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11846750 No.11846750 [Reply] [Original]

what are your thoughts on the removal of SATs?

>> No.11846768

Good. SAT results are one tiny step higher than meaningless. Standardized tests are a cashgrab.

>> No.11846775

Does this mean I should attend MLK Jr High School for an easy 4.0 instead of getting a 3.65 from Isaac Newton College Preparatory Academy if I want to get into a good university?

>> No.11846787

It's a blatant play by SJWs to water down education even further and shill their toxic identity politics. Not that it matters much, education is already dead
They correlate highly with IQ and intelligence overall. They aren't perfect but they are more meaningful that GPA

>> No.11846788

What to replace them then? What of GPAs and ACTs?
They'll just be replaced with something else, and the SATs are braindead easy.

>> No.11846795
File: 15 KB, 570x491, SATScores_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh ess jay dubyas
>correlate highly with IQ and intelligence
no it correlates with income and whether or not your family can afford $80/hour tutoring.

>> No.11846800

back to

>> No.11846804
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>no argument to be found

>> No.11846811

find me a graph that actually compares races. poor blacks and rich ones can't be too different

>> No.11846822

Not the least bit surprising if you have any brains and don't buy into Neo-liberal propaganda, but anyone on this basket weaving forum would be quick to assume you're a commie.
There always existed discussion on how to make Bachelor's degrees more attainable, I believed one day that college tuition would be reduced in order for this to happen, I never thought they would just drop standards in the admissions process. But everyone knows that an undergraduate degree is absolute shit and graduate school is where the real competition begins.
You would unironically be ousted as an outsider and end up getting B's in humanities courses with the woke professors saying "he just doesn't get it" and end up in a trades school.

>> No.11846825

>They correlate highly with IQ and intelligence overall.
The SAT isn't remotely difficult enough to correlate with IQ. It's a general-purpose test, it's designed to be doable by anybody with adequate preparation who isn't retarded; at best it's a "congrats you're not retarded" stamp, which is why I said one step higher than meaningless rather than totally meaningless.

>> No.11846838

what was your score anon

>> No.11846846

>go find my evidence for me because my unfounded assumptions can't be wrong even though I have no argument
not how it works

>> No.11846891


>> No.11846929

Good colleges and unis shouldn’t have any barriers to entry

>> No.11846932

These 100 year old tests are not relevant to anything anymore.. they should devise new ways of testing

>> No.11847074

How do we know higher earning parents aren't generally more intelligent, and passed their intelligence down to their children?

>> No.11847078

>intelligence is genetic
low iq people like you shouldn’t be on this board

>> No.11847084

>which is why I said one step higher than meaningless rather than totally meaningless.
So what would be more meaningful? If you eliminate the test you're left with GPA (even less meaningful) and extracurriculars (the leastest meaningfullest).

>> No.11847088

Heritability is over 50%.

>> No.11847122

The SAT or ACT on its own is worthless, it works in conjunction with their transcript to tell you if their GPA is legit. Some kid who has a 7.0 GPA and gets an 1800 on their SAT is clearly only successful because their school is a complete fucking joke with massive grade inflation and is probably much less intelligent and prepared for college than someone who gets a 2200 with a 3.8 gpa, they probably attend a school that doesn’t give massive gpa inflation for taking non retard tier classes and will be used to demanding coursework and ready for college level work instead of transitioning from teenage daycare with participation trophies for the bare minimum.

Yeah, SATs are stupid and in a country with a functional education system they’d be useless but in the US having some sort of “not a retard” stamp besides AP tests that legitimately aren’t accessible for many students is essential.

>> No.11847140

The old SAT before the mid 90s was an IQ stand in, after that they gutted it because too many blacks and hispanics were failing,

>> No.11847143

the unaware irony of his post

>> No.11847189

>people who can afford to spend more time with their kids, send their kids to better schools, and afford tutoring for their kids have kids with higher IQs
wow who would've thought.
also lol I guess according to you Eric Trump is a genius because his dad is rich.

>> No.11847190

As an aside, this gap actually narrows tremendously when you control for race. In fact, impoverished white students still outperform wealthy black students on the SAT.

>• Whites from families with incomes below $10,000 had a mean SAT test score that was 61 points higher than blacks whose families had incomes of between $80,000 and $100,000.
>• Blacks from families with incomes of more than $100,000 had a mean SAT score that was 85 points below the mean score for whites from all income levels, 139 points below the mean score of whites from families at the same income level, and 10 points below the average score of white students from families whose income was less than $10,000.

>> No.11847214

Do they even matter in US when the only thing you really need is being able to pay off the student loan?

>> No.11847221

We're talking about averages, yes? There's a correlation between IQ, education, and income.

>also lol I guess according to you Eric Trump is a genius because his dad is rich.
Unless you know his SAT score, I don't get your point. No one said a rich kid will always score well on an SAT, just that more intelligent people will tend to earn more money, thus their children's success on the SAT's could just as easily be a result of inherited genetics rather than other factors.

>> No.11847257

An SAT score provides a reasonably strong estimate of IQ, with about a .59 correlation. Sampling crystallized intelligence in general, especially on subjects any two students are guaranteed to have both been exposed to, is a good approximation for general intelligence.

This is principle upon which IQ tests work to begin with. Make multiple tests, any tests of differing material, and have people take them. Rank order them by the number of questions they answered correctly. The individuals who do better on one test usually do better on all the tests, and when you put the scores between several such tests together, the relationship becomes incredibly strong and can be used to predict their relative performance on a future arbitrary test.

>> No.11847320
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there's still an income difference in SATs within races, which shows that yeah income is the biggest factor in SATs. blacks also have higher rates of single motherhood which probably accounts for lower SAT scores. whites aren't even the highest scoring in SATs, so what are you even trying to get at?

>> No.11847351

>teh rich r just smarter!
yes I'm sure the fact wealthy people are able to give their children a better education, are able to give their children greater financial support, and are able to use connections to get their children jobs and get them into better colleges has nothing to do with wealth being inter-generational, it's just IQ.

>> No.11847360

I advocate for a new governmental program to literally chain black fathers to their child's houses.

>> No.11847383

>there's still an income difference in SATs within races, which shows that yeah income is the biggest factor in SATs.
It actually doesn't show that. Even the most wealthy blacks are scoring lower than the poorest whites, therefore race is more predictive than familial wealth.
>blacks also have higher rates of single motherhood which probably accounts for lower SAT scores.
What do you think is the probability of a family earning more than $100,000 a year in 2005 with only a single parent?
>whites aren't even the highest scoring in SATs, so what are you even trying to get at?
I don't understand the relevance of this. You're free to contribute data comparing whichever races you like. Asians scoring higher than whites is unsurprising since on average they perform better on all tests than do whites, including intelligence tests,

>> No.11847390

>better schools
Meme. Students with scores just below/above the the threshold to get into prestigious magnet schools end up doing the same on tests 4 years later despite the below group going to shitty public schools and the above group going to schools considered very high quality. Poverty is correlated with worse scores because of material effects of poverty on health (elevated stress levels, poorer nutrition, etc.) -- not because of school quality. This is why funneling money into low performance schools in poor neighborhoods doesn't improve scores.

>> No.11847406

Show me Asian American SAT score/income, a comparative White American SAT score/income, Black American SAT score/income and Hispanic SAT score/income chart.

Then we'll see.

>> No.11847416

They're not a cashgrab, they're a legally mandated service with a near-monopoly. They got that way when the government basically made higher ed mandatory for non-trade work by ruling that companies using in-house competency testing was racist and illegal because sometimes minorities aren't competent. The task of filtering retards therefore got passed off to colleges.


The entire American education system is the cancerous overgrown flesh golem it is because companies don't want to be forced at gunpoint to hire incompetent people for social justice.

>> No.11847421

Each uni should create their own admission exams, which requires to choose a major to apply, and the exam should change to have more (not only) questions that relate to that major.

>> No.11847437
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>> No.11847441

Dumbest/poorest Asian is better at math than Smartest/richest Black.

>> No.11847450


>> No.11847466

>it's just IQ.
Never said it's "just" IQ, but to put it all down to wealth and ignore potential genetic factors is foolish. Studies with twins shows genetics had a greater impact than environment, and like it or not, intelligence plays some role in IQ scores.

>teh rich r just smarter!
Statistically, they are, and you can't even argue it's due to nepotism because the majority of millionaires are self-made.

>> No.11847882

The article points out that much of the problem could potentially be that stereotypically black ghetto culture could be the cause of these problems, and even wealthy blacks look up to ghetto trash people as their role models despite being ostensibly better off than them. So the question is, how do we save black people from the sinkhole that is their culture in order to elevate them from their own poverty and ignorance?

>> No.11847884

Take your meds.

>> No.11847895

Martin Luther King High School isn't going to have professors and humanities classes. Showing up to class and not causing a disturbance is going to be enough to get a good grade. Not getting stabbed or shot will be the real challenge.

