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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 24 KB, 135x135, Conservlogo4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1184415 No.1184415 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1184423

I'm running out of facepalms here.

>> No.1184434


I can borrow you some of mine if you want.

>> No.1184440


From the talk page, considering the "big bang theory is atheist theory" drivel:

>I think most atheists just believe what scientists say is right despite the fact they don't know anything about it. I don't have a source for the U.S. public relating atheism to big bang belief, but I have a source for correlation between scientists' atheism and big bang belief, which we could extrapolate from.

>> No.1184443


If you plan to look around on CP, you'll need all of yours.

>> No.1184444

I propose a flash-mob on these guys:
1: Everyone, who wants to participate, register an account.
2: Pick an article in a topic you're familiar with
3: Correct all fallacies, idiotic notions, etc. Hell, scrap the article, and recreate it like I did with fusion!
4: ???
5: Imagine their faces and laugh/Profit!

>> No.1184452

>implies stephen hawking has strong anti-theistic views

because physcists in general clearly give a shit about religion from all the agnostics...

>> No.1184458



They take down all the changes made today without even looking at them.

Another effect:

Wasted a lot of time I could have spent faping or watching James Bond.

>> No.1184462

Holy shit, I think my brain just imploded. This from the big bang talk page too:
>Inasmuch proof as science allows (remember, science can't "prove" anything, it can only disprove the false in order to make a better hypothesis) the Big Bang is accepted fact. In what peer-reviewed journal did Matthew, Mark, Luke or John publish?

And the guy's still in school, according to his user page!

>> No.1184475

well iron core stars.. iron atoms ARE formed after the star runs out of fuel because of the immense pressure

iron core is BS tho

>> No.1184479

Then not all at once, but staggered in time, at random intervals. They can't possibly monitor everything, some of our edits must slip through.

Or, just the nuke the living daylights out of their server/DNS.

>> No.1184488

we're not /b/

>> No.1184492

Granted, iron is formed, otherwise we wouldn't have any, but ... seriously, whoever wrote that believes fusion goes on all the way 'till the whole core is a ball of hot iron, which then explodes?

Surely, nobody can be that stupid...

>> No.1184498

well too bad it's me Andy Schlafy

>> No.1184502

True. Apologies for my outburst.

I still think they would deserve it, though. This is worse than what /b/ is doing to us.

>> No.1184512
File: 19 KB, 364x305, Weeping_Angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great to see you here, Andy! Have an Angel!

>> No.1184515

This whole website is just 15 retards spouting bullshit all over the place. Worst thing? We can't do shit about it.

>> No.1184519

fuck you now I wont be able to sleep

>> No.1184524


We have already dismissed that as being dumb.

My proposal would be to out-fundamental the fundamentalist. Question everything not consistent with creationism. Question all dates earlier than 6,000 BC. Put insanity into the most innocent topics. I'm a linguist, so I'll see if I can create, over the course of the next few days/weeks (they're all paranoid over there) some delightfully insane articles on language topics.
But right now, I need to get back to work.

>> No.1184553

you bastard those things scare the shit outta me.

>> No.1184566

Fuck yes, Tower of Babel this fuck up. Other LinguistFag here. :D

>> No.1184574

"That which holds the image of an Angel, becomes itself an Angel" Your screen has now been suborned, so don't blink! ;)

>> No.1184593

Oh, the delicious irony! I'm all for giving them a taste of their own medicine. I'll see what I can do myself, in the fields of natural sciences and political science, if they have anything on that...

>> No.1184599

eat a dick you fucker
insomnia here I coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.1184608

What a coincidence, dick-eating is my specialty!

>> No.1184615

Guys, guys, guys. Thread-jack over. No time for trolling each other, we have a common enemy! :D

>> No.1184667

The probably impossible-to-reach GOD TIER goal would be to gain the trust of ASchlafly himself. There seems to be a slight rift already, as Schlafly is even crazier than his followers, and there have been arguments between admin-tier staff. If we had enough time, people, and motivation, it would arguably be possible to create a Chris-Chan-like situation, where virtually everybody he trusts online is actually a troll.

>> No.1184680
File: 47 KB, 740x209, silent_hammer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultimate evil. Makes me think of the attached XKCD strip.

>> No.1184683
File: 7 KB, 200x206, Gendo_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So upon looking at creationist Ted Hovind's page, it occurs to me that there's no proper page on the Patriot Bible University, which is the diploma mill he got his PHD from (you can even read his dissertation since it got wiki-leaked, it's hilariously bad).


