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11829563 No.11829563 [Reply] [Original]

The highest IQ people apparently have a skill called metacognition. What is it and how do you achieve it?

>> No.11829567
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isn't that normal?

>> No.11829568


You're welcome

t. 180IQ Anon

>> No.11829575

im 88 IQ and i do that all the time.im also smarter than all people here and i could kick your ass

>> No.11829619

I took epistemology in highschool and im a complete moron.

>> No.11829627

You have achieved by thinking about how you think. Keep working on it.

>> No.11829679

>highest IQ
>isn't that normal?
That's exactly what I thought.
Doesn't everyone have metacognition of their own conscious thoughts?

I don't know if this is abnormal, or crazy, or what to make of it, but I have to ask. I'm have metacognition of my subconscious and intuitive thoughts, even right down to clusters of periphery nerves such as guts/intestines and arms/hands if I listen very carefully. I can easily see or listen to the stream of thoughts in my subconscious mind and listen to it as if it were internal monologue spoken in my conscious mind, but with a wordless language. I can see the actual these individual wordless words, or symbols, their meaning and how they connect or relate to other symbols in my subconscious. Am I going crazy, or do lots of people do this?

>> No.11829680


>> No.11829794

Any MetaThing is usually Thing doing Thing, so metacognition is cognating about cognating, or thinking about thinking.
I'm sure you already do it. Like are you familiar with which study habits suit you best? If so, that means you've put thought into your thoughts and seen how they develop. You learned about your learning process.
Or even better if you can learn something and decide it's maybe not true, so you hold the info for weeks or even years, all the while keeping a tab that it may not be true, until you can come across more information to corroborate one way or another.

This is probably normal to one degree or another for anyone who isn't sub-saharan

>> No.11829832

I have encountered quite a few people who never really question what they are doing / thinking in a deep level (or at all actually)They are the closest to the NPCs meme.

>> No.11829834

Afaik IQ and metacognition are not interdependent despite the causality.

People with average and slightly above average intelligence can have better metacognition than, say, a 130+ big boy.

A priori, i'd say it has more to do with a capacity for mood regulation (which can be perfectly developed if you have an healthy non boomer brain). Meditation is very likely a good way to develop it

Check Stephen Fleming's body of research, its a nice tour.

>> No.11829855

Also, political extremism and NPD are possibly related to a low capacity for metacognition.

Whereas people with clinical depression have above average levels. (look it up).

>> No.11829872

Fap to cp

>> No.11829875

Watch Rick and Morty

>> No.11829899

This, unless I'm not understanding what metacognition is.

I definitely don't experience that. It almost sounds like a form of synethesia.

>> No.11829918

that's normal OP

>> No.11829954

Awareness, is the first step of both insight, and cognitive bias mitigation.

Maybe to start another 'IQ' thread, /sci should institute Captchas with progressive matrices, rather than 'crosswalks'??

>> No.11829965

>holy shit, i must be worrying about whether i am metametacognating or not, i am wasting my time thinking about this and i should just tell myself that i meta cognate naturally and don't only do it because i learnt about it on 4chan.

>> No.11829980

Based and jailbaited.

>> No.11829985

The highest IQ people all breathe manually. Autonomous nervous system functions like breathing normally might seem like a convenience, but they are really a wasteful usage of potentially more valuable conscious data processing ability.

>> No.11829989

not everyone do this? wtf, this is like when I learned that there are people who exclusively think visually, or others who can't even visualise an apple in their mind. It's just creepy to believe you interact with these people on a day to day basis.

>> No.11830002

>not everyone do this? wtf, this is like when I learned that there are people who exclusively think visually, or others who can't even visualise an apple in their mind. It's just creepy to believe you interact with these people on a day to day basis.
Everyone is on a spectrum though. I definitely lean toward inner voice over visual thinking. There's advantages to both styles, and I'll always be at a disadvantage for tasks that require extreme levels of visualization.

