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File: 859 KB, 994x493, 1592930556379.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11829127 No.11829127 [Reply] [Original]

world's largest cold gas thruster edition

old thread

>> No.11829133
File: 135 KB, 720x900, makima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When we going mars?

>> No.11829135
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>> No.11829139

Starships on Mars by 2026 at the latest

>> No.11829141
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>> No.11829143

for context, this is the crane they're going to be using to stack the big Super Heavy and Starship High Bay

>> No.11829145

Anyone know what pressure it reached before exploding

>> No.11829146

it's just nitrogen, dumbass

>> No.11829147


>> No.11829151

the SpaceX engineers do
now we wait for them to tell Elon, and for him to brag about it on twitter

>> No.11829154

I wonder how many frozen animals are there in aftermath.

>> No.11829156

I'm sure someone will post it here as soon as Elon tweets about it. Just sit back and monitor the thread.

>> No.11829160

Frozen steaks for everyone.

>> No.11829162


>> No.11829171

manned starship by 2026 at latest, cargo by 2022 at earliest

>> No.11829172

Elons twitter silence is deafening, looks like it failed lads.

>> No.11829175
File: 184 KB, 616x477, 4946db8d17a8ca8da67c7ff06c9be746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no it exploded oh god oh fuck the sky is falling hurf derf

>> No.11829186

when will non-NASA and non-SpaceX astronauts start getting shipped to mars, as in actual colonists

>> No.11829192

any bets on over under 8,5 bar mark
betting on under

>> No.11829196

I think Earth will collapse into anarchy shortly after a Martian colony is established.

>> No.11829199

Anons, I am going camping for three days starting tomorrow. Therefore, I will not be around to post the Falcon 9 launch thread. For the first time in years, someone else will have to post it—so, I'll just paste the OP body in /sfg/ tomorrow morning before I leave. It will have as much filled in as possible (minus livestream link etc). Then one of (you) will have to make the thread with it at the appropriate time, including the yt link etc.
Feel free to fight it out over who gets to stand-in for being the launchthread poster. This is a rare opportunity!

See you all tomorrow with the OP text. I'm off to go pack my bags.

>> No.11829200

Only US.

>> No.11829204

That’s basically the world.

>> No.11829209

all empires think they are "basically the world"

>> No.11829215

World wasn't destroyed when Rome, Aztecs, Egypt, Mongols collapsed.

>> No.11829216

They usually are for a while.

>> No.11829217


>> No.11829220

what Falcon 9 launch? I thought that happened yesterday?

>> No.11829221

Rome thought they were basically the world, but the empire in china would say otherwise...

>> No.11829228

yeah but China collapsed on its own so fuck them

>> No.11829233

It's on the 25th. Another batch of Starlink + a couple BlackSky Global smallsats

>> No.11829234

what time?

>> No.11829235
File: 410 KB, 1280x960, 647E07E8-7EAE-4198-B7C1-0B5D3222E85A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how “alive” are spacecraft? They seem pretty autonomous and are capable of independent thought and reasoning.

Cassini also final plunge often has accounts of Cassini trying her damndest to stay oriented looking at Earth and her struggles to correct orientation in her final few seconds.

I know a lot of that is anthropomorphism, but seriously, how alive are space probes?

Also it feels...sad... when a space probe is just “shut off”. Like Kepler or Dawn. It’s almost like taking your dog to the vet to put them down.

>> No.11829238
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1080, 1587479340640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>robotic space dog running around in a disaster area as if it were a scene out of a apocalyptic war with AI

>> No.11829239

CCP china is going to collapse soon if the three gorges dam rumors are true.
So long march first stage wiping out rural chinese villages could be a thing of the past soon.

>> No.11829243

4:39 PM EDT

>> No.11829251

fuck, work starts at 4 pm EDT for me

>> No.11829253

Can people who film this get a better lens/camera to get a closer view?

>> No.11829259

No, atmosphere is a fuck

>> No.11829262


>Are proves alive?



"John Madden!"


>> No.11829267

17776 is the best thing ever

>> No.11829269
File: 221 KB, 1079x1521, Hayabusa comic reentry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how alive are space probes?
As alive as you make them.

>> No.11829279

Yeah, but the place was shitty for a good while afterwards. It all seems ephemeral when the events are seen through the dusty pages of historical documents; but for the people involved, it was a life-changing terror.

>> No.11829282

they're about as alive as any other autonomous robot

>> No.11829287

Global social unrest.

>> No.11829293


>> No.11829294

For a time, they are.

>> No.11829298

>if the three gorges dam rumors are true
Which rumors are those? If the thing is breaking down already I will kek

>> No.11829301

What would cause it?

>> No.11829302

looking for serious answers

>> No.11829317
File: 127 KB, 645x773, HybergolicFuels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for giving me an idea

>> No.11829325

Rain season this year has created massive flooding upriver of the 3GD and rumors say it already took out a couple of smaller dams.
A massive amount of water is underway to the dam and a lot of people are questioning if the dam could take it, partly because the dam is a shitshow and CCP is cracking down hard on the situation and claiming nothing is wrong as usual.
600 million people and most of china's economy is downstream of the dam.

>> No.11829328

I dunno, whatever is causing the current social unrest.

>> No.11829332
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come on water!

>> No.11829334

India's space agency will be live tomorrow, possibly making an announcement?

Stream should be on this channel @ 06:00 UTC

>> No.11829342

>I'd be more upset that [Senator Wicker] uses "manned" spaceflight, but so did Elaine Chao yesterday at COMSTAC. What will it take for ppl to stop using that anachronistic term? Don't they realize it just highlights how old and out of step with the times they are?
when will far left liberals stop infesting spaceflight news with their antics

>> No.11829350
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From earlier

>> No.11829352
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delicious high temperature bonding agent
the forbidden fruit gusher

>> No.11829353

pay no attention to them they'll be let here to die soon enough.

>> No.11829360

not very impressed with whoever applied the schmoo

>> No.11829361

>when will far left liberals stop infesting spaceflight news with their antics

When they destroy human civilization

>> No.11829364
File: 2.96 MB, 5925x3885, index.php.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found it

>> No.11829365

At first I assumed you were replying to a post about the Indian launch.

Hydrazine. Ok.

>> No.11829373
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>Starship SN5 testing is scheduled to begin June 29 with a window opening at 8 am local time in Boca Chica, Texas.
>The vehicle will roll to the pad tomorrow (June 24) between 6 am - 7 am local.

>> No.11829375


>> No.11829377

launch when tho?

>> No.11829378
File: 75 KB, 932x587, Ultima_Tower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the long-term goals for Mars colonisation? I'm thinking large arcologies, connected by a network of tunnels.

>> No.11829379

Let's hope we get to see Banqiao Disaster 2, Yangtze Boogaloo

>> No.11829381

Large statues of pagan olympic and germanic gods on Olympus Mons and pyres made of niggers.

>> No.11829383

How long term are you thinking?
Endgame colonization for any object is disassembly for raw materials to build orbital space habitats.

>> No.11829385

That’s a hive city right there

>> No.11829386

Large tunnel networks connecting multiple cities ala NYC subway stations

>> No.11829394

based dyson swarm guy

>> No.11829401

hive cities are actually a lot bigger

>> No.11829402

Who in their right mind would use up payload margins to bring dead niggers to Mars?

>> No.11829404


>> No.11829408

Normal subway trains are to slow for this. If the arcologies are far enough, you'd need something like Hyperloop. But how would you get around inside one? Elevation stations?

>> No.11829419

It’s a moral booster

>> No.11829423

that also helped
see >>11829317

>> No.11829438


What the fuck is going on in there

>> No.11829443
File: 164 KB, 900x600, bunny_in_a_hole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know which Starship prototype will hop?

>> No.11829446


>> No.11829448

I want to achieve one or both of two things before I die of being old.

1. Get off Earth
2. Modify my anatomy to the extent I am no longer human

Dunno if that’ll be possible tho

>> No.11829449


>> No.11829450


>> No.11829451

You don't need hyperloop. Just a regular loop like Elon's Boring Company has built. Also it can be either elevators or slope ramps. Given the initial size of Mars colony would host few thousands/millions, thats more than enough. Outside "visitors center" type buildings can be erected at each subway stations for people to get outside look of mars, while living in a host of large underground communities next to each loop stops. The loops could be the "river basins" of Mars colony.

>> No.11829456

I don't want to /pol/ this place up, but what's the chance the first person to step foot on Mars will be female, black or both?

>> No.11829457

>But how would you get around inside one?
Imagine the structure is divided into layers, with each layer being its own self contained habitat full of buildings. A layer is 200 to 300 feet tall, and you get around like in any other city. To go from one layer to another, you get onto something like a hybrid between an elevator and a ferry; it goes up and down between layers on a schedules route, carrying passengers and cargo, and there are lots of them.

>> No.11829459

Gods, this was fun at the beginning, but can spaceX not blow up something for a change?

>> No.11829460

Too high

>> No.11829464

Blowing things up is cool

>> No.11829465

No, this is how they're learning.

>> No.11829467

Cry more, that's testing

>> No.11829469

Little, look at the astronaut corps, even now its mostly white males. Because they are recruited from military based on their own merits.

>> No.11829472

hyperloop is pointless on mars with 6 milibars of pressure, just run maglev

>> No.11829473

I love how they tied it to the stand, and it just took the stand with it.

>> No.11829475
File: 113 KB, 500x667, hopwhen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hop when?

>> No.11829476

Maglev in a tube underground is still good, because it solves thermal expansion issues

>> No.11829484

>Also it can be either elevators or slope ramps
I was talking more in terms of >>11829457. Something like a large elevator with a circular room and concentric rings of back-to-back subway chairs. Put a bunch of them in the center of an arcology, add some seatless ones for cargo, and you've got yourself an elevation station.

>> No.11829486

odds are, the "first" to something from here on out will be politically appointed as opposed to by pure merit or chance

>> No.11829491

Shutting them down isn't the end anon, they are on a great journey that noone knows how it will end

>> No.11829496

It might be simpler to simply expand horizontally instead of vertically. If building vertically, then add ramps on each side. I'd rather fat habitation zone than long. At most, no more than 2-3 layers. Elevators are extra energy resource hog and prone to expensive breakdowns/repairs.

>> No.11829508

Wait what happened i missed it

>> No.11829513

SN7 was meant to be tested to failure. Blowing it up unironically gets them closer to the final product

>> No.11829515

spot bark at tank tank fall over in surprise

>> No.11829518
File: 177 KB, 1500x1166, ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like a parking lot structure is space efficient imo.

>> No.11829519

Wtf are they using for propellant

>> No.11829524

Yeah this messy construction aint gonna hold up for orbital flights

>> No.11829529
File: 49 KB, 710x316, Annotation 2020-06-24 002742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as they are competent, I don't care. Although it quite worrying that NASA advertises the Artemis program with such words.

>> No.11829530

This unfortunately. They'll have some woman astronaut take the first step even though the white man will be the real leader of the mission.

>> No.11829544

Who cares. Especially if it stifles the Dems from scrapping the whole enterprise.

Look I hate to say it but EVA's are shit anyway. They're much better written or read as stories. They make for comparatively rubbish video viewing after the launch and landing.

>> No.11829551

>you can probably convince progressives to spend a fuckton of money on space if you make the first person on Mars a minority

>> No.11829564

standard hypergolics

Make it arcology sized and you need separate layers because your atmosphere will be sinking to the lowermost layers otherwise. For a pressurized habitat even a few hundred meters tall that's not a big deal, but if you want to tower up a dozen kilometers and dig down another six kilometers into the surface, you really do need to segment the thing.

>> No.11829577

Even the name artemis is because of muh womyn. I have hope with jim because the women he appoints are qualified but I feel sick when i think about the male astronauts at NASA because odds are that the most qualified is a male

>> No.11829589

This is a really good idea.

>> No.11829592

>hundreds of meter
>dozens of kilometer deep
Why tho?

We only need to dig down few meters to get full radiation protection. Maybe few dozen meters for full tunnels/etc and 1-2 story buildings. Not hundreds or kms. We're not going full mole-rat, we only need to go down long enough for the initial phase of colony. Until we can develop infrastructure to build above hardy surface materials to augment the underground colony.

>> No.11829597
File: 2.36 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my school’s PRONTER.
As you can see, it produces immaculate results. Mars-habitat worthy

>> No.11829615

>that backsplash
You can't fool me, nice designated cumming station anon

>> No.11829616
File: 471 KB, 1080x1225, PicsArt_06-23-02.18.06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah your schools poorfag printer isn't proof of shit. Take the print pill

>> No.11829626

behold the proontfag and his crowning achievement: renders

>> No.11829632

just thinking about all the single points of failure in a 3D habitat printer is making me woozy.

>> No.11829637

Whose shitty idea was it to print it that way?

>> No.11829642

It's a real testament to the material properties of the steel that this was able to rupture fairly slowly and jet itself up in the air but not kaboom.
Steel is fucking great, guys.

>> No.11829644
File: 670 KB, 682x413, NASA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try again loser

>> No.11829646

Welcome to Mines

>> No.11829647

Not that anon, but an underground living area with the diameter and depth of that arcology has far more livable area. It has nothing to do with shielding at that point. Besides which, for the people inside there's basically no difference whatsoever, and at that point the interior will have plenty to see.