>> No.11847906

The big difference is that whites aren't burning down cities because they're mad at Asians for doing better in life than they are.

>> No.11847925

Think who is most likely to be dirt poor and Asian in the US in 1991. Probably those who have just immigrated here from a country like Vietnam on refugee status and didn't yet know English very well. That the verbal score rises rapidly, is pretty telling. Doesn't take them long to figure out not to speak Ebonics.

>> No.11847947

Brilliant. Let's also get rid of the ACT and force all prospective students to take a different entrance exam for every college they apply to. What a great and fair alternative to standardized testing!

>> No.11847990

The SAT is/was just a barrier to entry.
A high SAT score doesn't guarantee you admission, but an abominable SAT score guarantees that you will be rejected.

The purpose of removing a standardized test is so they can now make admission decisions based on alternative criterion, mostly, whether or not you are one of their pet groups.

You see, before, some leftist admissions officer would want to stamp YES! to every black application, but would have a difficult time publicly justifying it with a corresponding SAT score in the 700s. Now, they don't have that problem.

>> No.11847999

Deciding what college you can go to based off of one test is silly when you have at least 12 years of schooling records you can look up. I never understood it.

>> No.11848004

anything to get collegeboard/ETS to go bankrupt is a good idea in my books. fuck them.
>charging $120 to take a test and then $75 to SEND ELECTRONIC SCORES to EACH university you apply to
boomers will defend this

>> No.11848010

They don't decide everything based off the SAT. It's just a hurdle they want to see if you can jump over or not.
If you bomb it, that tells them everything they need to know about you.

>> No.11848014

It is unironically a plot to prevent Asians from taking over the United States the way Jews overtook WASPs in the seventies. If this country was run on pure meritocracy, all the top positions as executives, technocrats, high level bureaucrats, and high income professionals would be monopolized by Asians by the end of the decade. WASPs deliberately set quotas on Jews starting in the 20s for Ivy League schools, and the second that system came down in the seventies, Jews and the odd drunken Irishman (Steve bannon) flooded the top schools and proceeded on to flood major companies and industries and bureaucracies. Blacks are great because there is zero chance they’ll pose a threat. They can be used to fill Asian slots, they can be trusted to militantly defend their position, and they are so unqualified that they cannot survive without being propped up artificially.

>> No.11848016


>> No.11848021

>If you bomb it, that tells them everything they need to know about you.
Why? Its one test compared to an entire body of grades received throughout most of your life. The latter is far more representative of your abilities than the former.

>> No.11848035

Because any reasonably intelligent, well-prepared individual should be able to attain a high score. Furthermore, you even have the option to retake the test should you do poorly.
There's really no reason to have a bad score.

>> No.11848047

You do realize you have effectively two opportunities to take the test.
>You're sick for one.
>You can't sleep for the second because you're too nervous about doing well because doing well can literally make or break your admissions likelihood
should this person be rejected? there's no way to "prove" they could've done better, since there were only two opportunities to take it.
also fuck collegeboard and fuck ETS
>There's really no reason to have a bad score.
spoken like a true autist

>> No.11848050

There's really no reason to have the SAT in the first place.

>> No.11848055

yes there is, it's to fund an entire industry built around the test. and we know how America feels about >muh economy

>> No.11848062

No idea what you're talking about, you can take the SAT as many times as you want.
The reason is that it provides the university with information on your ability to perform on standardized tests.

>> No.11848066

That’s not an argument against what I wrote. And “your secretly from reddit so Argument ignored. ” or “your secretly nonwhite so argument ignored.” Or “your secretly as hominem attack so argument ignored” is the trademark /pol/tard debate style. With the way you argue, you belong on that board much more than I do. How is it not odd to you that SATs and meritocracy in general is being abandoned ostensibly to “fight systemic racism” but in reality it’s going to hurt Asians more than anyone else. It’s literally weaponized to put caps on Asian student numbers. And yeah, I know buddy “you’re secretly Asian so argument ignored”. Im not Asian though, so don’t bother with a one word response calling me Asian.

>> No.11848072

SATs originally were designed to make college entrance more equal since there's a tangible effect on GPA from socio-economic factors so I don't know why people are anti-SAT now. Poor kids have more responsibilities and spend less time on school work, and now don't even have a chance to prove their worth in another way. Missed a quiz because you had to watch your siblings while your dad was drunk? Oh well, looks like you're stuck in poverty.
It's not hard to take two seconds to do research and try to find out why something is the way it is in the first place before you throw it out.

>> No.11848082

>The reason is that it provides the university with information on your ability to perform on standardized tests.
So it shows them your ability to do useless tasks?

>> No.11848084

You could make that same exact comment in regard to GPA.

>> No.11848085

Removal of SAT scores isn't about poverty, its about racial inequality. Right now, the poorest of the Asians completely shit on richest of the African Americans and average White Americans. This is considered unfair to Affirmative Action policy makers.

>> No.11848086

technically you can. but you don't take it before the end of your junior/very beginning of senior year. during this time there are ~4 available test dates offered. However, not every location offers the test every time. So it's not unrealistic to only have the opportunity to take it twice, which was the case for me.
Yeah you can take it way more than twice but very few school systems set their students up to take it before their 3rd year.
plus having to dish out $120 each time is absolute horse shit.

I know it's not an argument against what you wrote. You're spewing conspiracy theory bullshit about (((them))) so there's no way to argue against you. The worst arguments have no counter-arguments, because they're so bad that they're not even wrong.

>> No.11848092

>which was the case for me.
Yes, I had a feeling that your complaints were personally motivated.

>> No.11848102

congrats on your non-argument. what magical benefit have you had in your life by having taken the SAT? why are you defending this garbage test besides your latent desire to have blacks pushed out of universities?

>> No.11848104

There's loads of american universities where a good SAT score can get you a ticket to change the world.

>> No.11848123

What a bizarre post.
I don't particularly care whether blacks are in university or not.
What I care about is keeping stupid people out of university.
If that happens to be blacks, then so be it. But the primary issue here is safeguarding the intellectual integrity of the university, whatever may be left of it. Thus, I support more barriers to entry, not less. And the SAT is as fair a barrier to entry as you could have. Asking an applicant to demonstrate competency by performing well on a test is a perfectly reasonable expectation.

>> No.11848128

When someone tells you they are putting in place affirmative action to fight systemic racism, but the end result is less nonwhites overall, that person is LYING to you about their goals. You didn’t even try to argue with me, at all, and here is a mainstream source. The WASPs did the same exact thing. It’s not protocols of Zion tier conspiracy theory. The WASPs did the same thing. Now it’s being done to Asian Americans. Stop being knee jerk reflexive opposition and read this mainstream source:

>> No.11848153

>safeguarding the intellectual integrity of the university
tough news, old man. but there hasn't been intellectual integrity in universities for a long time.
>I support more barriers to entry, not less
this is equivalent to saying "I support a higher proportion of entry into universities based on who you know and what your family connections are"
more barriers to entry doesn't push stupid people out, it just means the stupid people are from rich white families instead of poor black families.

>> No.11848169

IQ scores by race rank the same way regardless of the country in which the testing is conducted.
Blacks actually perform slightly better in the U.S. than in many non-African countries, although I am personally inclined to attribute that to the likely greater white admixture in U.S. blacks.

Additionally, while European countries tend to avoid publishing information about educational studies and exam scores broken down by ethnicity, they still break it down this way when they report dropout rates, and the distribution tracks closely to the U.S. data for all races:
asians the least, followed by whites, then hispanics, and finally blacks. (Occasionally hispanics drop out more frequently.)

Do you think black ghetto culture is explanatory in western Europe too? I think the U.S. has tried everything it can try, and the results have actually widened the difference between the races. I don't rule out that there isn't more than can be done, a reversal of incentivized single motherhood, for example, which has absolutely wrecked their communities.

But I think the evidence and good sense overwhelmingly point to the differences in average scholastic ability being genetic at this point. If one is to have compassion for them as a group, I think it is best to accept that group for who they are and negotiate with that reality instead, rather than trying to force them to be something else.

>> No.11848187

I'm convinced that you're trolling now. Your posts are becoming more and more disingenuous.

>> No.11848200

>more barriers to entry doesn't push stupid people out
It does when the barrier is demonstrated competency on an exam.
>it just means the stupid people are from rich white families instead of poor black families.
The likelihood that the stupid person would be from the rich white family and the intelligent person would be from the poor black family is quite low.

>> No.11848208
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>you're trolling

>> No.11848213

what about stupid rich people, they still got in.

>> No.11848218

The alternative is that you're retarded, and I wasn't willing to go there. But if you deny that you're trolling I suppose I'll be forced to accept what that means about you.
I have an idea, why not do away with midterms and finals as well?
You might have been nervous for the test, so it isn't fair to judge you based on the results since one single test can't be an accurate representation of you.
Instead why not just have a pass/fail system based on your level of blackness?

