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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11826640 No.11826640[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

does eating a ton simple sugars cause diabetes if you don't have a caloroy surplus?

>> No.11826648

No. Diabetes is caused by fats.

>> No.11826654


>> No.11826667

Free fatty acids prevent sugars from entering the cell.

>> No.11826718

how about slim diabetes?

>> No.11826737
File: 2.17 MB, 250x187, 1317433502.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't get over that fucking picture

>> No.11826822

carbs without fiber and processed foods lead to obesity because they cause insulin resistance. cico is pseudoscience diet

>> No.11826830

That kind of honesty from a woman is a bit jarring.

>> No.11826841
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>> No.11827241
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Yes, diabetes is not caused by a calorie surplus. Moreover not all simple sugars are the same, in particular high ingestion of fructose, much like alcohol, leads to development of fatty liver which is a massive risk factor for type 2 diabetes mellitus. It just so happens that most obese people, who do overeat, overeat also on shitty high sugar processed foods. The insulin resistance and hyperinsulinaemia that results from highly processed sugary foods also interferes with the brain's satiety signals (leptin resistance) and causes a decrease in metabolism via inhibiting the firing of POMC/a-MSH neurons to the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, which in turn decreases firing of the nucleus ambiguus in the medulla, causing decreased sympathetic tone. Decreased firing from the paraventricular nucleus also decreases release of TRH and therefore decreases synthesis of TSH and hence thyroid hormone. In effect, the reason why most obese people have metabolic syndrome is because metabolic syndrome causes obesity, and a large part of the cause of metabolic syndrome is the consumption of processed foods, especially fructose and processed oils.

>> No.11827311

at least she didn't fuck a black guy. also its best for girl to get pregnant at young ages as they are less likely to have children with autism and said diseases

>> No.11827322

>they are less likely to have children with autism and said diseases
Good job trying justify your sickening pedophilia. Women having children that young are exponentially more likely to have a miscarriage, preterm births and complications. The increase in autism with age is totally negligible until the mother reaches about 40.

>> No.11827494

thanks for making this thread. didn't know that diabetes wasn't caused by calorie surplus, but by fats.
also, I'd destroy her ass if I could.

>> No.11827520


>> No.11827617

>t. C&H represenative

>> No.11827623

developmental disorders are from old men
old women give birth to outright disfigured kids

>> No.11827661


>> No.11828071

Kiss my a.s.s.

>> No.11828080

>19 year old this sexually open
I didn't even lose my virginity till I was 23, can someone tell me what it's like to be the Chad who fucks these 19 year olds?

>> No.11828227

Manganese deficiency causes diabetes, as manganese is a cofactor of the hexokinase enzyme. It can likely also be activated by magnesium, but it works poorly. Excess iron intake can indirectly cause Mn deficiency despite adequate Mn in diet.
Fatty liver disease is pretty conclusively caused by copper deficiency. There is limited evidence that high fructose consumption could make it worse, but it seems people are not affected.

>> No.11828238


>> No.11828246

Older men fuck these bimbos because guys her age are probably losers or not very experienced in sex

She’s so sexually open to signal to older guys to come get er and show her some good time

>> No.11828248

Women are quite openly sexual these days, most lose their virginity by 16-17 and it’s pretty easy for them too

By grade 10 or 11 they are fucking

>> No.11828280

the very state of 4chan

>> No.11828625
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what type of diabetes are you talking about? if diabetes 2 then yes, eating a lot of sugar causes diabetes because your organs and immune system are paranoid autists that start rejecting insulin when they see too much of it. also the liver can't handle too much fructose at once so it turns it into fat which gives you fatty liver.
>inb4 fructose doesn't cause a high insulin spike
pic related

>> No.11829025


>> No.11829088

Someone that young who is pregnant is probably having their first pregnancy, 90% of which end in miscarriages no matter how old she is. The 18 year old in that pic is 100% physically ready for babymakin, and has been for a couple years, as evidenced by the already-made baby also pictured.