>> No.11829654

>1:3 scale
>no standards for radiation, pressurization, the ability to cope with unlevel ground, or anything whatsoever beyond being stable under a couple tons of weight
yes i know what trash looks like, you post a lot

>> No.11829662

People need to get outside the colony. You can't have people living in mars underground forever. They have to get outside and get sunlight/sunset. We're building a sustainable colony, not a prison. That means building above ground is the eventual goal and building couple dozen meter down for initial protection from environment/initial survival.

>> No.11829664
File: 1.34 MB, 1360x1200, 5dc451abb3f0c92dfeecebdf_inhabitat-aisf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was their "super aesthetic earth concept" because they planned to sell a few on earth.

>> No.11829665

>Literally the only person on the surface of the whole planet
>Still a 'minority'

>> No.11829666

Build a fucking elevator you obnoxious baby

>> No.11829670

>print hab
>haha hab go boom

>> No.11829674

Its an overtly complex system requiring overtly expensive maintenance. The whole reason for initial underground structure is low maintenance/sufficient protection/low resources. If you're at the point where resources are a non-issue, then outside structure is the way to expand, not digging deeper.

>> No.11829676
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>> No.11829678
File: 12 KB, 275x183, download (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you post a lot
I don't, I just started looking into this yesterday, uneven ground is a non issue and so is radiation as this level of the competition wasn't meant for that, these materials and designs showed NASA a lot and has furthered the printing research.

>> No.11829683

>can't shut the fuck up about proonting for ten seconds
>has the exact same images from the last 50 fucking threads
>I just started looking into this yesterday
Kill your clone then, we don't need two of you

>> No.11829685

That was a fucking experience

>> No.11829686

> Even the name artemis is because of muh womyn

That’s a shoe-in though. Artemis is Apollo’s sibling

>> No.11829690
File: 306 KB, 1200x1799, 5ccf66660b9ef25157f252f2_aispacefact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are more than 2 I'm sure. Also there are only so many images anon.

>> No.11829691


>> No.11829692

Reminder the whole "tictac" UFO is real. The congress wants more transparencies/more responses/intelligence from these apparent intrusions. By UFOs, they're saying unidentified, not Aliens. Absence of conventional knowledge is not gateway to supernatural knowledge.

>> No.11829693

a shoe in for what? There are much better names with the theme

>> No.11829694

>a shoe in for what?

The name of the mission dummy what else would you call it

>> No.11829696

Was this an intentional test to failure?

>> No.11829697

That really was our generations Moon landing. So glad i was alive to live that.

>> No.11829698

Apollo tricks Artemis to kill Orion. That's the whole point of the name. They're going to Moon, regardless of SLS/Orion.

>> No.11829702

How the fuck is someone who thinks elevators are too complex going to build a 2 mile tall arcology? Are you actually retarded

>> No.11829704

What's advantage of printing over building in by own hands? You don't need big ass crane, printer head and so much parts that can break.

Printing anything larger rocket nozzles is stupid.

>> No.11829713

Not sure if you're retard or stupid. Why would someone build 2 mile tall archeology and not build a elevator? Why would someone build an elevator for dozen meter depth environment?

Low depth + ramp + sideways expansion (not downward and not elevators) is what I'm saying should be the way to colonize Mars.

>> No.11829716

Is colorado school of mines full of PROOOOONT fags

>> No.11829718

We do have a cool additive mfg / advanced mfg degree, and the first space resources program in the nation

>> No.11829720

Orion is a constellation program holdover.

>> No.11829721

Apollo makes sense because he is associated with light and the sun, artemis is wild animals and the hunt it doesn't make sense other than muh womyn. Nyx, demeter or athena would all be better choices for goddesses and that is why its annoying

>> No.11829723
File: 53 KB, 500x475, pepe_with_drink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>send cargo Starships on one-way trips to Mars carrying equipment
>send manned Starship to Mars
>need an additional home
>strip used cargo Starships
>dig trench
>drop stripped cargo Starship into trench
>cover trench
>wet workshop the inside of the buried Starship
>feng shui the shit out of the living space
>have a durable and spacious home on Mars
>invite printerlets over when their printer fails again
Oh yeah, living the life.

>> No.11829726

why do you have a degree for something that MIGHT be useful in ten years

>> No.11829729

First, I thought this was long term. Spreading out and colonizing free land doesn't last forever. Second, people will not colonize as a uniform low density mat across the surface. High density areas will form.

>> No.11829730

Tell that to our petroleum eng department lol

>> No.11829735

no petroleum engineering is still useful

>> No.11829744

artemis is the twin of apollo

>> No.11829747

>Spreading out and colonizing free land doesn't last forever

Onwards to Ceres!

>> No.11829748

And the galilean moons!

>> No.11829754

Yeah, and? The same thing will happen there. People aren't gonna just stop making developing high density urbanized areas just because they could move onto the next rock instead. They'll do both.

>> No.11829756

In the tests they were able to print for 30 hours with hardly any human interference and the structures performed well. That means when the tech is fleshed out they will be able to print autonomously. Autonomous printing would be beneficial because you can build habs for astronauts before they arrive. Printing is also an easy way to use martian regolith to produce a habitat without having to ship in materials. Its also easily melted back down and reusable compared to stand methods. Its very simple so workers can focus on infrastructure and powerplant needs.

>> No.11829760

>Printing is also an easy way to use martian regolith to produce a habitat without having to ship in materials.
So you need a trench digger to feed the printer? Why not just dig the trench and put a prefab hab in there?

>> No.11829761

i would actually move there if this were the case

>> No.11829763

Artemis is also the goddess of the Moon, you donut

>> No.11829764

Yeah, fuck that shit. I'd get better results using my bare hands.

>> No.11829767

>So you need a trench digger to feed the printer?
>Why not just dig the trench and put a prefab hab in there?
Why waste time money and cargo space on prefab habs?

>> No.11829770


>> No.11829771

The artemis program is a moon mars initiative so why not call it aries?

>> No.11829773

>Spreading out and colonizing free land doesn't last forever
Mars is BIG. It can support few billions easily.

>> No.11829775

>muh twin
And? How is that significant in any way?

>> No.11829776

>Yeah, and? The same thing will happen there

Onward to Eris!

>> No.11829778

But to feed the proonter with Martian soil one would need a way to dig, and if one can dig then they can dig a trench.

>Why waste time money and cargo space on prefab habs?
Why not just use the spent propellant tanks?

>> No.11829781
File: 75 KB, 879x485, Photon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucking tired of this printer shit. It was cool for three threads. I don't care if it's the original shill, his brother, mother, or john doe. Fuck off.

What's up with photon, is there gonna be a market for lightweight interplanetary probes? And what's the future of RocketLab in general?

>> No.11829782

artemis is moon centric so the name is apt

>> No.11829787

Some elements of NASA just want to repeat what Apollo did (i.e. boot prints and flags), so the name seems appropriate.

>> No.11829789

Lol, Look up the ares 5

>> No.11829799

>the structures performed well.
At holding up a backhoe. While sitting unpressurized on level ground on earth at earth temperatures, with a stationary printer.
And still had to use materials not indigenous to the martian surface. A printer that can actually produce structures like the renders you dream of hasn't been built, and that's barely even the first step. It needs an entire autonomous support crew of trenchers, loaders, levelers, some way to ISRU the fucking plastic, etc. Meanwhile SpaceX is just going to send up the backhoe but electric.

>> No.11829801

There's always gonna be a market for small shit. Not everybody wants to or can wait for rideshare shit no matter how high the launch cadence is. You'll always be at the mercy of whatever the angle the biggest shit going up is supposed to go up at. Next year, Andøya starts up proper too and North Star will move off the drawing board, so that's another small sat launcher, only from Northern Norway.

>> No.11829812

>Can’t just build Martian concrete culverts, then stack and glue them together into an arcology

>> No.11829815

if the future does produce cheaper launch cost then yes, there will be a market for space vessel parts
i imagine companies launching orbital data servers
maybe 4chan can launch its own server up to space to avoid censorship if it gets that bad

>> No.11829826

RocketLab is doing fine as I understand it, but they're crazy if they're not looking over their shoulder. SpaceX is rapidly growing in the smallsat market but RL has enough versatility to maintain a niche. I'm glad they're pursuing reusability at least.

>> No.11829830

If we allocate each person 30 cubic meter of apartment on mars, that will give us enough space to support 15 million on a 5 km x 5 km x 20 meter area. 30 cubic meter apartment is roughly equivalent to a 20 feet shipping container. Ofcourse to only support 1 million people, we can just build 1 km x 1 km x 30 meter deep city on Mars.

>> No.11829839

>and if one can dig then they can dig a trench.
Depends on the machine
>Why not just use the spent propellant tanks?
What spent propellant tanks? Seems like a health risk

>> No.11829842

Are you the norway anon? I remember the guy talking about Andøya.

I can't help but cheer for all non US, China, and India space programs. Russia, Arabs, Europe, doesn't matter. Studying international relations and would love to get into space policy after. The more nations involved the larger the job market.

>> No.11829847

This is what gives me comfort. They've done an excellent job of becoming a one stop shop for everything smallsat. Convenience is huge plus in something as complex as making and launching satellites.

>> No.11829848

What health risk, it's methane and lox. It's not fucking hybergolic. Just vent it and remember to close the valves afterwards. The fuck do you have to worry about

>> No.11829850

There may be more than one of us here, but yes, I am from Norway. I'm quite happy they finally funded that shit up there. 100 new jobs in aerospace on site and quite a few more in making shit.

>> No.11829853

>I'm fucking tired of this printer shit.
Get fucking over it. You guys bitch and moan about it every fucking thread. Mars is happening this decade and habitation speculation is a very important part of the future operations. If you don't want to talk about it the don't reply and actually post about something else. These threads bump painfully slow as it is and you fucks aren't adding shit to the conversation.

>> No.11829859

Mostly cancer and illness associated with living in a fucking propellant tank.

>> No.11829865

I'm pretty sure posting this poorly is worse for your health than breathing in trace fumes of non-toxic fucking methalox

>> No.11829866

ARES 5 wasn't a program

>> No.11829873

it was one test in a series of tests that NASA is using for R&D whats your point? SN7 popped so i guess starship is useless.

>> No.11829883
File: 2.25 MB, 2552x1000, Andøya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really cool stuff. North Star is the launch vehicle they're planning correct? 10kg payload isn't a bad start. Kino launch site as well.

>starts conversation about photon and small sats
>still bitches about not adding anything to the convo
Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit is it?

>> No.11829882

By next month SpaceX will have already tested at least one more prototype. When's the next round of testing for the buttplug you shill so much?

>> No.11829888

Mars is cool and all but what about living in stations that hang out next to asteroids? Would that eventually be feasible?

Are there asteroids large/rich enough in minerals to support construction of colony stations?

>> No.11829893

Gonna need a really big space industry to be feasible. There's already phobos and deimos, which are probably gonna be the more relevant asteroids for the next century.

>> No.11829896

Yes, asteroids in our system could support trillions of human beings.

>> No.11829897
File: 47 KB, 1000x750, do you even STACC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's fucking beautiful up north.
The entire tech line is based on the Nucleus hybrid. It's particularly exciting, but can be scaled and only releases water vapor.

>> No.11829901
File: 33 KB, 306x793, North-Star.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*it's not particularly exciting.
Here's an extra picture with some specs of the initial launch vehicle.

>> No.11829902
File: 869 KB, 1125x2436, B77A05A4-3330-4A3D-B414-4021DB207B47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who keeps spamming that stupid fucking printing shit. That habitat is goddamn ugly and honestly people don’t wanna be bugmen in those weird hives.

People are probably just gonna use wet-workshops at first and cover them in mars regolith. I can see printing happening after that, but Jesus anything but that design.

>> No.11829910

>I don't want to /pol/ this place up
It's like when they say I'm not gay but I like cock

>> No.11829911

The fact that it's a solid booster that can be stopped and reignited is what's kind of interesting with it.

>> No.11829915

Hydrolox? I read something about a 2020 launch test. Is that true?

>> No.11829919

What’s the biggest hurdle in constructing large scale stations for habitation?
In-space manufacturing? Getting oxygen to them? Water? Maintaining large pressurized spaces?

>> No.11829920
File: 995 KB, 2296x1344, 1577494014112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11829925

Nucleus has already launched. North Star, I believe next year. Need to upgrade the pads which they're now funded for. It's hybrid solid. A rubber compound and hydrogen peroxide. Can be stopped and reignited.
I wish it was a proper turbopump biprop, but if I want that, I got to make it myself.

>> No.11829927


>> No.11829930

16 Psyche is a giant (>200 km wide) chunk of nearly pure nickel-iron and other heavy metals. It's going to supply the rest of the solar system with metals for a long time once somebody sets up shop there.

>> No.11829931

Willpower, already available land on Earth and elsewhere, and cost of launching. Actual manufacturing shouldn't be too hard with a modular design. Achievable by starship for sure.

>> No.11829934

How does the stopping and reigniting work?

>> No.11829935

Not sure. Nammo makes it and they're not sharing. They're a fucking weapons manufacturer.

>> No.11829951

Wow, that's quite interesting actually. Northrup Grumman needs to get in contact with these Nammo people, maybe learn a few things.

>but if I want that, I got to make it myself.
Norway's space program awaits.

I would assume it has something to do with the fact liquid propellant is involved.

