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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 33 KB, 700x459, planet_mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11831284 No.11831284 [Reply] [Original]


Why the fuck is there so goddamn much Xenon-129 in Mars's atmosphere?

>> No.11831393


>> No.11831395

Aliens nuked themselves on Mars.

>> No.11831415

Elon knows something

>> No.11831416

That's kinda what the evidence points towards, isn't it?

>> No.11831423

The paper takes other potential causes into account at the bottom

>> No.11831433

The fuck is a "Fission-rich asteroid" tho

>> No.11831434

A nuclear asteroid

>> No.11831439

>Therefore, we must consider other hypotheses that are more complex. The first hypothesis that will be considered, is that nuclear explosions occurred in mid-air
above both Mare Acidalium and Utopia Planum but that their cause is anomalous

Seems legit, I'm sure random mid air nuclear explosions are a common natural occurance.

>Finally the Null Hypothesis , will also be considered, which says that the isotopic anomalies-particularly the xenon 129 hyper-abundance, the K-Th –U enriched surface
layer, the neutron irradiation in the Sherggotites and finally the acid-etched glass at both the radioactive hot spots,
is simply due to variety of independent causes unique to the large and geologically active environment of Mars and its proximity to the asteroid belt.

aka lol no fucking idea. I first read about this in something I thought was shitpost screencap from 4chan and was extremely surprised when it turned out to be accurate.

>> No.11831443

So a nuclear ICBM

>> No.11831447

Just got lots of fissile uranium 235
Can only explode when it comes in contact with another source of u235
But it has to be enriched for maximum efficiency or for it to even last

>> No.11831449

Fucking shity copy paste formatting reeeeeee

There is no way any asteroid contains material enriched enough and in enough of a density to produce a nuclear explosion, certainly not the size we are talking about, the whole idea is absurd. Enriched materials simply don't exist in nature and a natural fissile material loaded comet with pitch blend uranium or similar would produce none of these effects because the fissile products could not possibly reach criticality.

>> No.11831454

Because that shit occurs in nature.

And when it does, it only crashes into Mars.

>> No.11831459

Planets have to undergo ascension of their consciousness just like us, and that means to go through an apocalypse like discovering gravity waves the planet must be wiped clean, new slate. It's sad but no one actually died, they were all enlightened IS-BEs as the colonel McCarthy interviewed the Roswell crash survivor put it.

>> No.11831462

*Macelroy excuse me

>> No.11831467
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>> No.11831468

Now this is schizoposting

>> No.11831471

So ayys nuked Mars is what you're saying.

>> No.11831474

Is this interview available online?

>> No.11831475

A artificially created explosion is the only thing that actually fits the data set yes, whether it was ayys or proto humans who knows.

>> No.11831477

YouTube has the audiobook in multiple formats and readers

>> No.11831480
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That's kinda fucked. Like, this is hard evidence.

Why isn't this information everywhere?

>> No.11831482


>> No.11831483

Because it's so ridiculously implausbile your average person would just discard and forget about it.

>> No.11831486
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We have the choice to not talk about it as well as hide from the embarrassing fact that we have a nuclear weaponized consciousness. We supposedly crash landed here after the Mars thing. That's also embarrassing to the point where negative entities are created basically by our meditations being inserted with thermonuclear EMPs. I'm a secret service agent but the way.

>> No.11831489

By the way*

>> No.11831490

It's not really implausible if we can prove it. That Mars was nuked is probably one of the most important discoveries in history.

>> No.11831492
File: 182 KB, 1877x273, 1559671736152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres the screencap I originally saw and dismissed until later found about the Xenon, I am unsure about the surface structure phenomenon in the picture, haven't dug into it enough to come to a conclusion, however it is interesting for sure.

>> No.11831496

Out of everything ever posted in /x/ ayy threads, this is the only thing that actually got to me.

>> No.11831527

>Because that shit occurs in nature.


>> No.11831536

I want to believe.
But there's definitely some boring mundane reason for that.

>> No.11831538

That does not even come close to explaining this.

