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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 44 KB, 446x400, girlslawl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1184173 No.1184173 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Your face when you learned that people have a problem with abortion.

>> No.1184178
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My face when I learned that.

>> No.1184184
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>> No.1184207
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>> No.1184211

>ITT: Your face when you learned that people have a problem with killing babies

>> No.1184221


>Implying abortion kills living humans

>> No.1184256

I'm going to sound a complete monster again, but personally, I don't consider a human sentient until I can carry a meaningful conversation with it which usually occurs around the age of four-five. In some people, later, possibly never. Such as those people who run this site: http://conservapedia.com

>> No.1184259
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>> No.1184274

Or this site.

>> No.1184442


>my face when browsing /sci/

>> No.1184465

Babies don't have self conscience before they are like a half year old. Might as well kill em when they are 3 months old.

>> No.1184471

Well, there we start running into a slippery slope.

>> No.1184487

Are you serious or is this a joke?

>> No.1184493


Which we're technically already on.

>> No.1184508
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>My face when you have no morals.

>> No.1184514

ITT: People think that unborn babies are sentient.

>> No.1184518

>my face when I realized the basis for all morals is emotional bullshit

>> No.1184527

>implying that aborting a 13 year old rape victim's baby is immoral

>> No.1184532
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>> No.1184535

>Implying emotions are useless.

Sure, lets be aimals and stay like that forever DERPY DERP.

>> No.1184544

>implying that killing a child because of the conditions of his/her conception is justifiable

>> No.1184547

You don't think an unborn baby is able to feel sensations? You think this idea has some kind of scientific basis?

>> No.1184560


>implying making a 13 year old rape victim go though pregnancy is ok, just as long as that baby gets to live.

>> No.1184570

ITT: People who don't realize abortion is only legal until 24 weeks and that for the first half of that timeframe a baby is nothing but a blob of cells with no shape

>> No.1184577


Most animals act solely on emotion. Most of our morals are actually based on our animal instincts and often are not the best decisions.

>> No.1184604

>Implying aborting someone's life out of existance is not evil.

Just because it didn't happen to you doesn't gives you the ability to decide for others.

Don't give me that bullshit of "lololo they never knew they existed lololo", because who wouldn't take the chance of living.

>> No.1184637

People support abortion because they know they're "out of the woods" and will never be at risk of it happening to themselves.

>> No.1184638
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>ITT: Your face when you learned that people have a problem with abortion.
>My face.

>> No.1184639

>Just because it didn't happen to you doesn't gives you the ability to decide for others.
you sir are pro choice, not sure if you are aware of that

>> No.1184641

Yep, this is why I also support killing five year olds.

>> No.1184644
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>> No.1184645


>Just because it didn't happen to you doesn't gives you the ability to decide for others.

and what exactly is it you're doing then?
I'm all for abortions because I value the womans rights over the parasite growing inside her

>> No.1184651

>because who wouldn't take the chance of living
>implying a fetus is capable of making a conscious choice

>> No.1184657

>implying that an undeveloped fetus has the cognitive capacity for thought on the level of "I might not live, but I sure want to try"

>> No.1184659

It's not the only reason. I'm saying that if your views about abortion could have a direct effect on you you might change your mind.

>> No.1184669

you know who would like a chance at life? the clonable cells on my ass that I just scratched off

>> No.1184678


Then can we abort 2 month old babies too? They can't make reasoned decisions and express them either.

>> No.1184698

there's a difference between not being able to express a choice and being so simple that you aren't even conscious of anything

>> No.1184715
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>> No.1184718

But foetuses can respond to external stimuli like babies. Where's the difference in the level of consciousness?

>> No.1184722
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>> No.1184725

Plants can respond to external stimuli as well. We need a better qualifier than this.

>> No.1184741

Very well then. Tell me: what make a foetus less conscious than a baby? Because it makes less noise? Because the brain miraculously switches on at birth?

>> No.1184760

Why not just make the time limit for abortions shorter?..

>> No.1184761


Brain development.

>> No.1184763

single celled organisms can respond to external stimuli

>> No.1184766

At what point did I claim consciousness starts at birth? I do not support abortion as late as the third trimester except in medical circumstances. Consciousness requires a functioning brain. Until the fetus develops this, it is not conscious.

>> No.1184774

if having a nervous system at all = consciousness, then shrimp are conscious and worthy of moral consideration

>> No.1184776

You'll need to do better than that. What's the difference between the brain of a 5.5 month foetus that's legal to abort and a 6 month foetus that's illegal to abort?

