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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 68 KB, 1024x693, 1591220170020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11828648 No.11828648[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Photons don't have a mass...but in short term observations they do
These hacks really want me to believe in this bullshit

>> No.11828682

Been here for a while and never once thought the “Jew thing” made sense. But then again my Q is quite a bit higher than the average on /pol/ of 70.

>> No.11828689

The jew thing makes a lot of sense.

>> No.11828692

Learn what rest mass is, retard.

>> No.11828696

in all seriousness if you believe that you’re going to want to get an assessment since you’re probably entitled to disability payments or some form of assistance. It’s so transparently fallacious and lie-filled (screenshotted tweets is a good example proving this) that you honest to god need to be at least partially mentally disabled to fall for it. There’s a reason there isn’t even one mentally stable or intelligent neo-nazi.

>> No.11828722

>in all seriousness if you believe that you’re going to want to get an assessment since you’re probably entitled to disability payments or some form of assistance. It’s so transparently fallacious and lie-filled (screenshotted tweets is a good example proving this) that you honest to god need to be at least partially mentally disabled to fall for it. There’s a reason there isn’t even one mentally stable or intelligent neo-nazi.
>>in all seriousness if you believe that you’re going to want to get an assessment since you’re probably entitled to disability payments or some form of assistance. It’s so transparently fallacious and lie-filled (screenshotted tweets is a good example proving this) that you honest to god need to be at least partially mentally disabled to fall for it. There’s a reason there isn’t even one mentally stable or intelligent neo-nazi.

>> No.11828735


This conspiracy theory that all Jews globally are in on some coordinated scheme to do [X thing] is quite far-fetched and /x/ tier but the revelation that Jews in America are in fact quite, quite overrepresented in power positions of banking, finance, and media begs some thought because they do have undue collective influence over the rest of the country.

>> No.11828757

>the only people who dislike jews are nazis
simply epic.

>> No.11828760

The banking thing is entirely a lie. The media thing is largely a lie.

researching who runs banks was an actual red pill. Almost never jews

>> No.11828770


What is that list supposed to prove? And how is the media thing largely a lie? They absolutely own Hollywood, and have a lot of power positions in the media/news outlets as well. I never said they had complete control over these things in the US, just undue influence compared to their proportion of the total population (only 2%).

>> No.11828772

The representation thing is interesting since it means you’re identical to SJWs crying about white privilege which is a synonym for representation in wealth power and happiness

>> No.11828781

>what is that list supposed to prove
If you click on each bank and research the executives there’s a comical lack of Jews considering the propaganda that they run banks. I made it to #50 having counted 2 banks with Jewish execs.

This is actually why neo-nazi propaganda relies on that Rothschild conspiracy. Since Jews don’t actually run the banks, they need to pretend all banks are secretly run by a Jewish family.

>> No.11828782


Who's crying?

>> No.11828788

this entire site including this thread is little but incel shills crying my guy

>> No.11828792


I was speaking more with regards to the United States. If you dig into NYC banks and their leadership/backgrounds there are a lot of Jews, but I think that's more because there are shit-ton of Jews in NYC (2 million of them). This goes for media companies based there as well. The Rothschild stuff is /x/ tier nonsense, the concept that they have an undue amount of influence over American media projection due to their station in NYC and LA is not.

>> No.11828797
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Are you saying that the Rothschild family doesn't exist and have no influence on central banking?

>> No.11828799

undue amount of influence is kind of a meaningless thing to say since the only group whose influence is measured is Jews. for example the richest man in the world is Jeff Bezos, but no one calls that “Swedish influence.” The Irish run many of the banks and media but you never see anyone discussing Irish over-representation

>> No.11828803

why would the Rothschilds have anything to do with central banking? Again this conspiracy exists because there are no/few countries with Jewish run banks which disproves everything neo-nazis believe so they needed to invent a fairy tale behind the scenes.