>> No.11831551

hmmmmmm,this is genuinely interesting shit

are their other signatures you'd expect from nuclear explosions?

>> No.11831565

> indicate similar energies as required to form the Lyot impact basin,
> of the order of 10^24 J
That's 239 000 000 megatons of TNT.
Total nuclear arsenal of mankind if 14900 nukes. Even if we assume all of mankinds nukes are 10 megaton TNT equivalent each, and we detonate all of them at the same time, in the same spot, we are still 3 orders of magnitude short of energy of what happened at Mars.

Even if there was a super advanced civilization on mars before this event, we would find no traces of it anymore after it.

The question is then, was it self-inflicted or from an external source? If external, was it just a meteor, or an intentional weapon?

>> No.11831566

More evidence the Sumerian tablets were correct. They mention Ayys using Mars as a way-station and using "weapons of terror" At various points.

>> No.11831604

Also 10^24 J is equivalent to the energy output of the entire sun being for 1/100th of a second, located at a point above the martian surface. It would vaporize every form of surface structures and heat the atmosphere so much that it expands and drops any low and medium orbit satellites down onto the surface of mars.

Any bigger satellites would be cooked and abraded by dust, but might still stay up.

Looking at the moons, we find that

>The porosity of Phobos was calculated to be 30% ± 5%, or a quarter to a third being empty.[55]

So we could postulate that big satellites of the martian civilization are still up there, but the cataclysm and the long times since then is responsible for turning them into rubber piles that resemble natural satellites.

Phobos drilling mission when?

>> No.11831616

>Can only explode when it comes in contact with another source of u235
So Mars had clouds with enriched U235 once? What a rad place.

>> No.11831623

The martians got infected by the coronavirus, and one of them accidentally hit the launch nukes button after they had a coofing fit.

>> No.11831627

I read, got hyped, then realized - stellar impact, very early

>> No.11831628


>> No.11831633

>proto humans
More like an advanced civilization first evolved on Mars and nuked itself into oblivion. Whether they intentionally seeded Earth or it was an unintended consequence of people fleeing from the war is interesting but changes little. Seems like fission-powered M.A.D. is either the Great Filter or pretty close to it.

>> No.11831640

You people are so simple minded, why assume they nuked themselves? Surely it is more likely that another civ found them, realized they were a threat and killed them all with a relativistic 129 rod. Perhaps we are descendants, perhaps we are independent, either way the same race that decided to off them could easily be watching us right now and we don't seem to be doing a good job of dissuading the notion of us being a war based species.

>> No.11831641

>fission-powered M.A.D.
Dude, check the number estimates.

If they had the same nuclear arsenal as the earth have today, then each nuke they used was at least 1000 times more powerful. Whereas we use megaton nukes they would be tossing gigaton nukes at themselfs to make the numbers add up.

see >>11831565 and >>11831604

>> No.11831644

Or they had 100 times as many 10 times more powerful nukes.

>> No.11831649

And unloaded them all on a single spot? At the exact same time? Seems unlikely compared to some undiscovered application of fission/fusion. Unless there was some existential tier threat at that one spot that justified unloading their entire arsenal at it and destroying the planet essentially, not a fun thought.

>> No.11831651

>Unless there was a threat
Yeah, double aliens

>> No.11831666

A cold war equivalent lasting long enough is my guess. Imagine USA and China being at a stand-off for who knows how many decades (centuries?), with appropriately adjusted arsenals, and then suddenly one side manages to circumvent sufficient anti-ICBM capabilities of the other side. Maybe some schizo decided that if their side has to lose, then everyone else should lose as well.
The alternative is to believe in a naturally occurring colossal deposit of enriched U235 randomly flying to the only other terrestrial planet in our star's habitable zone and deciding to commit sudoku in mid-air.

>> No.11831671
File: 993 KB, 750x536, Tsar_Bomba_Paris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would a planet with 25% the surface area of earth need 1.49 million Tsar-bomba (x2) level nukes?

The entire mars surface area is 144.8 million square km. You would have enough nukes to drop these super nukes in 1 nuke per 10x10 km square.

