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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11845626 No.11845626 [Reply] [Original]

I'm in my mid twenties and since elementary school I've never put effort into studying. This almost fucked me over when I went to college but I adjusted slightly and now I manage to pass with minimal effort but I'm always on the verge of failing and it's driving me insane, furthermore it makes me less than competent. Is it possible to unlearn this? Anyone manage to stop being a lazy piece of shit? How?

I feel like I can't talk about this without a part of me feeling smug for being le so smart but I know more than anyone how little I actually know and it bothers me.

>> No.11845629

take some study pills bruh

>> No.11845631

>/Sci/ regularly argues in favor of free will.
>You have the free will not to be lazy.
>But you're still lazy

Thus we arrive to the conclusion that the /sci/-community will regard you as a useless eater that ought to end his life with the help of his own hands.

>> No.11845693

I do, that's why I haven't miserably failed every exam I've had to write with three days prep from literally zero

>> No.11845768

fear and greed should be driving you like a madman.
smaller/more-instant micro-rewards/incentives are useful in the more dense.

>> No.11846115
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>> No.11846394

>grenade in mouth
Patrician Choice

>> No.11846416

>Is it possible to unlearn this? Anyone manage to stop being a lazy piece of shit? How?
Yes, just stop being lazy.
No magic, no shortcut, just sit down and start to put effort into shit. It not that hard.

>> No.11846420

what are you studying

>> No.11846586


>> No.11849608

Read interesting shit online and embrace the autistic urge to know more, no matter how faint it may be at the moment.
I personally built a habit of doing nothing in my personal time except drink coffee and read about keystone concepts in multiple fields of study, and working my way down as I burn through them.

>> No.11849617

med school

>> No.11849618

Read the 4hour work week or what it's called. The book by Tim Ferris. It's got a good section on how to figure out what you want to do, what you need, and that can be pretty motivating to know.
Probably there are thousands of same concepts and they all boil down to making lists of what you want to achieve, breaking them down into small tasks and then doing those. What helps me is making a to do list for the next day, with no more than 3-4 items, and trying to achieve them all before 11am. Works really well.
The rest is willpower and habits. Identify had habits, try and remove them.
My personal advice would be to not stress yourself about not doing enough tho. Do as much as you can, recognize and be aware when you can't do more, then move on and enjoy your relaxation/recreation without beating yourself up. Recreation is important and you won't achieve anything worthwhile anyway if you're not focused on the task.