>> No.1184783

well that isn't a ridiculous position

>> No.1184785

there needs to be SOME line

>> No.1184787

I agree, but my reasoning is even though baby's are worthless in usefulness, their essential to our race. So their in. Fetuses and embryos on the other hand are useful in their destruction, but destroying to many will damage the mental state of humanity, ei; forced abortions. So, pro-choice is the way to go, sense it evens everything out.

>> No.1184790

uhh 15 days of brain development?

>> No.1184796

against abortion, for killing babies

>> No.1184806

I was offering possible explanations for your point of view. Don't pretend this was strawmanning.

How do you decide what constitutes a "functioning brain"? Does someone with Alzheimer's or Down Syndrome have a "functioning brain" in your opinion?

>> No.1184814

Of course but you have to recognise how arbitrary it is.

>> No.1184822


You need to recognize how arbitrary every moral decision is.

>> No.1184832

"i like you"

>> No.1184839

non issue only whores and closet dykes get abortions and we don't want them fucking up the gene pool anyway.

Also when we learn to identify homosexuality during fetal development then we can stamp that out to.

>> No.1184840

And it's that 15 days worth of extra development that gives a foetus the right to life? What particular structural changes in the brain at this stage do you think warrants this distinction?

>> No.1184841

From as soon as the sperm and egg meet it is a human life and is murder.

>> No.1184848

I can't argue with that.

>> No.1184851

then I think abortion should be illegal.

>> No.1184862

Ok, so it's wrong to kill people because that takes away their life.

It's wrong to abort someone because it prevents them from living at all. I'm with you so far.

Is it wrong to wear a condom for the same reason? Well... I guess. Ok, no more condoms or birth control.

Wait, hang on. Say I'm about to have sex with someone, but then something happens and kills the mood. Is it immoral to not keep going and have sex?

WAIT WAIT, what about before that? What if at any point during my life I choose to do something other than have unprotected sex? My god... think of all the lives I'm not creating?


Unless you can point out a clear line in the chain of causality leading up to a birth, before which it's ok to interupt and after which it's no longer ok, then I'm going to stick to "it's not murder if the victim isn't conscious".

>> No.1184865

<3 this thread

>> No.1184881

I don't think there can be an unbiased definition of humanity.

>> No.1184887

Yes. Their brain functions. It may not function to standards that are considered medically correct, but it still functions. Neurons fire, thoughts are produced, memories are stored (less efficiently in Alzheimer's).

Now, if we were talking about someone that is in a state of brain-death with the body kept alive by a life support system, I would say there's no difference between ending that existence and ending the existence of an undeveloped fetus that has not yet developed a functioning brain. Of course, there is no specific time when we can say "the brain is now developed to a sufficient level to produce consciousness" so after a certain point in the pregnancy, things become murky and should be taken on a case-by-case basis.

>> No.1184889


Outside of genetics of course.

>> No.1184896
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not me btw.

>> No.1184902

Murder: The UNLAWFUL killing of a human being by another human being.

If abortion is not illegal, then it is not murder.

>> No.1184917
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>> No.1184951


>> No.1184952

I think the point at which this is set is far too late.

>> No.1184974

You are a pro-choice ?
You aren't?
don't abort

problem solved, you can go home now.

>> No.1184981


You want to argue the DEFINITION of a LEGAL term?


I think that, based on our current knowledge, it may be set too late for unrestricted abortions, and after whatever point is set, abortions should only be available for medical purposes. If you're getting into your second trimester, you should probably have already made a decision about whether you're going to go through with it or not.

>> No.1184983
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My face when people have problems with people's opinion.

>> No.1184988

You are pro choice?
Abort, or don't, depending on what you choose.
You aren't?
Don't abort.


>> No.1184990

Yes, yes, exactly, 3 months was what I was going to say.

>> No.1184991
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>> No.1184997
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>my face when people's opinions matter because they affect national laws

>> No.1185006
File: 7 KB, 256x256, NoReactionImage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm gonna go murder some people and then maybe rob a liquor store

well shit folks, it's just my opinion that murder and theft are moral.

>> No.1185008
File: 198 KB, 987x1200, 1271317314775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My face when people (not you) think that their opinion should dictate the behaviour of the rest of society.

>> No.1185014

I'd agree with 3 months as the cut off point for a no questions asked abortion.

>> No.1185018

> LEGAL term
this isn't a fucking courthouse, it's an argument about morals.

>> No.1185029

You're a paedophile?
Rape Children

You aren't?