It's beyond ridiculous overkill, as the 50MT tsar bomba have a total destruction radius well in excess of being needed in that amount. And these hypotethical nukes would be 100 MT.

>> No.11831675

Okay, it's a giant spaghetti monster with U235 instead of meatballs then I guess.

>> No.11831682

What about Thoth's tablets?

>> No.11831683

>manages to circumvent sufficient anti-ICBM capabilities of the other side

Mars is smaller, you suggest a ridiculous shitton more of nukes to the point when ICBMs don't matter anymore. Every scenario results in MAD after a certain point, with or without ICBM interception. Anyone who can build that many nukes would also realize it.

Arguably there's some environmentalists on earth who would turn the entire world into a nuclear desert if given such a button "in order to save the environment" so maybe you do have a point after all.

>> No.11831684


I'm not as familiar with them. All fascinating and worth serious study mind.

>> No.11831686

>Arguably there's some environmentalists on earth who would turn the entire world into a nuclear desert if given such a button "in order to save the environment" so maybe you do have a point after all.
I did say it was likely a schizo who'd do it, yeah.
The only real weak point is the apparent excessiveness of the payloads.

>> No.11831695

I've only tangentally aware of these things. any source I could read for a summary?

>> No.11831715


I don't have a summary but I imagine you could find a decent video on YT. I listened to the translations on YT but it took a long time. Zacharia Stichin translated the tablets and wrote a decent book that's probably a summary.

It's evident that whomever wrote the tablets was aware of our place in the solar system, space travel and nukes.

On another note isn't there distinctive evidence of ancient nuke fights on Earth, fused sand, radioactivity in deserts etc.

>> No.11831736

>Unless there was some existential tier threat at that one spot that justified unloading their entire arsenal at it

Some retarded proto human probably opened a rift into the warp or whatever and some eldritch god tier nightmare being came through and all they could do was launch everything they had at it.

>> No.11831741

Could it not just be CMEs or collision with a massive asteroid?

>> No.11831745

No it's a very distinctive signature of a rapid fission process.

>> No.11831751

What if 2 massive asteroids collided close to Mars?
Could a massive nuke like discussed ITT have stripped away an atmosphere Mars might have had?

>> No.11831755

Not unless they both collided in the middle of the atmosphere and were both made of enriched uranium which doesnt exist in nature anyway. No it wouldn't have stripped everything away but it could for sure have blown a shitload of it out on an escape trajectory.

>> No.11831761

Sitchin is a fraud


>> No.11831762

>Could a massive nuke like discussed ITT have stripped away an atmosphere Mars might have had?
>No it wouldn't have stripped everything away but it could for sure have blown a shitload of it out on an escape trajectory.
Regardless of this thing's exact nature, would this be reason enough to revise the timeline of atmosphere loss on Mars ?

>> No.11831787

Are they all frauds or just the ones /x/ likes?

>> No.11831827

Oh wow there's actually an entire website dedicated to calling out his bullshit

>> No.11831951

>Why the fuck is there so goddamn much Xenon-129 in Mars's atmosphere?
Oh shit THATS where I left it.

>> No.11832209

Weird things happen.

>> No.11832237

Y’all are dumb af

>we are not aware of any natural processes that could have led to this

Is not the same as

>there is no possible natural explanation for this other than nuclear fission with enriched uranium

When the math for the nuclear war hypothesis doesn’t even make sense it’s not really worth pursuing, perhaps a highly radioactive asteroid or comet produced in a stellar nebula was pulled into the suns gravity and collided with mars? Perhaps it’s something we can’t fathom at all, admitting that possibility is a lot more scientific and rational than insisting that the first explanation that fits with our civilizations history has to be true regardless of the massive flaws with it.

>> No.11832256

Probably a one in a trillion asteroid that coalesced from the heavier protoplanetary material closer to the sun which would be richer in heavy metals. Might have been flung into an eccentric orbit by early planetary formation and eventually into an atmospheric trajectory with mars. If the material was sufficiently rich the atmospheric forces on the object could have probably generated enough compressive stress to act like an implosion weapon or perhaps even a gun type fission weapon with the asteroid breaking up and it's pieces colliding in mid air. Wild theories require wild evidence. Even if there was a supposed independent civilization at one point on Mars the planets conditions make it the perfect time capsule for evidence. The only evidence so far is human pareidolia.