>> No.11829957
File: 221 KB, 1600x1987, 7F932AE2-8C44-4BA0-B54D-9040CC33945E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Psyche and Ceres at war (again)
>Earth-funded battleships hover kilometers over the surface of Psyche, turning any troops there into glass
>Martian destroyers swoop in en masse, but are swatted out of the sky by the massive battleships.
> MDN Mariner DD-772 has been damaged due to debris. Life support has failed. The ship’s reactor is coming apart and turned the lower decks into molten metal
>Mariner began her service twenty years ago. As a part of her commemoration, actual pieces of the space probe Mariner 4, which had to be hunted for in interplanetary space, were melted down and turned into her first structural panel.
>In the present, Mariner’s captain realizes his ship is going to die, and fired her engine one last time directly at Psyche itself
>Mariner hits Psyche at 1.5% the speed of light
>Debris from the impact devastated Earth’s fleet in Low Psyche Orbit
>Mars gains another foothold in the Second Asteroid Cold War
>Appalled by this loss, Earth accelerated the development of their new antimatter-fueled Battleship in the depths of the Kuiper Belt

>> No.11829959
File: 86 KB, 1200x693, Naval-Strike-Missile-NSM-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, USA is on our customer lists. Who the fuck do you think makes your newest anti ship missiles?
That's Kongsberg though.
Either way, it's hybrid, meaning it's a rubber solid compound and a liquid oxidizer in this case hydrogen peroxide. I assume it's a hypergolic reaction in some way and the trick is in making it burn evenly in a pattern.
In that case, it's just a matter of cutting the oxidizer and it fizzles out, then reintroducing the oxidizer when you want reignition.

Still, a good party trick to get it to burn evenly.

>> No.11829968

Edgy, I'm sure sustained living in concentrated methalox is great for the body

>> No.11829972

As opposed to what? Underground like ants?

>> No.11829974

More of what little is left of your brain leaks out with every post you make and somehow pointing out the problem is edgy

>> No.11829978

in a few months

>> No.11829981

>implying the electron and cube sats haven't been discussed to death already

>> No.11829982

that is a horrible warship design

>> No.11829986

Well, he was asking about the photon.

>> No.11829999

Concentrated? It's methane. Easy to vent out what's left of it if needed, tiny traces aren't dangerous and I breath them all the time because I cook food with that (and not always it burns immediately).

>> No.11830001
File: 376 KB, 1024x1535, EPS Upper stage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha I knew it.

>By May 2017, the extended-range Boeing RGM-84 Harpoon and Lockheed Martin LRASM had been withdrawn from the Navy's Over-the-Horizon Weapon System (OTH-WS) competition, leaving the NSM as the only remaining contender.
Based Norwegians BTFOing LockMart and Boing

Speaking of Euros, What's your guy's thoughts on Airbus? Looking for space related companies to invest in and also at a big discount. Even if Ariane is cancelled, Airbus is sure to be a big player in the successor as Europe and the French will never suck up their pride and rely on america. Welcome any thoughts on their plane business as well. Although I doubt it's worse than boeing.


>> No.11830009

I'm not big on shit designed by committee no matter who does it and Airbus is designed by committee and furthermore built by committee.
But at least it doesn't want to plow the ground.

>> No.11830017

Is it gonna be another pressure test? Wouldn't it be pointless since the one that blew up had better welding/materials than SN5?

>> No.11830019

Every single one of them is going to have to start with pressure testing. Such is life.

>> No.11830022

Right. I guess what I was asking is whether they plan to test it until it breaks.

>> No.11830024

Who knows.

>> No.11830071

This is exactly what they're doing with Artemis.

They'll hold onto a limited launch market for a while since ridesharing isn't good for every mission. A larger, more reusable smallsat launcher feels like a good next step that they could develop in the meantime.
I don't know the economics of Photon, though I imagine the market for those is safer than the launch market.

>> No.11830076
File: 1.89 MB, 4096x2796, EbO0U4pWoAYifYg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boca Chica build site, June 23rd, photographed from a Cessna

>> No.11830078

You think space will become a wild frontier like the American West or will it be boring and mundane?

>> No.11830080

>wave to casketship bro
>watch as expendable starship lands and opens
>take inflatable hab
>drag it to another trench lent by burybro
>laugh with burybro as proontard's robot jams again

>> No.11830085

Well, if Artemis does start actually using the moon's resources, it could be considered moon hunting.

>> No.11830088

Way more regulation unfortunately

>> No.11830089

if a plane can go to space and take pictures why do we need starship

>> No.11830093

Depends on the budget of the United States Space Force, the DOD's military transport capabilities, and the Government's ability to move Federal law enforcement around on short notice.

>> No.11830096

Potentially yes, it could get very interesting. Especially in places like the asteroid belt where there are very few people who will care about you if you end up getting robbed.

>> No.11830097
File: 335 KB, 1360x1200, PicsArt_06-23-01.58.34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait to see proonting on mars just for the salt it'll mine.

>> No.11830099
File: 12 KB, 180x215, magical realm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see your buttplugs and raise you a PISSCRETE.

>> No.11830100
File: 714 KB, 1234x971, EbO4AQiXsAApnb5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SN7 test aftermath with SpaceX's own Boston Dynamics Spot robot, Zeus, making a cameo

>> No.11830101
File: 790 KB, 1920x2892, Soyuz_launcher_stands_upright_on_the_launch_pad_at_Baikonur_Cosmodrome_ahead_of_the_Eneide_Mission_pillars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should have proper launch pad with flame ducts.

>> No.11830105

They're building one. Have you been sitting under a rock for the past week?

>> No.11830106

They're building it already.

>> No.11830107

Soyuz is so smol

>> No.11830112

yes for the 15 tredecillionth time

>> No.11830113
File: 83 KB, 640x480, 1591747587153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its perfect, proonted pisscrete is what we need to meme into reality

>> No.11830116
File: 3.32 MB, 5505x3617, DSC_8618 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These 8' wide rebar cages are the corner foundation supports for the Superheavy launch pad.

>> No.11830117

T b h proonting itself isn't what annoys me, it's the damn pencil sharpener glade solid air freshener artfaggotry that gets my britches in a twist. Proonters should instead extrude intricate brick shapes and stuff to decorate boring looking habitats and pieces to make simple storage buildings.

>> No.11830120
File: 2.38 MB, 4096x2731, EaRYIsEXQAAOQpP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where. I guess you mean that metal chair.

>> No.11830121

this is fucking stupid

>> No.11830123


>> No.11830125

Imagine the destruction

>> No.11830126

The round egg shapes is more a side effect of what's practical from the printer than anything stylistic. It's faster to print in round circles continuously than it is to do angles with starts and stops.
It's sheer practicality, nothing more. Printing bricks would take even longer because you'd have to wait for each brick to harden then clean up each and every one of them. Waste of time and the antithesis of printing in the first place. Speed is half the point.

>> No.11830130

not very. Locking on to earth is something that can be done with a simple control loop. Do not attempt to fuck spacecraft. Many have dangerous chemicals, pyrotechnic fasteners, and high voltage ion thrusters. I'd say some are less autonomous than some robots. I don't think any space probe can navigate on its own.

>> No.11830134

>Speed is half the point
Speed is one of the main problems with printing at structural scales. The entire reason buttplug meme uses plastic in its construction is so that it can take up less volume because proonting any appreciable thickness/volume is so much less efficient than any other method.
Anon you're replying to was just talking about decoration not structure so time is much less critical.

>> No.11830135
File: 382 KB, 2208x1242, F9BCDD1C-A3A7-4A34-82CA-836678933670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where. I guess you mean that metal chair.
Apologies for the trash tier resolution, nothing more current in better resolution is out in the wild yet. The pad area on the right side of the image with the construction equipment is where they're building the launch pad.

>> No.11830142
File: 203 KB, 768x1024, SNC13119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah i saw it, i wonder if its going to be as big as N-1 launch pad, its still exist now.

>> No.11830148

>Speed is half the point
Then why even spend effort doing that crap? Why not just send inflatable habs and just inflate when settled? Oh and by the way, said habs are designed to withstand stabs and bullets to effectively be immune to micrometeorite strikes, so they don't exactly rupture easily.

>> No.11830151

making it self sustaining without imports from earth. It's quite likely a mars colony will require food imports for DECADES. Most people in this thread ignore this problem and scream greenhouses without actually doing the math on how much food greenhouses can actually provide.

>> No.11830153

>on a fucking planet
It's one thing to put some shit in zero G and inflate it, it's something else when gravity is involved.
Gravity is a fucking bitch. The fucking mockups they have on display are not fully functional.

>> No.11830154

We could use funguses for emergency foods. Just reprocess waste products, feed the funguses with said waste, and harvest. Leafcutter ants have already found out long ago.

>> No.11830156


>> No.11830159
File: 54 KB, 500x319, ba330ds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The inflatable habs have a central rod that houses pressure tanks and shit that'll hold the air necessary to inflate the habitat. Maybe gravity might be an issue as you say, but I imagine that problem can be mitigated by inflating in midair before being laid into trenches via cranes.

>> No.11830170

While it's probably remarkable in zero G or microgravity, I wouldn't exactly like camping inside a 5 ton tent held up by air and willpower on a planet with actual gravity.

>> No.11830176
File: 590 KB, 2048x1401, Moggridgea-australis-Male_5300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I misread and assumed you thought the inflatables couldn't inflate without outside sources or something. You are right about that problem. I do imagine they could be inflated, then buried vertically with one of the ends serving as a surface trapdoor. That central spire could definitely serve as the spine of the habitat.
>pic somewhat related

>> No.11830198

>5 ton tent held up by air and willpower
I'm not even here to shill inflatables but I have no idea what you're whining about. 1atm of internal pressure will make an inflatable harder than a priest in sunday school in mars gravity and pressure. You could make decent structural members just by internal pressure. The biggest problem would be lack of near term ISRU plans.

>> No.11830204

That and its structurally stronger

>> No.11830206

The forbidden jelly

>> No.11830217

Why dig that deep on Mars when you've got plenty of horizontal space?
Proontfag is why /sfg/ threads are barely lasting 24 hours, now that we've finally gotten over the Dragon 2 tourists. Same fucking pictures, EVERY fucking thread. General threads aren't for dropping all the same pictures and forced memes every fucking time a new one starts.
Where's Waldog?
Just put the ends up on concrete towers before hitting the gas. Or make a trench for it to fit in, with the ends on little foundations on either end of the trench.

>> No.11830220

The SN7 tank failed at 7.6 bar, but what was the intended operational pressure? More? Less?

>> No.11830223
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Proonters should instead extrude intricate brick shapes and stuff to decorate boring looking habitats and pieces to make simple storage buildings.
that woulbe a complete waste of time. The reason that shape works is because of ease for the printer and structural integrity. There were other designs proposed too but the plug looking one was the most recent winner.

>> No.11830224

>Where's Waldog?
Look for the yellow thing on the concrete pad.

>> No.11830230
File: 33 KB, 2014x1436, How to live on mars like a CHAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well shit, I may have actually solved the initial habitat issue entirely. Just have starships pop open with "bigelows" (i know Dr. Bigelow's company ended up getting dosed by coronachan, RIP) and have cranes just plop some plump habs into holes before burying. Mr. Proonter and his friends can also commence their mating dances because the proonter bots could be used to produce protective tents and shit to protect the metallic docking port serving as the trapdoor.

>> No.11830231

Last one or the one from today? Did elon post update?

>> No.11830233
File: 45 KB, 650x450, 01806_2_retcon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11830246

There was another test today? Last test then I guess.

>> No.11830258

They already have enough pressure to handle non human missions. The one few hours ago hasn't been confirmed yet. The target for human is 8.4 or something.

>> No.11830259

>There was another test today?
Did you look at the webm OP posted? At the top of this very thread?

>> No.11830269

Barely anyone in these threads advocates for greenhouses because they are stupid. Vertical farming leaf greens is simple and easy for salad type stuff, if you want proteins then the most energy efficient way is big clear tubes/bags that sit on the surface and grow algae since algae doesn't give a fuck about reduced sunlight so it's essentially zero energy input. Take your algae and feed it to fish and crustaceans, possibly they could even live in the tubes/bags on the surface and graze directly since they don't live long a ough for the radiation to be an issue. You now have a fully balanced diet with fairly simple technology. You could also go for mushrooms too, very little energy required, very simple to grow and harvest. Next step is chickens, they could eat pressed algae pellets along with being food scrap disposal units, you get free eggs on the regular and then a tasty KFC treat at the end. That's probably where it will end for some time until habitat technology has advanced sufficiently to allow for larger herbivores. A colony could definitely produce its own food so long as the infrastructure is set up.

>> No.11830272

>General threads aren't for dropping all the same pictures and forced memes every fucking time a new one starts.
Literally what the general has been long before the proonting

>> No.11830276

Not even close to this except for a few occasions, fuck off proontfag.

>> No.11830284
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, ant fungus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And if all else fails, a specialized fungus could easily serve as an auxiliary food source. Like leafcutter ants, we could simply breed a fungus that can practically consume any organic detritus and convert it all into a sort of superfood.

>> No.11830288

not really, space doesn't move fast.

>> No.11830291

Fuck off dragon 2 newfag you redditor cunts glow fresh out of fucking chernobyl.

>> No.11830293

Bros I want to design and build space cruiseliners.
What’s a good field to get started with that, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, maybe both? Or something else like engineering physics?