This is actually a good summary of why /pol/ are the people least deserving of breathing I’ve ever seen.

>> No.11828810
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>> No.11828811


If you're only 2% of America, but have 30% of the say in an industry like the media it will create a warped presentation of reality for the rest of the country that doesn't immediately relate or sympathize. Imagine if people from the state of Vermont dictated 30% of the decisions in Hollywood and at CNN/MSNBC/Fox News, it would be really weird.

>> No.11828813
File: 171 KB, 1575x1026, 1592666564209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you have 0 idea about the history of central banking, how it works today and their influence on geo-political events historically

That's pretty cringe my dude

>> No.11828818

Jews are nowhere near 30% of the media kek. For example Disney just switched to a new CEO who isn’t Jewish, but I guaran-fucking-tee for the next several years shills will continue to call Disney Jewish.

There are several other flaws in this point as well, like that media is actually controlled by stock holders and public opinion, not really the people in charge. A microcosm of this is how the Oscars had no black nominations, the public cried, and the oscars adjusted to meet the demands of the public.

Finally, mainstream media has lost most of its influence because of the internet.

>> No.11828821

did you learn about the history of central banking from a neo-nazi blog, infograph, or YouTube video tho

>> No.11828827

CEO is not indicative of upper management as a whole you cocksucking retard

>> No.11828830
File: 81 KB, 1024x768, 1591605572263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you have no idea and you're making false claims, I really do suggest you read up on central banking

BoE and The Fed are good starting points
Might surprise where your tax money is actually going

>> No.11828832
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>> No.11828835

I realize your IQ is 80, but you should know outside of /pol/ you can’t support your beliefs by dancing vaguely around the facts. You are coping hard right now doing massive damage control because I just posted a list proving Jews have minimal influence in banking which has dismantled years of your life. Your entire world view fell apart because you ran into a person who doesn’t have a dog brain.

>> No.11828839


It's not just CEOs, and if you dig through the whole leadership and formation of the media from the 1920's to today it would shake out to something like that number.

There are several other flaws in this point as well, like that media is actually controlled by stock holders and public opinion, not really the people in charge. A microcosm of this is how the Oscars had no black nominations, the public cried, and the oscars adjusted to meet the demands of the public.

I really don't think the majority of the public were demanding that, just a vocal minority who the studios acquiesced to for political reasons. There have been a lot of "woke" flubs as of late, not all of them but they're losing money on some of these initiatives and the only thing you could chalk that up to is public dissatisfaction. Their trust in the media is at all time lows.


It doesn't seem to me that they're serving the interests of the people anymore, rather serving their own interests and demanding others join in. The way I see it is that they demand the priorities of downtown NYC become the priorities of Meh Town, Iowa and that's causing a ton of friction now because progressivism has gone quite a ways.

>> No.11828841

Off the top of my head 3 of the things that have changed since then:
>time warner is now owned by att
>legendary pictures belongs to the chinese
>Netflix became one of the biggest parts of the market
All of the above companies have non Jewish upper management. Explain how in joo conspiracy world these companies ever get passed from Jewish to non-jewish ownership.

>> No.11828844

I was not the anon who was posting about Jews running the banks, it's clearly the Irish and the bohemian grove is their yearly meetup

If you don't want to learn about central banking that's fine, but it is really quite interesting and often overlooked part of a given nations financial system

>> No.11828849

You mean
>CEO is not indicative of upper management when the CEO isn’t Jewish
>when the CEO is Jewish, it means Jews run the company
Do you abortions really think your doublethink isn’t clearly visible? You make up the rules on a case by case basis with the sole intent of pushing your evil narrative

>> No.11828875

dude, just pick 5 major movies at random and at least half, if not all the people in charge of production (writer, director, producer) will be Jews

>> No.11828880

you realize this can easily be disproved by looking up best director nominations right

>> No.11828891

Wow the JIDF discord tranny shills are in full force this thread.
Guess what.
You are a Jew.
A dirty Jew.
A filthy kike.
I will never forget your crimes against humanity.
Your days are numbered.