>> No.11830008

just train

>> No.11830013

>It almost sounds like a form of synethesia.
Same person here.
I also have painfully high sensory processing sensitivity, which is just another way of saying I'm just a very sensitive person and very deep thinker. Maybe too sensitive and too deep sometimes. I've repressed it most of my life in order to fit with the crowd better, but I'm learning to accept it and deal with it. As I do I'm learning this just how deep my intuition and senses go, which is when I learned I can literally hear my own subconscious thinking. I don't think it's synethesia. Just VERY VERY deep thinking or deep metacognition.

>> No.11830033

Am I missing something? This doesn't feel like anything special despite the fancy name.

>> No.11830068

>skill called metacognition
what everyone does this

>> No.11830146


>> No.11830150

I'd agree with that. I met plenty of people in uni that I'd describe as smarter than myself, but a lot of them were the type to study hours a day to get the same results that I did only going at it during my peak hours a couple days out of the week. It was easy for me to guage what I didn't know and about how long it would take me to learn it, so I never wasted time cramming for the sake of cramming

>> No.11830158
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>how do you achieve it?
Try doing psychedelics

>> No.11830165

They watch anime

>> No.11830338

I have it an i'm pretty sure i'm an avrage idiot.
It probably has to do with my personality trait tho

>> No.11831131

It's literally in the name metacognition, meta being self-referential and cognition being thought. Literally everyone does this, it isn't special.

>> No.11831160

>i'd say it has more to do with a capacity for mood regulation (which can be perfectly developed if you have an healthy non boomer brain). Meditation is very likely a good way to develop it
Do you recommend a specific form of meditation?

>> No.11831163

Almost everyone (who isn't literal disability-level IQ) possesses metacognition and makes use of it every day. Smarter people just tend to be a lot better at it (though there are some very smart people with poor metacognition).

>> No.11831192

You have just achieved meta-meta cognition

>> No.11831378

Based and severely underrated. Bringing breath to the forefront of your conscious experience and exercising your will with it is very impactful

>> No.11831394

Fuck. I have an IQ of 133 and my breathing annoys me at times. Sometimes I'll accidentally start thinking about it too much and won't be able to get it back on "autopilot". And I'm not as good at breathing manually as I am at breathing automatically so I'll end up hyperventilating myself. The only way for me to fix it is to go to sleep or do something else that distracts and takes up my full brain power to force it back into autopilot mode. Does anyone have a solution to this issue?

>> No.11831400

The phenomenon of mandela effects could probably be put entirely down to deficits in meta-memory.

>> No.11831402

literally schizo

>> No.11831563

How hard is it to distract yourself with anything you find interesting?
I only kinda-sorta had this problem the very first time I encountered this meme but I just ignored the slight discomfort for a while and it went away. Basically willpower is your answer.

>> No.11831591

i swear this is somehow connected to the condition of your cervical spine and that it possibly presses on the vagus nerve - a programmer and tend to fuck up the neck spine every now and then with bad posture, whenever i do manual breathing and sleep paralysis starts happening

>> No.11831606

this word had become a meme and doesn’t mean what it use to meme anymore

>> No.11831851

Must be 190IQ bro

>> No.11831936
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This thread is cringe. Bunch of peoples explaining why they are so special and have special mind abilities, and special awareness. I don't think intelligent peoples behave this way, it sounds more like science normies with a complex of superiority/inferiority.

>> No.11832009


>> No.11832071

So it's just thinking about the notion of thinking, being aware of how you're thinking, just in general being aware of your own thought process? So basically you're just not an NPC? Sure, the highest IQ people will have this but pretty much everyone else with a brain does too.

>> No.11832091

The ability to surmise a situation generally using a wide range of cognitive tools. Senses, probability and retrospect.

>> No.11832570

>special mind abilities
pretty much everyone in this thread agrees it's nothing special, and everyone does this. WTF are you going on about?
Are you one of those people who always need to be contrarian so they can be "different"?

>> No.11833474

can you elaborate more on this anon?

I want to learn how to induce sleep paralysis so I can learn to astral project

>> No.11833597

Metacognition is cognition about cognition, nothing fancy to it. Not everyone really does this much.

>> No.11833770

LOL, you have at least mild OCD. The more you think about it the more you act like a fucken retard. Stop it. <-- This is the solution. Just stop being a retard. The more you stop being a retard the less you will be retard.