Yeah yeah I know but you see how that was a bad argument for being lessez faire about ethics

>> No.1185035
File: 35 KB, 262x328, mr__horse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're religious; aren't you?

>> No.1185038

It's opinion that murder is wrong, yes? And you expect society to uphold that opinion through laws and police, right? If so, you're a hypocrite.

>> No.1185040

Then stop emotionally manipulating people by deliberately using inaccurate terms. Abortion ends life, yes. It is killing. It is not murder. Eating a cabbage ends life. It is also killing. It is not murder. Not all killing is murder, it has a very specific definition.

>> No.1185041

Do you have to be religious to use a reductio ad absurdum?

>> No.1185043

No. Do you always stereotype people with different viewpoints?

>> No.1185049

Ok fine, but if you're argument was that "murder" is an emotionally burdened term, then that's the argument you should have used. It was stupid to just drag out the legal definition.

>> No.1185052

We do science and R&D for the future of humanity.

We keep babies living so they can enjoy sentience when they have

its not that they can think now its that they will later.

>> No.1185056

Not at all, just checking. The majority of people that oppose abortion do so for religious reasons, and it would be convenient to point out that the Bible does not consider abortion murder.

>> No.1185070

Very well.

>> No.1185073

>It's opinion that murder is wrong, yes? And you expect society to uphold that opinion through laws and police, right? If so, you're a hypocrite.

Yes, but I don't expect this solely on the basis that murder is wrong in my opinion, but on the idea that I don't want someone to kill me, and understand that the overwhelming majority of other people also have the same desire to not be killed.

>I don't want to be killed.
>I'm okay with society taking steps to reduce the risk of this happening.
>X doesn't agree with abortions.
>X doesn't need society to take steps to ensure they don't accidentally get an abortion because people don't go around performing forceful abortions on people.

>> No.1185087

If we're discussing an issue that inevitably leads to discussion of legislation, then using legal terms correctly is important.

>> No.1185089

Is your name René?

>> No.1185119

So will the sperm and egg cells. So will the sex hormones prompting the sexual act. So will the photons composing the TV-movie sex scene that prompted those hormones. Point out a clean line or get out.

>> No.1185149

if abortion is murder,

then miscarriages would be... involuntary manslaughter? right?

>> No.1185154


taking away chance at life =/= killing

>> No.1185328

A fetus is alive. That's not the issue here.

>> No.1185343


A fetus during the legal period of abortion is not alive. Troll harder.

>> No.1185427
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>> No.1185444

Not trolling. What qualifiers for life does a fetus not meet?

>> No.1185475

Being more than a fluid sac in which a few chemical reactions take place.

Early-stage feotuses aren't conscious. They're no more living than a vial full of of organic chemicals.

>> No.1185513

>Being more than a fluid sac in which a few chemical reactions take place.

So single celled organisms aren't alive, then?

>Early-stage feotuses aren't conscious. They're no more living than a vial full of of organic chemicals.

Consciousness is not a qualifier for life, unless you're going to suggest that plants aren't alive?

>> No.1185518


conscience is not a qualifier for life, but its kind of is for sympathy.
America doesnt fucking lose it when you mow your lawn, does it?

>> No.1185530

We weren't talking about feeling sympathy for a fetus, we were talking about whether or not a fetus is alive.

>> No.1185535

Depriving anything of future that it was likely to have is wrong. Fetuses are very likely to grow up into adult humans. Abortion prevents that from happening. Therefore, abortion is wrong because it deprives fetuses of their potential future.

>> No.1185555

ITT: /sci/ proves how philosophically illiterate it is in the afternoons.

Fucking summerfags

>> No.1185558

No we're not you fucking idiot. Whether a foetus is biologically alive has absolutely, and I mean ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with to the ethics of abortion. I shouldn't even have to explain that.

>> No.1185568

Do you eat meat?

>> No.1185588

The argument there would be that animals don't "have a future", since they're not intelligent and therefore don't have an appreciation for life as humans do.

>> No.1185590

... abortion should only be used for rape and incest cases. oh yeah and bad parents

>> No.1185595

Yes, but factory raised chicken that are bred to be used as food.

>> No.1185596

>A fetus during the legal period of abortion is not alive.

So we're not talking about the point that was brought up here?

How is whether or not a fetus is alive irrelevant to the ethics of abortion? Isn't the idea that it is alive one of the main points in the pro-life/pro-choice argument?

>> No.1185597

I have serious problems with people not having abortions.