>> No.11828892

The whole jew thing is just nepotism
Most of them have a strong tie with their identity as jews, so they will often hire other jews when in a position to do so
You would see the same with any minority group in a larger population

This is very apparent in law, media and academia where they have a strong over representation, especially in the elite levels

You won't see jewish trash collectors often

Many of them hold very far left values, are often sympathetic to communism-type ideologies and exercise their power and wealth to achieve their goals. This might be not make sense at first, since very wealthy people seldom subscribe to these ideologies as it would go against their goals of maintaining their wealth and power, however as with all systems, there is no place for "true" communism and same as in the Weimar republic and the Soviet Union, they would end up on top with even greater power regardless.

One should not be mad at them, but admire them for their success, both in present and historically, else they would not be persecuted for it. The information age just advanced the tools that enables them to pacify the gentiles more effectively.

>> No.11828894
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>> No.11828902

Yeah guys but what about photons

>> No.11828904

Exactly. This is also the best argument against Jews for the average person. It boils down to nepotism.

>> No.11828921


>> No.11828922

>many of them hold very far left values
Jews are rarely extremists, they are mostly centrists

>> No.11828928

>Bong Joon-ho
you're right - that's only 20%, not the 30%

>> No.11828930

news flash: nepotism is done equally in all populations

>> No.11828933
File: 621 KB, 593x580, 1590755223194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that why 90% of party leadership of USSR and 80% of NKVD were jewish?
Is that why Israel is a fascist apartheid state that forcefully sterilizes immigrants from Ethiopia?

>> No.11828934
File: 32 KB, 504x288, 1539604115638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

factually incorrect

>> No.11828937

>photons don't interact with each other ... but during a double slit experiment they do!

>> No.11828944

Photons absolutely have mass.

>> No.11828950

Have you never burned anything with a magnifying glass?
How would you get energy without mass my dude

>> No.11828956

Even if that were true, and it isn’t, it’s terrible logic and this is how we know pol isn’t really sentient. 75% of nazis were Christian, does that mean Christians are nazis? Amazing lack of logic

>> No.11828959

I’ve seen this shit debunked so many times Christ you people are the worst scum

>> No.11828968

racial nepotism would be only one form of nepotism. everyone hires their friends and family for example

>> No.11828974
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Damn you better inform Forbes to retract these slanderous statements shill

>> No.11828984

you said they were sterilizing them though lol. this article says they were given birth control. what a moron.

>> No.11828990
File: 1.21 MB, 2874x1580, 1592764902524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you boys at JIDF are getting sloppy

>> No.11829002

there’s a lot of funny things about this but the funniest by far is that jews are getting diluted by race mixing way faster than whites. your conspiracy theories can’t even get past the very first step before the crucial lies come out

>> No.11829012

>forcing mass non-white immigration into white countries
even if they wanted to do this it wouldn’t be possible since they have so few policy-making positions in those countries. neo-nazism is unironically less intelligent than flat earth

>> No.11829020
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>> No.11829040

They control the media, they've convinced the public they mix more than they really do to save face.

>> No.11829041

Source on him being Jewish? Source on using immigration to replace workers being a rare view held only by Jews? Source on every other country? Source on why you suddenly consider Hungary a white country when you need to for victim propaganda? Source on Jews occupying a majority of policy-making position should in literally any European country forcing them the ability to import immigrants? Source on the massive trail of documents automatically left by a global conspiracy to change populations by force?

these are just a few of the thousands of questions which highlight why all you incels are dumb.

>> No.11829048

They don’t, not that it matters. They don’t control Gallup which is the organization measuring intermarriage rates. Try going one sentence without lying multiple times.