>> No.11848225

hard work > IQ, better reflected in grades than standardized tests.

>> No.11848231

why not both

>> No.11848237

Preparation for the standardized test (hard work) is directly correlated with higher scores.
We can assume that those who did egregiously poorly did nothing to prepare.

>> No.11848242

The SAT's are a joke. One of my supervisors just outright gave me the answers to a couple of questions and I know I'm not the only one. It only exists to prop up testing companies.

>> No.11848298

that isn't me who responded, I've left this thread because you don't even want to see the other side
>The alternative is that you're retarded
kinda cringe my dude. where's your PhD from?

>> No.11848325

It's a punishment for Asians for not being dumb retards and therefore in less need of an authoritarian leftwing globohomo one world order.

>> No.11848326

I got a relatively high score on the SAT (2200//2400) and never studied and never did the SAT prep.

>> No.11848331

Of course both, and both are reflected in grades.

>> No.11848340

You're paying them for a valuable service, son! Think of your education!

>> No.11848343

You only have a 4-year transcript, which can vary wildly from school to school (grade inflation).

>> No.11848351

How is what he said in any way anti-semitic? If anything it seems implicitly pro-semitic, since he's drawing an analogy between discrimination against them and discrimination against asians.

>> No.11848356

>intellectual integrity of the university
Which university or universities? If you're talking about Ivy+, then they do a good job of that regardless of SAT performance. If you're talking about the median university and/or state schools, their purpose isn't "intellectual integrity" but to ostensibly educate and award hard-working students with a credential they can use to get on with their lives.

>> No.11848357

Your post has some truth but this is not true:
>If this country was run on pure meritocracy

Academia is not good practice for the real world. I'm surprised you even think that. There is some overlap between skills/intelligence needed to succeed in academia and the real world but probably no more than a 50% overlap. Just because you are good in school does not at all mean you should or can be a CEO.

>> No.11848529

The majority of my worldview wants to resist this notion of labeling any particular kind of people as inferior scholastically but at this point I just want them and their communities to stop suffering so much by what's practically their own hands.

>> No.11848628

Based on Harvard's admissions, SAT scores are graded on a curve by race anyway, meaning a bunch of Asians with perfect scores are competing against each other for a few slots, the whites are hogging the legacy admissions, and minorities can get in with trash scores thanks to Harvard's 'personality' ratings.

>> No.11848646

Did you mean (((whites)))?
Also things are about to get much worse for Asians. California just repealed the prohibition on the state discriminating based on race. Now it will be legal for universities in California to put a ceiling on the number of Asian students admitted.

>> No.11848655

The problem is you can have two high school graduates with 4.0 GPAs, yet vastly different levels of education. The level of difficulty can vary substantially, so GPA isn't always telling. Yes, you can delve into a student's transcripts to see what exactly they took, but the SAT/ACT is a standardized way of comparing what each student actually learned. If I saw a student with a 4.0 but under a 1200 (or 1800 with essay) on the SAT, I'd automatically assume they either took classes that were far too easy, or they were graded too leniently.

>> No.11848668

>SATs originally were designed to make college entrance more equal since there's a tangible effect on GPA from socio-economic factors so I don't know why people are anti-SAT now.
The argument I've seen, and I don't know the validity of it, is that rich kids are now receiving private tutoring and preparation, sometimes years in advance, to boost their SAT scores. Since the SAT is only covering a limited amount of knowledge, I assume it's possible that a student could significantly boost their score with the right coaching.

>> No.11848682

Did you take the modern SAT? I took a practice version on Khan Academy and was shocked at how dumbed down it was. I missed two questions on the Critical Reading because I was too lazy to check my answers. I didn't do quite as well on the math portion, I really need to brush up there, I think I scored a 1400 overall (couldn't do the essay obviously).

>> No.11848683

one of eric trump's relatives was an MIT professor. recombination isn't perfect you know, clearly somewhere along the line his immediate family carried genes for intelligence, sadly for him he got the short end of the recombinatory stick

>> No.11848688

I took it in 2009. Is that modern?

>> No.11848693

holy shit, this actually makes alot of sense, its not a jewish conspiracy to keep the white man down, its a conpspiracy to keep the ASIAN man down to prevent him from displacing the jews. the jews fear the mongoloid's big brain

>> No.11848707

the argument is actually somewhat fair, because i personally knew dozens of people who were mediocre students but did well because they studied, some in fact did better than peers who were clearly smarter than them but studied, the supposed 'ungameability' of the SAT is exaggerated. but outlawing the SAT is stupid, what they should do is eliminate private, expensive tutors, especially the test prep classes.

>> No.11848710

clearly smarter than them but did not study*

>> No.11848733

Niggers are stupid.

>> No.11848782

No, 2016 was when it was overhauled.. You'd probably score even higher on the modern test.

>> No.11848839

It provides some sort of universal standard to judge a student's ability. GPA alone is worthless due to both grade inflation and deflation.

>> No.11848945

No I don’t think the ruling class is is run on pure meritocracy. The whole point of my effing post is that trust fund babies and the inner track people literally like to try to pull the ladder away to defeat competition. Imagine not getting into a school for something as vague as “personality” or “school culture”.

>> No.11848963

Given that out of the top 10 countries with highest IQ, 8 are Asian, I believe we should import students from China and give most of the university spots to them, then a other portion should go to PURE BLOODED NORTHERN EUROPEANS, none of that mutt shit, and maybe just make Americans study trades, a side from the very few who actually have potential

>> No.11848977

it's amazing how far you can get if you have a tiger mom.

>> No.11849040
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Yeah. If you look at scores, every race but Asians are in free fall, so any change to the SAT system must be about targeting the group that has pulled ahead of the pack.

>> No.11849049
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Sorry that graph is just math and not composite sat scores

>> No.11849079

>I believe we should import students from China and give most of the university spots to them
We already have plenty of Chinese students studying here, and then they go home with their degrees and China benefits.

>> No.11849103
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Not him but the answer is time and patience. Slavery was officially abolished 159 years ago and intergration into general schools was just 66 years ago. Anyone expecting them to catch up completely this fast not only has unrealistic expectations but are also not being fair with respect to their circumstances.

For instance, everyone likes to beat blacks over the head with East Asian performance. But on closer inspection while the first slave colony was made legal in the US in 1641 at the same time the Dutch had started sharing advance science and mathematics with the Japanese which they referred to as Rangaku. This gave them a 197yr head start before even the first historically black college (which was technically an institution for elementary/middle school learning at first) in 1837 was created. Meanwhile the Chinese established programs to send students to attend education institutions in Japan and then in US colleges first in 1872 through the Chinese Education mission program and then again in 1908 to US colleges (for free) through Boxer Indemnity Scholarship program. All of this is before most historically black colleges even received certification from states to provide official college degrees. Let alone widespread acceptance of Blacks attending general college later on.

With that kind of background it would be foolish to assume the Japanese and Chinese wouldn't outperform US blacks. Honestly if US blacks were allowed to start gaining access to higher education in 1641 instead of 1837 they would be in a much better spot today than they are now.

>> No.11849228

Or it's just America's school system sucks and neglects the poor, which are mostly black. The fact that they are mostly black means that nobody wants to fix it.

>> No.11849237

But SAT's are so easy to grind out if you have the resources and money to do so. It's not like other types of testing where you can't really study the test or grind them.

>> No.11849255

Why don't black fix black schools? Urban schools get more money per student than anywhere else. The school boards are black, the administrators are black, most of the teachers are black, and the parents are black. Yet somehow it isn't the fault of blacks that black education is such a failure.

>> No.11849330

Because msot of the teachers in many poro schools are underpaid and lackperiance. Also the whole "get more money per student than anywhere else" is pretty flawed since it does not tell the entire story at all. schools get funding based of local taxes within the nearby area so based on how the borders are arranged you can have dogshit school just a block away from a top tier one.

Rural schools also face similar issues.

>> No.11849385


>Why don't black fix black schools?

Some of them are but the problem is now you start getting into the politics concerning private, charter and magnet schools/programs that technically work outside the realm of regular public schools. This is due to disagreement in how to provide a better education curriculum. Look up BEAM (Bridge to enter Advanced Mathematics), KIPP schools, Providence St. Mel School and Benjamin Banneker Academic High School.

>> No.11849399

higher income households have higher iq parents and higher iq offsprings. go figure

>> No.11849406

SAT's are the only thing keeping highschool gpa inflation in check. without a baseline student performance, literally every performance metric will become useless. suddenly, your "highschool prestige" will matter, which is a ridiculous and scary thought. Because who the hell can trust a no name highschool to be giving fair gpa's?

>> No.11849890

>Urban schools get more money per student than anywhere else.
100% false. Maybe when you look at a city as a whole. But within the city there are huge disparities between good districts and bad districts.

>> No.11849894

SATs is a deeply racist form of test that discriminates against African Americans so yes this is a good thing.