>> No.1185601

>>1185535Depriving anything of future that it was likely to have is wrong. Sperm are very likely to grow up into adult humans. Abstinence prevents that from happening. Therefore, abstinence is wrong because it deprives sperm of their potential future.

>> No.1185608

No, the main argument is over whether or not a fetus is a person.

>> No.1185613

>>1185343A fetus during the legal period of abortion is not alive.

Sperm are alive at the period of ejaculation. Killing sperm is not murder (despite what the Catholic Church said for a few centuries)

>> No.1185619

So it's okay to kill something that has been born, then lived it's entire life in captivity (being conscious the entire time), but not okay to end the existence of a POTENTIAL person that hasn't achieved consciousness, yet?

>> No.1185633

Then why didn't you bring this up in the first place, instead of throwing a hissy fit when I started discussing the point that you originally brought up?

>> No.1185635

No, because you're talking about whether or not it's biologically alive. There's a difference.

>> No.1185639

My problem with anti-choicers is that their entire argument rests on the assumption that killing humans is bad.

>> No.1185643

In a single ejaculate there are something like 300 million sperm per millimeter. The average ejaculate is 3.5 ml I am not statistician but a 1/(3.5*300 million) chance of fertilizing an egg does not seem like a very big probability to me.

>> No.1185645

>A fetus during the legal period of abortion is not alive.

So when you said "alive" you didn't actually mean "alive"?

>> No.1185652

Their starting premise is that killing INNOCENT humans is bad and it is a pretty good starting point.

>> No.1185660

>>1185643sperm per millimeter

So what they travel in single file now?

>>1185643a 1/(3.5*300 million) chance of fertilizing an egg does not seem like a very big probability to me.

Over 50% of pregnancies end in miscarriages. If you start talking about how something deserves rights just because it's more likely to survive you're splitting hairs.

>> No.1185668

I have a license to kill within the first 3 months

>> No.1185672

>>1185652Their starting premise is that killing INNOCENT humans is bad and it is a pretty good starting point.

I don't follow. For humans to be innocent they would have to have some sort of carte blanch which has been shown to be not the case. Then there's the little issue that a great many of the anti-choicers believe in original sin...

Calling fetuses innocent is a pretty big assumption.

>> No.1185673

>Over 50% of pregnancies end in miscarriages

I am going to need a source for that. I think you may be fucking with the numbers a bit.

>> No.1185676

>For humans to be innocent they would have to have some sort of carte blanch which has been shown to be not the case.

What? How?

>> No.1185695
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>my face when I don't care about national laws because I laugh at seriousfags

>> No.1185700
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>> No.1185705


Not quite 50% but the precise numbers are a bit difficult to get given that most miscarriages occur before a woman even knows she's pregnant.

>> No.1185710

Do you mean "alive" as in, fitting the biological definition of life? If that's the case, then getting a simple cut on your arm is genocide.

Do you mean "alive" as in, sentient, sapient, conscious, and with a functional brain? Consciousness doesn't even BEGIN to happen until 3 months in, and a baby is still essentially brainless until a few months to a year or two out of the womb (depending on your definition).

>> No.1185713

A lot of babies are evil little bastards. They don't learn this after they emerge into the world, it's innate.

>> No.1185717
File: 320 KB, 1280x1004, waitwhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1185723

>>1185710a baby is still essentially brainless until a few months to a year or two out of the womb (depending on your definition).

Quite a large percentage of people are essentially brainless their entire lives...

>> No.1185730

Truth. They don't learn human concepts like "sympathy" and "empathy" until they're at least 2, or longer. They only care about themselves. Selfish pricks.

>> No.1185732
File: 105 KB, 480x480, derp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My face when people argue that fetuses are not alive even though they clearly look human

>> No.1185741

>>1185732My face when people argue that dolls are not alive even though they clearly look human

>> No.1185747
File: 34 KB, 500x386, 128836922235709083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my face when you've just compared a fetus with a doll

>> No.1185748
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>>My face because of this post

a fetus is a parasite to the mother, it cannot survive without it during those 9 months

>> No.1185754


my face when people think that photos of humans are not alive, evan though they clearly look human

>> No.1185756


my face when women who get rid of these things that feel nothing and are not human encounter years of guilt and emotional distress over killing a son or a daughter because it is legally permissable

>> No.1185759
File: 6 KB, 126x122, 1274650708219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, its too late.

>> No.1185763

Well, it's only acting as a parasite if the mother doesn't want it.

