6e986w8utfgourtgffffrergg1511rw866585979881517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had been calling people faggots for a while. it wasn't offensive enough so I started calling them niggers. Heathens is really the word I'm going for but it is not even derogatory. I've been calling Trump a nigger for a long time now and no one ever cared about that.

No. It took me nine years to get my black belt. I think pic related was my instructor, or my first instructor before he got replaced by a disguise monster, or the pic rel man was one of the many men donning the persona of my instructor. When I first saw this pic in 2014 or 2015, I was struck with the idea that I recognized the girth of the side of the man's palm and also the lines on it. In jiu jitsu, you spend a lot of time looking at your instructor's hands. The school got invaded by unsavory characters and I left in 2017.

Of all the places I ever went in my life, Alliance jiu jitsu was the only where I didn't get asked to leave. It was my favorite place.

>> No.11864475

I am not familiar with C Murray.

>> No.11864483

Weird? I thought I typed Charles Murray?
have you read his "coming apart"?

>> No.11864501

As I recall, my instructor came to the USA from Brasil to teach jiu jitsu to the Army. He would go to Ft Benning all the time to teach the Army Rangers. The whole million people in the Army doing jiu jitsu today under the Army Combatives program are basically in my instructor's jiu jitsu association. Indeed, I was at the black belt ceremony of the three star US Army general in charge of underground bases.

The problem is that Carlos "The Jackal" Cavalcanti's real nickname was "Jacaré" before it got anglicized, and he was in there at Alliance too doing terrorism for the USA, and it all got fucked up and they tortured my friend who was a donning the nickname "Jacaré" but was not the world's most notorious terrorist: Carlos the Jackal. He was probably there to cover for the real identity of Carlos, among other reasons, but I do not think he was evil, and I would have forgiven him of any wrongdoing because I enjoyed his company: A VERY RARE THING FOR ME. When Obama says "we tortured some folks," the main one he is talking about is my friend who encouraged and motivated me at jiu jitsu. When I say this, I hear someone else in the memes saying they encouraged me too, so I hope that is true.

The Solipsist: Joseph Kuklinski -- Helene's husband
The Woodman: Helene Gutfrend, a/k/a The Woman
Jacob666: Carlos Cavalcanti

>> No.11864504

I don't like SPLC and they having spreading vicious lies about me for years and years. They should all be killed. I didn't read anything he wrote.

>> No.11864507
File: 506 KB, 980x637, TIMESAND___xxxieueyr8w5dc9yf2e8tr76269jyioyppgofofooptyp0ty0t9t9t934rty9t6fuie4fj7jfefr762k7rrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Woodman: Helene Gutfrend, a/k/a The Woman
her on the left

>> No.11864513

>The Woodman: Helene Gutfrend, a/k/a The Woman
Her secret basement beneath the 5759 unit Sunrise Pointe in Tucson. Certainly one of my very few friends in the bag behind her.

>> No.11864515
File: 1.05 MB, 2880x3600, TIMESAND___ou6e986w8utfgouwtgffffffwjkefergg151r85979881517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Woodman: Helene Gutfrend, a/k/a The Woman
The disguise she wears at work these days.

>> No.11864522
File: 238 KB, 577x293, TIMESAND___xxxieufc9y8tr76rfmfmfj986397f3guyfeuhfijbfftttj676tftttt7jfefr762rr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops forgot pic

>> No.11864528

What does the criminal splc have to do with Murray?

>> No.11864529

Tooker you need real psychiatric help.

>> No.11864531
File: 3.54 MB, 1314x2770, TIMESAND___xxxieufc9y8tr76rfmfmfj986397f3guyffuhfijbfftttj676tftttffr762rr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See how she does this thing with her one stink eye pointing off to the side? Helene's real face in the middle there many years after she bleached away her freckles.

>> No.11864535

I googled him and I must have misread something.

>> No.11864543
File: 1.33 MB, 1884x2164, TIMESAND___Golf+Rumors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually what I need is for people to praise me by name and in public for the many good things I've done. Somehow, everyone keeps quiet about all of those things.