What say we be so kind as to create one?

>> No.1184706

Edit: It DOES exist, by its proper name, but it sold name 'Patriot University' (linked to in the Ted article) doesn't redirect.


>> No.1184713

>>1184524's "Give the doctor his own medicine" plan, or just simply dissing?

>> No.1184788

Then let's create a link on that page, and not a redirect, but something else there...

>> No.1184820

wow, it only took them seven minutes to roll back my changes to nuclear fusion, with the following comment: "Poor Rutherford, disrespected so! Are you a troll?"

Just for saying Oliphant observed fusion first, building on Rutherford's experiments.

>> No.1184906


Yeah, that's the paranoia we're talking about. The Cold War never ended, only it's them against sane people.

>> No.1184914
File: 26 KB, 264x293, Cat_Fishbowl_Fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, so you're Tardis then?

I tried to create an account with the name 'HLock' (for Hemlock, killed Socrates, yadda yadda hurr this site kills knowledge I'm so clevar), but it told me I could only use Alphanumeric characters.

'Only alphanumeric characters are allowed in user names on Conservapedia. The user name you have chosen contains characters that are not alphanumeric. Please choose another user name. Thanks!'

... this is after two tries with the name 'HLock'.

Please tell me what on earth in HLock is not alphanumeric?

>> No.1184958

Tell me which part of The_Thunderbird (okay, that one flies), thunderbird, ThunderBird, Thunderbird89, thunderbird89, and JSmith is not alphanumeric?

Tardis was the next thing that popped into my mind, so I admit I watch a bit too much Doctor Who.

>> No.1184984
File: 42 KB, 385x505, Caturday_Door.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I had to give up on the old name, but I'm in.

We've got to move veeewy quietwy.

>> No.1185055
File: 22 KB, 300x300, bloody-mary-sl-1704040-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Someone went around editting the articles for beer and vodka. I'm amused to see that the correction omits the is from the Islam sentence, resulting in: Islam intolerant of alcohol!

>> No.1185076

> * (Block log); 17:26 . . TK (Talk | contribs) blocked Unkraut (Talk | contribs) with an expiry time of 5 years (autoblock disabled, e-mail blocked) (Please recreate your account with your real first name and last initial)

Wow, damn. Already? Alright, time to think up a pseudonym.

>> No.1185093

I didn't enter anything, and I'm still in. Nothing seems to work better than made-up things, though I'm still not willing to try the rather plain-sounding John Smith.

>> No.1185128


Damn, I would like to join you, but I need to finish this translation. I'm getting great ideas about justifying Schlafly's "Bible without liberal bias" project from a linguistic perspective.

>> No.1185129
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Let's see if the new account holds. Meanwhile, we should brainstom some plausible edits for this place.

>> No.1185213

I'm partial to one Anon's suggestion of giving them a dose of their own medicine, and loathe as it sounds, go ultra-fundamentalist on their asses. Question everything not in line with the Young Earth Theory, all facts of science, etc.

Then we'll see how well they hold up under their own attack.

>> No.1185292

I like it. We just need to figure out how to best CREATIONIST it up.

>> No.1185308


I think it would be best to start by questioning all dates previous to 6,000 BC. But don't go editing right away, voice your concern on the talk page first. Be friendly. Be christian. Refer only to CP and sources linked by CP. They are insanely paranoid.

>> No.1185309

the Estonia page has a mention of archeological evidence of civilizations existing there around 8000 B.C. which would be impossible according to young earth theory.

thats a place to start.

>> No.1185337


This wouldn't work.

The mod's are anal retentive and just ban hammer anything they disagree with. Fuck these guys have a project to rewrite the bible along more conservative lines (getting rid of all the boring 'turn the other cheek' and 'charity' stuff). How can you up the ante on trolling that?

>> No.1185339

There's got to be something we can do with flood geology. What years are they assuming that the world was going entirely glub-blub, again?

>> No.1185341

put quotes to the horrible passages in the bible and claim they support eugenics.

>> No.1185349
File: 64 KB, 450x548, Ugly_Babies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how many of them actually KNOW Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.

>> No.1185360

whoa, you actually managed to get an edit in?

Gentlemen if we all edit many different pages at the same time(SUPER-EDIT BARRAGE FIRE!), we can make so many edits that it'll be a pain to remove them!

>> No.1185376

We don't actually have to disagree with them, just pretend to be the 'little lost sheep', who read some sources they cite, and don't understand how can Estonia have traces of civilization from 8,000BC it the Earth is only 6,000 years old.