>> No.11830294

Try harder newfag

>> No.11830317

They’ve bred a bacteria that eats methane into a cheap animal food for decades
Siphon off a bit from your refueling station and shit digester to that, use it to feed for crustaceans/fish/mirelurks that you grow for your aquaponics set and put it on your toast
It apparently tastes like a bland vegimite

>> No.11830319

Interesting, wonder what the overall efficiency of it would be though, seems like you would lose a lot of energy that way rather than passive surface bags/tubes.

>> No.11830321
File: 1.15 MB, 825x825, wojack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor little Murray
Launched to Mars in a Hurry
With no plans of living, indeed
“I’ve got it!” he said
With an idea in his head
“A printer is all that I need!”
Well when Murray touched down
He was met with a frown
As the diggers were taking the lead
And it was not soon after
When the frowns turned to laughter
And his house fell apart with great speed

>> No.11830323


>> No.11830329
File: 248 KB, 1200x1500, ai_space_factory__pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright original printfag here, i will never post printing material again if we can have a serious non inflammatory discussion about martian structural infrastructure.

>> No.11830332
File: 17 KB, 567x142, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool. oldspace BTFO yet again

>> No.11830344

Sure, the first step to discuss is how to protect your colony from hard radiation. A thin wall of polymer concrete is insufficient.

>> No.11830348
File: 408 KB, 498x359, tenor (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, based department?

>> No.11830356

However a thick layer of polymer concrete would be, also since you can forecast radiation events you could have a shelter or have sleeping quarters in the ground

>> No.11830360

>inb4 Bob and Doug roast alive on reentry

>> No.11830365

Yes and now it's gone from a simple thin wall egg to needing metres of shielding like every other habitat, wonder how much the print time has increased by. GCRs are not dependant on the sun, it's in the name, although sun activity does increase this type of radiation.

>sleeping quarters in the ground

So now you need all the other infrastructure that everyone else has already been suggesting on top of all the printing infrastructure.

>> No.11830372

It’s pretty effective since one species is 52% protein and 36% fat

>> No.11830385

>simple thin wall egg to needing metres
The point of the polymer is to not need meters
>So now you need all the other infrastructure that everyone else has
No the cargo starships have shielding for radiation, so you see a rad spike coming you leave the hab and take shelter in the old starship then when its over you go back to your house

>> No.11830387

>Dig out space from ground
>Machine makes concrete culverts from regolith
>Stack and concrete glue culverts into base
>Living quarters and life support unnaground
>Industry and depots on ground level
>Aerospace traffic control windowed rec room and experimental conservatory up above
Nothing super fancy needed

>> No.11830396

>The point of the polymer is to not need meters

And when you post a source with actual data and tests we can have a discussion about that.

>> No.11830400
File: 823 KB, 1192x1102, Artemis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quiet you. Artemis is best girl.

>> No.11830407

For those of you who want to see the print in action

>> No.11830410

>greenhouses are Stupid
>just grow fish on the surface in an aquarium


>> No.11830416

Yes you imbecile and if you don't understand why then fuck off back to school.

>> No.11830417

>The point of the polymer is to not need meters
You need meters worth of literally any material. GCRs consist of ultra high energy, heavy, fully ionized atomic nuclei, for example iron nuclei moving at more than half of light speed or more. They do not stop easily, and as they are brought to a stop via collisions the interactions with matter that occur create showers of secondary radiation that also must be stopped. In some cases (such as high energy electrons) the secondary radiation can actually be more of a problem than the primary.

>> No.11830430


>> No.11830439

It's a handy source of all the various fucky trace elements humans need to live if you chuck them in a reprocessor instead of burning them.

>> No.11830446

>find Robert Zubrin and Jeff Greason (the plasma sail guy) on Twatter because I want to ask them questions
>Zubrin is a huge lefty retard
Social media was a mistake.

>> No.11830455

>the first paper
>The final conclusion is that epoxy resin is an efficient additive for neutron shielding concretes improving its ability to protect mainly against low energy neutrons

Wow, its fucking nothing

>the second paper
>nuclear waste containers

Not even remotely the same application or radiation regime.

>> No.11830458


>> No.11830467

Yeah I hate that shit. Why are so many sci people left wing, is it because they are pop-sci? Scott Manley is pretty fucking passive aggressive with his political tweets, but people like Mr. Reddit aka Hank Green will reply to POTUS and say shit like “fuck you” and get thousands of likes. It’s all so tiresome.

>> No.11830470

It's because they spend over a decade in academia and assume that rabid campus Communism is normal.

>> No.11830473

Elon Musk is non conformist, who only tweets popular stuff for streetcred.

>> No.11830474

>Wow, its fucking nothing
Sure thing bud

>> No.11830479
File: 31 KB, 312x97, israel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all jewish subversion. Remember that America was actually landing on the moon when college propaganda was AGAINST communism.

>> No.11830480

Most likely the correct answer. What is their end game though, to have Biden in office and see Artemis/Mars funding cut? Trump might want Artemis for his own ego, but we will still be going to the Moon. Also daily reminder that astronaut Jack Schmitt, the Apollo geologist astronaut, was/is a big republican- and even left the Planetary Society because he fucking hates Bill Nye and saw how Nye was politicizing everything and turning it into a shitty climate change organization, at least Schmitt is based but he’ll he dead soon

>> No.11830481

There's no "end game" for them. It's a religion disguised as politics.

>> No.11830482

>The final conclusion is that epoxy resin is an efficient additive for neutron shielding concretes improving its ability to protect mainly against low energy neutrons
So you only read the abstract? Why should i care about you opinion again?

>> No.11830483

Low energy neutrons are not GCRs or even relevant in any way to dumb FUCK

>> No.11830486

galactic if affirmative
worth their weight in phosphorus

>> No.11830488

If a Crew Dragon can be refurbished in under 50 days the Shuttle is officially surpassed on everything but cool factor.

>> No.11830489

I'm not going to pay 36 euros to read some meme paper when the abstract is as laughable as that.

>> No.11830490

It's all the same. Those are all just ideas without any numbers to back them up. You might as well just post some shitty CGI. I suspect next you're going to tell me to just look this stuff up rather than providing any numbers to demonstrate that these are feasible at all.
>>salad type stuff
provides basically no calories.

>> No.11830492

>reading one sentence and thinking its the entire journal.
Wow i wonder who the dumb one is

>> No.11830494

>36 euros
Kek you also aren't going to space.

>> No.11830498

>cool factor
Put flame-decals on the sides, Shuttle never had flames. Well, not cool ones at least.

>> No.11830506

>you see a rad spike coming you leave the hab and take shelter
As opposed to just not giving a single fuck and going about your business like usual because your whole habitat is already safely covered under several meters of soil

>> No.11830513

You understand the function of an abstract right? If this material was anything like being claimed the abstract would look like this

>Here is my submission for a nobel prize for the discovery of a previously unknown wonder material that is capable of totally stopping even the most harsh intergalactic rays with 300mm of less of material

>> No.11830514
File: 263 KB, 1623x1080, PicsArt_06-23-09.47.37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha yes! The proonting rises!

>> No.11830518

one is a quality of life improvement, the other is dismal living.

>> No.11830519

Wow so this is the power of proonting, graphic renders, a non functional trash prototype and ad hominem attacks.

>> No.11830521

Samefag, but ill entertain it. The abstract will state the goals and final conclusion but it leaves out the meat of the experiment.

>> No.11830522

Fuck off already your arguments are bunk bullshit and you still can't source your radiation claims because you are full of shit.

>> No.11830523

>What is scihub

>> No.11830527

As opposed to what? A lack of renders, plans or even statements, while having far more ad hominem.

>> No.11830529

The conclusion being that the additive "improves" its ability to "mainly" shield against a particle type which we don't care about and is vastly less energetic than the ones we are concerned about. So yes, I don't think I'll bother going to go look for a pirated version of the paper.

>> No.11830533
File: 30 KB, 678x452, images (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this kills the proontfag

>> No.11830536

if you think mental health isn't going to be the hardest challenge mars has to offer you are retarded.

>> No.11830539

This shit always comes back to the same fucking place. You just think that anyone not living in a printed structure can't have windows and not having windows is some sort of doom to depression spiral. Both are fucking ridiculous.

>> No.11830540

Ah yes and the difference between direct windows and large periscope windows is surely such a huge difference. Knowing you are getting fried by radiation in return for your direct windows will help their mental health no end I'm sure.

>> No.11830541

>says the person who hasn't read it.

>> No.11830542

Yeah, but how do you deal with it?

I'm thinking a combination of a lot of people, a lot of space, and mild to moderate amounts of porn.

>> No.11830544

Neither have you

>> No.11830545

you have yet to provide a convincing plan for a habitat that offers that anon.

>> No.11830547

Your plan is full of holes and not convincing either. The one shitpost drawing of assembling steel tubes and burying them is infinitely superior to your buttplug trash.

>> No.11830555


Not that guy, but here.

>> No.11830554

>do mandatory 10 meditation daily
>0 mental health issues

>> No.11830556

Scott keeps political shit out of his youtune channel tho. He can write anything he wants on his twitter as long as it doesn't impact his videos imo.

>> No.11830559

Any form of buried structure can just have second floors with windows. Any of them can have skylights and piped fibre optic lighting. Any of them can have mspaintanon's periscope-style windows. Your buttplug doesn't have the sole advantage of the use of the surface, it's just stuck there because of the nature of additive manufacture.

>> No.11830560

the super dracos are sorta like flames on the side

>> No.11830569

Do you want a self sustained colony or a nasa mission?

>> No.11830573

trips and the ariane 5 carrying JWST will explode

>> No.11830575

Dub and Starship wil explode on first mission launch

>> No.11830576

How can it explode if it never launches?

>> No.11830577
File: 152 KB, 1245x544, 62345436242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So in the name of a proper discussion I checked out that paper to stop you retards screching, much like that anon suggested the entire thing is talking about neutron radiation, I have attached a table from the paper as an example. This paper is not really what we are looking for because high energy atomic nucleii are the issue.

>> No.11830578

I’m baffled as to how there’s genuine angry arguments about what sort of habitat people would live in on Mars. Can’t we just appreciate how fucking awesome it is that people will go to Mars? They’ll figure out what to put people in somehow.

>> No.11830584

You can go to reddit or any number of popsci channels for that.

>> No.11830589

they'll never get there if they insist on overengineering every simple thing just because.

>> No.11830590

I like the printing research nasa is doing and yet even the first time i posted it i was met with autistic vitriol because it wasn't a backhoe

>> No.11830595

C’mon, isn’t it obvious SpaceX will just have people sleep in the Starship?

>> No.11830601

No we have to send starships pull of plastic concrete to print buttplugs instead

Because it's obviously a shit idea. If it was for example, directly sintering raw regolith into metres thick walls you might have a seller.

>> No.11830608

Ground landing with those engines burning would be cooler than decals.

>> No.11830610

Zubrin is definitely not a lefty, he rants about socialists and environmentalists all the time and has talked about how he wants a new party focused on liberty. He does hate Trump though so I can see how you might get that impression.

>> No.11830613

Interesting, however that and the chink paper hes posting is showing some level of radiation shielding, which means that we should look into the material science for high energy nuclei

>> No.11830614

What’s Trump trigger him for?

>> No.11830620
File: 238 KB, 1024x768, zion_2092166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"3D printed surface habitats? No way, they didn't really think that'd work, did they? You're pullin' my leg"

>> No.11830623

It's the logical conclusion of putting high atomic mass plastics into concrete sure, but there is no path for thin walled structures shielding against cosmic rays.

>> No.11830628

Shoot down the cosmic rays

>> No.11830630

Very nice but greenhouse?

>> No.11830632

>he wants a new party focused on liberty
... libertarians?
Political parties should almost be illegal though, really. I hate the two party system so god damned much.

>> No.11830638

It’s less dumb than it sounds, because the Democrat and Republican parties are big tent parties that contain subgroups. If Zubrin really is a libertarian then I’d agree with him

>> No.11830639

Solid point, do you anons think we're likely to see a ground landing of a crewed Dragon? NASA already shat on the idea and said 'no' didn't they? Doesn't rule out private customers though I suppose.

>> No.11830641
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>> No.11830649

Connect the greenhouses to the tunnels.

Bam, you have a system that has natural sunlight and can grow crops easily, but also has adequate radiation shielding and is relatively cheap and easy to expand.

>> No.11830651

Two party politics is inevitable in any system where only one candidate can win the election.


>> No.11830655

How much would it cost to build a space station like the ISS post-Starship?
I figure that the primary cost wouldn't be launch costs, but instead the cost of the modules.

>> No.11830656

I mean, the current form of the party system would not survive the emergence of a third party that had anywhere close to proportional support from the voters. As soon as the libertarians or anyone else had a real foothold, the main two would splinter. It'd be beautiful.

>> No.11830657

Growing crops in martian sunlight is not going to be simple. You can't put earth crops in less than half the natural sunlight and with double length season and expect everything to work. LED gang master race.

>> No.11830661

Genetic engineering and/or supplemental lighting.

>> No.11830666

Definitely, you're gonna need to replicate what the plants expect, way before any adaptation/modification occurs.

>> No.11830672

nuke mars and throw algae and cockroaches on it

>> No.11830673

I'd say that modern democracy hasn't been around long enough to actually make that call.
I think (hope) that it's just as inevitable for there to eventually be a groundswell of retaliation against the corruption inherent to a two-party system.

>> No.11830677

How deep would a pit on Mars need to be for atmospheric pressure to reach tolerable levels?

