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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 131 KB, 390x260, redpills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11813009 No.11813009 [Reply] [Original]

Got any science redpills?

>> No.11813030

Don't do it, you'll summon the EU schizo

>> No.11813042

The reason why we don't push new nuclear energy tech is not technical, but political

>> No.11813044

Gravity doesn't exist, we don't know how it works

>> No.11813069



>> No.11813071

there is no evidence for natural selection that would measure up to the standards set by the physical sciences, it is a persistent illusion that requires acknowledgement to rationalize higher level biological systems

>> No.11813084

Science is inherently reddit.

>> No.11813090

No physics invented after 20th century will ever be meaningfully useful to industry

>> No.11813091
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How about some blackpills.

Earth is potentially flat (some schizos even believe it can shape shift to illusion of a sphere), the biggest fuck up to swallow and still skeptical

Alternate dimensions exist, probing for potential of time travel

The universe is a repetitive sequence of numbers, ratios and fractals carefully placed by [the creator]

The universe can be explained through frequencies and are not bound to human perceived levels that you are taught in school. Certain drugs can also enhance your ability to operate on these frequencies and perceive the connected fractalization of nature

Space/moon landing will forever remain unknown, the one broadcasted back in the 60s was actually filmed in a set since Film at the time could not be brought back from Space due to it burning. For /pol/ homos, NASA in Hebrew means "to deceive"

Vaccines have been exposed to have mercury and aborted fetus cells in them, also if a doctor drops the vaccine viles, the entire medical building/premise must be evacuated while Hazmat crew cleans it up.

Fluoride (Fl-) [also known as the most electronegative chemical] has been added to the entire water supply by kikes to suppress everyone's state of consciousness by effectively polluting all the main sources of energy, food, water, etc which calcifies the pineal gland (third eye)

Lev Weinstein ((Socialist member, also kike olympic bronze medalist for 300m ranged shooting) killed JFK

Based & this

Most of modern science and academia interest groups are funded by ((them)) too protect against politically revealing entities and keeps even PHD fags completely instutionalized, there's a photo comparing modern science and classical science and it's quite accurate
Sexual dimorphism exists and is hardwired into the brains of females whether you question natural selection or not in your presumably atheistic approach. woman seek men with higher pre-natal T faces characterized through high FWHR. Face = everything

>> No.11813099

Problem of induction

>> No.11813106

ID is actually the best alternative to evolution right now

>> No.11813109

We don't really know what charge is. There are explanations but none that 100% accounts for everything.

>> No.11813112

Take your pills. Not the trippy ones, the happy ones.

>> No.11813116
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Also, p-hacking

>> No.11813119

kill me

>> No.11813127 [DELETED] 
File: 1.52 MB, 1800x2520, 1592446116798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gravity exists. It's just very very very weak. So weak in fact that it shouldn't be called a force. It's an effect, not a force. But the effect does exist. The cause of the effect is of course the electric force (as it interacts with the medium of space which is plasma), which /is/ a proper force and is 1000 billion billion billion BILLION times stronger than the puny "force" of gravity.

And we do in fact know how it works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkWiBxWieQU

>> No.11813133
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stay in denial, reddit cuck

>> No.11813134
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Gravity exists. It's just very very very weak. So weak in fact that it shouldn't be called a force. It's an effect, not a force. As a "force" it doesn't exist. But the effect which we call gravity /does/ exist. The cause of the effect is of course the electric force (as it interacts with the medium of space which is plasma), which /is/ a proper force and is 1000 billion billion billion BILLION times stronger than the puny "force" of gravity.

And we do in fact know exactly how gravity works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkWiBxWieQU

>> No.11813136

>The Earth could be flat
It could also not be flat. While I'm sure we could have an interesting debate about standards of proof and trust for ordinary citizens...
>though it does shapeshift
>alternate dimensions
>the creator
Evidence pls. (No really, I think it sounds silly but I'm genuinely curious what led to these conclusions.)
>Space landing
Since I give no shits about vague similarity to Hebrew, that leaves space film. Why, exactly, would it burn if kept in an enclosed camera and enclosed spaceship?
>Vaccine mercury
Buddy, come over here and let me tell you about a little something called salt. Believe it or not, the """government"""'s been putting explosive sodium *and* deadly chlorine gas in your morning breakfast! Those lying feds insist that chemical compounds aren't the same as the raw element, but we know the truth.