>> No.11829053
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How many shekels do you guys get paid to shill anyway

>> No.11829056

They control *Hollywood and most news media outlets
Sorry, my mistake

>> No.11829057

Also the music industry

>> No.11829061

Pretty sure all the shills on this site are Islamic and nazi considering people like you spamming info graphs on every board...

Also for the record if you want to prove Jewish involvement in this you’ll have to sift through governments to prove Jews are at least 50% of lawmakers, once you do that I can tell you all the other things you would have to do to even begin making this point scientifically. You are an extremely unintelligent person anon.

>> No.11829064

true, some are fascists

>> No.11829069

source on Gallup Jewish intermarriage rates being faked to deceive neo-nazi internet shills?

>> No.11829077

>accuses someone else of being a shill while spamming /pol/‘s stock collection of propaganda .jpgs
the level of self awareness you guys don’t have is shocking

>> No.11829081

They're being faked to deceive the public, shuts down criticism to normalize race mixing. Truth is, they're more insular than white people.

>> No.11829083

source? proof?

>> No.11829087
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How times do they let you change the topic when confronted with evidence before you have to abandon the thread?

>> No.11829094

Existence of Israel.

>> No.11829097

>a meaningless quote from a nobody with zero power or influence and a fake twitter account run by a nazi shill is “evidence”
evidence of what exactly. you are unironically dumber than wild animals

>> No.11829099

Israel’s population is 70 percent Jewish. It has a lower Jewish percentage than any white country has white percentage. Once again not only are you wrong, but as wrong as you could possibly be.

>> No.11829101

if any of this stuff is real shouldn’t you have thousands upon thousands of quotes like this and documents proving a conspiracy and whistleblowers. also if it’s real why do you guys constantly need to make fake twitter accounts posing as Jews and fake articles and tweets and shit

>> No.11829104

I am just doing this for the lurkers, the tactics have already been switched

>> No.11829111

The quote is real, it’s just meaningless and doesn’t even begin to count as evidence. The twitter account is fake and run by an astroturfer. The account was literally deleted for impersonation.

>> No.11829119

>5 major movies at random
>looking up best director nominations
Gee, it's almost as if those are two different things entirely. You don't help your case by being deceptive.

>> No.11829120
File: 101 KB, 1000x1000, CHENFART-Decoration-Pictures-Canvas-Painting-Don-Quixote-Oil-Paintings-Wall-Pictures-for-Bedroom-Home-Decor.jpg_q50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Photons don't have mass.
Only when it stands still.
Photons never stand still.

Perpetuum mobile doesn't exist.
Perpetuum mobile is an isolated system.
Isolated systems cannot exist.
(but who needs it to be an isolated system? this whole world is a perpetuum mobile, but they want you to believe that you have to pay for everything)

>> No.11829134

They're actively destroying the Arab population through deportation, ect. They're consolidating their power as a race, foreign Jews can go there and live permanently as long as they marry purebreds. In America they're sacrificing some useless high profile actors with mixing to normalize it, behind closed doors they're being Jews, hostile to the goyim, as always.

>> No.11829138

There's a word for that when any other group does it: racism. You may have heard of it because Jewish advocacy groups are always screaming about it. Except when it comes to Jews. Then it's called nepotism, which even by your own admission, is done on an identity wide scale instead of just family level as is the traditional definition of nepotism.
Thanks for letting us all know that Jews are the worse racists. According to Jewish organizations, racism is the worst crime imaginable therefore, Jews now have concluded that Jews are the worse people imaginable. Oh wait, it's just "nepotism" so it is ok when they do it.

>> No.11829149
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>Israel’s population is 70 percent Jewish
Lol! What has happened? I thought they were genociding the muzzos!

>> No.11829161

Damn man haeheah this really got me. I just came from /pol/ to read some non /pol/ and interesting science stuff and what do you know i am again reading same stuff here.