>> No.11830678

Its the difference between a passive and active activity which is actually a large issue

>> No.11830680
File: 141 KB, 446x683, fuck venus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nuke Venus' atmosphere and blow off chunks of it 'til it chills the fuck out and quits melting lead on the surface. Fucking Venus.

>> No.11830684

Even Rome had a two-party system, actually.

>> No.11830685

what does that even mean

>> No.11830687

Based venus

>> No.11830688

Just introduce proportional representation lmao.

Bam, you got five or six big parties.

>> No.11830693

Yeah then it became a dictatorship

>> No.11830695

Proportional representational is even worse, my country has it and it's fucking dreadful. The smaller parties are still corrupt, don't represent the values they claim and cuck to the big two parties to get power.

>> No.11830700

It was pretty good for the first two dictators desu, unless your ass showed up on a prescription list

>> No.11830705

I didn't say it'd give you good government, I just said it'd mean more than two parties.

Out of curiosity, what country?

>> No.11830706

I misremembered slightly, he wants a new Liberal (read: classical liberal) party. An article he wrote about it: https://reason.com/2017/03/04/america-needs-a-liberal-party/

>> No.11830709

>even the first time i posted it i was met with autistic vitriol because it wasn't a backhoe
It's because you (and maybe another proontfag too) forced the meme way too hard.
And it's basically a shitty idea, because the whole point if proonting is to not have to ship a bunch of snowflake plastic to Mars, just basic binding agents like cement. So you still have to dig to get the material, then make it into marscrete in sub-freezing temperatures with almost no atmosphere, which means you can't just dump some powder and sand into a bucket with some water. It needs a lot more R&D, maybe 2030 after we've been there a few synods.
Digging doesn't require you to mix shit and keep it from freezing/drying too fast. You just dig trenches and bulldoze piles of dirt.

So a lolbertarian?
Never-Trumpers are still a thing. There are too many country-club Republicans can't handle "uncouth" people, and are often the same ones who are the first to placate the latest Democrat whining by giving in completely.

I'm not sure if the "fix" for the boom-boom makes the super dracos not reusable, so they would have to come up with something better than a burst valve, as well as simply testing the fuck out of it.

>> No.11830710


>> No.11830712

Some of the Roman emperors were pretty great, and dictatorships with good dictators have the potential to be better than democracies, but as a system it’s ultimately undesirable because there’s no way to guarantee the ruler can be qualified and you can’t get them out without a rebellion.

>> No.11830714


>> No.11830715

NZfag. It's worse because it gives you the illusion of choice when it reality it's the same two big power brokers and functions essentially the same as the two party system.

>> No.11830717
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> i'm gonnnna stakkkkkkk

>> No.11830718
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>> No.11830719

If you have to make an active decision to see outside a window it means your environment is going to be more taxing on your mind than if you can see out of windows during normal activity.

>> No.11830720

AI direct theocracy when?

>> No.11830722

>putting high atomic mass plastics into concrete sure
Wouldn't this work though?

>> No.11830723
File: 202 KB, 1886x576, mars colony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick your poison

>> No.11830724

A periscope window can be the exact same size and location in relation to your floorspace as a buttplug window, it's literally identical.

>> No.11830725

I don't see how, my window has been blocked off for years and I've not suffered any significant psychological damage from it.

>> No.11830731

>itt actual goblin who hides deep beneath the earth

People like sun anon

>> No.11830732

Unnagroun is fine by me, just go deep and make the interior spaces big to stave off claustrophobia in those weak enough to suffer from it.

>> No.11830734

That's what they have done and yes, it results in an improvement in shielding, and it could absolutely reduce the amount of shielding needed against cosmic rays but you would still need metres of the stuff.

>> No.11830735

>active decision
It just sits there. What active decision?

>> No.11830739

>colonize Mars with this one weird trick! Surface-dwellers HATE this!

>> No.11830741

Yep, entirely due to the pettiness of bipartisan politics.
The conservative faction wanted to fuck over Caesar in any way they can because he's one of the progressives, so they make some BS excuse for why he has to step down from his current position at the head of Rome's largest army so they can then put him on trial for political crimes.
In other words, giving him three options: Go into hiding, get arrested, or attempt to conquer Rome for himself with his giant highly experienced army of extremely loyal soldiers.

>> No.11830744
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I have other plans.

>> No.11830747

If your colonists are so fucking fragile that the difference between a periscope window and a normal window, both the same size, causes such mental stress then they shouldn't be sent there in the fucking first place.

>> No.11830748
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>> No.11830750

There's no such thing as getting direct sunlight on Mars if you don't like skin cancer. Filtered/piped light is the closest you will get and you can get just as much of that with any other method as you will with proont

>> No.11830753
File: 53 KB, 640x360, 5324765432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the domepill?

>> No.11830754

>There's no such thing as getting direct sunlight on Mars if you don't like skin cancer

Just make a recessed window

>> No.11830757

That's not direct sunlight

>> No.11830761

Yeah but you can still look outside whenever you want. Ideally I’ll just get my flesh removed so the radiation is no longer a threat.

>> No.11830763

and you can look outside whenever you want through a periscope window.

>> No.11830769

I guess yeah.

>> No.11830770

Or just heading topside with a suit, if you wanna head outside. Shielded viewing decks on the surface wouldn't be that bad either, provided you don't spend all day up there every day and avoid days where there's a flare.

>> No.11830771

Viewing platforms would absolutely btfo dedicated surface bases because they wouldn't have to compromise for the purposes of fulltime living and thus could relax standards for more viewing area.

>> No.11830777

Why isn't the Progress more cylindrical? It is more smoother than the Soyuz but still it would make use of internal volume better if it was just a cylinder like the cygnus, atv, htv

>> No.11830778

>underground: ***
>pods: **
>printed: *

>printed: ***
>underground: **
>pods: *

Aesthetics and QoL:
>printed: ***
>pods: **
>underground: *

Living in pods or underground sounds really shitty, but living in a pressurised rock vessel sounds kinda risky.

>> No.11830785

>meet qt barmaid in unnagroun Mars city
>take her topside for a viewing-deck date
>finger her under the approving gaze of Phobos
It's a future worth fighting for

>> No.11830788

Assuming you have the power source (if you don't have megawatts available then just forget about mars entirely anyway) then a TBM has the ability to produce huge amounts of space compared to proonting. If they reach their goal of a snail speed then the amount of space you are able to make with one TBM is tremendous. If you have the correct rock substrate then you wouldn't even need to line the walls with pressed concrete bricks, just spray the walls with a rubberised coating.

>> No.11830799


>> No.11830802

I'm telling you my dude. Unnaground is only one part of a system.

The bulk of the habitations are in tunnels, but the tunnels can be connected to aboveground structures.

I'm picturing either inflatable plastic domes or skyscrapers made out of homemade Martian steel and glass.

>> No.11830812

What function would the above ground structures serve? Skyscrapers are living and office environments which you would just put underground. The only function of above ground spaces is to utilise sunlight and views either for food production or park/relaxation spaces.

>> No.11830813

So much wasted unused space in that shape.
There's a reason absolutely no one sane lives in a circular house.

>> No.11830815

>The only function of above ground spaces is to utilise sunlight and views either for food production or park/relaxation spaces.


Can't let everyone get cabin fever, and besides, there's free sunlight up there for growing crops.

>> No.11830819

Why does the ISS need to be deorbited? Why does it cost 4 billion a year to run?
Can't it just be abandoned, left in place as it gains value as a piece of space history?

>> No.11830821

Above ground structures will be built with the excess material from tunneling. All that volume has to go somewhere.

>> No.11830824

Aboveground structures will need a massive amount of tensile strength.

Atmosphere pushing outwards exerts a significant amount of force.

>> No.11830825

Yeah CGP Grey has a really good video explaining this. I always thought it was bullshit but he does a good job explaining it. Inevitably large opinions will be split into “Side A” and “Side B”, and a party representing the different arguments will form.
It’s literally inevitable, what do you mean it’s “too early to tell?” Even George Washington warned of his concerns about two parties in his farewell address

>> No.11830827

>Can't it just be abandoned,
No, it's orbit isn't permanent. You'd have to boost it every now and then.

>> No.11830828
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You guys see this? Amazingly realistic imitation skylights that use a molecular strcture to simulate how the wavelengths of sunlight interact through the kilometres of atmosphere, I wonder if a similar thing is able to replicate the martian atmosphere, extremely kino.

>> No.11830829

It's too low and will be dragged back into the atmosphere without periodic boosts.
I wonder what it would take to boost it high enough and circularize at an orbit where that wouldn't happen for centuries or more?

>> No.11830830

>Why does the ISS need to be deorbited?
>it cost 4 billion a year to run
I feel like you answered your own question

Maybe they could land the modules aboard Starships and put them in a museum

>> No.11830831

Has the weight and size of a Prufrock unit been documented yet? And does it need water? I'm wondering if they can be delivered to and operate on Mars.

>> No.11830840

presumably the same radius as their other machines so as long as it's a similar length to their other machines it could fit in one starship payload so long as the weight works, doesn't seem like it will weigh more than 150 tonnes to me. Water could be a problem but there are options, you could use supercritical CO2 or once you get the machine down it's initial hole you seal it off and pressurise with martian atmosphere until water won't sublimate.

>> No.11830851

Such a thing would go a long way in large unnagroun common areas.

>> No.11830852


>> No.11830859

you have to go to an observation area. What part of that is hard to understand? How many windows do you have in your house/apartment?

>> No.11830860

Take a pencil, draw a circle, now draw a square with the same floor area, now fill them in with couches, desks, appliances etc... and be amazed at how much easier the square space is to utilise. Now you realise why literally no one uses circles in their building despite the structural advantages.

>> No.11830862

i doubt it would be meters

>> No.11830863

>you have to walk over to a window to look out a window
Oh Christ my mental heeeeeaaaaaaalth I'm going insaaaaane having to walk to look out a window like any average house on Earth fuuuuuuck

>> No.11830871

GCRs go through over a dozen metres of solid concrete which already has great radiation shielding properties, there is no way you are reducing that by a factor of 24x to get it to even half a meter just by adding plastics to it, there is a limit to how much additives your concrete can have before it becomes useless as a construction material.

Why did you just ignore the entire reply chain talking about how periscope windows can be the exact same sizes and placements as normal windows and then go and construct a strawman?

>> No.11830872
File: 491 KB, 2048x1366, PicsArt_06-23-11.38.54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that could be the final product we don't know as its still being developed. It also could be something like pic related which would basically be a hybrid of both areas of thought.

>> No.11830875

You don't have to go anywhere anymore than you need to go anywhere to see out of any other window. The entire point of the periscope concept was that it could be put anywhere, you could even make much bigger and more accessible ones than surface windows before compromising shielding.

>> No.11830881

>periscope windows can be the exact same sizes and placements as normal windows
Can you see out of them normally while in your hab or do you have to go to a viewing area? The term periscope means something anon

>> No.11830882

Sintering metres thick walls of raw regolith is an entirely different prospect to 3d printing concrete, there is nothing similar in the design process at all apart from making a big machine that can move a head in xyz axis and these machines already exist.

>> No.11830887

>>Can you see out of them normally
>look through periscope
>see surface
Yes? Not same anon, but why do you object/

>> No.11830888

>Can you see out of them normally while in your hab

yes, it's a viewing port as big as you want that you look at and shows a reflected view of the martian landscape, correctly done it would be entirely indistinguishable from a glass window and requires no complicated materials or construction techniques at all.

>The term periscope means something anon

Yes, a periscope refers to relfecting light down a tube using mirrors, you are disinegenuously conflating it with a submarine periscope.

>> No.11830896

It'd be better than the cheap skylights Ceres had in The Expanse.

>> No.11830900

In my house on Earth when I wake up I can look out the window, when I go downstairs I can look out a window, when I go into my kitchen I can look out a window, when I am sitting down watching TV I can see out a window, when I am sitting down eating at my dining room table I can see out a window. So literally everywhere in my house I can basically see the outdoor landscape, you cannot do that with periscopes it's just not possible and that's where a mental health issue arises because you have to go to a separate area to look out a window.

>> No.11830902

Do you know what the context of the picture I posted is?

>> No.11830904
File: 450 KB, 500x390, 1569686902507.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chinese sat from yesterday unfurling it's solar panels

>> No.11830906

Because you have to stop what you're doing to look through the periscope till work outside that's not a passive thing that you were doing. So that is going to be stressful on the mind because it is not apparent passive activity when you have normal windows you can look out them or see out them unconsciously you can look out the window wall you were doing something else if you have to look out a periscope it is no different then the same issues you have on a summary and they pick very mentally strong individuals to work submarines for a specific reason.

>> No.11830907

>you cannot do that with periscopes it's just not possible
What did he mean by this?

>> No.11830913

It's not a submarine periscope you dope, multiple anons have pointed this out to you. It's just the same mechanism a couple of mirrors. You can do it at any scale.

>> No.11830914

>Because you have to stop what you're doing to look through the periscope
Like a window?
>normalfag needs constant exposure to surface in order to not go crazy
Stay on Earth.

>> No.11830916

>you cannot do that with periscopes it's just not possible

Source: my ass. Even assuming your made up shit is true, if your colonists are so pathetic that needing to walk for 30 seconds to go look out a window causes catastrophic mental health problems then they are unsuitable mentally to ever leave earth in any capacity.

