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11851819 No.11851819 [Reply] [Original]

Slavoj Zizek — Why People Don't Care About Climate Change


>> No.11851823

People won’t seriously care until it directly affects them, either through climate issues in their country or masses of refugees being driven from now-uninhabitable areas.

>> No.11851888

People don't care about climate change because they hate shit that reminds them that they're wrong.
See: irrational hatred people have towards li'l niggas like Greta or vegans

>> No.11851898

People are terrible at looking years and decades in advance. Look at SARS-CoV-2, the writing was on the wall by February, but most people couldn't even project a month ahead to see it.

>> No.11851904

How much cocaine did he take before this?

>> No.11851933

>he writing was on the wall by February
the chinese and south koreans knew in november how bad it was
they didn't tell us on purpose

>> No.11851970

The runaway greenhouse effect is the only thing about climate change that concerns me. Everything else predicted to happen can be mitigated.

>> No.11852001

what has any of the things the saied to do with climate change or with anything?

If a bitch tell me she is a better human as i because she lives in an passive house which needed more CO2 to produce as i will emit in my entire live why should i love here?

You are not doing the right thing if you are vegan, you are only doing the right thing if you support farms with better living conditions.

You could ague that being vegan is an solution to not support poor living condition's, if you have less money. Because plants are more izzy to produce but yet now.... now they yet cost some how much more as normal food.

>> No.11852009

>irrational hatred people have towards li'l niggas like Greta or vegans
I think you underestimate people’s desire to be apathetic about things they truly can’t do anything about as individuals. Disliking some annoying asshole using their adherence to certain views as a means to feel superior is entirely rational.

>> No.11852016

Watch a doku about hyena feasting on antelope, and then plz tell me why wild life is so much more fulfilling. But i guess you are such a pussy you cant watch this.

>> No.11852017

Unsubstantiated drivel from one of the most overrated 'intellectuals' of the 21st century. Next please

>> No.11852028


>> No.11852030

>climate change is so bad guize
>buys a fuckton of cheap chinese shit
>disregards nuclear engineer in favour of gay windmills
>allow nigs and hues to continue breeding at an alarming rate

>> No.11852032

Eh, I like steak. I more or less think the process required to obtain it is gross, cruel, and unpleasant, but I really don’t care enough to change anything about my life. I enjoy eating meat more than I dislike where it came from. No need to philosophically justify it.

>> No.11852050

Insideranon confirmed back in January that the CDC and WHO were well aware of how dangerous it was.
Its absolutely baffling why they blatantly lied about it, even up to last month they were lying about the effectiveness of face coverings and Fauci flat out admitted it last week that they HAD to lie.

>> No.11852087

>cost some how much more as normal food
>normal food

>> No.11852097

He's actually been legally dead for decades, but he snorted so much in the 80s it'll keep him going forever.

>> No.11852128

Why do leftists keep repeating the meme of refugees coming from the Middle East? Most of them are from Africa.
And even so, this feeling of "responsibility" in something stupid and new in history. Your country is shit because of colonies or whatever? Too bad, you put up with it and try to make it better.

>> No.11852156

>Its absolutely baffling why they blatantly lied about it, even up to last month they were lying about the effectiveness of face coverings and Fauci flat out admitted it last week that they HAD to lie.
Thank you, I didn't know about this.

"Masks are not 100% protective. However, they certainly are better than not wearing a mask. Both to prevent you, if you happen to be a person who may feel well, but has an asymptomatic infection that you don't even know about, to prevent you from infecting someone else," said Fauci. "But also, it can protect you a certain degree, not a hundred percent, in protecting you from getting infected from someone who, either is breathing, or coughing, or sneezing, or singing or whatever it is in which the droplets or the aerosols go out. So masks work."

"Well, the reason for that is that we were concerned the public health community, and many people were saying this, were concerned that it was at a time when personal protective equipment, including the N95 masks and the surgical masks, were in very short supply. And we wanted to make sure that the people namely, the health care workers, who were brave enough to put themselves in a harm way, to take care of people who you know were infected with the coronavirus and the danger of them getting infected."

I know I was here back in late February and early March saying that the evidence suggested masks work, and that the CDC was outright lying because they hadn't stockpiled enough PPE. I wasn't the only one. Even yesterday, I was being told by someone that the CDC couldn't recommend masks because the evidence for them wasn't there, despite there being plenty of evidence dating all the way back to SARS in 2003. Now we're stuck dealing with people who are convinced masks don't work because the CDC and WHO refused to endorse them from the beginning.

>> No.11852280

He wrote the book on ideology yet here he is subscribing to ideology.

Most people realize climate change is inevitable and there's nothing we can do about it. The silly world organizations that want to 'transfer wealth' to shithole nations as some kind of 'climate justice' payment are just transparent frauds and nobody falls for that logic.

tl;dr there's nothing we can do, it was all set into motion like 30 years ago. The most sensible thing to do is build wealth, so then your country can afford to offset climate problems by being able to import natural resources, fend off the resulting chaos, etc.

>> No.11852353

>The most sensible thing to do is build wealth, so then your country can afford to offset climate problems by being able to import natural resources, fend off the resulting chaos, etc.
Exactly this, especially if you country is some small irrelevant player.

>> No.11852437

There are two simple reasons that most people don't care about climate change. The first is that scientists cry wolf every time they need more money. There's been a doomsday prediction every year since climate change first came to light, and they've all been fearmongering cash grabs. "It's happening really soon this time guys, I promise, so just send us more money" makes people distrustful even if they don't reject climate change being a problem. Number two is that there isn't much the average person can do about it. Going green is a luxury that most people don't want to pay for, so it has to become commercially viable before people will bother adopting it.

>> No.11852440

Let me guess.

*sniff* Its because *sniff* CAPITALISM *sniff*

Capitalism is *sniff* BAD *sniff*

>> No.11852446
File: 82 KB, 864x816, mask up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once the riots were declared to be ok from a public health perspective, all credibility was lost. The earlier lies were bad enough but this established a pattern of behavior on the part of the medical authorities. They will never get that credibility back. They will forever have to rely on government authoritarianism to get cooperation. Even then you're going to have situations like Lincoln County, Oregon where only white people are required to wear masks. The whole thing is a farce. Don't want to get the virus? Stay away from people. Some fabric on your face isn't going to amerurate the danger from being around a constant stream of people. Distance should be the dominate message instead of masks. But they won't do that because then city people who live on top of each other all day long might have to make changes to their daily lives. Slapping on a mask is a great placebo.

>> No.11852470

Zizek Is the only bonna-Fide communist who’s opinion & body of work I respect. He cuts to the all the big but tings of heads in the world and always comes around to how humans react with game theory behaviours. His talking pointS center on Game theory being a bigger problem then the problems that cause being to resort to that kind of competition in the first place.
Yes but less capitalism and more tragedy of the commons.
Everyone clamping up doesn’t stop the problem. The best solutions are always right out in the open I find....they’re surround by the landmines of Folk jockeying for greater advantage

>> No.11852594

It anyway directly affects us. People just put it off as "just normal climate bro".

>> No.11852736

People don't care about climate change because why should we?
We will die in 50 to 70 years.
Some of us won't even have children and in any case, nobody gives that much of a fuck about future people.

There is really no incentive for us to care about climate change. Sucks, but that's the way it is.

>> No.11852922

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