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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11820601 No.11820601 [Reply] [Original]

The big question of the 21st century is that physics should be independent of mathematics?

When newtons had discovered and developed the mathematics it was a pave into the creation of physics.

Why math majors hate comp sci majors while physics majors not?

How was the relationship diplomatic relationship between math and physics?

Scientific sources: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relationship_between_mathematics_and_physics

>> No.11820607 [DELETED] 

Physics is for faggots
Math is for niggers

>> No.11820609

I refuse to read that article on the grounds that it was edited by anyone other than /sci/ anons.

>> No.11820611

Physics is expressed by math so I'd call them the same thing

>> No.11820612

>math is for niggers
Liberals wish it were

>> No.11820620 [DELETED] 

Math is the nigger of STEM fields

>> No.11820635

Get out.

>> No.11820642

I see. Liberal arts majors are fucking ignorant, racist, and backward.

Yes. That anon supported the anti-mathematics unification.

So it is like India and Pakistan--the same culture but divided by borders?


>> No.11820655

Physics is trying to approximate a system whose rules you don't inherently know with a system whose rules you do.

>> No.11820673

>Why math majors hate comp sci majors while physics majors not?
CSfags pretend to be mathematicians and to understand mathematics, math majors know they are not mathematicians and don't understand mathematics and resent them for posing as such. Physics majors don't interact with CSfags nearly as much and don't have to deal with them pretending to be physicists and they are slightly less autistic compared to math majors and so are less inclined to bitter ressentiment

>> No.11820681

You know, your post raises attention to an interesting point, but you simply had to turn it into a massive shitpost.
Why are you doing that?
>Scientific sources
Choose one.
>newtons had discovered and developed the mathematics
Try Leibniz.
>Why math majors hate comp sci majors
That hasn't been my experience. Mathematicians have been great people to work with.
We are cut from the same cloth.

In the end, it probably comes down to the question, if the universe is computable.
At the moment it looks like that to me, but that may very well be a massive case of Dunning-Kruger.

>> No.11820685

Sorry, but physicists are the most autistic breed. Pure maths is unspeakable brilliance. The mud you call physics is an abomination of unorganized complexity.

>> No.11820687

This hasn't been my experience the mathfags I've befriended are all significantly mroe autistic than the physics students. They're both relatively autistic but the difference between the two is palpable. My point about the csfags stands either way and doesn't rely on the relative autism of either physicists or mathematicians.

>> No.11820688

>are the more autistic
Not sure if this correction is valid.

>> No.11820694

Physics attempts to describe this ephemeral "stuff" that no one really understands in simplified terms. Math is just those simplified terms.

>> No.11820707

You seem to hate both side, so are you an anarchist between physics independence and math-unification. CS majors are desperately spamming the board to make the tension between math and physics. Nice move OP.

>> No.11820779

You have it backwards, bro. Physics is mathematics' bitch currently. Theoretical physicists are stuck with the paths that maths opens up for them. Einstein developed general relativity without any math involved, just physical understanding. We need to get back there and separate mathematical rigor from physics. Then after another revolution mathematicians can tell the physicists what they did wrong again. That way, both will win.

>> No.11821152

Doing physics in a mathematically rigorous way is extremely inefficient.
We need to have some freedom to accept certain things based on "physical intuition" or otherwise in order to get things done, because ultimately all that matters is if the theory matches with experiment.

>> No.11821571

Pic on left is purely mathematical. Bad pic OP.

>> No.11822814
File: 31 KB, 678x669, polodial-field.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump this,
When I learned Algebra, I was enlightened past counting
When I learned Vector Calculus, I was enlightened pasted Algebra
But it wasn't until I learned it through geometry that I felt I understood math
But it wasn't until I became a programmer that I realized how little our mathematics reflects nature.

I get repeatedly /x/'d for mentioning pic related. But he has modeled an omnidimensional vector field that is continuous with the first 9 natural numbers. Zero is a vector equilibrium, a balance of numbers, curl and divergence appear to be abstracted to 3,6,9 and 124875 number sets respectively. And I will further hypothesize that the polodial vector is the dirac string, which forms the eigenbasis of the omnidimensional spheriod.

>> No.11822819


>> No.11823187

If you know all about math how difficult would it be to pick up physics?
What is physics if you were to remove all math?

>> No.11823232

If you are dumb enough you can create your own math for everything... even for big shit spinning right in front of your eyes but you can't just see that shit because it's in another dimension and guess what "It can be mathematically approved".

Peoples should really read books from Newton(metaphysics ones). Old philosophers where actually smart and as it is written in book Philosophy as a Rite of Rebirth peoples actually give up and modern philosophers are like piltos who give up on their own jet. Such a retarded time we live in peoples still live in despair because they don't understand basics they don't understand anything they keep chasing their own tails and everything was already answered in our history we knew laws of this universe old phyisicst new them too and they build up on them but now it's just such a pathetic excuse because peoples who should lead us are asking if there is something more then this.

>> No.11823253

physics is much more complex than math.

>> No.11823261


math is theoretical
physics is applied

>> No.11823317

are you sure about that?