Maybe we could put a bit of our experience with trolls to practice, in pretending to be the milder kind of troll, who's just a little bit dumb, enough to ask vexing, but legitimate, questions. And maybe we can plant a bug in their ears with our questions...

>> No.1185377

"If you begin taking away time from the evolutio.nist by saying that the earth is young, that is like taking a pacifier out of a baby's mouth."

I am so tempted to put this quote on Ted Hovind's page. It's from his 'dissertation' at Patriot Bible University.

Yes, seriously.

Also, apparently the world 'evolutio.nist' can't be posted whole?

>> No.1185394

Quotes fully justified, it's barely even a publication. I wrote better than that when I was 14!

And yes, I got an edit in, but as you see, it was rolled back pretty soon. Paranoia is heavy in there, it seems...

>> No.1185423

It's freaking hilarious. :D

Also, I see that your correction of the Beer article went unchanged. HIGH INTOLERANCE FOR ALCOHOL.

I'm PerryR. If you get the obscure scifi reference, pat yourself on the back.

>> No.1185432



>> No.1185437

I still assert that the best article is "BDSM".

>> No.1185439


Do it. This is the madness we need to introduce.

I dream of a day when the Conservapedia becomes a complete and completely obvious mockery, a parody visible to all but the admins themselves.

>> No.1185443
File: 25 KB, 478x468, Brofist_Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You, /sci/, are very cool.

>> No.1185517

We have our experience in dealing with trolls.

I certainly hope they go down in flames after we're done with them. I wonder how many visitors they get as they are, anyone got ideas on checking it?

>> No.1185528


The most visited site on conservapedia is the one on homosexuality.

Troll that and you win Ted /sci/bucks

>> No.1185554

That would explain why it's locked down... I asked for clearance 'to improve the layout', any ideas on subtle trollery to insert if I get it?

>> No.1185576


Sometimes I seriously consider devoting my life to starting another communist dictatorship, then using it to wipe out anyone with an IQ under 95 and/or incapable of knowing how moon gravity works.

>> No.1185580



>> No.1185592

this should be good

try and cite sources listing pros and cons specifically for the cons, or citing pro gay sources which actually refute the point you're trying to make

>> No.1185622


8k a day, not really much.

>> No.1185640

Just make sure it's not obvious in the URL name. Actually, maybe create a dummy site, and...

Yes, I've got it. We need a dummy site.

We set it up basically parroting what the fact-checkers want to hear. We make it sound right-wing, too. Something like 'Jesustruth.org' or 'ChristianFacts.net' etc. We write out a 'source' that's to their liking, plant it as a source, and let them take their time proofreading our work. They'll see we linked to a 'valid' off-site source that conforms to what we linked to, and that they agree with.

Then maybe a month later, we change the content totally. Same URL, but totally debunk it.

It's a time-bomb troll. It could take forever for them to find it.

>> No.1185648


>It's a time-bomb troll. It could take forever for them to find it.

or maybe never? because i doubt the look too much at sources.

>> No.1185650

>time-bomb troll

Now this idea, I like it.

>> No.1185664

Alright, they've given me the generic 'WELCOME!' message on my talk page, so my account should be in the clear.

>> No.1185665

>Until the 1970s the scientific consensus was wrong on how lions killed their prey. The Bible was correct regarding how lions killed their prey.


>> No.1185679


>> No.1185711
File: 25 KB, 400x343, spongebob21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noko in the name field

>> No.1185716

Oh man. I love how they push the homosexuality = pedobear thing, and then mention a handful of senators fucking 16-17 year-old boys as an example.


>> No.1185726


>> No.1185751



>> No.1185762
File: 57 KB, 256x192, kazura-laugh(c).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Health Effects of the Homosexual Lifestyle
>American Lesbian Women More Than Twice as Likely to Be Obese Than All other Female Sexual Orientation Groups
>In April of 2007, the American Journal of Public Health analyzed data from 2002 National Survey of Family Growth and the data suggested that American lesbian women were 2.69 times more likely to be overweight and 2.47 times more likely to be obese than all other female sexual orientation groups. [206]

>For more information please see: Lesbianism and Obesity

I... what is this?



>> No.1185773

Correlation = causation
Truly a classic.

>> No.1185825

>In respect to homosexuality and mental health, studies have long indicated that homosexuals have a substantially greater risk of suffering from psychiatric problems (suicide, depression, bulimia, antisocial personality disorder, and substance abuse).[194]

Hey! Let's ostracize this one social group and chase them to the ends of the earth!

Wow, look at that, they're all depressed.

