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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11823000 No.11823000 [Reply] [Original]

>Zoomers graduating high-school in the west without comprehending precalculus
No really, wtf is happening

>> No.11823008

They're busy comprehending sum black culture

>> No.11823014

schools went to shit

>> No.11823016

I graduated without comprehending basic algebra. Went to a private school focused on the humanities and sports.

>> No.11823115
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Precalculus is a meme class that needs to be destroyed desu

>> No.11823118


>> No.11823142

what the fuck is precalc anyway? we had derivation and integration in high school, but that stuff is calculus so it cannot also be pre-calculus.

>> No.11823160

basic analysis of functions, domain and range, trig, introduction to asymptotes in preparation for limits, possibly very basic matrix algebra, maybe a week or two on summations, additional practice with elementary algebra, and optimization problems without calculus (mainly the set-up, using ideas about compositions of functions, independent variables etc.). Its all topics that would be better taught at a younger age or subsumed into the general single-variable calculus courses.

>> No.11823209

I had it all in Poland in an extended math class in high school. We didn't have integrals tho, nor a mention of imaginary numbers, nor a mention of a natural logarithm or e constant. The age is 15-19. It's pretty shit compared to US and UK, idk about the rest of Europe

>> No.11823216

Not even log and exponential functions? That is kind of shit desu. Frogs, russians and g*rmans are always making fun of us for not doing analysis in highschool so I would imagine that it is a bit more accelerated compared to the US.

>> No.11823217

Now now, it's not all the school's fault. The ethnic composition of students also went to shit.

I mean, look at PISA scores in Asia vs Europe vs South America vs Africa. Can't get blood from a stone and can't get a 20 year old African to understand derivatives.

>> No.11823227

We learned all that in algebra
precalc for me was trig identities, exponent laws, logs, pretty much an expansion and combination of everything up to that point
This was almost a decade ago though so I'm a little fuzzy

>> No.11823233

We did have log and exp functions, just not with e base/power. We had vectors, but didn't have matrixes.
And we had differentiation and derivatives, but no integration.
Also germans and frogs surely have better education system. Russians I don't know, but they're pretty smart.

>> No.11823251

iirc Zorich's Analysis text was written for Russian prep school kids. I'm still surprised I thought all the former eastern bloc countries had top tier maths education.

>> No.11823257

My highschool only required geometry to get a diploma. CAHSEE had some algebra but if you knew what a triangle was you could work your way through it, since /pol/ changed all the CAHSEE math questions into easy word problems to fuck with mexicans and enforce the state's English language requirements.

I'm class of 2005

>> No.11823270

My high school education was pretty shit. My undergrad wasnt the best either. I didn't catch up until grad school. I got my shit rocked but I'm doing well now. It sucks because people's votes matter but they dont know how to interpret data, perhaps the most important tool for understanding anything. At least you can overcome a poor education even if most people dont try to

>> No.11823271

Don't worry the asian kids are going to college early/during high school

>> No.11823344

Well desu it wasn't "bad" per se, of course we've covered more topics that I said, but it's just not the same path as in US and here the mentality is that if you're interested in math you're gonna learn that in uni. It wasn't so easy as in elementary/middle school where I didn't have to learn at all, but not so hard to have troubles with passing a grade.
Here's what we need to know for the extended national exam at the age of 18-19 (in addition to a non-extended stuff) https://www.matemaks.pl/matematyka-matura-rozszerzona-kurs.html
>Pokaż wymagania CKE
and translate if you want
In short: real numbers, abs value, logarithms, algebra, operations on polynomials and its factorisation, rational functions, homographic functions, domains, range, sets, probability, equations, inequalities, other functions like logarithmic and exponential, sequences, trigonometry, planimetrics, geometry, solid geometry, limits, derivatives, monotonicity of functions, extrema and local extrema.
So not completely useless, but it's a crooked path and not from the ground up as in US.

>> No.11823353

Its OK since we are heading in a globally united world under single government.
Companies always can import cheaper and better workers than the domestic ones.

>> No.11823805

>implying that's a bad thing
More STEM jobs for me kek

>> No.11824516

I have the mid level Australian year 12 textbook from 2012.
The contexts page has (i'll be paraphrasing);
>Trigonometry: Sine and Cosine rule
>Sets, probability and tree diagrams
>Counting: multiplication principle, addition principle, Multiplicative reasoning, Addictive reasoning
>Functions: Graphing functions, Vocabulary, Domain and range
>Central Tendency and dispersion: yeah
>Boxplots and histograms
>Sequences: Arithmetic, geometric, growth and decay. annuities
>sampling methods and capture-recapture
>normal distribution
That's book1
>Functions and graphs
>Differentiation: Determining gradient at a point on a curve, Limiting chord process notation, finding the tangent at a point y = ax^n, differentiating f(x) +||- g(x), The product rule
>Applications of differentiation
>Anti differentiation
>Bi variate data
>Moving averages
>Linear Programming
>Area under a curve
>Project networks

>> No.11824518

I also own the top level text book if anyone is interested

>> No.11824529

Universities are substituting ebonics for maths. Its unironically so they they can pass black people and say their institution has a high graduation rate

>> No.11824573

thanks trump

>> No.11824578

more than enough overachiever zoomers learn precalc by 9th grade and master calc by 11th. A 11% asian population is enough to carry America in its current "first world" state for a few more decades

>> No.11824579

It makes sense, basic precalc math and algebra is not required for non-university jobs anymore. Most people will only need to learn to use systems on the job that does arithmetic for them.