>> No.11849931

This really.
I have watched multiple jewish community leaders acknowledge asians and at a lesser scale indian immigrants as "rival" minorities in the West.
This is a source of great anxiety especially since half of jews opt out and marry out of their communities.

Thinking I'm /pol/? Check the statistics on the number of jewish Nobel prizes laureates since the 60s.

>> No.11850112

Also genetics

>> No.11850121

Go look at the per student expenditures of any inner city school. You'll find that it is much higher than their suburban or rural counterparts. Your argument against this should be "but it costs more to run those schools and the students have greater needs". You're a good two decade behind on your narrative training.

>> No.11850145

You're only looking at spending from the government. Most of a school's budget comes directly from property taxes.
>but it costs more to run those schools
How is this not valid? A dollar goes WAY farther in suburban and rural areas than urban areas, especially for real estate. Inner city schools are cramped to the brim because their money can't afford as much space.

>> No.11850146

Quality post
The SAT is just a formality that we make people take to verify that they aren't a gibbering retard who coasted by on easy classes, all this does is lower the barrier to entry so that people who can't do even the current minimal amount of legwork to get into college can come along and spend 4 years partying while getting a worthless BA and racking up $100,000 in debt. This is such a transparent scheme to benefit for-profit universities, it's a shame that the education system is getting broken down further and further while people pretend that it's progress

>> No.11850163

>Also the whole "get more money per student than anywhere else" is pretty flawed since it does not tell the entire story at all.
At least you're willing to admit they get more money. And what's the "entire story"?
As has been said before, all black school boards with black administrators, black teachers, and black parents. That's the story. You want to use your bigotry of low expectations here to say it's not right to let blacks run their own schools but you don't quite have the courage to do it so you hide behind "does not tell the entire story at all".
Face it, they get more money and have total control over their school systems. They have no one to blame but themselves. You have an incredible low option of them and think very lowly of their ability to improve anything but aren't willing to say it. The cognitive dissidence is exploding your brain as Occam's Razor stares you in the face.

>> No.11850302


Sure, genetics is important factor. But from a holistic perspective US blacks again would be in a better spot scholastically if they were allowed to pursue higher learning in 1641 (379 years of educational pursuit) instead of 1837 (183 years of educational pursuit). Their culture, academic placing and even genome would be different having nearly two extra centuries at play.

>> No.11850458

wow, this nigga's dumb

>> No.11850460

>extracurriculars (the leastest meaningfullest).

>> No.11850481

Third world inhabitant here
Our best students come from the bottom, a high percentage of rich people are lazy and want to live an a easy life.

>> No.11850482

Quite the strawman you got there

>> No.11850485

This. I hope they fucking die.

>> No.11850492

>you even have the option to retake the test should you do poorly
For another couple hundred bucks, furthering the argument that it's an excellent predictor of familial wealth than IQ

>> No.11850502

>You could make that same exact comment in regard to GPA.
>four year weighted cumulative score of performance in dozens of courses
>standardized exam with narrow subject matter given in a few hours' time
I think you'd be an idiot to make that argument

>> No.11850512


>> No.11850529

sounds like you just want to conclude that its just the blacks fault they have shitty schools

>> No.11850548

This is a very funny post.
>As has been said before, all black school boards with black administrators, black teachers, and black parents.
That's what YOU said, but I doubt that holds true for every inner-city shitty school in America. News flash, shitty impoverished communities have shitty impoverished schools.
>the Blacks can fix it:^)
It's more than a race issue you buffoon, there are many factors at play.
>You have an incredible low option of them and think very lowly of their ability to improve anything but aren't willing to say it. The cognitive dissidence is exploding your brain as Occam's Razor stares you in the face.
a true 4channer, using everything he's read about on wikipedia to rationalize his own racism. i bet you think you really showed him huh
>Occam's Razor
>advocates that when presented with competing hypotheses about the same prediction, one should select the solution with the fewest assumptions
>there4, nigger skul iz bad bcuz they black QED:^)
I know this is said a lot, but I really genuinely mean it this time,

>> No.11850572

We actually don't have to fix anything ever because when something is bad, it's the fault of whoever is in charge of that thing, so it's on them to fix it. I think we just solved all societal problems actually. Do nothing, cast blame.

>> No.11850585

People that don't do well on the SAT don't know how to study, don't put in the time to study, or fail to use their resources. You don't need to go to private tutors for several years to do well; you learn the vast majority of the content through school, like how to answer a free response question or write an essay, how to analyze texts, and how to answer Algebra 2 questions for math. It's more a matter of putting in the time to grind out practice tests, getting used to the questions they ask, and going over your mistakes. That's no different from other tests. College Board offers a blue book with practice tests and there are sites like CrackACT and PrepScholar that offer more free tests. There are also sample prompts and graded sample essays on the College Board's website and bluebook you can compare with your own, so you can score your own response.

And even if we abolish the SAT, and by extension the ACT, what is the alternative? GPA isn't necessarily always the best indicator of college readiness because teachers can be volatile with grading and don't always teach the same way, especially with AP courses, and even then, many schools don't offer certain AP courses. Lying about extracurriculars is very common. Colleges could start implementing their own standardized tests for their students to take, but now you're making them take a test for every single college they're applying to instead of just one.

Either way, the two colleges in the OP aren't exactly schools tons of students are looking up and flocking to, so who gives a shit about what they do. Whether the top schools like the Ivies and the UCs will abolish the SAT, we will see, I suppose.

>> No.11850595

No it isnt

>> No.11850700
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All of you deserve to be put in camps.

Its time /sci/ stops being a radical centrists, and just start accepting genetic realism as preached by Robert Plomin and other geneticists as their new life philosophy, because its the only philosophy that can save humanity.

If you deny genetics, you don't deserve to live. If you reject reality you don't deserve to live. If you preach antiracist pseudoscience and environmentalists pseudoscience to defend denying genetics, you don't deserve to live.

Anyone who is advocating for the SAT removal is advocating for putting the death blow to western civilization. The only proper response is that these people get a death blow from our society. Ending your life is morally justifable because you are both objectively and morally wrong, as your beliefs are gonna cause human suffering. No different from a child rapist.

>> No.11850712

Yes it is you dipshit gene denier, and here is some newflashes, so is everything else that encompasses humanity.

Your personality is genetic (every single aspect of personality you can think of is genetic)

Your behavior is genetic (this is why babies and humans can behave in a way that doesn't have to be in their conscious control because said behavior is genetic, this is why introverted people are very quiet babies)

Your cognitive abilities are genetic (not just IQ, but whether you can processes inner monologue, can visualize in your heads, have empathy, not all these traits are universal among humans)

Everything is genetic. Socioeconomic explanations and environmental explanation are pseudoscience. Go back to redit if you wanna deny genetics.

>> No.11850739

>All of you deserve to be put in camps.
Again, >>>/pol/, you're embarrassing yourself
>and just start accepting genetic realism as preached by Robert Plomin and other geneticists as their new life philosophy, because its the only philosophy that can save humanity.
no one denies genetics doesn't have a part to play you bumbling turd, it's just that there are other factors that need to be controlled for. muh genetics is only a piece of the goddamn puzzle you racist clown. I'm going to stop responding now because you need clinical attention

>> No.11850744

>I disagree with all of these statistics.
Asians are or were selected through immigration and since they're a minority group within in the United States. There are more whites on the iq distribution than asians also as they average out higher than whites but whites average out more geniuses making asians look smarter when its false and whites are smarter by a far margin. When you also factor in every white ethnic group and religious group you realize almost every white immigrant group is top 1 in the world and top 1 among their own nationality/ethnicity. I assume also there is an iq distribution of the separate white ethnic groups also. Overall score across the board is also extremely important not just simple scores that doesn't measure what type of question is being asked.

>> No.11850805
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>This is a very funny

No its not fun. Its a fact and you are seething and being an insecure faggot because you don't like that he told the truth. You think these Africans are too stupid to run schools and you are making excuses for why Africans are retarded as being the product of the environment fairy because you are afraid, afraid that African failure is 100% genetic. I am right, you are wrong. In 100 years, Africans will still be genetic pollution who cannot accomplish anything, while your dumb belief that Africans are gonna change in 100 years will fall flat. I hope anti-racists like you are murdered, your ideas have held back humanity and caused suffering.

>That's what YOU said, but I doubt that holds true for every inner-city shitty school in America.

Shut the fuck up. Every single inner city shitty school in America is black cause non-blacks are smart to not punish their children by going to schools with genetically inferior violent children. There are some inner city schools that are predominately mestizo, but guess what? They do better then black schools, even on English, even when its filled with illegals who can barely comprehend high school english. What is your explanation for that? Oh right, your enviromentalists bullshit has none, but I have the genetic one. Its because mestizos have a higher IQ then blacks.