>> No.11829169
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I agree that Jews are incredibly hypocritical, and I have a personal disdain towards them for this reason.
I was referring to their ability to subvert huge populations of people through influence in the media and academia to further their goals

Don't hate the player if your team is losing because they don't see their rather simple tricks.

The Jewish problem works in cycles and always has, the only question we have now is, whether a new age of persecution will rise to cull the problem and restart the cycle or is this the final one

>> No.11829177

When someone says an organization is “too white” they are including the Jews you fucking moron.

Jews are the least racist group based on their intermarriage stats. Do you incel losers ever stop lying

>> No.11829187

If Jews are hypocritical as a whole why is it that the only people who dislike them are uneducated subhumans. You already lied about them being far left. You haven’t gone a single sentence so far without lying. If Jews are bad why is there one even ONE decent or respectable person who hates them.

>> No.11829197

god damn is it funny how one statistic disproves everything ever posted on /pol/. Who would win, millions of man-hours of shut-in incels, or one fact?

>> No.11829202
File: 93 KB, 1024x1016, winnie_the_jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. Juden

>> No.11829207

Fucking based image

>> No.11829212
File: 706 KB, 1000x2891, 1592360129189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most Jews in Israel hate the orthodox population for their insolence already, you probably can look out the window and see some for yourself.

>> No.11829224

whenever people ask for smart Jew haters you shills post the same paranoid schizophrenic psycho

>> No.11829227

what about the places in the world with no/few Jews which still have the same bad times and problems as places with Jews

surely this alone disproves everything you believe

>> No.11829231
File: 114 KB, 1024x576, AP100911032355-e1427985635754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't pol tell you that muzzos are crypto-jews (too dumb so sorted into a special category not to spoil iq statistics)

>> No.11829240
File: 31 KB, 640x360, N6SqlygVxH1N_640x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes you say he was a paranoid schizophrenic psycho?

>> No.11829244

then you run into a separate problem. the Jewish population is in the billions, and you no longer get to claim they’re over-represented in anything.

>> No.11829248

A photon goes at light speed, therefore it's mass must be zero.
To exist, it must have energy.
Therefore, it's mass is simply equal to the amount of energy the particle has when measured, in the E=(m*c^2)/(1/(1-v^2/c^2)^0.5 -1). Here the first part is the classic E = m c^2 equation, and the second part is the relativistic energy of the particle.

>> No.11829252
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So do you guys work in 3 shifts, or 2x12 hour shifts typically? Genuinely curious

>> No.11829257

Even with clueless muzzos they're minority in the USA, yet usurp most of the institutions.

>> No.11829265
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>> No.11829272

every single quote in that list for one

>fake George Washington quote
If jooz bad then why is 99% of your propaganda fake or lies

>> No.11829285
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>> No.11829291
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>> No.11829304
File: 206 KB, 1280x720, synagogue_of_satan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the actual quote:
> "This tribe of black gentry work more effectually against us, than the enemy's arms. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our liberties, and the great cause we are engaged in. It is much to be lamented that each State, long ere this, has not hunted them down as pests to society, and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America."
Who is black gentry?

>> No.11829310

>science board
>right wing extremist political shills spamming propaganda
it’s amazing how this site continues to get worse and there’s zero moderation

>> No.11829319
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>> No.11829323

>t. jew

>> No.11829326

> corrupt goyim science
> dislike it when they notice that
"aryan physics" could be on to something.

>> No.11829346
File: 45 KB, 720x404, 42128092_2212985105645395_2038131414116859904_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes it all makes sense now
Except for the part when you realize that not even (((they))) have a proper answer. What bullshit would you rather believe in?

When something is completely at rest, it fails to be definable as a mass in the first place. It ceases to "exist".