>> No.11830922

If you glance over at a periscope can you see outside like if you were just walking past and you glance at that periscope can you see picturesque landscape? can you see directly outside your hab? or do you have to go up to your periscope and look inside of it to see? that is what I am arguing because that is extra effort just to see your eternal landscape.

>> No.11830926

My biggest takeaway is when they changed Randal(l) H(a/o)ll's name halfway through his interview.

>> No.11830927

>If you glance over at a periscope can you see outside like if you were just walking past and you glance at that periscope can you see picturesque landscape?


>can you see directly outside your hab?


>or do you have to go up to your periscope and look inside of it to see?


>that is what I am arguing because that is extra effort just to see your eternal landscape.

We have been telling you this the whole fucking reply chain you dumb cunt.

>> No.11830929

>If you glance over at a periscope can you see outside like if you were just walking past and you glance at that periscope can you see picturesque landscape? can you see directly outside your hab?

Do you have special eyes that can't see reflected images from far away?

>> No.11830933

i remember getting some kind of parascope in a kid's meal 20+ years ago. Worked then, why don't you think it works now?

>> No.11830943

Its not the same anons and it will effect you mentally. Since its covid I've got an experiment for you. Go get a months supply of food and black out all your doors and windows. Make a viewing periscope for some windows and only allow yourself 1 eva a week (thats generous). Report back on your experience.

>> No.11830947

I'm not saying a periscope won't work I'm saying it won't be the same mental stimulation of a window.

>> No.11830948

>Make a viewing periscope for some windows


>> No.11830953

Since it clearly hasn't saved you, how about your black out your windows and see if it actually drives you sane?

>> No.11830954

this, why wouldn't that be the case?

>> No.11830955

People live in submarines for months.

>> No.11830960

Yes and the selection process is very dependent on mental toughness

>> No.11830963

>no take sky

>> No.11830964

You mean like Mars will probably be??? There’d be more to see on Mars and probably more room even

>> No.11830970

Just like the selection process for martian colonists will be. If you think fucking windows are a problem compared to never, ever being able to go outside into fresh air and sunlight ever again then I have a bridge to sell you.

>> No.11830975

The initial selection process absolutely will be but we are talking about a standard colony here, eventually it can't be Russia levels of utilitarianism

>> No.11830979

At which point buttplugs are not going to be sufficient to house the masses of people that are transiting over.

>> No.11830982

No that is exactly my point, the level of stress imposed on these people is high so every design choice should be directed at stress mitigation.

>> No.11830984

I'm not arguing for buttplugs I'm arguing for above ground structures

>> No.11830989
File: 172 KB, 1000x660, 45674fe700645c6a9b91ae5409041865cb3658250b16366e5870175c137deb1a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You know we've made entire fucking arenas held up by air, right?

>> No.11830990

Yes such as knowing you are getting fried by radiation in your insufficiently shielded above ground buildings and that periscope windows would give you THE EXACT SAME VIEW.

>> No.11830992

>Go get a months supply of food and black out all your doors and windows. Make a viewing periscope for some windows and only allow yourself 1 eva a week (thats generous). Report back on your experience.
It's hilarious to me that you think this is an extreme experiment. You remember what site you're on? Done it, lived it, fine. Send NEETs to Mars, fags who need constant socialization to not lose their skulls are NOT welcome.

>> No.11830995
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>> No.11831008

NEETs are failures who jack off to anime.

>> No.11831011

>cement except a dome

>> No.11831012

>You remember what site you're on
That should prove his point actually, NEETs are literally insane.

>> No.11831021

>Live in a hole with mirrors for windows
Holy fuck anons that sounds like literal hell. I don't see the incentive to live there permanently if I could simply live here on earth and see 4k images of mars that would be a better view than a shitty periscope.

>> No.11831022

Well then I guess Mars is cancelled

>> No.11831024

Cool then stay here.

>> No.11831025

Hello anon welcome to mars.

>> No.11831027

> Holy fuck anons that sounds like literal hell

Stay here then. I don’t see the issue as long as I can exchange videos with my wife periodically and go outside

>> No.11831032
File: 64 KB, 874x637, ISS-Cupola_Auto12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or here me out, You dig a trench put your hab in it bury your sleeping quarters completely and they bury the rest of it but with surface level windows with heavy shutters like on the ISS.

>> No.11831033


>> No.11831034

What part about metres of shielding don't you understand, unless it has a shaft that leads to an observation spot you can forget about it.. also

>prefabricated habitats


>> No.11831037

>and go outside
If you think you will be going outside often you are sadly mistaken. Also any architecture firm worth its salt wont make something so intentionally depressing.

>> No.11831042

>NEETs are literally insane.
And perfectly suited to underground lives with limited social interaction. Tell me I'm wrong, go on, lie.

>> No.11831043

You can fitout the inside of underground habitats, use periscope windows and they will be aesthetically identical to your buttplug trash, which by the way, the interior looks like it was designed by a first year art student with no mind for practicality whatsoever.

>> No.11831045

so you are a proonter?
>What part about metres of shielding don't you understand
cone shaped window architecture. Wide at the outdoor level and small at the interior .

>> No.11831047

> And perfectly suited to underground lives with limited social interaction

Oh yes we need completely unmotivated lazy shitheads with no actual skills

>> No.11831048

good question. for something that exists purely in space its whole life and has no aero considerations beyond slap some existing engines on it maybe mecheng, ship engineering (as in oldschool ships), possibly architecture as the thing is really only ever going to see 1g through one axis like a building would. interesting.

>> No.11831051

>If you think you will be going outside often you are sadly mistaken

Oh damn Comrade Mao is gonna stop me

>> No.11831053

No, proonting is stupid and so is that design. A cone shape means the interior has progresively less and less radiation shielding towards the center and you are wasting a tremendous amount of interior space on whatever stairs or elevator mechanism you are using to go up the the windows for zero tangible benefit over periscope windows.

>> No.11831058

A lot of skilled people live daily lives outside of work that are functionally identical to neets, they are called introverts and are exactly the psychological profile you would send, so long as they don't have crippling social anxiety which if you are holding a stable career you have overcome anyway.

>> No.11831061

Sounds more like an emotional attack than an honest assessment but here's a (you) anyway.

>> No.11831062

>If you think you will be going outside often you are sadly mistaken

Communal suits/rovers able to be accessed by anyone in the colony on some kind of booking schedule is going to be a design element from day one.

>> No.11831065

>A lot of skilled people live daily lives outside of work that are functionally identical to neets

Oh so not NEETs.

>> No.11831067
File: 358 KB, 1920x966, 1920px-PIA23302-FirstHumansOnMars-ArtistConcept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't wrong but noone in their right mind will want a underground city of NEETs. That is how you end up with literal mole people. Elon will cater to aesthetics and has already said so for starship. His track record shows his aesthetic focus and the utilitarian type hab you are talking about is very much a NASA style structure.

>> No.11831068

but matt damon grew potatoes on mars with just poo and monopropellant

>> No.11831071

Goalpost status: moved

>> No.11831075

>to your buttplug
Never once advocated for this

>> No.11831077

The exterior aesthetics of a colony are totally irrelevant compared to the interior aesthetics, you can make tunnels just as aesthetically pleasing as proont structures and Elon clearly has tunnels in mind since he is investing in tunneling and not 3d meme printing.

>> No.11831082

Your typing style is distinct and recognisable proontfag.

>> No.11831090

>You aren't wrong but noone in their right mind will want a underground city of NEETs
Not for the first wave of colonization setting shit up, once you need raw numbers NEETs will inherit the Mars.

>> No.11831093

Its dangerous and time intensive, it wont happen often, especially not for the first mission oriented colonists.

>> No.11831095
File: 938 KB, 1920x1080, pandorum_13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zero tangible benefit

>> No.11831097

if you glance over at a large mirror on the wall do you see a large reflection of a pussy? yes you do. it'll be like that only the reflection will be of the surface.

>> No.11831098
File: 723 KB, 1920x1080, SpaceX base on Mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The exterior aesthetics of a colony are totally irrelevant
no they aren't, you want it as appealing as possible for potential colonists. Flashy is necessary

>> No.11831100

NEETs have no skills

>> No.11831101

If you are building glass domes from the start the elon might as well forget about it, ridiculously resource intensive for minimal living space, no way to ISRU any of it without significant infrastructure. Even retarded proonting is better than fucking domes.

>> No.11831102

grasping at straws but believe what you want i guess?

>> No.11831105

Are you crazy? First colonists will take any opportunity to suit up and go walk around, I'd be surprised if they didn't take 50mile+ rover trips in all directions to check shit out.

>> No.11831108

Its a SpaceX render and if you look closer you will realize that the dome isn't a hab

>> No.11831111

You are free to presume so.

>> No.11831112

Do you know what NEET stands for?

>> No.11831114
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>> No.11831126

That doesn't mean they haven't acquired skills in the past or on their own time. Many NEETS are not so by choice you realise. Hell, teleoperating is essentially a video game so theres one thing any NEET at all could do with minimal training.

>> No.11831130
File: 92 KB, 853x543, mars aint free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11831135

i'd like a mix of underground with some surface dwellings

>> No.11831138

Unholy based meme, saved

>> No.11831144

>mental health from no windows every 30 seconds
what happens if someone goes nuts on the trip out there? on airliners they have provisions to restrain people but even the longest flight is only 24 hours. could they restrain someone for 5 months? dope them up? will there be a proper crew onboard every starship flight able to do this?

>> No.11831149

>what happens if someone goes nuts on the trip out there?

Out the airlock, unfit to survive off world. Broadcast back to urf as an "accident".

>> No.11831154

>NEET cope
have fun being left behind faggot

>> No.11831157

I'm not actually NEET and have enough assets to buy a ticket so seethe harder my dude. I'm merely pointing out that introverts and some NEETs are totally viable colonists.

>> No.11831159

Elon should be their god anon

>> No.11831165

I want to live in a printed habitat connected to an underground colony.

>> No.11831166

Nah he would probably cuck and resist the fashy martian takeover

>> No.11831167
File: 371 KB, 1500x839, 1583671592694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Starman is ok up there. I want to get him home.

>> No.11831168
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>seethe harder my dude
go back

>> No.11831169

Kinda telling that he has no argument beyond "COPE" and wojackposting.

>> No.11831171

he will be dead before any real political movement happens. He will be their GOD

>> No.11831178
File: 56 KB, 462x634, 1590781699744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samefag and if you aren't in education, employed or in training you aren't going to be chosen for mars. Oh you can sit at home all day? so can more qualified people, you aren't special and you have no skills.

>> No.11831179

Whioe I personally think venerating Elon as God is kinda cringe, if he really pulls it off then he deserves his religion and statues.

>> No.11831180

I really just want von Braun to be proven a prophet, and for the title of the top political office on Mars to be "Elon" in honor of Musk

>> No.11831185
File: 140 KB, 219x231, stardust retarding rays.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too easy

>> No.11831186

>Remember Phobos

Was kind of ridiculous how the UN fags managed to get right up close and launch off a gorilliaton nuke without being intercepted, especially given the tech level shown.

>> No.11831187

Yeah if he realizes even a tenth of his goal within his lifetime (100,000 people on Mars vs 1,000,000 aspired to), Musk will be one of the most significant people in human history. As it stands he's already going to be in history books for revitalizing the space industry and making electric cars cool.

>> No.11831190

Yeah I think they will just be honored I swear if Von Braun doesn't get a fucking city named after him because of SJW bullshit I will rage.

>> No.11831191

Will he honestly die on mars? Tbh I’m surprised he hasn’t bought a tourism seat to the ISS or something yet

>> No.11831193

what kind of launch abort will the starship have?

>> No.11831196

You forgot the 'e' in SJW.

>> No.11831198
File: 173 KB, 438x424, 1591413962527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He won't go into space until his dream is realized. He has said this before, he is worried about dying and his company being motivated by greed instead of ideals.

>> No.11831201

Same, fuck liberals. If scott manley ever tweets about “we must ignore von braun” I will fucking rage
Lmao NOPE! Landing will be scary as fuck

>> No.11831203

It wont

>> No.11831204

If he dies because of some problem with the capsule it will be a fucking disaster. Which is probably why he hasn't.

>> No.11831207

>scott manley
California has that faggot

>> No.11831208

What kind of launch abort will a 747 have?

>> No.11831219

New bread when

>> No.11831222

Jump out, tuck 'n roll.

>> No.11831225

4 pages from now

>> No.11831245


>> No.11831253

fucking tourists

>> No.11831264
File: 27 KB, 281x328, 1592382002850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to mars
>don't go outside
In that case you may as well not even be on mars and just stay on earth.

>> No.11831275

You probably should stay anon. Weebs aren't allowed in space

>> No.11831276

please provide context for the size of that payload
(it's a case of beer)

>> No.11831282

when do smallsat launchers admit defeat and shift their business model to spacetruckin'?
>want 10kg in leo?
>want 10kg around a specific asteroid in the belt?

>> No.11831285

christ that reddit meme gave me cancer

>> No.11831287
File: 637 KB, 1200x400, mars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it almost feels like its calling me anons

>> No.11831297

when starship reaches less then 50$/kg for non spacex (commercial) launches

>> No.11831327
File: 55 KB, 720x480, 701b936d7f3a9fda0d30db733b6f72b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you

>> No.11831329
File: 410 KB, 1980x1114, 20200610_132252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets talk about this bad boy.