And like all blacks, you act like the victim, that no one wants to help black school. Sorry, black schools are the most over-funded in America. Where are the results? Oh right, because if you listen to the horror stories of teachers who work there, you would know that these schools have black teachers, black administrations that enjoys pocketing this money and even excusing violent horrible behavior of black students. You mention rural schools, so why do I not hear these horror schools or awful test scores even though they are underfunded, oh right, because they are white.

>> No.11850807
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And indeed, the fact that black people control inner city school is more evidence of how the environment itself is controlled by genetics. Blacks are corrupt, low IQ, and lack empathy. So when blacks get together in a group and control the school administration, of COURSE they will misuse the funds they get and pocket it for themselves, of course they have incentives to keep doing this, because blacks only think in short term gains. Of course they will excuse black students spitting on their teacher or causing fist fights in the classroom or disrupting classes, and recommended to the teacher that its their culture or even calling white teachers racists if they try to do something about it. Its in their nature, blacks are inherently corrupt, black organizations are corrupt, thus making the environment even worse and corrupt, incentivizing Africans to be even more corrupt. You look at this positive feedback loop and falsely blame it on some sociological phenomena, but the whole thing is the result of genetics, even the effects that are environmental.

>'s more than a race issue you buffoon, there are many factors at play.

No you evil ignorant dipshit. The only issue is genetics. The race is the secondary factor. When inner city school teachers cry about how horrible their students are, how they engage in crime and violent fights in the school, how they actively don't give a shit about learning, its not a "cultural" issue that afflicts them, its not a "funding" issue that afflicts them. Its a genetic one. When a black student DOES want to learn in this environment, and gets called an oreo by his fellow blacks, then its not a cultural one either, its a genetic one, and they truly aren't far off, that "oreo" has genetics that align more with European behavioral traits then African ones.

>> No.11850816
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I don't think environmentalists truly realize how retarded socioeconomic and environmental explanations truly are. You are aware that skin color is also influenced by the environment? So do you think black people give birth to coal babies because of some magical 200 years in poverty, and that only if ONLY you funded inner city hospitals more, the baby will glow a pale shine? That's how fucking stupid you sound like. Funding has nothing to do with how students behave or how much they are willing to learn. Thats a genetic issue. You can try to force them to change, and you may have some success. For example, you COULD make a black person read more, which will increase their verbal IQ, but if school ends, then their genetics supersedes their environmental experiences, and then suddenly, without pressure, the black person stops reading books, and their verbal IQ drops. This is a known phenemonea and why its foolish to talk about socioeconomic without talking about genetics.

The only factor here is genetics. You deny this because you are afraid.

>a true 4channer, using everything he's read about on wikipedia to rationalize his own racism. i bet you think you really showed him huh

Anti-racism is a pseudoscience and you couldn't make it more obvious how much of a stupid black supremacists you are. Only a black supremacists would justify bad schools on "funding" instead of student behavior.
Only a black supremacists would say something profoundly stupid like "its racism that causes black students to do poorly, that's why schools with black teachers, black administrators, black principals, and black accountants are all fucking horrible and do their job poorly so clearly the white man needs to fix OUR problem until we tell him to fuck off and take the school back again and see the problem repeat itself".

>> No.11850823

you seem very angry and confused. get well soon anon

>> No.11850824
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>I know this is said a lot, but I really genuinely mean it this time,

No you fucking faggot. This is 4chan. This is not leddit. If you hold left wing views or are a communists, you are the one that needs to fuck off. Get the fuck off 4chan. And if you're black. Same deal. These past 3 weeks means every board on this site is even more negative towards blacks. You are 200000 years separated from us humans genetically, and you seriously think that muh wacism is why you fail. Ah, anti-racism is the world's most evil pseudoscience. DNA IS REAL JACKASS.

>> No.11850830

How come black supremacists think going >>>/pol/ is an argument because no one thinks denying genetics is cool?

I don't think there is a better way to spot a tourists. No, /pol/ is not something shameful. Being black is shameful, being a black supremacists is embarrasing and so is preaching marxists and communists lysenkoism.

Left wingers aren't welcomed on 4chan. Leave now.

>> No.11850831


>> No.11850832

Sometimes i feel sorry for blacks

>> No.11850836
File: 14 KB, 900x487, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unabashedly /pol/posting this hard
save it for your "I'm a big dunce general" in /pol/, because I ain't reading that shit bruh

>> No.11850839

>No, /pol/ is not something shameful.

>> No.11850841

>Ha ha, look at this idiot who doesn't hate blacks like I do. Your worldview is so wrong and mine isn't. If your deep seated insecurities don't manifest in an irrational hatred of an entire race, you don't belong here! R-Right guys?

>> No.11850844

Why are black supremacists so genephobic? Its like they are afraid of genetics the way their ancestors were afraid of magic. LOL. I guess this is what happens when your entire race is diseased with paranoid schizophrenic and narcissism. I wonder what the environmentalist explanation is for why blacks are over represented in the flat earth movement

>oh its because of JIM CROW and that 66 YEARS have passed, that caused blacks to think the earth is flat to uh cope with RACISM.

Something dumb like that. Sociological and environmental explanations are like listening to horoscopes.

>> No.11850853

Good idea, why take years of study and test results and ignore them all and basing everything on a handful of tests.
People get sick, they get stressed and they have bad days, if that is you on SAT day you are fucked for life.

>> No.11850858

all zoomers should get an autpmatic degree for growing up with the internet. they really know how to look stuff up

>> No.11850871

based embittered gen xer

t. spiteful millennial

>> No.11850889

of course you can '''grind''' (or as normal people call it, "study") it, that is the whole point?

I have yet to see a counter argument to this. there is no standardization of gpa between highschools. how do you judge between different 4.0 gpa candidates?

>> No.11850927

It’s just another way of keeping out poorfags. The only remaining national exams are AP tests. Lots of kids can’t take AP classes cuz their shitty public high school doesn’t offer any, now instead of being accompanied by an SAT so schools can check if the 4.0 gpa is legit they’ll just throw it directly in the trash, unless you’re black of course now it’s easy to admit a proportional amount of blacks, if the dropout rate goes up because retards from joke high schools are allowed into top tier colleges that literally doesn’t matter because they don’t have to release the statistic.

Of course rich prep schools will still have active advisors and alumni networking so rich kids are unaffected. And if you’re lucky enough to be at a decent school that lets you take AP tests your junior year, you’ll still have a shot.

But, eliminating all the poor white and Asian kids from shitty school districts makes it easier for the colleges to focus on their population of rich legacies, rich foreigners and AA admits, they still have plenty of high IQ kids from good districts to boost the average, it’s not like college admissions was ever supposed to be a fair process to begin with

>> No.11850934

>They used a big, scary word so they must be the same poster!

>> No.11850939

>whites average out more geniuses making asians look smarter
How does having more white geniuses make asians look smarter?

>> No.11850954

More like
>I just learned this word yesterday so I'm going to find a way to include it in everything I post

>> No.11850978

yea, this is exactly what i predicted in my post
>suddenly, your "highschool prestige" will matter, which is a ridiculous and scary thought.
and quite literally nothing other than money can get you a prestigious highschool.

>> No.11850996

You're probably the most obvious outsider, so it's painful watching you accuse other people of being newfags.

You're not mistaken about the explanatory role of genetics in socioeconomic disparity, but beyond that you're an embarrassment and anti-persuasive. You're wearing different stripes, but you're cut from the same cloth as the leftists you're telling to leave. It's transparent: you don't care about the evidence or reason, instead you've simply reified your views with them because in this case it happens to support them.

I won't tell you to go back to >>>/pol/, because you don't belong there either. Either stop posting and lurk moar or go back.

>> No.11850997

Fun fact: poor charter schools do better than rich public schools despite getting far less per student than even poor public schools. This is because administration has the power to take action against abusive and/or incompetent teachers.

>> No.11851000

Lol no they don't. If you've ever worked at a school you'll know how messed up teacher's unions are.

>> No.11851010

>you learn the vast majority of the content through school

The reading portion of the SAT is designed to trick students who think it's like english class, e.g. by putting interpretations of a character's motivation in a wrong answer that could be inferred from the details, but isn't directly supported. The math questions on the SAT are unlike high school math questions. The ACT is the test you're thinking of, but most students don't know the difference, take the SAT, and get burned.

>> No.11851012

That's also because the awarding committees are becoming less Jewish.

>> No.11851024

>paranoid schizophrenic and narcissism

>> No.11851033

Sorry, he's right anon. The lowest estimate supported by twin studies are just under 60%. Modern longitudinals suggest it's in excess of 80%.

>> No.11851037

>what is nepotism

>> No.11851048


Not him but instead of saying "he's right" just post the research article instead.

>> No.11851052

students that get into respectable stem schools (lets say top 10 us news) all find SAT math LAUGHABLY EASY and get perfect or near perfect scores (because of a couple careless mistakes max). They find it laughably easy because it is laughably easy. Anyone who struggles with SAT math must have had a horrendous math education.