>There’s a reason there isn’t even one mentally stable or intelligent neo-nazi.
>But the bumbling religious hat wearer is sane because he believes you're beneath him

>You have to be a Nazi to realize that religion is fucking dumb and gets in the way of true knowledge

You can call them out like any other retarded religion. Jews are literally sniveling connivers, they are taught to be from birth from the scriptures they've upheld for thousands of years. The summation of which can be best described as "If you aren't a Jew then we have the right to fuck you over anyway you please". This is what allowed them to get ahead, they are basically like a Mason club who will stick together, even defending the worst of their own and planting one of their members here and there.
In all honesty they should be grateful no one uses their own ideology against them let alone fascism...but what really is the difference? It's basically the same thing. Tyranny.

"central banking" is a cover story for eugenics.

This doesn't explain anything. How would you get mass without energy?

>I will define it by what it doesn't do/what it isn't
So what are you defining and how was it defined in the first place?

>> No.11829347

Jews have made the greatest contributions to science of any ethnicity pound for pound. Not only is it not true they’ve “corrupted it,” it is the exact opposite of the actual truth.

>notice it
Your incel brainwashing does not count as “noticing”

>> No.11829351

most Jews are actually atheists. So not only is it not true they don’t follow scripture, but they have better moral fiber than most other religions.

>> No.11829354

Thank you for the refrigerator improvement, Jews.

>> No.11829356
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>> No.11829359
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>better moral fiber than most other religions.

>> No.11829367
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If they were so great, why would they resort to nepotism?

>> No.11829374

You sound very low "Q"

>> No.11829376
File: 308 KB, 500x628, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most Jews are actually atheists.
>allow me to just contradict myself in on sentence
By all means, don't let me stop you.
You're a fucking moron you know that?

>So not only is it not true they don’t follow scripture, but they have better moral fiber than most other religions.
>the lack of faith/belief that sets the standard for morals to begin with is a belief/faith greater than religion
So that's 2 contradictions, unless you'd like to further explain yourself.

>> No.11829389

I knew this board gotten bad because of /pol/ brainlet shills ruining it but it’s nice to see the proof. god damn

>> No.11829391

> jews
> good

>> No.11829403

Judaism is both an ethnicity and a religion. Most Jews are atheists. You are an idiot.

>> No.11829409
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>only 2 JIDF shills assigned to /sci/
>threads don't get instantly brigaded
>the shills are really bad too so its even funnier

>> No.11829412
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>> No.11829417

Ignoring everything else in the thread, the photon never has a rest mass. It is a massless particle. Whoever told you it has mass is a retard.

What it has is momentum. This momentum arises out of the wave equations for a free particle.

So, We have a wave /\_ _/\_ _ That goes on forever. This is the wave function of, say, a photon.
\/ \/ /\ /\
If you square the wave function, you get: / \_/ \_ which again, keeps going. This squared wavefunction is the probability of finding that photon at some given point.
Double slit and other experiments show that, yes, position is probabilistic. Unless you somehow magically found some amazing evidence that disproves the past 100 years of accumulated experimental data, we will continue to assume that a squared wavefunction gives the probability of find a particle at some point.

So we now have a function for the probability of a particle's position. The problem, is that probability only goes up to 100%. Our probability goes to infinity.
That's fixed by having a range of possible energies for this particle. That creates several different waves, with different frequencies. When we combine these waves, they cancel out far from the center, and we are left with a wave packet- a small collection of waves centered on a point.

That wave packet is the particle. It has a small range of possible positions, and a small range of possible energies. The energies can be linked to momentum via E = (p^2)/2m . (in truth, it's much more complicated, but this is close enough).

For someone unfamiliar with math and physics, the above may be confusing. For someone who has mid-level undergrad experience with either, the above is maybe not easy, but makes sense.

Tl;dr: It's more nuanced than what you said. It's more abstract and requires more math to understand than most physics, but once you know the math and go through how this came about, it makes sense.

>> No.11829428

it seems more like all the shills are from /pol/, since they’re the ones behaving like mindless bots and losing every argument. Also there’s the ridiculous amount of evidence all over this site.

