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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 11 KB, 540x547, atheist-shirt_nogodlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1182819 No.1182819 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1182826

We know.

>> No.1182825


>> No.1182833


> >>1182829

>> No.1182829


No, there obviously is.

>> No.1182843
File: 41 KB, 755x534, falsification.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn to science.

>> No.1182842

If there is no God, why do most people on earth believe in Him?

>> No.1182847

If Pluto isn't a planet, why did everyone on Earth think it was?

>> No.1182850


Could say the same to you really, that a hypothesis has not been proven does not prove it false.

God itself is a pretty ill-defined term, though.

>> No.1182852

Yes, no god. But possibly a true higher being that is indifferent to us? Maybe even an afterlife of some sorts.

>> No.1182856

...because it was the only one discovered by an American, so Americans wouldn't shut up about it.

>> No.1182858

It's impossible to have evidence supporting something's nonexistence.

>> No.1182870
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Ron Paul disagrees.

"I think it's a theory, the theory of evolution, and I don't accept it" --Ron Paul on evolution

>> No.1182877


I have evidence supporting the non-existence of a second sun orbiting around the Earth.

>> No.1182880
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>> No.1182884

And what evidence would that be?

Who's to say it isn't invisible? What if you just always happen to take pictures of space when it's out of view?

>> No.1182888


That is possible to prove, but that does also not prove it false it proves them independent.

>> No.1182889

If it's invisible and hasn't got enough mass to cause gravitational disturbances, it's NOT A STAR.

>> No.1182891


We would observe gravitational effects. No?

>> No.1182893

That is not a useful approach for science.

The list of hypotheses that haven't been proven wrong is infinite.

We haven't proven that there are absolutely no unicorns somewhere in the universe.

We haven't proven that there absolutely no planets that are rectangular.

We haven't proven that there are no mattresses growing on flaming trees somewhere on another rectangular planet, in this universe, where it's raining rainbow colored midgets, that shooting thunderbolts out of their asses.

>> No.1182895

Watch this

>> No.1182904


And therefore we don't know, we can't answer every question with 'yes' or 'no'. In cases like that 'I don't know' is preferable.

You could also just not assume it exists, but that is different from assuming is doesn't exist.

>> No.1182908
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>> No.1182909

It's fun to watch this with a list of logical fallacies arranged like a bingo card and see how quickly you can win.

>> No.1182910
File: 38 KB, 380x240, deal-with-it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes there is.

>> No.1182907

here is proof:

Use starting conditions to determine A and B.

>> No.1182912 [DELETED] 

That's what I put up the picture of "We have no evidence that an intelligent designer of the universe", which is not the same as saying "There is no god."

It's the default state that I support.

>> No.1182924


Makes sense to me.

>> No.1182925

Science has no bearing on whether or not God exists.

>> No.1182923
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>> No.1182922


>> No.1182921

"To an atheist, who maybe would genuinely like to believe... the argument is that maybe God would make it obvious to me."

"Our world is in many ways a fallen world. There are diseases, there are um...cognitive deficiencies of various kinds, and I'm inclined to believe that not believing in God is one of those."

>> No.1182927

That's why I uploaded the picture "We have no evidence for an intelligent creator of the universe," which is not the same as saying "There is no god."

I don't support absolute certainty.

>> No.1182930

Dumb Guy - "I don't want to buy a Volvo, they are just too fast and dangerous, therefore, I'm going to buy a sport bike."

Smart Guy - "But isn't a sport bike more dangerous than a Volvo?"

Dumb Guy - "No, no, you see, a sport bike is so awesome and fun, that the concept of speed and danger do not apply"
Religious Guy - Life, the Universe, and Everything is just too complex to have just happened by random chance, therefore there must be a God.

Atheist - "Well wouldn't God have to be even more complex and harder to explain than life?"

Religious Guy - "No, no, God is just too awesome, the concept of origin and complexity do not apply to him."


>> No.1182932


>I don't support absolute certainty.
Are you absolutely certain of that?

>> No.1182937

I'm absolutely certain your mother is a whore as per my definitions of what a whore is.


>> No.1182938

"Let's go on to the 'Problem of Evil'"

"So much has been said about that and so much to be said about that, it's very hard to say anything. You can't see the reasons for God to create evil are, or that there are reasons, so you can't see... God's circumstances and God's own intrinsic being is so... omnipotent and uhm... so it's hard to say that because he's different than... so it's just not the case that if God DID have a reason to do something we'd be the last people to know!"

>> No.1182946


True, my fault for linking it to the OP.

>> No.1182949

Epicurious is a pussy ass bitch, and it's a logical fallacy.

God, if it exists, more than likely could not give less of a fuck about your suffering as an individual. Do you feel bad when a few thousand microbes dissolve in an acid bath?