>> No.11813141


>> No.11813150

Earth is flat can easily be disproved by the following. Let's assume you are using the flat earth model where the north pole is the center. This would mean that the circumference of longitudinal circles would be zero at the north pole and always get larger the farther south you go. If this were the case, on a Mercator map, the path every commercial flight would curve towards the north. This is not the case, as flights in the southern hemisphere curve south. Therefore, Earth cannot be flat unless there's an international conspiracy among airlines to travel along highly inefficient paths and somehow do it at supersonic speeds.

>> No.11813160

>Since I give no shits about vague similarity to Hebrew
Stay asleep then. It's not just about Hebrew, its as old as humans, maybe older.
>Buddy, come over here and let me tell you about a little something called salt. Believe it or not, the """government"""'s been putting explosive sodium *and* deadly chlorine gas in your morning breakfast! Those lying feds insist that chemical compounds aren't the same as the raw element, but we know the truth.
Logical fallacy and chemically untrue. Salt is not sodium + chlorine, it's NaCl. Completely different.

>> No.11813161

you don't think, you know?

>> No.11813168

We don't exist. Nothing does. Not even nonexistence. There are no omniscient beings and everything we think we know is false including math, science, and logic. Death is nothing. We are nothing.

>> No.11813170

Yes, we actually know how gravity works.

>> No.11813173


>> No.11813174

According to the most advanced science ever conducted in the universe now and forever, it has been foretold that the meaning of life, the universe and everything is...

>> No.11813177
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>> No.11813188

Totally ignores the valid request for why he thinks frequencies, alternate dimensions, and a creator are real and also has no answer to why film wouldn't burn up in an enclosed spaceship.
"Stay Asleep, bruh"

>> No.11813195

That’s what he did exactly. This thread is EU bait.

>> No.11813278 [DELETED] 
File: 258 KB, 785x1000, NOOOOOOOOO!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11813398

There aren't multiple dimensions, that's quackery born out of quantum garbage. And time travel is impossible for there is no past and no future, only an eternal now. Time isn't physical. The past and future aren't places you can visit, they don't exist, they're only an idea in our heads.

>> No.11813855

>Salt is not sodium + chlorine, it's NaCl
Aka, it's an ionic compound of Na+ and Cl-, which is different from Na solid or Cl2 gas. You might notice the parallel to your comparison of F2 gas and the F- ion.

>> No.11813857

Cope, tranny.

>> No.11813908
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Reward and penalization of any individual is meaningless due to determinism. Your fate is no more well deserved than that of ones neighbor and your consciousness deriving justification of either is akin misguided sadism.

>> No.11813940

The man who wrote string field theory commit suicide and wrote in his suicide note that he had wasted his life.

>> No.11813942

To add to this. He also died an incel.

>> No.11814102

Another ((Suicide)) note and all.

>> No.11814105

There's no such thing as a species

99.99999% of all defined species haven't been tested for breeding compatibility with their closest relatives.

odds are most would be genetically compatible.

>> No.11814106
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His name doesn't even appear. He has been erased from science.

>> No.11814146

Please get an education before making such claims. Also, youtube videos are not citeable sources. Show us some real proofs.

>> No.11814149

You need to get some help dude.

>> No.11814157
File: 305 KB, 1920x815, 1579266252187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark Matter is weakly interacting massive particles. Wave function is the objectively true description of reality. There are no hidden variables. FTL is impossible, no matter what we do.

Normies are unable to comprehend these facts and start REEEEEing the moment you state them. They are so uncomfortable to brainlets that their tiny brains simply reject them a priori. Even you will probably get filtered by them, despite asking for it. That's the mark of a true redpill.

>> No.11814190
File: 110 KB, 1180x787, ok i'll bite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only pill you need to take in the sciences is the following:
- Metrologists get inconsistent data regarding constants and adjust their data to fit the constant because "it's a constant".
- All of our descriptions of reality rely on the assumption that things like the meter are unchanging when there is no evidence supporting that.

The meter and the speed of light are defined by each other. Really chew on that if you're able.

>> No.11814197
File: 3.65 MB, 5720x8240, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Ebner Effect.

See this for some basic info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i69p0lldbGY
And this, a thought-provoking commentary: https://files.catbox.moe/ga936v.webm
Also related, more in depth, in German: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUfOiW0_bZ0

Some dude doing Ebner Effect experiments, shows how simple it is:

>> No.11814226

I googled this and the first thing that popped up for it was a facebook page

>> No.11814249
File: 165 KB, 800x820, i fucking love science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11814256
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>> No.11814263

Natural selection, in the sense that an organism with traits better fitted to surviving in an environment will be more likely to survive and pass on its traits to the next generation, can be easily demonstrated using a culture of a single bacteria in a petri dish and an antibiotic (I've done it before).