>> No.11829439

Go back to twitter you twink

>> No.11829466
File: 141 KB, 1024x691, 1590956046267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Judaism is both an ethnicity and a religion. Most Jews are atheists.
I'm just gonna let your retarded post speak for itself and quote you so if you delete it it'll still be here for everyone to laugh at. Have a free (you), moron.

>> No.11829541

>The differences in charity between secular and religious people are dramatic. Religious people are 25 percentage points more likely than secularists to donate money (91 percent to 66 percent) and 23 points more likely to volunteer time (67 percent to 44 percent). And, consistent with the findings of other writers, these data show that practicing a religion is more important than the actual religion itself in predicting charitable behavior. For example, among those who attend worship services regularly, 92 percent of Protestants give charitably, compared with 91 percent of Catholics, 91 percent of Jews, and 89 percent from other religions.

>> No.11829553

erry time

>> No.11829554
File: 1.02 MB, 1234x1368, religiosity and generosity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11829559

>In study after study, religious practice is the behavioral variable with the strongest and most consistent association with generous giving. And people with religious motivations don’t give just to faith-based causes—they are also much likelier to give to secular causes than the nonreligious.

>> No.11829561


>> No.11829885

Whatup fellow crying incel shill

>> No.11829906
File: 22 KB, 540x502, A2115D16-4623-483C-8466-8F2C9D73EE2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no u

>> No.11829952

Yeah, I'm sure that Epstein guy was just a swell dude and in no way was this a unique combination of blackmail and political ties for a former Mossad agents daughter to coordinate a strongarm Honeypot against the global elite. Nothing to look into at all here, just keep giving Israel billions and fighting their proxy wars. Just keep swimming and watching Disney, amirite?

It's definitely white people in charge right? Cause any coherent government has realized by now how to control population growth, and that different demographics react differently to different laws, like drinking age and medical costs. Man, white people went from owning it to just giving it all up and slowly destroying their population count instead of everyone else's. Super weird. How evil.

I suppose the first hangup for most to get over is infact, no one believes it's All jews. But how do you tell the difference when so many hold supposedly menial positions to collect info and influence, fight club style?
The second is, it's not only Jews. When you go to prison, you won't last long by yourself. You have to join a gang. And similarly on the world's stage, you need to join a group of influence. It's foolish to look at all the connections and A- think Jews aren't one of them, and B- think Jews are the only one.

>> No.11829961
File: 34 KB, 557x305, go back to reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11829979
File: 161 KB, 747x1120, 1581794384835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's alright to be low-IQ, you guys don't have to be so mad. Not everyone can have the superior PHENOTYPE, after all.

>> No.11830098
File: 2.94 MB, 800x708, 1562205725706.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's an ethnicity!
>It's a religion!
>It's atheism!

>I bred with this person from a nation of others who believes in something, now my spawn will become the belief system! Also the person I mentioned bred with doesn't actually believe in anything.

It's so many things that you just can't decide what it is now can you? How about you figure it out and get back to me so that I know what I'm arguing against.

>> No.11830178
File: 50 KB, 600x769, Bitches-leave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be gone semetic demons you are banished from white lands. Never return to these lands if you value your life

>> No.11830201

Listen white people: I am not going to reduce you down to just myself as the only remaining white person. With the Jews, however, I am completely leaning in that direction.

>> No.11830532

Hi Chaim

>> No.11830730

References source that literally anyone can edit.

>> No.11830759

So you agree they’re overrepresented?

>> No.11830762

some are muslims

>> No.11830798

Why not just go along with it so they get bored?

>> No.11831457

Jewish ancestry is maternal for a good reason. They dont care as long as the narcissism genes are passed on.

>> No.11831479

If you doubt the jewish question's validity just look at countries like China or Inda who have well documented histories spanning centuries or millenia without any jewish contact.
Seeing as ancient china, india, and other countries without jews had NO nepotism, no greed, no deception, no trickery, and no money lending proves that jews invented all of it.