>> No.11864560

Not a native speaker, so I couldn't understand anything the nigger said. Can someone post a transcript?

>> No.11864607

I approached the counter and asked for a sandwich. The woman asked me how I was doing. I told her I was doing terribly. She asked why. I told her it was because I was trapped in a fake version of Atlanta (fake in the sense of not having the intuitive latitude/longitude coords) and everyone around me was practicing falsehood, such as her. She said, "Me?" I said, "You heard me." Then she refused to make my sandwich and walked off. Some other lady started making my sandwich. Then the manager of the store came over and asked me if I was ok. I told him I was not. He asked why. I told him not to pry into my personal business. He kept insisting that I explain my lack of OK-ness to him. I refused and asked him to stop bothering me. He told me that he was not bothering me and I assured him that he was. Then he told the lady to quit fixing my sandwich. That's when the video started with my getting irritated that not only did he come over to me out of the blue to start bugging me, but then he also fucked me out of my sandwich. Then the woman told me she wanted to press charges against me. I saw an extreme look of fury on her face as if she was angry at me for whatever non-existent thing she wanted to press charges over. I wanted to bring it to her intention that the source of her anger did not reside with my part, and I did so.

>> No.11864631 [DELETED] 

wtf are you john tooker

>> No.11864660

delete your account

>> No.11864675

I see, I can't say you were wrong, but you could have handled this better. In the future, if someone aks how are you doing, just say you're fine.

>> No.11864683

Anyone know which Publix location? Their customer service is usually pretty good but I've had issues with deli employees at a couple of their locations in the City of Atlanta, especially the Atlantic Station location. It's the time I've heard an employee in a Publix say "that ain't my job" and walk off.

>> No.11864737


>> No.11864785

I want to make fun of you John but as someone who also struggles with a psychotic disorder
Get help. Seriously get help

>> No.11864819

kys nigger the normies are figuring out what is going on and when public perception shifts I will split your black dome open like a canoo and get off scott free with my all white jury

>> No.11864824
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>> No.11864851

God, your white supremacist delusions are so pathetic.

>> No.11864858
File: 2.00 MB, 3800x3800, jewfunding.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>many jews
>names two
>literally funded by the Jew Soros, indoctrinated by the Frankfurt school jews using the books written by Jews Marx and Alinsky as their playbook
kys shlomo

>> No.11864884

you're not inventing shit, we've been "theoretically" amplifying energy using metamaterials for a while now, by using negative permittivity and permeability.

Too bad the process only occurs for monochromatic waves, which in fine means fuckall.

>> No.11864892

>hating niggers because they are violent retards who can't NOT commit crime = white supremacy
Someone doesn't have much life experience

>> No.11864895

>inb4 some grammarfag jumps on this
>violent retards who are incapable of following the law

>> No.11864907

You don't need praise, you crazy motherfucker. You need help. It's bad enough that you're part of the timeloop mentioned in that other thread. But if you stay here, you'll just become another Terry A. Davis. You'll just delve deeper and deeper into insanity.
Anyone who promotes you or calls you "based" or any other kind of bullshit is an enabler who just does it because they want to see more of your crazed rants and acts.

Calling her a nigger while she was filming you was the most fucking retarded thing you could have done to your life and your deluded cause. Nobody will champion your ass unironically if you start calling people names because you had an awkward moment with them.
If you do not want to acknowledge the fact that nothing you do is coherent, at least do acknowledge the fact that you're running on different axioms than the actual world and try to get those axioms right.