>> No.11829107

Eating shitloads of sugar can lead to insulin resistance over time, in the same way drinking tons of alcohol over time builds a tolerance

>> No.11829232

fuck you.

>> No.11829247


>> No.11829249 [DELETED] 

That's nonsense. There is no reason why you should become 'immune' to your own insulin.

>> No.11829268 [DELETED] 

That's nonsense. There is no reason why you should become 'immune' to your own insulin.
Too much iron in food makes it impossible for the body to absorb enough manganese (the absorbtion mechanism is shared with both, and iron cannot be excreted) which in turn leads to insulin resistance.

>> No.11829274

That's nonsense. There is no reason why you should become 'immune' to your own insulin.
Too much iron in food makes it impossible for the body to absorb enough manganese (the absorbtion mechanism is shared with both, and iron cannot be excreted) which in turn leads to insulin resistance.
Fatty liver is unrelated, from copper deficiency.

>> No.11829388


>> No.11829433


>> No.11829455

There is nothing /x/ about it e.g.


>> No.11829517

Why are the med threads always encroach by the schizoid /x/ jew-hater /pol/tard?

>> No.11829528

>Why are all /sci/ threads always encroach by the schizoid /x/ jew-hater /pol/tards?

>> No.11829537
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So since I am 6 foot and 120 pounds the chance of getting diabetes is pretty much nil, right?

>> No.11830477


>> No.11830596

Free fatty acids can just as easily come from our own fat stores when dietary fats are low. It's a chicken or the egg situation. Glucose can't enter the cells, which causes a release of free fatty acids, which increases insulin resistance. Regardless, there's a difference between transient diabetes (a high fat meal will increase insulin resistance, it wants to burn the fats first, then the glucose, then normalizes), and true diabetes where free fatty acids are chronically elevated, which is either due to a lack of insulin or insulin resistance even in the absence of food.

This sounds like an oversimplification. Assuming the diet isn't awful, abnormal mineral levels are often caused by disregulation of the minerals due to some underlying cause. For example, Wilson's Disease causes an accumulation of copper in the liver, yet they end up with all the issues of NAFLD.

Manganese is equally effective at blocking iron absorption.


Yes, too much iron can be bad. One only needs to look at hemochromatosis to see that. In fact your mouse models used this to study the effects. Yet you can find cases of diabetes without excess levels of iron. You also need to differentiate between diabetes caused by insulin resistance (and why), and diabetes caused by insufficiency (and why).

>> No.11830629

Man you guys are really out in full-force tonight. What did I miss?

>> No.11830635

kek crying like a little bitch, typcial poltard behavior

>> No.11830652

diabetics can be genetic too

>> No.11830658

>disjointed adhom reply
Every time I interact with one of you the more convinced I become that you’re just some shitty script.

>> No.11830667

Skinny folks do get diabetes, though at a much lower rate than the fat asses.

>> No.11830679

fuck you

>> No.11830683

How can it be pedophilia if the woman is old enough to get pregnant?

>> No.11830738
File: 186 KB, 692x992, kekfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologize to the frog

>> No.11830742


>> No.11830855

Reminder that type 2 is entirely caused by eating habitats and anyone with it can start curing it over the course of a few months by fasting and nuking your carb intake.

>> No.11830868

cry harder polfag

>> No.11830874

what’s there to remind? The first thing a doc would say to a type 2 diabetic would be to lose weight and get at a healthy BMI (below 25, above 18)

>> No.11830892

>The first thing a doc would say to a type 2 diabetic would be to lose weight and get at a healthy BMI

That won't fix your type two unless you stop eating trash.

>> No.11830972

>Reminder that type 2 is entirely caused by eating habitats
There's a large genetic component to it.

>> No.11831013

le /pol/-boogeyman schizoid has arrived

>> No.11831016

You'll still get diabetes as soon as you get old.