>> No.11832279

the planets conditions make it the perfect time capsule for evidence
I disagree with that completely. For one, we know that Mars' surface was geologically extremely active in the past. Volcanoes and probably plate tectonics, water flow and weathering etc. Not only that but Mars to this day has extreme dust storms that regularly scour the planet. On top of that Mars has extreme exposure to the solar radiation and particles, which can degrade many types of manufactured items quickly.

Mars is one of the most dynamic and changing bodies in the Solar system outside of Earth and some of the icy moons. Any evidence of civilization on Mars would have been long since destroyed or worn past the point of recognition. For comparison, it's estimated that all evidence of Humanity on Earth would be gone by a thousand years or so if we disappeared over night. The longest lasting evidence for our existence would be things like space probes or the moon landing debris; and even that will only last a few hundred thousand years.

In the span of billions or even just millions of years, any evidence for life on a particular body, even a very static one like the Moon, will be wiped clean.

>> No.11832284

Phobos and Deimos would be the best candidates for a civilization that possessed that level of technological prowess. If they had the ability to lob huge nukes at each other and build hundreds of thousands of them it stands to reason that both those satellites should be covered with Martian garbage.

>> No.11832360
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>> No.11832370

Fuck off disinfo agent.

>> No.11832383

>first manned starship mission to mars
>two weeks in, find cave network
>turns out to be surviving sewer system of ancient city

>> No.11832384

Decaying radioactive elements in the planets core I would guess.

>> No.11832387

>it's estimated that all evidence of Humanity on Earth would be gone by a thousand years or so if we disappeared over night. The longest lasting evidence for our existence would be things like space probes or the moon landing debris; and even that will only last a few hundred thousand years.
Would mines and equipment left in them not survive a little longer? Also wouldn't the pyramids survive a bit more than a thousand years even without maintenance?

>> No.11832390

>For comparison, it's estimated that all evidence of Humanity on Earth would be gone by a thousand years or so if we disappeared over night.

>there are literally still buildings that are 3000+ years old

>> No.11832401


197842 they are under your skin kill the doctor

>> No.11832461

Maybe it wasn't the asteroid itself that was filled with Uranium, but an asteroid hit a naturally fissile Uranium pocket on Mars and compressed it to criticality?

>> No.11832501
File: 101 KB, 750x1290, read_nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an asteroid hit a naturally fissile Uranium pocket on Mars and compressed it to criticalit

>>Mars meteorites show evidence of components being irradiated by neutrons with total flux of 1015/cm^2 while on Mars [7] based on their Kr 80 abundance, a strong component of high energy neutron s E >2.5 MeV has also been found. [8]. However, Eugster has argued for a cosmogenic origin of this irradiation [9]. Also arguing against the natural nuclear reactor source for these isotopic anomalies is the absence of large craters at either radiation hot spot. Instead, spectroscopic features of acid etched glass has been found at both sites, and no-where else[10]. Nitrates, possibly formed by fireballs chemistry, together, with signs of neutron irradiation, have been detected in ETA79001,[11,7,8] suggesting its possible source region in Mare Acidalium. This suggests large fireballs in the atmosphere such as Tunguska-like events, with mid-air explosions, but of much greater energy release than Tunguska. Calculations of the energy release [2] indicate similar energies as required to form the Lyot impact basin, of the order of 1024J[12]

