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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11841882 No.11841882 [Reply] [Original]

It's a medical problem.. Now, I would post this in /med/ but nobody in the fucking general usually replies, so I'm going wide on this.

Right, so, let's get to it. 4 days ago I started to have tingling and numbness in my feet, hands, and sometimes other places on the body, after I ate lunch with my mother. I was previously concerned before this that I may have had diabetes but my blood test was normal, so was my blood glucose readings and a1c. I tested with BGRs at home constantly, there was simply nothing there. And now I'm having these problems.

I was also previously diagnosed with general anxiety disorder because the doctors didn't know wtf was wrong with me since everything tested appeared normal. Other symptoms of this is that it is now hard to get an erection, I have tremors sometimes, I have IBS but that's a separate thing altogether (we'll use it as a symptom), and I have strange marks on my hands that haven't gone away.

I don't know what's happening /sci/, and you probably don't either but.. Please, give me an estimation of what it could be.. Before I go to the doctor's again.

>> No.11841889
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Go the the doctor you dumbass

>> No.11841892

I don't want to be surprised by the doctor, just give me an answer now pls.

>> No.11841897

If you wanna avoid possibly dying or somehow being crippled for life, go to the fucking doctor you idiot

>> No.11841903
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Goddamn it you PISS me off /sci/.

..Ok ok, look.. my dad's a doctor.. And it would be very easy for me to ask him to treat me, however, the catch is that I have done this many many times for no good reason and it's like the boy who cried wolf basically. Understand if I ask him to treat me he will tell me it's just anxiety and will be done with it. My dad is really the only person where I can have access to free healthcare since I live in America. I cannot simply go to any other doctor because it would just cost money. loads of money.

Ok, so, now that you see the predicament of this problem that I have you really should just tell me what it is since I won't easily get a doctor to come and look at it in time.

Just tell me what you think it is, what's so fucking hard about that?

>> No.11841920

Could be borreliosis. I had very similar symptoms and doctors also told me it was anxiety and stress, until one finally did the test and verified an active infection. Not saying it's definitely that, but borreliosis gets tested for way too rarely and people suffering from it end up in asylums if it goes undetected.

My symptoms were
>heart racing suddenly
>sudden eye migraine which never occurred before
>breathing problems
>concentration issues
>tingling sensation in fingers
>left knee felt weird and didn't move like before
>back pain (Bannwart syndrome)
Among some others. 3 weeks of antibiotics and 2 months of spontaneous but short reoccurences and it was gone.

Just go to a different doctor if you don't want to end up insane.

>> No.11841928

You know it's funny you say that, I was bitten by a tick up in Appalachia a couple years ago and my dad prescribed some doxycycline. I thought I had taken it as accurately as possible but.. It could've had a reprisal.

>> No.11841930

hahahahahhahaha bro you are fine just go for a walk. the fact that you had all these tests confirms that you have too much time on your hands and need to simply do something else. I am the same way, extremely anxious and a hypochondriac, and its a common issue of wishing ur problems into existence. For real, you are fine. You cited like 10 different things that have no relation to one another just get out of ur house

>> No.11841936
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No I'm NOT fine there is something obviously wrong with me, why the fuck would I have these symptoms? If it were just anxiety it wouldn't exist!

>> No.11841939

anxiety can manifest itself with physical symptoms you fucking moron, especially when that anxiety is influenced by a fear of being sick lmao

>> No.11841949
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Psychosomatic syndrome, which I have also been diagnosed with, and which I have had experience of can only go so far you fool. If it were psychosomatic as you fucking say it would've gone away by now but it's Day 4 of this.

Day 4, Day 4!!!

>> No.11841952

I didn't realize your dad's doctoral degree was hereditary.

>> No.11841954

Very possible. There was a huge study done in a village near where I live, where around 25% of people had it. Sometimes the borreliosis appears up to 8 years after the bite. So it might not have been that specific tick, but some other.
Some insects can also transmit it, albeit extremely rare.
But yeah, doxycycline and ceftriaxon will help. It's important to take it for at least three weeks, because it doesn't kill the borrelia themselves, only renders them sterile. Your body still has to fight them off itself. It's a long process.

>> No.11841958

I know u are the same as me, you want me to be like shit bro you have lymphoma !! but no, its all in your head. Sorry friend i been there too and it sucks. day four?? of what?? tingling ??? lmao no sir

>> No.11841982
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What am I going to do? My dad won't treat me since I'm an anxious little fuck and spazz about every little detail but when it comes to serious shit like this he's still going to think it's just my nerves and not an actual disease. I'm so fucked. So fucked. Goddamn if this is actually Lyme disease I'm so fucked.

>> No.11841993

You're only fucked if you're not going to some doctor. Are you underaged or what's the fucking problem? Just get an appointment and go. Don't tell your dad if you're afraid of his reaction.

>> No.11841996

You're a hypochondriac

>> No.11842002

I'm afraid I don't have insurance and I don't have any money since I am a NEET. I don't even have the luxury of socialized healthcare since I am also American. So yes, I would have to rely on my dad, most unfortunately.

>> No.11842005

Yes, under normal circumstances this would be hypochondriasis but this might be different, /sci/

>> No.11842020

No, it’s not

>> No.11842030

It's different, I'll prove it's different. I'll go to a doctor.

>> No.11842033

And I'll report the findings.. in a second thread.

>> No.11842038

Sorry, I sometimes forget that the US is not yet a first world country. Godspeed, Anon.

>> No.11842060

You're retarded anon and I'm sorry but it's terminal.

>> No.11842207

Go the hospital and get checked, retard

>> No.11842227

>has cried wolf so many times that his own dad, who’s a doctor doesn’t believe him
>I’m not a hypochondriac!!
Yeah, you ain’t just a hypochondriac, you are mentally retarded too

>> No.11842234

>i'd rather be surprised by an anon on /sci/ than a doctor

sounds like you need a therapist first, also sounds like even if you get cured you'll be mentally fucked for life either way

>> No.11843059

>"I have IBS but that's a separate thing altogether (we'll use it as a symptom)"

You've got fibromyalgia caused by IBS. Also get checked for non-celiac gluten sensitivity.

>> No.11843131

Good, do that

>> No.11843825

You might have schizophrenia. You probably don't want to hear that, but it is a possibility. Be prepared for it.

>> No.11844231

Do you take any medications? Some drugs have a lot more side effects than are typically acknowledged

>> No.11844361

you have ALS or Parkinson
lol thats not how schizo starts