>> No.1182954

saged and reported

>> No.1182962

So you're a Deist.

>> No.1182968

why worship the deity if it despise it's own creation?

>> No.1182972



Are you interested in the problem of evil?
He has much more to say on the matter.



>> No.1182973

Maybe. I really don't know. I do know that Atheists on the internet and on college campuses are the biggest fucking twats in existence right now, and if things keep going the way they do, Atheists will be a more socially oppressive group in the future than Fundies.
If you don't believe in God, why do you spend more time than any moderate religious person bitching about it?
Do you really expect to change anyone's minds? What is it that compels you all to act like massive douchebags?

>> No.1182979

Mainly I'm interested in his problem speaking coherently. He should stick to essays and stay off the video.

>> No.1182980

Because he will fuck you up if you don't.

>> No.1182982

I didn't say despised, I said that it probably doesn't care much for the individual circumstances of 1 or even a thousand people.

PROTIP: Your life is not important, you will be forgotten completely in a thousand years, a tiny amount of time relative to geological scales.

>> No.1182983

I suppose I'm the only one who got a little freaked out when I saw a planaria die under a microscope in like the eighth grade.

>> No.1182993
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same intention religious fellas holds.

>we think you are wrong, we try to correct your misguided life. only then you will know the truth of life.

go ahead. preach more

>> No.1182995


>Mainly I'm interested in his problem speaking coherently
He seems to be a pretty eloquent speaker to me.

>> No.1182996

So you admit that Atheists are no different than Theists?

>> No.1183009


Well I guess if you already agree with everything he says it's satisfying to hear him repeat it five or six times, stumble over it, and then accidentally say something contradictory.

>> No.1183015

No different other than that the theists are deluded? Yup.

>> No.1183018

it's just human nature. no I'm not that anon you talk to.

we try to correct what we see wrong. because we think ourself is right.

atheist have many ways to prove thing right, we just can't prove you wrong. theist on the other hand can prove NEITHER.

theist will soon cease to exist. enjoy what's left

>> No.1183022
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>> No.1183042

>atheist have many ways to prove thing right, we just can't prove you wrong. theist on the other hand can prove NEITHER.

this is almost quote worthy.

>> No.1183039
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>> No.1183041


>Well I guess if you already agree with everything he says
I don't.
He thinks God exists in time. I completely disagree with this. He also rejects divine simplicity. I also find this objectionable.

>stumble over it, and then accidentally say something contradictory.
I'm really not seeing it.

>> No.1183046

Thanks for at least admitting that Atheists aren't any better than Theists. They still think they have the "true answers".
You're even worse than Theists, because you contribute nothing positive at all. Jack, shit.
Where are the Atheist charities? Where's the Atheist Salvation Army? How much do atheists donate to help the disadvantaged?

>> No.1183051

Also, Atheists can prove nothing. At all.

Science has no domain over religion, period.

>> No.1183056

Most charities are atheist charities in as much as they don't depend upon or demand anyone's faith in God.

>> No.1183062

>Where are the Atheist charities? Where's the Atheist Salvation Army? How much do atheists donate to help the disadvantaged?

because you failed to realize that you are being controlled, you are merely a TOOL to the manipulator.

-who get the credits with the donated food?
-is there record on how donation spent?
-do you know church get tax exempt from government?

gullible dope will be gullible.

>> No.1183078

This is science and mathematics. We can prove a lot of things logically and mathematically. There are methods for that.

>> No.1183084

time will tell, it's not middle ages anymore. religion holds no supreme once it's out it's current status.

try look up statistic on religion. you'll be surprised by the increases of atheist over the year.

it's over son, challenge me :)

>> No.1183096
File: 85 KB, 350x155, freeman_q3523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only definition I define a God is something that made the universe possible to exist.

Not something alive and not something that cares. Just fucking something I can't understand that caused this shit. Religion is goddamn-face-slappingly-balls-tearingly embarrassing in their definition of a God.

We are not possibly evolutionarily ready to understand anything of such magnitude.

>> No.1183138

...and yet we are somehow inclined to believe in it.

>> No.1183160
File: 96 KB, 506x599, e3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1183169


Dude, that's because you were thought that when you were old enough.

>> No.1183172


Who taught the teachers?

>> No.1183174

OP is a troll

>> No.1183181

63 posts and 10 image replies omitted.

>> No.1183199

Wow see all these muslims believe in Allah so who taught them it could only be the angel Gabriel.
But wait all these Christians believe in Jesus, that means he was the son of god. On the other hand, all the Jews believe that they are the chosen people so they must still be God's chosen people.

>> No.1183202

saged, hidden and reported

>> No.1183225

bumped, noko'd, trollan

>> No.1183247


>Science can be dismissed since scientists aren't in complete agreement about everything.

>> No.1183252

we all know that
whats your point?