>> No.11832507

>>Alternative Hypotheses to a Natural Nuclear Reactorin Mars Past: The Natural Nuclear Reactor Hypothesis had the merit that it provided a known source for a large nuclear explosion that, in turn, explained the salient features of Mars isotopic anomalies with one or two events. However, deeper analysis-the xenon spectrum and absence of large craters-has shown this hypothesis is inadequate. Therefore, we must consider other hypotheses that are more complex. The first hypothesis that will be considered, is that nuclear explosions occurred in mid-air above both Mare Acidalium and Utopia Planum but that their cause is anomalous, this be called the Anomalous Explosion Hypothesis[ 13] We will also consider the hypothesis of explosions in mid-air of two large asteroidal bodies enriched in Iodine 129 and other fission products and fissional materials.We will call this the TIFRA (Tunguskoid Intrinsically -Fission Rich Asteroid) hypothesis. Finallythe Null Hypothesis, will also be considered, which says that the isotopicanomalies-particularlythe xenon 129 hyper-abundance, the K-Th –U enriched surface layer, the neutron irradiation in the Sherggotites and finally the acid-etched glass at both the radioactive hot spots, is simply due tovariety of independent causes unique to the large and geologicallyactive environment of Mars and its proximity to the asteroid belt.

>> No.11832510
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Mount Rushmore would literally last millions of years

>Provided BLM idiots don't dynamite it during this mass hysteria

>> No.11832614
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>> No.11832616

glownigger here, he's right

>> No.11832756

I love how Wikipedia says "Oh, this is caused by radioactive decay".

Bitch, show me the amount of Iodine-129 needed to cause this abundance.

>> No.11833092


>> No.11833107

Wikipedia also discounts primary sources in favour of "reliable" sources which is code word for conforming to propaganda

>> No.11833129


>> No.11833136

G-guys do we owe /x/ an apology?..

>> No.11833137


You try bringing this up outside of proper scientific circles, and watch the schizophrenics shit up the discussion.

>> No.11833184

The question is, were the ayys the engineers from prometheus or the ancients from stargate?

>> No.11833195

More like the Cylons from Battlestar Galactica.

>> No.11833208

What the unholy fuck were they targeting? What would require that much Ooomf to destroy?

>> No.11833217

>What would require that much Ooomf to destroy?
A planet's habitability.

>> No.11833220

Even a broken clock etc.

>> No.11833223

Everyone on /sci/ should read the Ra material.

It's a series of transcripts released in the 1980's which are purportedly "channeled" by higher-dimensional entities on a different planet in our solar system (I think Venus, but can't remember which ones), and they essentially speak through one of the human hosts and answer their questions about reality.

They're really detailed and extensive. I know this will sound ridiculous to many of you but for any of you that have any interest in unexplored realms like DMT, NDE's and the nature of consciousness, it's worth at least a read. You don't have to believe any of it, in the end.

But the reason that I'm writing this is because the Ra collective says that the previous phase of humanity lived on Mars and that there was a civil war which ended in nuclear warfare (or that an outside species nuked it, can't remember). We were then repopulated on Earth, as a means of completing the "third density" experiment that all of us are presently taking part in. And the Earth is now apparently shifting to the fourth density, and the people who are not attuned to that shift are going to be transported to a different planet.

I'm not trying to turn /sci/ into /x/, I'm merely highlighting the fact that there is material classified as /x/ which often aligns quite well with material found out by /sci/. You'll also appreciate the kind of "scientific" language used by the Ra collective, in contrast to the more "airy-fairy" style of speech found in a lot of "spiritual" material.

Here it is:

Completely free, and you can read on your own time. Feel free to use the searchbar to focus on a specific area which interests you. For example, just type in "Mars" and all the mentions of Mars in the transcript will surface.

>> No.11833232

We know natural reactors exist, is it possible for natural bombs to exist?

>> No.11833246

Then the ratio of Xe-129 to Xe-130 would be skewed on all planets, but they're not except on post-nuclear Earth and Mars.

>> No.11833247

Sitchin might be a fraud but that still doesn't explain all of the anomalies found of these ancient archeological artifacts. For example, we find the same illustration of an "outsider figure" bringing a "handbag-shaped object" to an existing tribe, recorded throughout the entire world by people who never knew eachother. Clearly, they were documenting something HISTORICAL rather than coming up with their own version of X-Men comics that just so happened to be reproduced everywhere else independently. If we look at the Sumerian tablets, we find depictions of winged humanoids and lizard/avian creatures, who were carrying such "handbags". That is enough reason to then believe those creatures are real species, yet we have no clue who or what they are.

