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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11830647 No.11830647 [Reply] [Original]

How to memorize and shit dawg? I do me some summeries and flashcards and shieeeeet and I can't commit to memory fo shieet. Gots 2 parret it like a retard for hours nigga

>> No.11830755
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Just read it better lol

>> No.11830889


>> No.11831340

1. Actually understand and not memorise
2. If you have to memorise some new words, try to look up the etimology of them
3. Flashcards worked for me but I only did them on one occasion when I couldn't understand the subject for shit
4. Always make an effort to recite the subject in your head a few times without looking at the anwsers if you want it to really engrain

>> No.11833792


>> No.11833823
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>> No.11833931

retrieval practice, unironically

>> No.11833937

Mnemotechnics if you have to brute force huge amounts of data into your head but as>>11831340
said, it's better to the understand the concepts

>> No.11833948

humans call it "practice"