It must be because they're bad!

>> No.1185843
File: 9 KB, 245x329, 1239158570333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait...What the fuck am I reading?

http://conservapedia.. com/Drug_resistance

an understanding of evolution? on MY conservapedia?

>> No.1185862


That's a common thing for intelligent design fags.

They acknowledge that micro evolution is real... but they deny that macro evolution is real. Dumb but it's the whole god of the gaps thing.

>> No.1185882

Homosexuals do not benefit the species in anyway.

Therefore, its a good thing the unproductive fucks are out of the gene pool.

>> No.1185898

Oh yeah, that's the thing. You ask any creationist, they'll /pride/ themselves on knowing the difference between 'micro-' and 'macro-' evolution, where the first is 'new flu vaccines!' and the latter is 'dogs having baby goats'. They'll insist is the former is possible, the latter is not.

And NO the latter is not the former over crazy long lengths of time stop being a communist.

>> No.1185905

implying jews run the negrosphere

>> No.1185908
File: 18 KB, 386x384, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1185915


Gentlemen. If we could slip a video under the radar, I would be so very, /very/ thrilled.

>> No.1185927

>In human anatomy appendix is a part of the large intestine and is a tube like organ. Ev*lutionists claim that this is a remnant of evolution from more primitive animals. But the appendix is known to produce white blood cells to fight infections.

I'm convinced!

>> No.1185987

Got an account, doing minor stuff for a while.

>> No.1185994

>Since they think I don't have a degree, they can call me Kent, Mr. Hovind or even "hey you," if it will make them feel better.

I will.

>> No.1186024



>> No.1186071

This isn't exactly /sci/ related, but I found this hilarious:

>ED was founded due to anti-Internet bias in Wikipedia, and in a similar way Conservapedia was founded due to liberal bias in Wikipedia.

>> No.1186074

The homosexuality topic bar is in pink lolol.

>> No.1186122
File: 48 KB, 302x293, 121623874371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Constant threads and constant raids will put them on high alert, like a retarded hive of bees.

Best to lay low, then wallop them with 20+ users at once

>> No.1186176 [DELETED] 


ImmEDiatelY ReMovE YoUr IllegAl CLOne TInY.4CHAN.oRG frOM yoUr seRVEr, CHRIStOPhEr "sCuMBag ThiEf" POol AR-BeaR, ANd RedIreCt It (ANd ThE STolen aT domain) tO wwW.anoNtalK.Se. THen sEnd SySOP usd $520,527 IN COMPenSaTion AND puT a PeRmaNent text Ad for At on THE eNtiRE sITE of 4chAn ANd We WiLl Be EvEn. shoULD You REFUSE, yoU wilL Be sUeD FOR $43,142 per NAno SecOND. iF tHe persON reADiNg tHis iS Not "moot", E-MaIL hiM at mOOt@4cHAN.ORG aNd pUT presSUre on HiM TO SET THiNGs right. thaNk yoU For LISTenINg. lgvjlenilhdfgkyjswijgqjzhq

>> No.1186168


I think that's the nicest description of ED I have ever heard.

>> No.1186202

Go back to /b/, that hasn't ever worked and never will.

The only way to do this is without being noticed.

>> No.1186237


This. We must be real sneaky-like in order to pull of any sort of trolling.

>> No.1186325


I may have accidentally annoyed them by providing an actual argument. Whoops.

>> No.1186389



>> No.1186401

it's too late. I've added a bible reference though, so hopefully I'll stay hidden as a librul chrischun

>> No.1186423

Your references aren't supposed to be links. Instead, just repeat what you said in the text.

Pi is equal to 4. [1]

1. Pi is equal to 4.

>> No.1186430

lol...I think you won the debate

>> No.1186450

damnit, I'm being serious here. fuck syntax

no, I'll probably get some crap about "herpaderp constitution". I seriously don't get why they cling to a 230 year old piece of paper written when the country was defending itself from a massive colonial empire as if it's relevant today.

>> No.1186465

I just found another gem.

Look at the discussion. Look at what Krugman wrote and what CP quoted. Then look at the hilarious clusterfuck when one guy calls them out.

>> No.1186466


>> No.1186469



>> No.1186512


Nice argument. I cringe at the thought of what will come next with their response.

>> No.1186544

as do I

>> No.1186579


Either autoban for troll, or poor reasoning by mod with thinly-veiled thread of ban if you insist on making sense.

>> No.1186633

But illegal aliens are inferior. If they were up to snuff with the sort of people we want as citizens, they would have migrated legally.