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11859705 No.11859705 [Reply] [Original]

Women in STEM:
>I suffer from imposter syndrome
>translation: I believe that I'm not qualified enough for this even though I know I am
So which is it then? Do you believe you're qualified or not? Can't have it both ways.

>> No.11859712

Why are you so obsessed with women? Is it because of your mother?

>> No.11859715

You got me bro.

>> No.11859760

I think it's more apt to say
>I'm technically qualified for this but I believe I don't deserve it because I'm too stupid.
It's not unique to women. I got my physics degree but I did horribly in my coursework so even though I'm qualified, I'm pretty stupid

>> No.11859762

you never should have been given a degree

>> No.11859764

What the fuck is this meme? There are plenty of men with imposter syndrome, especially in STEM

>> No.11859792

>I suffer from imposter syndrome
>translation: I believe that I'm not qualified enough for this even though I know I am
Psychfag here (shut up), I'm familiar with this being called "inferiority complex" than IS. :/

>> No.11860114

Probably. I also hate blacks because of my stepfather.

>> No.11860167

That's not imposter syndrome, you're just an imposter

>> No.11860174

Like "depression," "low self-esteem," and other affective states, women use the term without actually being able to feel them.

>> No.11860183

does women feel the same as men?

>> No.11860201

No, woman feels like warm boob

>> No.11860324

OP periodically makes this thread and then gets BTFOd whenever anyone brings up that others who aren’t women have it.

The contention last thread was “ok but can high achievement people actually have gotten there with no self esteem?” Obviously you can be confident enough in your answers and work to do well - imposter syndrome is something you feel in an environment of other high achieving people. Indeed, when you’re in a room of many people who are as apt as you, those feelings start sinking in, and it takes a lot of experience to let those fade away, which is why you see a lot of imposter syndrome start out during the PhD but way less of it into the postdoc since the process sort of kills your ego for a while

>> No.11860338
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Don't worry.
All the qualifications a woman needs is representing diversity.

>> No.11860570

anyone who says he/she has imposter is actually dunning kruger with extra steps