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11852824 No.11852824 [Reply] [Original]

How do you fight off mental illness with logic if you experience severe physical effects because of the mental illness? I.e. often can't sleep for days, heart pounds for 5+ hours at a time, lose energy and muscles wither, memory problems, problems with concentration, in fight/flight mode, feels like you're dying, extreme fear even though your conscious logical mind knows you aren't in any real danger

>> No.11852825

use logic to take pills

>> No.11852831

Take your meds.

>> No.11852929

That sounds more like a metabolic disorder than a mental illness.

>> No.11853180

Please, Dr. Berg, I am begging you, sell me whatever snake oil you can to get rid of high bloos pressure!

>> No.11853324

Have you tried exercising?

>> No.11853346
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>he thinks he can control automatic functions via cope

>> No.11853743


>> No.11854100


>> No.11855986


>> No.11856002

they've forced me on medication as well

>olanzapine wafer

just look at what the fuck this shit does. it fucks your whole system

what's your plan OP?

>> No.11856004

You don't. You address emotional problems emotionally.

>> No.11856011

I have this negative feed back loop in my mind that makes no sense logically but I always "feel" that it is true and absolute.
It gets worse when my health deteriorates, and gets a bit better if I exercise regularly.
There are days when I achieve something good and I feel okay. Then the next day I would feel like shit again and hate myself, telling myself that what is did was pretty fucking trivial and I should jump off a building.
There is really no way around it using only logic.

>> No.11856038
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By going to a fucking doctor.

>> No.11856041

same, so why is it its often recommended that you see everything as objectively and from as distanced/unbiased a perspective as possible in like DBT for example
but then you're just on a rollercoaster of highs and insane lows if you have actual problems with emotional regulation

>> No.11856080

How many conspiracy theories do you believe in?

>> No.11856096

Well, thinking objectively is not really possible, but when I feel mildly bad, I can meditate to ease the negative loop.
Ironically, you don't fix this problem by thinking about it more (even objective thinking doesn't work). It will only get your mind running the same thoughts over and over again.
You fix it by gradually forget about the negative feedback loop.
It only works when I'm healthy to be honest.

>> No.11856101

>You fix it by gradually forget about the negative feedback loop.
How? Like overwhelming yourself in a new situation and constantly keeping busy without any real thinking?
Is this why there are so many "lazy" people and alcoholics stuck in dead end jobs?

>> No.11856412
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exact same thing happens to me plus i keep seeing flashes of light in my vision i think im dying

>> No.11856428

what about conspiracy theories? blackwater, pedophiles now

>> No.11856554

Stop consuming caffeine completely

>> No.11856568

>objectively and from as distanced/unbiased a perspective as possible

DBT doesnt state that emotions are to be discarded. It advocates for use of the emotion mind and the logic based mind together, for a wiser approach.

>> No.11856599

Go check your retina ASAP in an ophtalmologist, just say you are seeing flashes. It is a big indicator of potential retina detachment

>> No.11856662

Isolate the problem, find the cause, isolate the cause, solve the problem. Don't be afraid of unconventional solutions. Often times you want to fit in with the "normalacy" and that can lead to the problem

>> No.11856691

i lost about 7kg because of depression and (probably) psychosis :)

>> No.11857188

Get out of your head and into your body. Regular exercise is vital to maintaining mental health.

Take a walk, go for a jog, bike around. Lift heavy things up and down.

Make sure your diet is good. Eat as many vegetables as possible, drink water, beans and rice are good staples.

And remember it's all about incremental progress. Building these habits take time, and each step you take gives you more energy and wherewithal to continue your improvement.

>> No.11857213

How high is the bar for getting put on meds?
I feel like I'm pretty depressed with a sprinkle of schizo. Tbh I just want a diagnosis so I can say I'm mentally ill when people look at me funny.

>> No.11857496


>> No.11857735


>> No.11858098

Physical cause for mental symptoms.

>> No.11858171

Unironically get tested for borreliosis. I had the same symptoms in the beginning of this year, although less severe. It sounds like you're in a later stage with Lyme carditis. Get tested and take the antibiotics (doxycyclin or ceftriaxon) for at least three weeks.
I'm not saying it's definitely that, but the symptoms could fit and it's rarely detected.

>> No.11858702

Because I know there are tons of psychotic people here, like yourself (as you explained based on your prescribed medications), based on all the conspiracy theories that get spouted here. Psychosis and belief in large numbers of extravagant conspiracy theories are highly correlated, for obvious reasons.

>> No.11859198


>> No.11859237

i'm not even slightly psychotic

im just in an unfortunate situation being treated by quacks you inconsiderate turd

>> No.11859841

If you go in saying you're depressed, they'll give you some shit meds that do nothing if you're lucky and cause near-irreversible impotency if you're not. And saying you're depressed and answering "yes" to being asked if you have suicidal thoughts goes over about as well as threatening to shoot-up the place.

Ask for a full hormone panel blood test. And if they ask why, give only vague mood-related symptoms and possibly sexual dysfunctions.

>Tbh I just want a diagnosis so I can say I'm mentally ill when people look at me funny.
The more common go-to these days is Autism, unless you're a woman. If you are a woman, most guys would rather hear "autism" than "depressed-schizo", "bipolar" or a vague "mentally ill" anyway.

>> No.11860111

Sounds like an anxiety disorder. If the symptoms are setting off the anxiety and you don't worry about anything else other than the anxiety itself it's a kind of panic disorder or health anxiety. You can't reason your way out of it. You just have to let the feelings repeatedly come on and over time they lessen as your brain habituates to them and it no longer cares about them. Becoming normal again is being able to experience these physical effects without any anxiety. It takes a while to recover unfortunately - like, a few months, (and for 90% of that recovery you won't feel like you're recovering,) but you can get over it. Get some CBT and look up ACT and exposure therapy. Google Claire Weekes too and read her stuff. Think of it this way - if someone had panic attacks everytime they went outside you wouldn't say to them never go outside again. You would say keep going outside and keep having the panic attacks because it's ridiculous to live you life without going outside. Eventually they subside as you retrain your mind that there is no danger. It's a kind of pavlovian conditioning. You can do it yourself but it helps to have someone guiding you. Stay off anxiety forums because they're depressing and full of quacks. I have a lot of sympathy because I've been there and recovered like this, so don't give up. For me it was about 5 months of pointless suffering trying to hide from these feelings and 3 months of recovery (the first 90% of which I didn't believe it was working). Happy to answer questions because I know what it's like.

>> No.11860323
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you can't. you can't use logic and reason to alter the perception and opinions of people who don't use logic and reason to come to their conclusions in the first place.

Imagine watching a movie and missing 20 frames at a time then filling in the blanks that you missed with assumptions and thinking those assumptions are factual not best guesses. This is what magical thinking is and what NPC minds often do


>> No.11860336

>severe physical effects because of the mental illness?

Are you diagnosed?

>often can't sleep for days, heart pounds for 5+ hours at a time, lose energy and muscles wither, memory problems, problems with concentration, in fight/flight mode, feels like you're dying, extreme fear

M8 go to a doc if you haven't already, check your thyroid/adrenals.