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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11851638 No.11851638 [Reply] [Original]

This is literally the first page of a book written in 1992. Life extension medicine is a total and complete fraud that has made 0 progress in 30 years. No other field of medicine has such a track record of absolute failure.

>> No.11851644

But calorie restriction does work though?

a bigger question to ask is why do birds live so long compared to their metabolic size?

>> No.11851663

>But calorie restriction does work though?
Then why don't people without food live to 150?

>> No.11851664

Let me be perfectly clear: NOT ONE PERSON IN THE HISTORY OF LIFE ON THIS PLANET has ever lived over the max human lifespan by skipping meals. It's never happened. It is a fraud.

>> No.11852614

I skipped eating grease bucket for every meal and I'm still alive at 70.

>> No.11852622

if they lived past the max, then whatever age they lived to would be the new max and you would be saying the same thing

>> No.11852964

I think it only works because we eat too much calcium, so caloric restriction means less calcium and time to excrete the excess. Might be other minerals as well.

>> No.11852969

Seeing how even the "legitimate" claims are being rqbidly disputed, I doubt we would hear about anybody living several hundreds or even thousands of years. Such claims would be automatically discarded as myths and the people pronouned either frauds or insane.

>> No.11852972

You fucking idiot.

>> No.11852974

I don't get it, there isn't a single thing wrong with that?
Are you autistic or just have poor reading comprehension?

>> No.11852976

>It's good actually that no progress has been made in three decades!
Fuck you.

>> No.11852983

But there has?
Again autism or no?

>> No.11852986

Name literally one thing.

>> No.11852990

Literally thousands of new medicines and treatments not to mention confirming that lower body temperatures and reduced food intake do lead to longer lives.

Answer the question, are you autistic?

>> No.11852998

>Literally thousands of new medicines and treatments
Literally a lie you made the fuck up.

>confirming that lower body temperatures and reduced food intake do lead to longer lives
Then why is the max lifespan still around 120 (the natural max human lifespan)?

>> No.11853003

Why isn't there flying cars? It must be that cars haven't advanced from horse drawn carriages at all

Answer the question, are you autistic?

>> No.11853006

He's right tho, surviving to 90 because of treatments isn't life extension

>> No.11853011

No, you answer mine. What specific remedy boosts the human lifespan beyond about 120 years?

>> No.11853017

Avoiding dying is pretty much the definition of extending your life. Life expectancy has risen by like 5 years from 1990 and people of any given age and weight are healthier than before. If you accounted for obesity you could probably double or triple the gain too.

What specific car flies, if none then cars are simply horse carriages.

Just because it doesn't fill your arbitrary and insane definition of success doesn't mean it's not happening.
Ill conclude you must be autistic since you refuse to answer the question.

>> No.11853020

>What specific car flies,
You're kind of arguing my point, since the same retards like you are the ones who've been claiming forever that we'll have flying cars any day now.

>arbitrary and insane definition of success
You mean the literal definition of success? If your goal is to extend max human lifespan and you don't do it, how is that anything other than failure?

>> No.11853023

But human life span has been going up continuously, that is the definition of success.

>> No.11853027

No, AVERAGE LIFE EXPECTANCY has risen. And it's pretty much maxed out at around 80 something. You literally don't even know the definitions of the shit you're arguing about. Typical zoomer. Overconfident and yet wrong about literally everything.

>> No.11853029

Which is a measure of how long people live

>And it's pretty much maxed out at around 80 something.
And last year it was maxed out on 79 and then in couple years it will be maxed out to 81, literal definition of success

Nice try mr. autist

>> No.11853030

>Which is a measure of how long people live
You fucking idiot. You literally are so poorly educated on the subject you think Average Life Expectancy and Average Maximum Lifespan are the same thing.

>> No.11853034

>average maximum lifespan
that's literally just a nonsense word
But yes the maximum lifespan is also continuously going up

>> No.11853040

>But calorie restriction does work though?
Yeah, in rats. And even then it's probably because there are toxic compounds in their chow.

>> No.11853044

>But yes the maximum lifespan is also continuously going up
It literally isn't.

It doesn't work in them either really. There is literally a prize for immortal rats and nobody has ever won it.

>> No.11853050

Literally is

>> No.11853056

Why are you still posting?

>> No.11853057

Blowing out retards with facts is easy and fun

>> No.11853066

Get gassed, zoomer.

>> No.11853071

unlikely with the increasing lifespans

>> No.11853075

American life expectancy is actually dropping, so good riddance.

>> No.11853303

No it puts them into a lower metabolic rate reducing free radical production.

>> No.11853919
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here is your life extension

>> No.11853966

300 gpm plus extra-brachial oxygenation

>> No.11853981

*extra-bronchial, my b

>> No.11854097

Y’all dumb af

>if a treatment you get extends how long you personally will live then by definition it’s life extending, you could argue for that not to apply for direct treatments or cures of illnesses and conditions and only therapies that promote general good health and anti aging, these have made a small amount of progress since the 90s, not as much as computers more than something like airplanes or refrigerators but

>the best and most proven life extension therapy is still lowering body temperature and calorie reduction, which is horribly unpopular in the life extension industry as it’s by no means a quick and easy fix you pay for, it takes a lifelong commitment to habits and involves a not insignificant sacrifice of quality of life to maintain the calorie restriction in an industrial society, and

>most people interested in life extension are cancerous toxic self obsessed boomers who wasted their lives chasing money and are now old and unfulfilled and seeking a miracle to give them another chance to do things differently while keeping all the money they hoarded by fucking up the world, it’s definitely a good thing for those people to die off and there’s nothing wrong with milking them for everything they have while they’re here if that’s what they want to spend their time and money on

You’re obsessed with squeezing every last second you can out of this mortal coil? Eat 1600-1700 kcal a day, you want to live long and be healthy? Get plenty of exercise eat real food with not too much meat or carbs and plenty of vegetables don’t smoke or drink too much and you’ll most likely succeed in extending your own personal life unless you get hit by a bus or something. You want to indulge in a bunch of unhealthy shit and still live forever, fuck you give someone else a turn.

>> No.11854202

I drink distilled water and eat copper, cobalt and manganese.

>> No.11854207

No. That's keeping dead people alive.

>> No.11854312

time is entirely perceptual
5 mins can feel like an hour when under the effects of LSD..
i imagine this type of understanding is scaled up somewhere

>> No.11854445

We're going to obtain immortality and rule the universe as omnipotent gods. Cope harder, faggot.

>> No.11854692

You think humanity is going to rule the universe as gods and you think OTHER people are delusional?