>> No.11831331

it's a shitty red desert
an infinite, shitty red desert, I'm already in love

>> No.11831333
File: 38 KB, 305x308, 1584624722104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For the first time in the agency’s history, NASA has initiated a new effort to enable NASA personnel to fly on future commercial suborbital spaceflights. NASA’s Flight Opportunities program has successfully worked with emerging commercial suborbital transportation systems to fly research payloads to space for short periods of microgravity time.
>Now the Suborbital Crew (SubC) office within NASA’s Commercial Crew Program will lay the groundwork for flying NASA personnel on commercial suborbital space transportation systems. The goal of the SubC office is to perform a system qualification, or safety assessment, to enable NASA astronauts, principal investigators and other NASA personnel to take advantage of these unique capabilities. Following the qualification, NASA plans to purchase seats on commercial suborbital space transportation systems for NASA use.

>> No.11831336

Checked and fuck NASA- if they don’t play their cards right in this upcoming decade, they’re gonna fade into oblivion

>> No.11831343
File: 85 KB, 540x356, 9961224._SX540_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After playing hours of surviving mars i've come to the conclusion that a single dome should be constructed for the colony. A biodome that is a recreational park with trees and grass. Is this doable?

>> No.11831347


>> No.11831349
File: 67 KB, 720x540, 83f9a5d5186563a862c50cbd55f5f66e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not

>> No.11831352

>all that glass vs dust and micrometeorites
>getting all that glass
yes it is "doable", but practically? no.

>> No.11831353
File: 31 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems worth it to me

>> No.11831356
File: 404 KB, 1841x1050, nasa-insight-takes-its-first-selfie-on-mars_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still want to talk about insight though

>> No.11831357

What's the mole up to these days? Did they figure out how to make it go into the dirt?

>> No.11831366

>i'm gunna doooome!
who would have thought mars habs would have been such a divisive topic.

>> No.11831377
File: 988 KB, 1437x816, spacex colony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want one mars park anon..

>> No.11831382
File: 137 KB, 900x900, mars.nasa_.gov_insight-raw-images_surface_sol_0122_idc_D028R0122_607337988EDR_F0103_0100M_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure how the probe is (probably keeps getting pushed up by molepeople) but they found out that the magnetic field is stronger than they though.

>> No.11831387

nevermind, they finally got it

>> No.11831408

The spacex renders are unironically what i think the colony will look like

>> No.11831410

You absolutely do need rad-shielded domes people can spend extended time in or they go nuts. I've been in both Biosphere 2 and the Amazon Spheres, and they're MUCH more livable than underground warrens. The tunnels and proonted buttplugs/quonset huts/trench hats can complement them.

>> No.11831414

>A biodome that is a recreational park with trees and grass. Is this doable?
We did it in the 90s with Biosphere 2. It's an engineering challenge, but not an insurmountable one. If you can lob a few hundred Starships full of glass panels and spares, or fab them from rocks ISRU, it would be done of the first necessary big projects after a Sabatier plant.

>> No.11831418

Biosphere was such a shit tier project, I really wish they had done it properly.

>> No.11831422

Damn that'd be great

>> No.11831425
File: 430 KB, 3107x2330, 1592797250787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine all 3 memes together creating the perfect meme colony.

>> No.11831427
File: 142 KB, 1200x630, 129472745523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Domes are shit from a practicality point, however they are extremely kino.


>> No.11831435

Yeah, very tesla-esque with that pretentious but cool looking futuristic-look. I’m excited for Elon to show off renders for the interior of Starship. I bet it will look so cool

>> No.11831436
File: 338 KB, 735x412, mars_science_city_vue_exterieure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So kino

>> No.11831441

Domes are fucking fantastic, but material science will have to advance quite a bit for them to become viable on any large scale.

>> No.11831444
File: 957 KB, 1000x750, Dry-mesic-Northern-Forest-2994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i heard when we terraform mars it will basically be a northern Forrest. Is that true?

>> No.11831445

Elon should unironically build a biosphere in boca. It could house workers and astronauts as they train for mars or build starship, and be used to run a bunch of tests in a closed system of people living in a self-sufficient unit. You need to grow your own food, and only rely on resupplies every 6 months. God damn I totally forgot about Biosphere 2. It looks like a starfleet building from TNG

>> No.11831448

mars is literally a material science driver

>> No.11831450

Yeah, space exploration has that side effect, which I want to go NOW. I'm tired of this fucking quagmire.

>> No.11831453

*which is why I want to go NOW.

>> No.11831455

That would be fantastic

>> No.11831458

It will be whatever want to make it. Besides terraforming will never be a viable option for Mars, paraterraforming at best. In my opinion it's a tremendous waste anyway, even post terraforming, most of Mars will remain uninhabitable, there will only be a small band that is at the correct atmosperic pressure. There is simply too much height differential across the planet.

>> No.11831491

Fucking Reds

>> No.11831506

Exactly. This whole argument was like watching a bunch of little boys arguing about what shape of lego brick was the best when you need all of them.

>> No.11831512

Seethe harder cunt, gonna keep blowing up your terraforming equipment until you fuck off.

>> No.11831513
File: 61 KB, 550x366, cloud-forest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God damn I totally forgot about Biosphere 2. It looks like a starfleet building from TNG
It's a museum open to the public now, or was before kung flu. I'm also sure the resemblance was intentional.

There's an indoor cloud forest park in Singapore that's much newer and better as a park, but Biosphere 2 was what proved we could do it sealed off from the outside.

>> No.11831515
File: 2.07 MB, 3000x2000, GettyImages-1186597629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

singapore airport is probably the most kino building interior ever

>> No.11831517

That is extremely kino

>> No.11831522
File: 1.26 MB, 2000x1125, Chapman_Taylor_535_LHRS_Heathrow_Airport_T5_Retail_London_UK_N4-hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile in heathrow terminal 5

>> No.11831524

Go live at the top of a volcano if you like fucking rocks so much

>> No.11831526
File: 260 KB, 563x542, 123948468245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already do, oh look another drilling platform just blew up, how did that happen?

>> No.11831534

>t. ula sniper: evolved

>> No.11831547

This is why geologists are going to space and not printfag college engineering students. Printers are the big gay, and rocks are for chads

>> No.11831553


>> No.11831564

actual true story. years ago i worked maintenance on a massive ranch outside kalgoorlie in wa. there were a billion ancient "mines" (holes in the ground), a couple of active mines and few companies out there doing prospecting. anyway i got to know one of the geologists and ended up spending a week with him and a core drilling team out deep in the bush bagging up core samples and laying them out in lines on the ground for every metre they had drilled so he could look at them for gold deposits or whatever. this dude was in his mid 50s, had spent most of his life in the bush doing this sort of work, drunk and talked like a sailor in port, and was genuinely one of the most interesting yet hardest cunts i've ever met.
10/10 week, would do it again. but definitely geologists will be on mars before prooonters.

>> No.11831567

Every geologist I know either drinks a lot, or smokes weed a lot. Also they’re either very liberal or very conservative- no in between. Despite any differences they always get along. Also they are really smart, like in every subject. Chemistry, physics, everything. Such interesting people

>> No.11831577

it seems to be one of those really underrated specialisms that can lead to a properly interesting career where you actually travel and get to do shit, not sit in an office pushing paper. idk how popular a subject it is in unis.

>> No.11831585

fuck blue origin, vaporware company and their dumbfuck followers

>> No.11831596

I'm off innawoods for three days like I mentioned. >>11829199
Here's the Thursday SpaceX launch thread OP text:

Launch Thread: SpaceX Falcon 9 - Starlink-L9 & SmallSat Rideshare #2 (BlackSky 5/6)
_____ edition

Livestream: ?
Launch: Thursday, June 25 4:39 PM EDT / 20:39 UTC
Probability of violating weather constraints: ?
Backup launch: ?
Launch vehicle: SpaceX Falcon 9 with first stage B1051.5 (prior launches: Starlink-6, Starlink-3, RADARSAT, DM-1)
Fairings: ?
Launch pad: LC-39A, Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA
First stage landing: On droneship 'Of Course I Still Love You'
Fairing recovery: On fairing recovery vessels 'Ms. Tree' & 'Ms. Chief' (maybe)
Payload: 58 Starlink satellites & Spaceflight Industries Blacksky 5/6
Payload mass & destination orbit: ~15,600 kg (~260 kg / sat); 210 x 366 km @ ~53°; Starlink satellites will eventually orbit-raise to 550 km
Starlink-L9 TLE: probably this URL https://www.celestrak.com/NORAD/elements/supplemental/starlink-10.txt
Launch viewing guide for Florida: http://www.launchphotography.com/Delta_4_Atlas_5_Falcon_9_Launch_Viewing.html
SpaceX twitter: https://twitter.com/SpaceX
SpaceX launch statistics: This will be the 55th landed first stage, 37th re-flight of the a first stage, and 88th Falcon 9 launch. It is the 11th SpaceX launch of 2020.

Feel free to make the launch thread, someone; I won't be around to do it for once!
See you anons in three days.

>> No.11831597

Based. Elon tweeting about juneteenth and stuff seems genuine. But when Bezos has his companies tweet out those fake ass “hurr durr we believe black lives matter” tweets it comes across as so vapid and hollow. Bezos isn’t going to do anything with blue origin other than making engines

>> No.11831603
File: 68 KB, 600x500, 9B5CAC7F-05D3-4E31-8BE7-5A226B31A570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else kinda sad that they’ll never be able to be truly from another world.

Even if my life works out and I move to Mars when I’m in my 50s, by the time the first generation of Martians are fully grown I’ll be an old man.
Does anyone else have that innate drive to go out into the void and explore?

I have a son somewhere out here on Earth. His mother and I ended on and terms and honestly I’ve never seen the little dude ever. Both my parents are dead. I have nothing holding me onto this world.

Goddamn why can’t I have been born 100 years from now!

>Mfw you’ll never buy a cheap apartment on Mars
>Mfw I’ll never see Enceladus’ geysers with my own eyes
>Mfw I’ll never watch the sunrise from Mercury
>Mfw I won’t spend my last moments laying down in the sands of the moon, staring up at the infinite void and endless night

>> No.11831609

>Does anyone else have that innate drive to go out into the void and explore?
>I have a son somewhere out here on Earth. His mother and I ended on and terms and honestly I’ve never seen the little dude ever.

are you me?

>> No.11831612

iktf bro, but maybe we can at least be some one the first people off world and start building up a new planet, that's pretty exciting enough for me I think.

>> No.11831614

I mean I started watching Star Trek TNG when I was in high school and it always made me so excited for what “could be” the future of humanity. But it seemed so far out of reach. But then comes some random South African guy who starts changing everything and landing rockets, and then announces a giant fucking Starship that will get us a Mars colony. Suddenly this idea that seemed so far away has now become a reality that will happen within our lifetime. If it weren’t for Elon, we’d be dependent on NASA to do a shitty mission sometime in 2070 and it would be meager at best. At least we have something to look forward to
I guess I can give you an anecdote. Long ago, people would build giant cathedrals that took 100 years to build. The generation that started it knew they would never see the finished product, but it was probably comforting that they were doing their part to build something epic. The first mars colony will do just that. Elon has given us a huge paradigm shift for what’s possible, and the ONLY sad thing will be if starship falls through and ends up being a hoax or underperforming (which I don’t see happening, he keeps delivering on his word time after time even when the odds are against him and nobody has faith)

>> No.11831618
File: 300 KB, 1280x800, DF93A68C-B0E3-45B0-8AF8-0AA50E559CEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably. I’m glad I found this board because it seems like people who actually give a shit about space and aren’t “OH MAN I LOVE SCIENCE NASANASANASA” are very rare.

We’re all gonna make it brah.

>> No.11831632
File: 31 KB, 540x360, 1581834569209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a little

>> No.11831634
File: 52 KB, 720x540, 1582313501764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fairing reuse

>> No.11831635

I would so not tell SpaceX if one of these washed up on my property, that shit is going straight into the shed.

>> No.11831656

Is New Glenn ever going to fly? I feel like BO is doomed by the fact that Bezos is just the money man, and he probably doesn’t contribute anything to meetings or schedules

>> No.11831670
File: 153 KB, 300x300, 1585743355098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I don't get is why colonizing Mars with a lot of populated cities is something sought after or even desirable when space stations in general are a much better deal. Last I checked there is no rush to colonize Antartica, that place is still pretty much a barren wasteland and it will stay that way for good reasons, it's expensive, deadly and troublesome. Mars is even harder and has even less useful resources so, truly, why?

>> No.11831677

If Earth goes down same for Antarctic.

>> No.11831681

To conquer another planet and a new frontier.

Antarctica is heavily legally protected. If it wasn’t we’d likely see more going on there. People do spend a fortune to go there for as long as they’re allowed.

>> No.11831687

>Antarctica is heavily legally protected.
This. Antarctica has plenty of useful resources but anyone trying to mine the shit out of is going to asking for more international trouble than it's worth.

Space stations are not a primary colonization strategy, they follow planetary colonization. You don't get giant rotating habitats covered in shielding, which is what you would need to ever approach being better than a planetary colony, without a strong industrialized Mars.

>> No.11831688

i think when it happens it'll happen very quickly and all of a sudden they'll be nipping at spacex heals if not directly competing. we'll meme at it then within a couple of months it'll be "oh BO is flying again today".