And, before anyone flips the fuck out, I said ACTING as a parasite, since most definitions require that a parasite be of a different species from the host.

>> No.1185770

Do you think you might have stated what YOU meant by "alive" in your first post to avoid all this confusion? To clear things up from my side, I see a fetus as:

Alive in the biological sense, not conscious until a certain point ~3months+ into the pregnancy.

>> No.1185776

I don't look at it from the perspective of 'is a human being killed?'. I look at it from the perspective of 'how easy is it to replace the resource you're removing?'.

That is to say: it's really easy to just make more babby if oops this one ded (for any reason).

>> No.1185783

Per the article:
>But once an egg is fertilized, according to the study, the pregnancy has a 31 percent chance of ending in a miscarriage.

31% is a far cry from the 50% you mentioned. Also a fertilized egg is not a fetus. The argument you taking issue with mentions only the fetus as having a fairly good chance of growing into a human being.

>> No.1185784

Fucking lol

>> No.1185794
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Pic 1/4

>> No.1185800

>>1185756my face when women who get rid of these things that feel nothing and are not human encounter years of guilt and emotional distress over killing a son or a daughter because it is legally permissable

Well that's the woman's fault for being emotional and irrational isn't it? Plenty of animals eat their young they can't take care of because it's the most efficient way for them to go about reproduction.

>> No.1185801
File: 13 KB, 400x300, Embryo 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psh, I'm not the OP, and that was my first post in this thread.


>> No.1185808

>implying that appearance has anything to do with whether or not abortion is wrong


>> No.1185813

oh my, are you serious with this carte blanche tabla rasa stuff? not again..I am not going there.

anyway, abortions. fetuses are not conscious, therefore they are just a parasite inside the womb. memories, how most people think of them anyway, don't begin forming until around age 3. i'm all for the woman's right to have an abortion. population control = we need that shit. too many people, too little resources, have an abortion today.

some of you will say "oh but I remember when...." I'm sure you do, sweetheart. what happens is that your parents or whatever tell you the same baby stories until you ultimately incorporate it into your own memory. try it with a little kid. after telling them so many times that they did go to disney world when they were 3 they'll eventually beleive it. saves a lot of money. photoshop.

>> No.1185823
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I'm not implying that at all you fucking imbecile.

He said:
>My face when people argue that fetuses are not alive even though they clearly look human
So, I'm posting some human-looking fetuses (one of which is human, I don't even know which one), to see if said know-it-all can pick out the human of the bunch.

>> No.1185826



>> No.1185827

Pro-choicers: Killing 3 year olds is A-OK!

>> No.1185829
File: 133 KB, 550x413, wtfman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My face when women rather have a doctor crawl up their vaginas with a knife rather than use birth control

>> No.1185830

>>1185783 31% is a far cry from the 50% you mentioned.

It's within an order of magnitude, close enough.



>> No.1185832
File: 11 KB, 280x302, howse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when people think they know better what to do with a woman's body better than she does (and i guess the father has some opinion too, unless her life depends on it, in that case ABORT ABORT ABORT)

>> No.1185837

Holy fucking shit I saw this movie. KILL IT WITH FIRE!

>>1185829My face when women rather have a doctor crawl up their vaginas with a knife rather than use birth control

My face when people think that abortion is an alternative to birth control rather than a last resort when birth control fails.

>> No.1185844

I'm fine with abortion as long as the 'organism' doesn't suffer(feel pain) during the process.

>> No.1185847

>>1185832my face when people think they know better what to do with a woman's body better than she does

WOAH WOAH WOAH. Hold on there. We're talking about abortion. If you want to talk about a woman having control over her own body that's an entirely different topic.

>> No.1185848

I wish your mother aborted a stupid fucker like you.

gtfo my /sci/

>> No.1185849

>It's within an order of magnitude, close enough.

That's not how statistics/reality works.

>> No.1185853
File: 15 KB, 750x500, Embryo 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what we call a "strawman" fallacy.

This poster completely ignored everything except for the statement that memories don't begin to form until age 3, and then ONLY attacked that part, trying to say that other poster thinks that abortion of up to age 3 is okay.

While that may be the case for some pro-choicers, that was not the crux of the argument at all. It wasn't even specifically about abortion.

Oh, shit, I forgot to post embryo 4 of SPOT THE HUMAN.

And, I am neither of those two posters, just so you know.

>> No.1185856

>>1185844I'm fine with abortion as long as the 'organism' doesn't suffer(feel pain) during the process.

How exactly do you measure that?

>> No.1185859

That's not a human embryo is it?