>> No.11864910
File: 1.86 MB, 1862x1858, TIMESAND___Eye_of_Providence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A truck freemason and some biker freemasons congregated in front of my hotel room. I was thinking, "I ought to go to walmart," and one of them raised his voice to say, "Well, I guess I'll go to walmart." Coincidence? Maybe, but probably not. Every time I say I will probably exterminate that cult in full, someone is out there saying, "No, don't." However, if it is the wickedness of that cult which teaches its heathen acolytes to constantly torment me by calling out my own thoughts for the purposes of their own self-exaltation, then I most certainly do feel good about scraping that filth off of my planet. Where do these people come up with the idea that it is a good thing to do to perpetuate the living hell of having gangstalkers heckle me literally everywhere I go? I hate them and I hate the filthiness of the culture which teaches them that such things ought to be done to anyone, let alone to me: The Lord. I really do hate these pieces of shit. Their ethical system is not at all consistent with that which might allow one to enter my kingdom. The are sickly malicious and I want to destroy the last little remnant of the cult that teaches its helpers to do such things. I really do hate them, with my whole heart.

>> No.11864911
File: 208 KB, 678x762, TIMESAND___action.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm not going to do what you say.

>thinking Heisenberg uncertainty allows for physical monochromatic waves

>they want to see more of your crazed rants and acts.
a righteous desire which I will cater to.

>> No.11864921

>thinking Heisenberg uncertainty allows for physical monochromatic waves

The framework for DNG material rests on monochromatic waves. It doesn't work in reality. Never will. Do those papers have experimental proof of what they say ? Do you have experimental proof ? I can also start putting negative signs all over Maxwell equations and i'll get funny results too. Veselago did this 60 years ago.

>> No.11864924 [DELETED] 

My grandfather was a Freemason. I've always wondered if it wasn't the Jesuits, or the Jews trying to polarize the blame onto them.

>> No.11864927

Atlanta ghetto slang is hard to understand, even for native English speakers.

>> No.11864932

Is it ok for me to hate blacks if I'm Laotian?

>> No.11864933
File: 121 KB, 2056x698, TIMESAND___xxxieufc9y8tr76rfmfmfj986397f3guyfeuhfijbfftttj676tffffffftttt7jfefr762rr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, these papers do have experimental proof and they report anomalous amplification. Pic related: as much as I am not an expert in optics, and much less quantum optics, I think this equation shows experimental observation of free energy. Without free energy, I don't think these numbers could add to up more than one. This is an experimental result and it underlies what were called "golf rumors" when the people at the country clubs started gossiping about it.

Soliton-induced relativistic-scattering and amplification

Negative frequency resonant radiation

>> No.11864936


And that's what they happen to have. They have experimental data using photonic crystals (which are 3D metamaterials).

>> No.11864946

having a bad day and some "nigger" decides hey whiteboy ima make your day worse, and if you say fuck all ima whip out my phone record yo ass maybe get you cancelled. no surprise the manager is a fucking politician wannabe looking for the next big "issue" to virtue signal all over place about.
I honestly dont know if i would have had the self control required to not call the fat cow a stupid fucking nigger either.

These people who really believe there are no different degrees of racism and that its either all or nothing are quite literally bat shit INSANE - either that or exceptionally retarded.

Of course there are also many who don't actually believe that but are sleazy enough to "play the game" anyway.

>> No.11864957

All recognition is good recognition.

>> No.11864971

At no point do the experiment show that you have free energy. You didn't get the paper at all, did you ? You just shat yourself over the "particles generated from vacuum" thing and thought you were right ?

LOOK at the experimental results you fucking schizo. When a negative RR mode peak appears, the RR mode peak is lower. there is no free fucking energy.

But since i work in that particular field, i'll let you know when we figure out how to get free energy, after, you know, stealing all the credit from you :^)

>> No.11865063

>No, I'm not going to do what you say.
You really should, my man. It'll prevent developments such as the supermarket sandwich episode. This kind of shit is not good for your cause.

>> No.11865080
File: 190 KB, 1438x666, TIMESAND___ou6e986w8utfgouwtgffffffwjkeffg1e85979881517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ironic given how much hate I've gotten for not hating black people in general. It's kind of like how they say I am giant flaming homosexual but I got expelled from college for being a heterosexual rapist.

Is all this stuff on the real internet, do you think? Or only in Antarctica?

>> No.11865083

Idk. Hopefully if they try to make a big thing about it, then the people who know the truth about me will speak up finally.

>> No.11865114

>you'll just become another Terry
Uhhh... bro...

>> No.11865221