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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11827283 No.11827283 [Reply] [Original]

I hear you people are really clever and have 140 IQs. How would you go about solving this nonlinear differential equation?

>> No.11827294

This is not homework by the way, I am genuinely curious if there is a way to solve this. I think that it is impossible, but maybe I just don't know math.

>> No.11827308

Is it a legitimate move to define z = ydot^2, treat the whole thing as a 2nd order differential equation and solve for z? I feel like that would be an illegal move but I don't know why.

>> No.11827310

By creating an economy for socially retarded mongoloids whose existence depends on their language or translation ultimately having value because someone above them told others it had SOME value somewhere.

>> No.11827315

So is it wrong to just do Bhaskara on this?

>> No.11827344
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>> No.11827366

I mean to isolate ydot^2, retard

>> No.11827375
File: 27 KB, 555x500, images - 2020-06-07T155911.277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you would redefine upsilon as a y dot operation... because?

>> No.11827376


>> No.11827382


>> No.11827436
File: 7 KB, 66x70, BiFYcLM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have just 1 iq how do i get more of them

>> No.11827450

Set Y = Aexp(wt) and solve

>> No.11827469

Likely only numerical solutions will work. So start with one of those.

I do not think this has a close form solution.

>> No.11827475

drinking paint has been proven to increase IQ

>> No.11827487

Fucking my daughter's and sister's has also proven to increase IQ, so remember to combine those things together.

>> No.11827492

I would try
(1) A sin(bx)
(2) A cos(bx)
(3) A exp(bx) .

If none of them worked, I would look it up in a dusty old book of 10 million ODEs.

>> No.11827502
File: 461 KB, 700x739, 1591031743189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love retard class.

Conjunctive clause chain activate!

>> No.11827533
File: 15 KB, 408x201, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No closed form, if u = y'/y cannot be found in closed form, then if there were a closed form for u, the answer would have to be y = exp(integral of u).

>> No.11827569
File: 49 KB, 395x777, images - 2020-06-17T175013.077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it not strange how many are trying to automate or calculate this thing we call flow, Master Tooker?

>> No.11827640

I don't think it changes the result but shouldn't it be
y' = 2uu'*(1-u2-u2)
? We need to differentiate the other factor too by the product rule, no?

>> No.11827651

based picture, where are the futachads at?

>> No.11827659

Yea my bad that is a typo, it should be y' = 2uu'(1-2u2), I use the correct value later in the proof.

>> No.11827672

Yes you can do that. It's a quadratic equation for ydot^2 in terms of y so you can get ydot on a side by itself. Then in principle you could move the dt in ydot to a side by itself and everything in terms of y to one side and just integrate. Probably the integral can't be done though.

>> No.11827681

That's not very useful because u contains the derivative of y. If you did something similar with a function of y alone that would be an implicit solution. See my "solution" above.

>> No.11827686

Fuck this gay dot notation, Leibniz or gtfo.

>> No.11827705
File: 39 KB, 600x600, ligma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y = 0

>> No.11827706
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>> No.11827716


Meh, I'll just spell out what I mean. Use that z substitution to write the equation as


This means you can solve the quadratic equation as


Then rearrange and integrate one side by dy and one side by dt to get

[math]\int\frac{\sqrt{2}\, dy}{y\sqrt{1\pm\sqrt{1-4y}}}=\ln t[/math]

If you could actually do this integral (for either sign) that would give you an equation for a solution y(t)

>> No.11827727

At the very least when y is small you can Taylor expand the square roots and solve for y(t) so this is actually a moderately useful solution

>> No.11827743

highest IQ response in this thread

>> No.11827750
File: 860 KB, 1342x1618, sciode1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

other guy's is nicer, but ill post anyway

>> No.11827753
File: 521 KB, 1024x1128, sciode2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

part 2

>> No.11827765

I preferred yours, anon :)

>> No.11827777 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 878x271, solution assuming y is initially small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the solution assuming y is small. Could be useful if the system starts at t=0 at y=0, giving an early time solution.

>> No.11827780
File: 46 KB, 878x271, solution assuming y is initially small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reupload due to type
Again, solution assumes (d log(y)/dt)^2>>(d log(y)/dt)^4. could be useful at early times if y=0 when t=0.

>> No.11827781

ODEs look incredibly boring so I never took that course. Maybe I should, It looks like something I'm supposed to know

>> No.11827793


*typo. And thanks for posting that solution, thats probably the method needed to calculate the solution with y^4 term cut off too. I should really stop using mathematica as a crutch, probably too late in too my career though lol.

