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File: 353 KB, 1300x1037, langan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11833549 No.11833549 [Reply] [Original]

I'm sick of seeing retards talk about losers like Langan, Vos Savant, Rick Rosner, etc. Or really anyone who claims to have an 180 IQ or something. They all took a fraudulent test called the "Mega Test", or something similar like the "power test". It's a mail-in test, the answers have been leaked and freely available online for years, has no time limit, and the methodology of the questions is shat on by actual IQ experts. Let's start off with Langan:

>took the mega test multiple times under different pseudonyms
>never took a verified timed scientific IQ test
>is a fucking fraud
>his "theories" are complete gibberish

The Mega Test and all these supposed high IQ tests are absolute garbage. In fact so is MENSA's test, and it can be studied for. This is why MENSA is filled with pretentious idiots. The most accurate IQ test by far is the Wechsler, it is the gold standard of intelligence testing and caps out at 160 (because IQ tests are unreliable the higher you go). Not only are the Mega/Power/Mensa tests themselves fraudulent, not very g-loaded, and make careers out of idiots that have done nothing with their lives - they make normies repulsed by the actual rigorous science of IQ and REAL IQ tests that cannot like the Wechsler. "if IQ is so legit why do idiots like that Langan guy score so highly" - that's because they were not taking actual scientific IQ tests but dogshit fake tests for pseuds like the mega.

For that matter, childhood IQ tests are also garbage, because some kids develop faster than others and childhood IQ is far more fluid. IQ is <.4 heritability in childhood but .8 in adulthood. You need to test someone when they are an adult, with a real, scientific IQ test like WAIS.

>> No.11833567

Thank you anon, I needed someone to say this.

>> No.11833581

literally who?

>> No.11833585

Is IQ absolutely innate OP? Why do africans score so low compared to european/asian countries? Is it because these IQ scores by country were gathered using those fake MENSA tests instead of the good Wechsler tests?
Can you improve your IQ?

>> No.11833591

I'm aware of Vos Savant and Langan, who hold world records for IQ. Neither has done anything noteworthy with their IQ's.

>> No.11833592

Sorry to hear about your failed GED test. You can take it again until you pass.

>> No.11833603
File: 1.49 MB, 2000x2000, 1592482327089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<80 IQ here AMA

>> No.11833612

What makes you happy?

>> No.11833618


>> No.11833621

what is your favorite color?

>> No.11833651

I love visiting my grandmother so that i know i did my best to make her happier before she dies. I really like weightlifting and combat sports.
Green or black

>> No.11833669

No retard, they don’t have “world record IQs“, they are frauds that took the shitty mega test or in Savant’s case took an IQ test as a ten year old with a wide standard deviation.

>> No.11833708

Take it up with Guinness.

>> No.11833709

>Is IQ absolutely innate OP?
No, but for the most part. Some subtests are more innate than others.

>Why do africans score so low compared to european/asian countries?

>Is it because these IQ scores by country were gathered using those fake MENSA tests instead of the good Wechsler tests?
No, they probably used wechsler or stanford binet. Blacks are closer to whites on non g-loaded tests (g is general intelligence which is even more genetic than IQ in general and what IQ tries to measure), and perform even more poorly on strongly g-loaded tests.

>Can you improve your IQ?
On non g-loaded/culturally biased tests, to some extent. This is the Flynn effect. On g-loaded tests, you might be able to get a slight advantage by using tricks to try and cheat the tests, but other than that, no.

>> No.11833877

Some retard

>> No.11834688

Nobody cares about Guinness it’s a stupid site for teenagers, they know nothing about IQ, it’s about actual professional testing

>> No.11834841

Where do I take this test, preferably online as my state is shutdown due to china virus.

>> No.11835225

>is IQ absolutely innate
nah, environmental factors make a huge difference as well. if Von neumann and some asian savant woman had a child, but the child rejected or got deprived of the mother's nurture by xyz reasons, it would drastically affect the genetic expression of intelligence throughout its neurological development (one of many examples).

>can you improve your iq
debatable, but the general consensus is that once your fluid intelligence decreases to a certain point (usually around early to mid thirties), you have little chance of improving your cognitive capacity to a point where it becomes significant. stimulants usually increase your iq points by 5 points for the duration of the peak effects.

>> No.11835240

180 iq here. mega test is legit.
t. satisfied mega test customer

>> No.11835245


>> No.11835407

You’ll have to wait for a trained psychologist to give you the test in person

>> No.11835420

Why is timing such an integral part of testing in your opinion? Wouldn't actually hard problems require more time to think, thus revealing more about a person's general intelligence than just traditional "spot-the-pattern" raven matrices that are mostly instinctual to most people?

>> No.11835452

So...hypothetically speaking, how would one sign up for the mega test? And would this be something I could put on my resume or strictly for self promotion?

>> No.11835589

If you want to more time, at least make the participants have equal times. Time is a variable which needs to be controlled, otherwise the test becomes a test about effort rather than intelligence. To be honest I think that is the most important flaw of these "tests"

>> No.11835595

Are you saying with enough effort anybody can solve any problem and intelligence is just speed?

>> No.11835600

No. I'm not saying that at all. w/ more time ur more likely to find a solution though

>> No.11835604

>Are you saying with enough effort anybody can solve any problem and intelligence is just speed?

forgot to tag you >>11835595

>> No.11835619

Of course. Even if just by brute force.
(Remember you said if given enough time).

>> No.11836711
File: 198 KB, 720x338, TIMESAND___MathematicsLanguageGod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk my own IQ but if anyone says someone's is higher than mine, then I call BS.

>> No.11836878

Who's Helene?

>> No.11836916



>> No.11838596

wtf are you saying

>> No.11838731

He's trying to say iwk in code. It stands for I'm a white king. He's just another racist sheesh...

>> No.11839053

intelligence to wisdom is your time-scale
knowledge is what we stand on