>omnidimensional vector field
what do you mean by this?

>that is continuous with the first 9 natural numbers

and this?

> Zero is a vector equilibrium
what about this?

>> No.11823475

>if you know all about math
You'd have to accept that we write [math]df[/math] to mean "a little bit of [math]f[/math]", that no, we don't mean an element of the cotangent space of a manifold, and yes, we're going to multiply both sides by [math]dx[/math]. Also, no one gives a fuck about well-tempered distributions. Dirac called it a function and it works in our models and I honestly don't give a shit that you don't like it when I write [math]\delta(x)[/math] outside an integral.
>What is physics without math
Pseudoscience for schizophrenics.

>> No.11823605

>Einstein was schizophrenic

>> No.11823924

Because math majors are thick headed dweebs and nothing they do matters.
Physics majors learn real math, math that WORKS

>> No.11824092
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, cuboctahedron-from-sphere-packing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Am I sure? rarely, I've learned two unknowns for every known for too

>what do you mean by this?
http://www.rexresearch.com/rodin/13-rodinopeningblckhole.pdf (11-12)

I mean to describe that the rules his math system lays out can be generalized to higher dimensionality, and still provide perfect vector compression at the center of the circle, sphere, hypersphere etc.
2D ->3D

>and this?
continuity or smoothness if you will, generally requires infinity divisible numbers, stretching to infinite domains. Which of course forms an original sin of the modern maths becoming divorced from engineering, for there is no infinite divisibility in nature.

Marko Rodins number system generates a differentiable and integratible vector field composed of just whole numbers.

>what about this?
The cuboctahedron, the balance of all forces.
In a 1984, BNW fashion, does one think it odd we use something to represent nothing? 0, zero, text, information, entropy, all to explain the lack of it. Doublethink if you ask me. No zeroness, in any meaningful quantity, could only be used to describe the canceling out of forces.

https://fullerfuture.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/buckminsterfuller-synergetics.pdf (96)

>> No.11824515

It isn’t, shit’s too broken on subatomic, all we have is approximations with faulty math
Hey, as long as it works

>> No.11824540

physics is just applied math

>> No.11824554

you probably think highly of yourself, but what you say is alike to
> surgery is just applied lancet.

>> No.11824562

Fucking nerd

>> No.11824571

There's this field called applied/experimental physics.

>> No.11824645

>shit’s too broken on subatomic
Do you have an example?
Haven't encountered anything like that, and would be genuinely interested.

>> No.11824649
File: 131 KB, 650x891, physics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder top mathematicians are also physicists but not the other way around.

>> No.11824664
File: 1.76 MB, 798x1200, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reminder top mathematicians are also physicists but not the other way around.
anon, I...

>> No.11824684

They are basically the same thing.

>> No.11824709

Based. As a pure mathematician I could very easily learn high level physics, but as soon as you impose the slightest bit of rigour onto a physishit they sperg out and claim they 'never liked maths anyway'.

>> No.11824791

>I could very easily learn high level physics
Doubt it. I've seen many math professors fail at this.

>impose the slightest bit of rigour onto a physishit they sperg out and claim they 'never liked maths anyway'.
Bullshit. That statement makes me think you're a high school student and never actually worked with a physicist.

Actual mathematics PhD student here btw.

>> No.11824805

Take this retard and figure out that mathtards studied a fuckton just to have autistic knowledge about one flawed system that only works within itself and it's own rules separated from reality, in other words they can't apply all of that to anything tangible and thus hate people who can actually create useful stuff both on a day to day bases and advanced specialist tools.

>> No.11824807

the roleplay is real

>> No.11826472


based schizo poster

>> No.11827790

finally...a refined opinion

>> No.11827823

Different notation?
Look at problems in a different way?
I supposed physics is applied?
It doesn't matter really. They each devote their time in different ways.

>> No.11827859

because math is abstract, just ideas
physics is real phenomena only

>> No.11827860

the most retarded posts ITT

>> No.11827880

Maths is brim-full of singularities and lives with them.
Physics has relatively few of them and tries to explain them away, since they indicate a lack of understanding.

>> No.11827887

im just gonna say that it is superb when a physicists wants to get into mathematics but when a mathematician wants to get into physics its a clusterfuck of pseud shit and they are huge retards that never prove anything they theorize ever and I hope they kill themselves

>> No.11828568

Physics literally is trying to approximate a system who's rules you don't know.
You're a retard

>> No.11828572

Physics is the study of the program and math is the language the program is programmed in

>> No.11828578

"Why physics is separated from mathematics?"
Because daddy never loved us.

>> No.11828711

/biz/ here giving the only answer that matters:
Suited for software development roles that require application of complex mathamatics. Advancement is dependent on acquisition of software engineering skills, espcially code portability. Salary caps out at ~100k as a senior developer.
Suited for high-level problem solving and systems design. Will often employ skills across multiple projects as a technical analyst. Motivated individuals will acquire a bredth of knowledge after a few years which allow them to take on client-facing roles where the client's require technical knowledge. Salary caps out at ~250k and will often be supplmented by bonuses. Gets to travel.