>> No.11827799 [DELETED] 

Nah you assumed the derivative of log y is small. That's a different approximation than y is small.

Using this

I got two possible solutions when y is small, or equivalently t is big
[math]y_+=\frac{2}{1+Ct},\quad y_- = \frac{4}{(\ln Ct)^2}[/math]
These also have small derivative of log y, so I'm not sure why the answers are different

>> No.11827817

Oops, should be
[math]\pm\int \frac{\sqrt{2}dy}{y\sqrt{1\pm\sqrt{1-4y}}}=t+C[/math]
Not a logarithm.

Then when you take the minus sign in the square root and Taylor expand to the first order you end up with the same approximate solution as this guy

>> No.11827834
File: 119 KB, 816x816, 1392334730064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's to a real one

>> No.11828367

Does this solution imply that y cannot grow larger than 1/4, if we are only interested in real solutions? Because otherwise ydot would become a complex number. Or is there some more general way to solve that doesn't cause y to become complex ever?

>> No.11828400

Yep I think that's what it implies. It's just coming from the discriminant of the quadratic equation implied by the original differential equation so there's no way around it. If you choose the minus sign version of the solution you also can not have negative y.

>> No.11829230

For small initial conditions [math] y(0) = a [/math], [math] y(t) = a e^{t} [\math] is a good approximation

>> No.11829245

I have a high IQ but was cursed with a brain that takes more to literature and art than math. What do? I've always been exceptionally bad at math.

>> No.11829552

Slightly better version, again for [math] a [/math] and [math] t [/math] small
y \approx a e^t - \frac{a^2}{2} \left( e^{2t} - e^t \right) - \frac{a^3}{16} \left( e^{3t} + 8 e^{2t} - 19 e^{t} \right)

>> No.11829555

fuck i meant
y \approx a e^t - \frac{a^2}{2} \left( e^{2t} - e^t \right) - \frac{a^3}{16} \left( e^{3t} + 8 e^{2t} - 19 e^{t} \right)

>> No.11829578

Nice trips

So is this kind of like a Taylor expansion that will only be good close to the origin (t=0)?

>> No.11829602 [DELETED] 

y=0.5 + ((-1)^(2n))/2
for all integers n is a family of solutions

>> No.11830034

kinda, imagine taylor expanding in t, but actually the coefficients are disgusting so you then regroup and taylor expanding in a instead.

its better if a is close to zero, and if t is smaller (closer to -infinity)

>> No.11830469

I already solved it exactly with that integral above (I was the other guy using tex). You can actually do the integral in Mathematica so there is a closed form expression. You are right that when y is small one of the solutions (there are two distinct types) is approximated by y=a e^{\pm t} but I'm not sure if the rest of your expansion is sensible

>> No.11831059

yh, yh you get the arctanh and whatnot.
was just seeing if i could get y in terms of t in a nice way. fucked around in maple and got more terms but didn't see any nice pattern so gave up, just big gross expansion that i dont even think converges everywhere

(ua+ \left( -{\frac {{u}^{2}}{2}}+{\frac {u}{2}} \right) {a}^{2}+
\left( -{\frac {{u}^{3}}{16}}-{\frac {{u}^{2}}{2}}+{\frac {19\,u}{16}
} \right) {a}^{3}+ \left( -{\frac {7\,{u}^{4}}{48}}-{\frac {3\,{u}^{3}
}{32}}-{\frac {21\,{u}^{2}}{16}}+{\frac {335\,u}{96}} \right) {a}^{4}+
\left( -{\frac {185\,{u}^{5}}{768}}-{\frac {7\,{u}^{4}}{24}}-{\frac {
69\,{u}^{3}}{256}}-{\frac {49\,{u}^{2}}{12}}+{\frac {4357\,u}{384}}
\right) {a}^{5}+ \left( -{\frac {1207\,{u}^{6}}{2560}}-{\frac {925\,{
u}^{5}}{1536}}-{\frac {175\,{u}^{4}}{192}}-{\frac {453\,{u}^{3}}{512}}
-{\frac {21191\,{u}^{2}}{1536}}+{\frac {31999\,u}{1920}} \right) {a}^{
6}+ \left( {\frac {18542467\,u}{184320}}-{\frac {67797\,{u}^{2}}{2560}
}-{\frac {12705\,{u}^{3}}{4096}}-{\frac {1813\,{u}^{4}}{576}}-{\frac {
8325\,{u}^{5}}{4096}}-{\frac {3621\,{u}^{6}}{2560}}-{\frac {186641\,{u
}^{7}}{184320}} \right) {a}^{7}) + o(a^7)

for [math] u = e^t [/math]