>> No.11851080

That doesn't mean it's responsible for any racial gap. Heritability can change, and changing environments can always change outcomes, no matter what the heritability is. Sick of this retardedness, I really think it's deliberate at this point.

>> No.11851084

The UCs are already abolishing the SATs.

>> No.11851091

You don't belong on this board, and you will never be taken seriously by a legitimate scientific institution.

>> No.11851114

yet he's somehow right

>> No.11851119

is that a real news article?

>> No.11851131

>Anyone who is advocating for the SAT removal is advocating for putting the death blow to western civilization.
no, he's not.
smart people are still getting into college. only like 5% of people from any college have reasonable success anyways, maybe upwards of 30% at ivy+. none of that is going to change if these tests are removed. the utmost smart kids still have the ways of showing they're the ones who belong at the schools, and the midwit medium kids who had good parenting and education are still going to be toss-ups in the application system.

>> No.11851132

obviously meant for

>> No.11851148

Not entirely true, in many school districts there are magnet programs that allow talented students from low income areas to attend schools that are farther away for e.g. IB or AP classes.

You’re still totally barred from a chance at a good education if your parents don’t give enough of a shit to get involved though.

>> No.11851163
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Pic related from

Human Intelligence by Earl Hunt is also a good book to look at on that note.

For more contemporary literature predicting at or in excess of 80%

>> No.11851180

Tell us about heritability as a concept tho

>> No.11851198

it is the proportion of phenotypic variation that can be attributed to genetic factors. one uses a comparison with a single generation of a population to determine the degree of phenotypic variance that is likely to be genetic. it does not actually tell us how strongly genes cause a phenotype nor how they do so, what genes etc but it is a nice statistical tool for figuring out if a trait will respond to selection.

>> No.11851209

I never took the ACT, only the old SAT. Reading questions can always be answered by going back to the text and finding evidence to support your answer instead of inferring what you think is correct, which is how you should be writing papers in the first place. It's also more helpful to look at the questions before reading the passage so you only think about what the questions are asking instead of bringing your own suppositions into the mix.

The math questions are either direct calculations or easy word problems. It mostly comes down to figuring out what the question's really asking, then picking the correct answer instead of answering what you think it's asking. That skill comes from doing practice tests, and personally, most of my mistakes in the math section were silly mistakes from not reading the question carefully. It never had to do with not learning the material.

>> No.11851218

>It never had to do with not learning the material.
you realize that this is your perspective because you learned the material?
it's very easy for schools that don't teach to the test to omit certain aspects of the math section.
>which is how you should be writing papers in the first place.
you were taught how to do this, through writing practice in class and feedback from your teachers

>> No.11851219

You can take the SAT multiple times, you retard.

>> No.11851223

It says nothing of environment changes though. It's possible we can change our environment to eliminate such IQ disparities.

And many geneticists say heritability is a useless concept when it comes to such polygenic traits like IQ.

>> No.11851248

>you realize that this is your perspective because you learned the material?
Well, yeah. The test only requires Algebra 2, and I learned Algebra 2 in school by then. I was talking about people who spend thousands for SAT classes and tutors and why that isn't necessary.

>schools that don't teach to the test
No school only teaches to the SAT, it just so happens that what you should be learning from school is very applicable to the SAT. What you need to get accustomed to is the format of the questions.

If you went to a shit school and have no money, there are still a bunch of resources I listed earlier for little to no cost, and you have sites like Khan Academy if you don't know the concepts. Even if you went to a good school and learned all the material you need for the test, you should still be taking free practice tests and giving yourself feedback.

>> No.11851269

>why that isn't necessary.
you do realize there's a distinct advantage to having a lot of practice with the specific types of questions that are on the test though, right?
like I agree the material is probably known by most kids taking the test. but having that increased familiarity, knowing how the test is structured, and seeing the exact types of questions makes one perform better. even if it isn't "necessary"

>No school only teaches to the SAT
I didn't say only, but I said that schools teach to the test. this is extremely common, especailly in schools where the funding is tied to test performance/college admission results. some schools will have SAT/ACT practices in their homeroom classes, or emphasize in their math classes what sorts of material they're learning will be on these tests.

>there are still a bunch of resources I listed earlier for little to no cost
this is true, but I never claimed the opposite. I just responded by saying that the test uses skills and tests material that you explicitly learn in class

>> No.11851299

This thread is proof about what Robert Plomin says. We NEED to push back against gene denialism. Its not enough to be silent, action must be taken. I don't want to live in a world were people think its acceptable to deny what their eyes see. I don't want to live in a world where people don't accept that genetics influences humans and instead relies on sociological nonsense, not to help people, but to deny the problem and make things worse for everyone. Evil triumphs only when good men do nothing.

>> No.11851318

No school is teaching to the SAT dude, the SAT is not intended as a measure of knowledge or learning it’s specifically designed to be accessible to anyone no matter how awful their school is.

It’s not used by school districts to evaluate results - like, there’s no official channel by which they’re even measuring the students’ average scores. In Florida they have the FCAT which is intended as a knowledge based test covering material a high school curriculum is supposed to address. And yes it’s terrible and teaching to the test degrades standards and quality of education.

Also algebra 2 is shit like the quadratic formula and vertex formula and exponential functions. Not fucking area of a rectangle and linear equations like the SAT. It’s prealgebra shit that you learn in middle school if you’re not already in a remedial program. Yes, there are kids that never learned it but it’s not that they never saw it, it’s that they’re morons and their school is a joke. These kids have no business going to college.

On one last note, yeah it’s not something you can study for really but practicing to get used to the questions can boost your score 50-100 points easily, and taking the test seriously, knowing what’s on it, getting a good night’s sleep and even just trying your best make a huge difference and these are far more likely for a kid with rich or educated parents than some poorfag whose dad has a high school education and thinks school is a waste of time.

>> No.11851325


>It's possible we can change our environment to eliminate such IQ disparities

Not him but you're half right in that environment can be changed eliminate most IQ disparities. Reducing blood lead levels, reducing rates of prenatal malnutrition, increasing iodine/omega fatty acids consumption, increasing basic literacy rates and appropriately modulate cortisol stress hormone levels to reduce low birthweight in newborns.

>> No.11851936

>TFW UoU denied my application because I was .02 GPA away from acceptance criteria

>> No.11851983
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Pretty bizarre considering the point of standardized testing was to level the playing field and identify gifted individuals who public education has neglected

At this point, it's kind of hard not resorting to pic related

>> No.11852208

Sure, and lack of income doesn't have to mean a lack of access to resources (Asian Americans figured this out). There's always other factors involved. I'm just pointing out the flaw in blaming the difference in SAT scores entirely on the opportunities that wealth provides. Could it be a factor? Absolutely. Is it THE factor? Maybe, maybe not, far more data would be needed to say that conclusively. However, we have studies where twins were raised separately, and we know that the household they were raised in, including the income of the household, had less statistical importance on their IQ than genetics. I'm willing to concede that having more money offers advantages that should benefit SAT scores, but given there's correlation between wealth and intelligence, I'd also be willing to bet that children born into wealthy families probably have higher IQs on average than the general population.

>> No.11852217

>It says nothing of environment changes though. It's possible we can change our environment to eliminate such IQ disparities.
That sounds like epigenetics, which play a role in whether or not we reach our genetic potential, but if environment was the only factor, then two children raised in the same environment should have equal intelligence, and I doubt anyone would suggest that's the case.

>> No.11852229

>That sounds like epigenetics
No, I'm talking about fixing shitty schools, making sure kids are healthy, and getting parents more support.
>if environment was the only factor
Never claimed so.

>> No.11853159

I was a Mensa member back in grade school and I only managed 1510/2400 (SAT was out of 2400 for a few years)... Probably not even 50th %ile. I didn't study and was absolute shit at the test. My math was actually 86th %ile though by my reading/writing was in the 30/40th %iles.

>> No.11853167

I have an IQ in the 150s administered by a psychologist. I did terrible on the SAT. The vocabulary section was basically a thesaurus and not done by someone who actually understood what the words meant or how they couldn't be coequal in some scenarios. If you think the SAT = IQ test, then you're retarded.

>> No.11853178

Cities have better schools, better social networks, better volunteering experiences, better teachers. wtf are you even on about. You've clearly never ventured further than the nearby suburbs

>> No.11853203

>better teachers
naw nigga we got the best teachrs n shiet in the burbs aint not doubt

>> No.11853206

so what criteria will now be used?

>> No.11853329

You don't live in a city. Cities have HUGE disparities, holding both some of the richest and poorest communities. The rich schools are great, the poor schools are garbage. All within the same city.

>> No.11853338

Even then it's shown that poor city schools send more kids (per capita too) to top schools than the school with a 70 person graduating class. Even if you're poor there's still much more accessible educational help and job/volunteer opportunities.

>> No.11853428


He’s right. Fuck off milquetoast

>> No.11853435


It isn’t don’t be a cluck

>> No.11853438


It ain’t about hatred - that’s a straw man and has always been a straw man.