>> No.1185861

you're not conbincing anyone
You can clearly tell it has eyes legs,arms and ears

>> No.1185864


>> No.1185879
File: 147 KB, 320x240, lollupin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy who thinks that humanity is based upon looks calling others out on perceived fallacies

>> No.1185886
File: 124 KB, 549x479, catandlioninwomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well they don't have ANY consciousness until 3-5 months in, and the nervous system isn't attached until over 5 months in, so prior to that, there is no possible way for a fetus to feel pain.

Also, here's a picture of a lion and a housecat in the womb. D'aw.

>> No.1185896

What are you even trying to say?

I can't even begin to refute you since you aren't making a bit of sense.

>> No.1185899


>> No.1185907

A woman has no right to control her own body. The choice should be left to the male that impregnated her and no one else. It is his seed after all.

>> No.1185911
File: 15 KB, 400x300, dolphin-embryo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, just found out, this linked post is a dog embryo. That is a dog.

This is a dolphin:

>> No.1185918


>memories, how most people think of them anyway, don't begin forming until around age 3.
>some of you will say "oh but I remember when...." I'm sure you do, sweetheart.

How do you test that, then? If you arbitrarily ignore any response indicating the formation of memories before then, then sure you would conclude that they form around 3 years old.

Im not disagreeing that memories start to hold ground around that age, but the way you frame it doesn't make sense.

>> No.1185972
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>> No.1186006

Sorry, when I try to express an opinion on a firey topic it often results in poor diction.

Anyway, memories. It is a very squishy thing to measure, obviously. If you know "event A" occured in the child's life, something that was big enough to warrant remembering, and ask the child they will say, at least the first time, that nothing happened. Alternatively, more squishy, you simply ask a person they're first memory...ever. The average age for such an experience is around 3 years. I know this retrospective style sucks methodologically, but there's not much you can ask little meatbags.

Also, this only applies to memories in the traditional sense. Motor memory, conditioning, etc are present in the early stages of life. But then again these types of learning/memory are present in the simplest of organisms.

>> No.1186032

Interestingly, my first real memory, aside from one that I'm going to talk about in a minute, was my 3rd birthday. It was pretty awesome.

Although, something interesting happened during my life. Throughout my entire life, up until a few years ago, I occasionally had a dream or dream-like "memory" of something that happened when I was young. That's all I could remember was that I was young, and in the front seat of my dad's truck, when he almost hit another car during a blizzard, served off the road, and almost hit a tree.

It's not a memory that my parents would talk about with me, but it's something that I always "remembered" somewhat as a dream, until, a few years ago, I asked about it. My dad was incredibly surprised, and I found out that it happened when I was 18 months old, and the details were spot-on.

>> No.1186039
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>> No.1186061

Ok we get it assholes
You're still not going to be able to farm embryos for the stem cells

>> No.1186072
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>> No.1186073

I has 4 limbs, ears, eyes, and a head.
Just like nearly every other fucking mammal on the planet.

>> No.1186119
File: 23 KB, 468x543, zzzmycock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1186165


wtf man

>> No.1186309

>implying ITT: is not trolls trolling trolls

>> No.1186461



>> No.1186476
File: 17 KB, 314x285, 1251492953891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know that jews actually believe the opposite of christians? The orthodox ones, at least. They say that a baby is only a human after it exits the vagina. Anyway, my face.

>> No.1186484



>> No.1186495

Every human being was a single cell for about 30 minutes.

Abort as many as you like, this planet will be overcrowded forever.

>> No.1186505

Always knew I liked those Jews...

>> No.1186534
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>> No.1186540

>implying that any scientist doubts that human fetuses are humans and a lifeform

>> No.1186545
File: 9 KB, 135x123, 1267582481356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1186546

you fuckwit, scientists don't call fetuses "little humans" for a reason. They're like fucking plant cells, hey why don't you tell me the next time someone has a funeral for their miscarriage?

>> No.1186548


>> No.1186550

u angry

>> No.1186552


>> No.1186578

>butthurting about pro-lifers and a morally questionabe practice being obstacle to human progress
>creationists still exists
set some priorities ppl

>> No.1186597

there is a difference between sentience and intelligence

>> No.1186631

They are usually one in the same, in the US.

>> No.1186662
File: 3 KB, 126x126, 1271371507020s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My face when I can't understand have the shit you niggers are saying

>> No.1186670

Hey guise! If you keep responding to these threads, they will reproduce!!! Don't you see what you're doing!!!!!