>> No.11824587

My impression is that every American that wants to study STEM does AP classes which are roughly equivalent to A levels and other international standards.

There are plently of students all over the world that never learn precalc, it's not important to most of the workforce.

>> No.11824589

the number of extremely talented zoomers have also gone up. Had a zoomer lecture me about "hyperbolic Riemannian Manifolds" the other day

>> No.11824592

>hyperbolic Riemannian Manifolds
That sounds like some delta-green shit.

>> No.11824661

stfu and just me the big mac with fries already

>> No.11825141

My bestfriend in high school never even took algebra. At the time you could graduate as long as you had three math units. You could take classes like Consumer Math to satisfy the requirement. He now owns a small chain of auto parts stores. What good would it have done for him to not graduate because he can't do pre-calc?

>> No.11825151

they're after the uni's and grad school next. ACT/SAT gone. fuck zoomers

>> No.11825334

til if you write desu on 4chan it turns it into desu.

>> No.11826438

Tbh school should be completely restructured to usher non-academics into the workforce even faster

Joe who wants to be on the tools soon, and is the son of a carpenter really doesn't give a shit about trigonometry and would be much better served learning about things that will actually matter in his life like home economics, cooking, driving etc

>> No.11826452

That would dismantle the myth of education being "the great equalizer". Even suggesting that certain students would be better suited to vocational training than failing the same math course for four years would have you branded as every "-ist" they could pin on you.

>> No.11826495

I think school should concentrate more on core skills like objective reasoning, logic, axiomatic systems, a bit philosophy... This will hopefully lift the general niveau and support individualism. Teach the kids how to think, not what to think.

>> No.11826527

I dont know what precalc is. In Serbia maybe 20% or less get to learn integration and that is as far as you can go unless you go to a specialized math school, and its really stupid how they attempt to teach it, no wonder kids hate math

>> No.11827318

my mom teaches grade school. last time I visited she explained the math curriculum. it's basicay eubonics. they have to do hand actions and rap to ryrhma as they go

>> No.11827348


>> No.11827369

yeah its pretty much entirely based on technique and method, no thinking required just plug in the variables and solve for the one they didnt provide

>> No.11827546

They understand ebonics and that two dudes can raise a family which is more important

>> No.11827550

What the fuck is this video?

>> No.11827552

Literally the ONLY group of successful academics Eastern Europe ever produced were Jews. The average slav is shit tier at STEM. Germans must feel embarrassed to be so accomplished yet next to such a shit-tier group of people.

>> No.11827570
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>can do precal work easily
>have no idea what I'm doing
>somehow still able to do it
Wew lads how did this even happen.

>> No.11827577

no shit, precalc and calc is a lot harder then trig, statistics, and geometry which have much more practical usage

>> No.11827594

People finally woke up to the fact that demanding basic calculus knowledge is an act of white supremacy and abolish it rightfully.

>> No.11827597

Learned it all here when I was in high school
>t. Romanian in a natural sciences class

>> No.11827600

I had calculus, my teacher was incredible
t. graduated fall 2017

>> No.11827739
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Kids don't learn shit.

>> No.11828435

I wouldn't mind this, if not for the fact that honors and accelerated classes were also being phased out

>> No.11828441

I was remedial as fuck in hs math and I only graduated with algebra 2.
Wasn't until I got older I realized that its an interesting field and kicked my own ass for all those years I spent being too cool for school.
With the exception of geometry. I'm really good at spatial reasoning and having things put into the framework of physical objects in a space was super intuitive for me.

>> No.11828485

>No Child Left Behind
little late kiddo

>> No.11829447
File: 25 KB, 398x376, 1563479723131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being destroyed at math by some kid from a 3rd world country, yet these 1st world kiddies whine about math being hard in high school

>> No.11829514
File: 120 KB, 916x1024, CIVIL RIGHTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being a bigot!

>> No.11830809


>> No.11830816

maths isn’t important

>> No.11831295

Schools correctly realized statistics is vastly more important for the average person.

>> No.11831300

To be fair, most millenials have been brainwashed by their boomer parents to think having a basic welfare state is communism, so that's what they support.

>> No.11831314

Somebody has to do the shit work in society, and none of that entails trig.

>> No.11831350

Nigga how are you going to learn statistics without pre-calc?

>> No.11831419

Drilling practice problems is the best way for the vast majority of people to develop algebraic intuitions, and math education has moved away from rote learning towards concept instruction. They never master the mechanics, and they eventually forget the concepts anyway, just like they forget most of the books they read in freshman English class. The problem was never that drilling doesn't work. The problem was always that average to mediocre kids are also usually too lazy to do their homework and have average to mediocre parents.

>> No.11831431

I agree with this sentiment. People these days, especially in math and physics classes think that understanding the material generally is enough without actually applying the knowledge. The application solidifies this understanding not unlike muscle memory while playing the guitar.