>> No.11853445

Race, gender, and sexuality.

Lesbian trans niggers are quaranteed a spot, normal people only get in if there are extra spots. White men need not apply.

>> No.11853451

It’s funny how low IQ people like /pol/ always think they can get away with absurd lies because they’re too stupid to know how obvious they are

>> No.11853454
File: 31 KB, 436x106, Screen Shot 2020-06-12 at 9.55.34 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, it isn't nearly as simple as you're making it out to be. A lot of this stuff has a lot of reasons.
Schools encouragement of individual achievement(this includes access to extra curricular).
Private tutors

Also don't give me this bullshit about rich kids or white kids having higher IQ because they are smart. I went to a private school full of rich kids and most of them did shit on their SATs/and ACTs it was only AFTER they took practice test and tutoring that they did well. I was there, I saw kids go from 23s or fucking 18 to 30+ on the ACT test. Some kids who were already good had been trained by parents from middle school with private tutors taking the ACT early and knew how to game it perfectly.

Kek Its been proven a dozen times over money meaningfully increases scores. Other factors like parents (many blacks in america live in single parent households) etc do have an affect. Multiple studies have shown this but you're going to ignore that and only play one angle because why? What does that actually do besides pigeon hole the outcome of genocide and killings .

>> No.11853463

>ancestors were afraid of magic
>he thinks no other group was
>what was the salem witch trials.
Your narcissism is showing.

>> No.11853489

>that pic
its not a conspiracy though. It was openly done and known blacks were discriminated against and attacked. Hell they even tried to keep them out of voting by forcing them to answer the question of "how many soap bubbles are in a bar of soap" while whites had to answer no such arbitrary questions.

Not to mention redlining was a thing that negatively affected blacks abilities to sell and own property which crippled generational wealth. Along with affecting how public schools are funded.

The only thing close to a conspiracy here CIA agents selling crack into black communities. That however is debatable because its been known individual CIA agents have worked closely with narcos and even admission some may be doing illicit activities and that the CIA rarely investigates there own.

No its not a conspiracy theory its plain to see in U.S. history

>> No.11853536

>that picture’s point
>tries to blame the slave trade on le joos
you incels just cannot help yourselves from constantly proving how hypocritical and stupid you are can you

>> No.11853617

>The vocabulary section was basically a thesaurus and not done by someone who actually understood what the words meant
There's a correlation with IQ, but it's not absolute. Intelligence is also correlated with vocabulary size, but obviously you can have very smart people who are brilliant in mathematics or science but aren't wordsmiths. All that aside, vocabulary is no longer a major obstacle with the SAT, the modern version focuses on reading comprehension. Prior to that, you could still prepare for the vocabulary portion of the test by studying lists of words created specifically for the SAT. GPA and SAT scores are a tool for evaluating prospective college students, both have some value, and neither is as valuable on its own.

>> No.11853629

This. SAT, GRE all cash grab garbage that has nothing to do with how well you do in undergrad or grad school.

>> No.11853635

I don't like SAT and GRE. But abolishing it is not a good idea because right now there is no better alternative. (except for temporarily delaying it at the moment due to COVID)
What do you suggest?

>> No.11853644

Cope. Get over your test anxiety, faggot.

>> No.11853655

Punishing abused, unlucky people with anxiety disorders is just one of the reasons tests are meaningless.

>> No.11853658

I have writing anxiety.
Should we ban papers?

>> No.11853663

I didn’t say we should ban them. What I said is that test results should be taken with a grain of salt as they pander to parasites with good lives and low anxiety.

>> No.11853672

I guess papers are meaningless too.

>> No.11853680

I'm not for it unless we replace it with some other non-retard barometer. The actual solution is nationalizing the College Board and reforming the education system to make a high school diploma good enough for a low-mid or middle class lifestyle, AS IT WAS AND SHOULD BE.

Free college fags do not realize that by making it free, it deflates the value of tertiary education and makes it a waste 4 years. The education system should be efficient as possible, but teachers unions and such are opposed to it because they want money for watching children learn the same topics that they did years ago.

>> No.11853682

>SAT, GRE all cash grab garbage that has nothing to do with how well you do in undergrad or grad school.
What criteria would you evaluate students on? Competitive universities need some sort of system to judge who they allow in, and GPA has too much variance between schools.

>> No.11853685

College admission standards are dropping because they don't give a shit if you drop out as long as you take out 30k a semester in student loans.

>> No.11853691

pay teachers like retards you get retards teaching, then you get more retards, a truly never ending cycle.

>> No.11853705

I don't think pay is correlated to the quality of teaching really, you could pay teachers $80k/annum and they won't fucking care how their class is doing cause they won't get fired based on performance for the initial 2 years that they are guaranteed on contract (or at least that's how it is in Massachusetts)

>> No.11853710

Why yes, I think it's a great idea to stop letting people get ahead on objective measures

>> No.11853723

Trump 2020 baby

>> No.11853735

Weak. You need to go to a school that'll let you say you got an 8.0 or higher.

>> No.11853741

>reforming the education system to make a high school diploma good enough for a low-mid or middle class lifestyle, AS IT WAS AND SHOULD BE.

>> No.11853761

>I don't think pay is correlated to the quality of teaching really
when a competent researcher decides he's tired of industrial/corporate work, he's faced with a choice:
1) teach and mentor highschoolers for a slight pay reduction
2) continue working a job they hate for decent pay

if the pay reduction is $100k->$80k, that's an easy choice. Prioritize the job and lifestyle you enjoy (assuming you enjoy teaching).
If the reduction is $100k->$50k, that's a tougher pill to swallow. Who the hell would choose that?

>> No.11853791

Ok I see what you mean, I'm just concerned with people being attracted to the idea of teaching just for the money and job security which is absolutely cancerous. I live in a state in where teachers are trained (must have Master's) and paid well, personally I don't think they should get a dime more, but compared to shithole states like Mississippi, they might need the incentive.

Teaching should be a middle class, comfy job if they put in the work correctly. Not an upper class job which you get paid handsomely for doing underwhelming work (like Onlyfans account). Nor it should be a unprofitable job with high amounts of effort.

>> No.11854408

I'm not from the States but I can assure you that the people that enter through connections are the minority. Is the same shit in every country, the standardized test are for filtering a big chunk of the population and just that.

>> No.11854471

asian hands typed this post

>> No.11854485

The very top universities in the US aren’t for educating Americans, they’re for educating the best students in the world, being American does you no good vs being European, Japanese, Korean, Canadian etc., if you aren’t legit genius tier you’re not gonna get in unless you have an alumni connection, so basically it’s a shortcut for rich kids, these are also the schools that cost $160k+.

There are, like, a couple dozen of these universities, the vast majority of Americans go to state universities that are much more like universities in Europe, cheaper and actually accessible to get into as a talented local student, there is a wide range of quality ofc just as I’m sure there is between universities in Europe.

At the upper level, getting rid of the sat means they don’t even have to look at your application if you’re not in the rich alumni connections category or like have published research in high school or some shit.
At the middle level it makes it easier to admit more blacks as they obviously struggle at things like the SAT

There’s also a whole different issue of private colleges charging insane amounts for shitty degrees but those barely count as a university

>> No.11854554

>He’s right
nice samefag cumjar
what about my post makes me seem shy? do you know what this word means? this board is infested with pseudoretard spillover from /pol/. parroting shit you see other people say because it sounds smart doesn't make you intelligent, jackass
>inb4 Occams razor, oo ggs gotem libtard

>> No.11854562

>am also voting for Trump
>still admits that you're a retard
w-woah, w-what now?

>> No.11854565

cringy zoomer

>> No.11854694

>blah blah blah muh anecdote

>> No.11854696

>blah blah blah muh anecdote

>> No.11854697

If intelligence isn't genetic, shouldn't chimps and gorillas be as smart as humans?

>> No.11854700

whatever, kid

>> No.11854701

This still shows a very strong correlation between SAT score and income bracket, even between races

>> No.11854712

Genuine question, how does anyone get less than 800 on the math segment of the SAT?
There wasn't anything on there that I couldn't of done in 8th grade

>> No.11854729

It’s not a matter of not being able to do the problem and certainly not of not knowing how, it’s just when you do that many problems one after another there are many opportunities to make a simple mistake that you’d know if you looked at it was wrong but buried among 90 other questions you never look at it twice

>t. got a 790

>> No.11854744

So exactly to the people who are wanted to do the job and not some self proclaimed pseudo-intellectual faggot who writes down his brainfarts on reddit and gets validated as intelligent?

>> No.11854804

it's funny because so many asians were scoring 800, that the high tail end of their score distribution didn't even exist

>> No.11854810

>couldn't of done in 8th grade
not eager to know what your reading score would be!

>> No.11854860

>Even if you're poor there's still much more accessible educational help and job/volunteer opportunities.
Based on where you live. If you live in a shitty rural area then your prospects are tiny to get school help or volunteering

>> No.11854887

You inherit your parents standard of living.