The handbags can be traced at earliest to Gobleki Tepe, by the way. Making them even more significant.

Also people like Graham Hancock's predictions have been confirmed - there was a comet which struck the planet around the same period as the ice age came to an end and caused the flooding to occur (and Gobleki Tepe is hypothesized to be the product of an antedeluvian society, so it all comes together).

There's a lot about our past which is unknown to us, regardless of whether certain popular academics of today are not as esteemed as their fanbase has made them.

>> No.11833250
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>> No.11833273

Hancock is a hustler

>> No.11833287
File: 84 KB, 558x700, mysterious-handbag_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the left is a picture of one of the Sumerian tablets with an unfamiliar winged bipedal "bird/reptile" creature and a handbag in its hand.

In the link below is a picture of a pillar at Gobleki Tepe which also has the same handbag pattern, alongside a creature which looks like a winged bird:


Are they the same creature? Can't say, but this is definitely not something to be shaken off lightly. What we're looking at is a record from real-life interaction, not ancient fantasy literature. They were depicting real events which they encountered and trying to leave it for future generations to understand. Whether we'll ever know what they mean, though, is uncertain.

>> No.11833293

Maybe, but his earlier hypothesis has been recently proven correct. There was a comet which struck and caused the end of the ice age
roughly 11,700 years ago.

>> No.11833301

It's possible, but not for millions of years on a geologically/atmospherically active world like Earth or Mars. If there were any Martian mines or pyramids they probably wouldn't be recognizable as such without extensive exploration

3000 year old buildings that have been maintained and restored at great cost and effort over the years. Also many such structures are barely recognizable as such after such a relatively short period of time

Weathering would make it look like any other formation withing a few hundred thousand years at best

>> No.11833302

it wsn't his original thesis though. He borrowed from someone else's research.

>> No.11833314

>It's possible, but not for millions of years on a geologically/atmospherically active world like Earth or Mars. If there were any Martian mines or pyramids they probably wouldn't be recognizable as such without extensive exploration
I was talking about Earth only. It's clear that if they even had anything there as this explosion(s) might be indicating, it was a very long time ago.

>> No.11833334


>> No.11833363

A failed soviet probe

>> No.11833366

Their sensor is off ?

>> No.11833369

I'll add that they're an overfunded piece of crap technology. Their work should be open-sourced and the space industry fully privatized.

>> No.11833458

Granite erodes 1 inch every 10,000 years
Mount Rushmore is granite
Each nose is around 240 inches long
It would take 2.4 million years before they disappeared

>> No.11833479

I wonder if dinosaurs had civilization and we simply don't see any evidence left.

>> No.11833493

>weathering is the only process that destroys rock on Earth
Stop being obtuse

>> No.11833517


Well it is somewhat of a statue so I did forget niggers.

>> No.11833608


Silurian Hypothesis

The eocene-palaeocene thermal maximum has some of the signatures of what you would expect an industrial civilisation to leave in the palaeo-climate record.

Not that I'm advocating that it was a sentient species. Just that it is possible.

>> No.11833781


>> No.11833843

>The planet symbolizing war
>nuked into oblivion

Makes perfect sense, desu.

>> No.11833864

Reference? Not being critical, honestly interested.

>> No.11833867

>Silurian Hypothesis

Oh wait nvm I'm a retard, it's one google search away.

>> No.11833941

Who knows what insane shit was going on in the early solar system? Certainly not us.

>> No.11834696

Lol, so basically mammals evolved from something dinosaurs brought from Mars as pets?

>> No.11835329

>Dinosaurs, which were known to be near human level intelligence millions of years before humans, achieve space flight
>mammals suddenly pop up even though the niche they fill is already filled by various types of dinosaur
>Dinos have a giant war and nuke themselves out of existence, destroy Mars and possibly Venus; Chixilub event was actually a redirected asteroid or colony drop
>millions of years later mammals have inherited the Earth and are repeating the same mistakes
Pretty based series of events tbqh.

>> No.11837474

Interesting stuff, but I am afraid there is a boring answer to it. Wish we'd know more about the past of our star system now