>> No.11831689

If you gassed all the antarctic treaties and said its a free for all land grab, set up your own sovereign states cunts, overnight there would be expeditions prepped and colonies funded.

>> No.11831694

as others have said it's not a place you just go to. it's been carved up and argued about by several nations. britains presence in the falklands is partially to with the oil reserves but mainly to do with their antarctic claim.

>> No.11831696

New Glenn has a planned launch cadence of like 8 flights a year and is still going to struggle to fill its manifest. Its first orbit will be likely be after or not much before Starships', an entirely more ambitious platform. I would love to see them provide real competition but it's not happening next year. It probably won't happen in ten years.

>> No.11831697

Starship will kill New Glenn. At best they launch New Glenn starting 2021, at this rate starship prototypes will be going orbital by then so BO gets at best a year or two of marginal competition with Falcon 9 which will be extremely competitive. Its still a distinct possibility that starship will be entering service as or even before New Glenn does which will kill it stillborn.

>> No.11831699

There were dinosaurs in Antarctic too, they didn't survive extinction either.

>> No.11831700

what interests me most about them is bezos has said new glenn will be their smallest orbital lifter. maybe they're working on something fuckhuge that possibly isn't for landing on mars life SS but but ridiculous payloads (think ship building yards) into leo.
or it's all a huge waste of money by a man who could do 100 blue origins and treat it like an evening on the piss.
i hope they both succeed desu.

>> No.11831706

>my spelling and everything in that post
sorry bros

>> No.11831712

New Glenn HAS to be their smallest launcher. That's not really saying much beyond acknowledging industrial reality. New Glenn is planted between F9 and FH in capability. It's not built for a world where Starship exists. If they were actually moving fast they'd have scrapped it a year ago and fastlined a fully renewable SS-scale New Armstrong. At this rate there will be a very long gap to catch up to fully reusable capability.

>> No.11831716

how long has it been in development? because musk has been talking about bfr (now starship) for what has to be nearly a decade if not more. maybe they all thought he was talking shit and sat on their laurels and now with billions in their various rocket holes can't/won't redevelop? we know that's true of sls so maybe it's the same for new glenn.

>> No.11831719

Bezos encouraged us to cancel all our meetings on Juneteenth and gave free fried chicken to the fulfillment center wagies.
>celebrate black people with fried chicken and avoiding work
It's almost a /pol/ tier slur.

>> No.11831724

New Glenn won't die as long as the taxpayer remains a major purchaser of launches. NASA/DOD do not want a monopolistic launch provider, and if NG lives up to it's promises it will be the go to for very very high cost military sats and science probes for quite a while since for them launch cost is a less important consideration

>> No.11831726

to add: sls' problems run far deeper than private competition. the thing should have been scrapped in it's entirety and the parts given to museums the moment f9 started supplying cargo to the iss. the writing was on the wall for state developed launch systems the moment that happened.

>> No.11831728

where does that leave ula (other than buying their engines)? that's basically their mo.

>> No.11831729

Until about a year ago BFR was purely a paper concept. Saying it was in development before then is like saying BO has been in development of O'neill cylinders for the last 20 years. SS was the blue sky project, now they're there. BO sat in the sandbox for 20 years and they're still a year away from putting out what would have been their workhorse rocket... if F9, FH, and probably SS by then didn't already exist.

>> No.11831734

bezos better get his shit together then. he could be doing starship at a 10x accelerated pace if he wanted to. he claims to care, but we're left looking at ula 2.0 when we want giant rotating habs by 2030.
does he have twitter? i might set up a twitter just to tell him to get his shit together.

>> No.11831742

Bezos views BO as a side gig while he gives Amazon and WaPo his energy.

>> No.11831747

blue origin only started the actual development of NG fairly recently. it will probably be finished around the same time as Starship

>> No.11831748
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>> No.11831752

You can email him directly. It's literally jeff@amazon.com or something like that. Intended for complaints about stuff you've bought on amazon but who knows, perhaps your message will get through. I emailed him about a camo backpack I bought on amazon that broke

>> No.11831754

did he (or corporate) reply?
>give me a couple of hours to pen something

>> No.11831756

Did he fly there with his private jet?

>> No.11831758

What's a lizzo? Is it that conspiracy theory about lizards or something?

>> No.11831760

Their midweight partially reusable launcher will probably be capable of entering orbit +- a year of SpaceX reaching the same capability with a superheavy fully reusable launcher while still launching both the less capable but much higher cadence F9 and the more capable FH at the same time. Then we move into continued development to bring the rockets from orbital prototypes to fully functioning infrastructure where SpaceX will likely pull ahead as their development pace has been faster the entire time. If you don't see the problem with BO's strategic position, you're just not looking.

>> No.11831768

Not that anon, but from what i hear he usually just forwards the e-mail asking for the employee in charge to fix the issue

>> No.11831777

>"passionate about space"
>becomes worlds richest man with disposable wealth unknown to all but the largest nation states
>blue origin
fucking embarrassing tbqhwy

>> No.11831782

I got a refund so someone was monitoring it. Can't remember if I got a reply

>> No.11831783

alright let me get sufficiently drunkangry to tell that cunt whats what.

>> No.11831789

This was a nice shot, those sparkly panels.

>> No.11831817


>> No.11831822

No, we warned you about Space Wolves, man.

>> No.11831824


We must not allow it off planet. Bogdanoff, make the call.

>> No.11831825

But that's great. Solves the protein scarcity problem.

>> No.11831870

>Most engineers and astronauts are white males
>The first person on Mars is a black female not because of her merits but her identity
>Shits on meritocracy and discourages many people from joining NASA because they'd pay more attention to their identity than rewarding them for their labor.
That would really send a bad message, but let's see how things go. In my opinion, setting foot on Mars is a very difficult and dangerous task so they would bring only the most capable astronauts to ensure success.

>> No.11831879


>> No.11831885
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Will BO ever bother making a capsule for New Glenn, or will they just move on to a Starship competitor for manned flights?

>> No.11831888

>FH more capable
since when are 30 tons to LEO more capable than 45 tons to LEO?
i agree on Starship but that will be decided once we know how many refueling trips are needed for a certain payload to a given destination.

>> No.11831889

my money is on boeing buy out if vulcan can't compete

>> No.11831920

If you want to put more than ~32t to Leo it will be cheaper to launch on FH in its partially or fully expendable configuration than even a reusable New Glenn.
Starship is a far more capable ship, full stop, with no refueling factored in whatsoever. That only provides excess capability that no one else is even approaching.

>> No.11831939

I guarantee you the first astronauts to Mars will be men just to avoid floating with six months of used tampons.

>> No.11831946

tampon compost, anon
imagine the smell

>> No.11831955

if ss flies then capsules are old news.

>> No.11831992
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>> No.11832002

Gliding to safety, brakes

>> No.11832032

right for LEO Starship would mbe the best.
however a fully expanded FH is certainly not cheaper than a reusable NG.
we don't know enough about it to be absolutely certain though

>> No.11832041

hard to really price NG, given that BO has absolutely no intentions of ever building it

>> No.11832048

they already started building it

>> No.11832058

Fully expendable FH is 150m for 64t leo capacity, not that anyone would ever fully utilize it. NG isn't gonna beat that.

It was also an absolutely retarded idea to make a partially reusable rocket but use notoriously expensive hydrolox as the expended stage.

>> No.11832098

All the reasons we haven't started pumping resources from Antarctica are political.
That being said, there should be more space stations. There definitely won't be any O'Neill cylinders, but there will quite likely be plenty of Von Braun stations if we actually succeed in industrializing Mars.

>> No.11832114
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Morbidly obese black woman music artist. >>11831817

>> No.11832117

>There definitely won't be any O'Neill cylinders
why do you say that?

>> No.11832119

>building a lego iss

>> No.11832132
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Smells like pennies.
Shouldn't they be siamese twins?
That stuff is gonna take practically forever to build in our current scale. Maybe we can actually start carving one out of Phobos, but it certainly won't be a pretty colony. Planetary colonization will have been mastered before we start building large ass biospheres.

>> No.11832191

The most recent Russian Mars 500 simulation was male only due to issues with previous runs.
Not surprising really. Being locked up like that for 500 days with sexy Russian science lasses would not be easy.

>> No.11832198

Quite sure he misplelt lezzo's

>> No.11832213

It's very likely that FH will retire before NG flies.

>> No.11832229

>work hard all your life to become an astronaut
>finally make it into NASA
>get assigned a flight
>it's suborbital on virgin galactic
people will quit over this

>> No.11832248

Unskilled unmotivated people aren’t good colonists. NEETs would not exist if they had balls

>> No.11832259

>Being locked up like that for 500 days with sexy Russian science lasses would not be easy.

>> No.11832264
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>> No.11832267

>What I don't get is why colonizing Mars with a lot of populated cities is something sought after or even desirable

It’s cool

> when space stations in general are a much better deal.

That’s boring.

>> No.11832271


>> No.11832280

Colonists should be able to bring their wives

>> No.11832283

No, it's only in the quadrillion range. Unless you're talking about uploaded minds.

>> No.11832285

>going to mars
>when there's all the russian jb scientists on surface

>> No.11832293

Russia is never going to Mars

>> No.11832306

they were sex trafficked on a boat then given asylum

>> No.11832331

I can definitely see some citizen russians going to Mars in later stages of colonisation, making moonshine, and becoming the first people to die from methanol poisoning on another planet.

>> No.11832335
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Relativity signed a deal with Iridium for six satellites. The article gives a good summary of their progress too. Are they legit, and why is Jared Leto funding them?

>> No.11832348

>3D rocket printer Relativity signs deal with Iridium and plans to build a California launchpad
>no one will be employed driving by 2020 it'll all be automated
into the popsci trash it goes

>> No.11832350
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>Jared Leto
Because it's a fucking joke lol
nice gif though

>> No.11832352

>blurring out the printer head

>> No.11832378
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>> No.11832379

On mars you would really be from another world.

>> No.11832399

>Planetary colonization will have been mastered before we start building large ass biospheres.
I wouldn't be so sure about that.
We'll see I guess.

>> No.11832428

>Resources share a gravity well
>Shed waste heat without relying entirely on radiators
It's so much easier to reach any considerable scale planetside than in stations.
Besides, the industry to build that stuff starts with embedded colonies. No one is going to have the industry to launch cities into orbit without first having colonies the size of megacities pumping out rockets and processed materials.

>> No.11832443

>If they were actually moving fast they'd have scrapped it a year ago and fastlined a fully renewable SS-scale New Armstrong
Yes, exactly how SpaceX cancelled all the Falcon variants smaller than Falcon 9.

>> No.11832445

expendable I assume. Are they just making the 2nd stage? picture in the background has 1st stage as well. anyways this is going to fail and fail hard, you can tell because they say things like "this technology is going to be among the most disruptive in our lifetime in this industry"

>> No.11832446

>Until about a year ago BFR was purely a paper concept. Saying it was in development before then is like saying BO has been in development of O'neill cylinders for the last 20 years.
SpaceX had the engine by last year, though. Of course it's been improved since then in myriad ways, but regardless they had Raptor. The rest of the problem is basically just building a rocket scaled for X number of Raptors on either stage.

>> No.11832450

>bezos better get his shit together then. he could be doing starship at a 10x accelerated pace
No, he literally could not. I don't think SpaceX could go any faster even if you gave them unlimited money at this point, they are literally building prototypes faster than they can bolt them to test stands and blow them up.

>> No.11832460
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>> No.11832464

Raptor is about a year old if you discount subscale models and unassembled parts testing. If you want to consider SS development to start before flight ready Raptors were available, then it's been in development for 7 years, while New Glenn by the same definition has been in development for 9 years.

>> No.11832465

nobody is going to do this because Starlink launches are boring now

>> No.11832468
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SN5 being put on the test structure and you faggots are silent. Shameful

>> No.11832472

I discounted subscale models because if I did include them some smartass anon would come by and say "actually, Raptor at its full size has only existed for about a year, before then it was all just subscale prototype engines". Raptor, as of a year ago, was at the point it could be bolted to a vehicle and flown, which is the important thing.

>> No.11832481

Why is the guy talking such a faggot

>> No.11832482

I'm debating starting the next thread a bit early to clear the air, what do you think?

>> No.11832487

He doesn't lurk enough to know enough about rocketry to commentate about it. Also he sounds like a faggot.

>> No.11832489

Because most space YouTubers are basedfucks, bocachicagal is really the only one that matters anyway

>> No.11832494

Its page 9 go for it

>> No.11832509

I have to say, this has to be the weirdest shit I read on the internets.
That and John Titor, back in the days.

>> No.11832513

I can't stand them. Heres a better stream

>> No.11832517

I don't understand.
Why test SN5 and 6 at all if they're not made of the new steel aloy?

>> No.11832519


>> No.11832524

true, with asteroids it is only quadrillions. but if you factor all minor planets (which includes comets) it is quintillions

>> No.11832528

Old materials, but updated structures, anon. If you know the new materials give you a +10% strength margin and the old materials with the new design gives you a 5% increase over old design with old materials, then you can be pretty confident in your new design with new materials getting you 15% more strength margin overall. Also there's a shitload more to these prototypes than just the actual tanks, there's valves and plumbing and considerations to stop fluid hammering and so forth.

>> No.11832917

"oh, noes, what we thought would definitely work didn't."
If that doesn't tell you how desperate SpeceX is about this, nothing will.
We were supposed to have multiple flip landings by now.