>> No.11854903

most wealth is lost within 2 generations.

>> No.11854963

ADHD has helped me get stellar scores in test day (hyperfocus and do-or-die mode)
But do above average or just not give a fuck about classes, coursework and have gotten by b/c I don't see the point of being above a B+/A- student. Getting laid, setting up a nice job before med school and having fun matters more than scores and grades.

>> No.11854969

Dropping it as a requirement doesn't mean that it won't factor into your application.

Student with 3.7 GPA, extra cirriculars, doesn't submit SAT.
Student with 3.7 GPA, extra cirriculars, double 800s.

Who you choosing?

>> No.11855203

The black one

>> No.11855310

>They have no one to blame but themselves. You have an incredible low option of them and think very lowly of their ability to improve anything but aren't willing to say it. The cognitive dissidence is exploding your brain as Occam's Razor stares you in the face.

I would also say in America at least. It doesn't/didn't help that whites lost their shit and would literally go on murdering/destroying sprees against every black owned business up till the 60s-80s.

Not making excuses for their shit culture of today, but picture where you would be today if your parents/grandparents had jack & shit because some hill billy asshole was jealous your community banded together to make its own wall street or that your grand dad became a doctor.

>> No.11855311

>Anyone who is advocating for the SAT removal is advocating for putting the death blow to western civilization

What combination of drugs can fry a human brain this much?

>> No.11855348

Charter schools also have the ability to kick out retards and everyone else public schools can't.

Its easy as fuck to fudge the numbers if you can crop out the bottom.

>> No.11855357

Yo I dunno but my motherfuckin nigga just got into da college and we finna boutta take over this shit ya feel me. Niggas cant hold me back miss me with that SAT shit bruh

>Not making excuses for their shit culture of today,

Hey without googling it tell me what Spearman's hypothesis is

>> No.11855370


Shit I have no use for in the working world.

Just giving you my 2 cents from 34 years worth of black man experience. Too much victim card gets played to our determent and politicians take advantage of it.

>> No.11855381

>assemble an AR15 under water
>calculate trebuchet launch angles
>make an improvised bunker out of cat litter and snow
>negotiate and buy a new car off the books
>buy 50 lbs of potatoes in self checkout but hit 'organic' without getting caught
>buy 5 laptops from Best Buy, install Linux Mint, then successfully return them while complaining you didn't want an Apple

>> No.11855435

Every college should have their own entrance exams. Which judge your ability to actually pass the first year classes.

>> No.11855447

Blacks already get in with retard level scores, so whats the fucking issue now? Not enough stupid black people are getting in? Maybe they should learn to care about school oh no no its our racist white supremacist society that holds them back even though there are videos of black youth stabbing each other in schools for no rational reason.

>> No.11855455

>Genuine question, how does anyone get less than 800 on the math segment of the SAT?
By missing more than one question. It only takes a couple of silly mistakes, which can happen if you've already been concentrating for several hours.

>> No.11855457

Funneling more students in to get their money. Educating them is optional.

>> No.11855472

Take the SATs during ritalin withdrawal, because you couldn't stand how you felt on it anymore.

>> No.11855477

When I took it, I made a retarded mistake, got one question wrong, and my score went down to a 770 because so many people would get a perfect score. In contrast, I got 3 questions wrong on the SAT 2 Math test and still got an 800.

>> No.11855482

I think an issue being raised is that even if the student doesn't know enough to get in, that doesn't mean they aren't smart enough to get in.
Its that they're part of a school system/district thats failing to teach its students.

Math 2 was just as easy

>> No.11855485

>instead of one general test, there's now a dozen you need to study and take
>on top of AP exams
genius idea, much better than merely reverting the SAT to the level of difficulty it had before being completely neutered. Unless you're advocating for a test that would guarantee you admission if you score above a certain perxentile.

>> No.11855494

>Math 2 was just as easy
It was easy, but it does require a slightly higher level of math. Both tests are graded on a curve, and the SAT 2 version has a more generous one.

>> No.11855505

Community college let's anyone in. They have remedial classes to teach high school level stuff. Plus they're very cheap.

Why throw them into 4 year universities? Where the professor lectures to 100 students at a time and doesn't stop for questions.

>> No.11855510

Because many of the people arguing for this don't understand STEM and think simply being intelligent means you will comprehensively understand complex abstract ideas the moment the professor writes it on the board.
Its also not fair that you're not able to participate in a 4 year college because you had to go to a shitty school district.

>> No.11855521

And when they drop out with debt and no degree?

When they could have gone to a 2 year and picked medical technician certification. Now they're in the work force making good money.

>> No.11855541

Not great as a business model. Bums on seats is all that counts

>> No.11855634

> no application requirements for uni
> more people who will go to uni
> more people who will pay tuition

At this point y'all just getting milked lads.

>> No.11855651

If they’re smart and from a shitty school district they won’t drop out, they’ll finish degree and spending 2 years at CC puts them at a huge disadvantage in terms of research opportunities and being able to take grad level classes.

If they’re dumb and not rich they’d likely drop out of a university with debt and are better off at CC.

These two students are not the same, they should not be treated the same and a system that cannot distinguish between them and treats them the same is clearly deficient.

>> No.11855652

Free* Yuropoor college has stricter entrance requirements than the USA. So they aren't sending unprepared idiots.

>> No.11855667

Tyrone and Jamal are now being treated the same though. They're classmates,and both children of min wage single mothers. Tyrone studied and got 1500+ on his SAT and 3.9 gpa. Jamal didn't and got 1200 and a 2.1. Now they both get into the same college. Tyrone succeeded and Jamal didn't.

Under the old system. Tyrone still gets in, but Jamal doesn't.

>> No.11855680

Nobody gets into a real university with a 2.1 gpa. The problem is grade inflation at shitty schools allowing slightly above average students to get a 7.0 gpa or some nonsense with little understanding of the actual material.

Especially when it’s compared with a tougher school that’s less likely to inflate its grades, a student with a 3.65 and all AP classes is going to look a lot less intelligent than a student with a 6.0 and all honors classes but most likely that’s not the case and the SAT distinguishes the two.

>> No.11855793

Unironically retarded, they think they're helping Poor's or minorities when in reality standardized testing is the only way for poorfags to stand out compared to richfags.
>But muh personal experiences and achievements
Your personal achievements and experiences are highly subjective and of they're anything impressive you've likely gotten support from being connected or well off.

>> No.11856430

Poorfags often don't have the drive nor hardworking parents to instill good study habits. I came from a poor family and I didn't even know SAT prep was a thing. I just took because all of us had to. My parents never took it, nor do they care about education. I suspect Asians have top of the line scores due to academic culture being spread between all wealth classes. Their families seem to heavily invest in their children's future (so do rich families in general).

>> No.11857211


>> No.11857427

I got into a top 50 US college with like a 2.8 and I'm white

>> No.11857452

Watering down standards and student quality further. Much easier to shovel in women and minorities now. The entire K-12 system is rigged against boys but they out score girls on ACT/SAT so those gotta go, sorry.

Ironically enough they’re the best avenue to proving your worth if you’re from bad conditions. Hard to keep a GPA up for 4 years if you’re poor/abused/out of line but not hard to cram for 2 weeks and ball out on the ACT if you’re naturally smart regardless.

>> No.11857537

How? You an athlete? Work on research or some noteworthy service project in high school? Was it a super exclusive rich kids school? Clearly you didn’t get in on academic merit, you should know what it was.

It’s very unlikely to get into a decent university with a 2.8, however it’s outright impossible with a 2.1, that’s the difference between a B average and a C average and if you’re a C student in high school you’re not cut out for university, the cutoff at most schools is a 2.5-2.7 below that point they’ll only make an exception if you’re a full time athlete and you’re not there to study.

>> No.11857550


As a poorfag what’s going to be easier anon: studying well for 4 years to get that GPA, or studying well for a couple of weeks to stand out on the ACT? And don’t overstate the amount of standardized testing prep done, it’s usually just the AP class hardos bothering to do any more than a light skim over a shitty prep book. In my experience the “smart underachievers” did better on their ACT than GPA/classes in general, it’s a decent barometer of potential in a vacuum.

>> No.11857560

i didn't know they had been removed. 41 years old, so i have seen them make the SATs easier, and offer preparatory aids, since the time that I took it.
Not something I regard, or think about.

>> No.11857563

Study skills and motivation in high school directly translate to academic success in college

It’s very unlikely that a high schooler who is lazy and unmotivated in high school is going to magically transform into this self motivated hard working model student when taking gen ed and intro level classes and the same minimal level of work to get Bs and Cs in easy high school classes gets you Ds and Fs in college

Potential on its own is worthless, it’s what you do with it, the SAT isn’t gonna magically get you into college with shit grades and no extracurriculars, it’s just there as a retard test to tell if a high gpa is actually a sign of intelligence or just grade inflation