On a macroscopic level, you could probably design and conduct an experiment with fruit flies (D. melanogaster) or some other fast-reproducing insect. Due to the larger life cycle (and by extension reproductive cycle), using larger animals is too impractical and would take too long (Dogs would take ~20-40 years going at full pelt).

>> No.11814306

Determinism can't be proven one way or another. Even if everything is pre-ordained. not being able to see what action you will take next is tantamount to free will. Using determinism as an excuse for fatalism is just pure cope.

>> No.11814311


>> No.11814316

Weight doesn't Corelate to function
Well for the most part

>> No.11814414

>brain weight = IQ

>> No.11814425

Humanity has less than 1000 years left.

>> No.11814433

iq is real.

>> No.11814437

>Earth is potentially flat
You lost me there. You're now officially a schizo. Take your pills.

>> No.11814554

That's optimistic. I'd put it around 200.

>> No.11814942

Technological progress is not good for society.

>> No.11814954

can't believe I didn't post this

>> No.11814991

Would you rather shit in a ditch? Would you rather die from an easily curable infection / condition such as diabetes? Would you rather be part of the unsupportable global population without the haber process, Borlaug's wheat strains and animal husbandry?

Even the Luddites used technology; They just didn't like the NEW technology. Being for the stringent regulation of technology is understandable but being anti-technology is peak smoothbrain.

>> No.11814997
File: 1.75 MB, 2304x2880, Tedcore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sounds like you need to take the Tedpill.

>> No.11815065

again proving my point. Unless you're championing a pre-agragian society, you'll be using technology.

>Teddy K
Spent too much time developing his academic skills and not enough time solving his problem of being emotionally stunted. He certainly stopped giving a shit about primitivism when he was creating his explosives and wiring batteries to them.

>> No.11815174

Pretty interesting.

>> No.11815212

Evolution implies this
If there was an absolute fertility barrier between species there could be no new species

>> No.11815263
File: 129 KB, 1016x768, IQ polygenic gene race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

europoid IQ is pretty similar to indo-arab IQ when you control for environment.
mongoloid IQ, both of northern and southern varieties, are higher than all europoid IQs.

>> No.11815300

Species can interbreed but not necessarily produce viable offspring. A good example are mules (horse x donkey).

Another good example of speciation is dog breeds. All dogs fall under the same species (canis familiaris) and can interbreed but compare the multitude of different shapes & sizes to the common ancestor (wolf, canis lupus). If you left these dog species to further diverge (idk how long it would take though), you'd find that they would no longer be able to interbreed and produce viable offspring.

>> No.11816357

Very close to perfect, but you gave the troll away with the not entirely bogus point about sexual dimorphism

>> No.11816360


you all got baited

>> No.11816409

Circumcision is a 2000+ years old medical fraud and pseudoscience being perpetuated by Zionists.

>> No.11816448

Celcius is better for laboratory use, but Fahrenheit is superior for day-to-day use.

>> No.11816481

Kelvin is used for scientific pruposes, Celsius for everyday life, and Fahrenheit is a shitty scale only used in Burgerland.

>> No.11816504

imagine being so brainlet you don't have enough mental capacity to use more than one measurement system at a time lmao

>> No.11816519

Oh yeah, listening to an indoctrination program instituted by (((them))) is a better and more reliable way of education.

>> No.11816523

How do transistors work

>> No.11816525

How can it change?
I understand the logic behind it but like, does it make a difference? What’s the point in knowing if, how or why?

>> No.11816558

>In healthy volunteers, total brain volume weakly correlates with intelligence, with a correlation value between 0.3 and 0.4 out of a possible 1.0. ... Thus, on average, a bigger brain is associated with somewhat higher intelligence.

>> No.11816648
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>NASA in Hebrew means "to deceive"
I'm laughing so hard, holy shit.

>> No.11816651
File: 210 KB, 979x920, yamna pca explanation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everybody is mixed race

but especially so-called "europeans"

>> No.11816653

The math works out that Europeans are actually more mixed than Black Americans

Given, it's mixing with a racial group that is less distant (Middle Easterners). But judging on pure racial identity, Black Americans are actually purer than Europeans.

>> No.11816916

is this real? who's the man?

>> No.11816931
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>> No.11816934

That means Swedish girls need bbc

>> No.11816961

Yet despite the massive gradient, people without a 23-and-me test could keep America majority white for 200 years

>> No.11816971

What is your source on this? I hope you are not conflating shared Indo-Aryan ancestry with modern Middle Eastern admixture, as they are very different things.

>> No.11816982

are whales smarter than humans?

>> No.11817498

No. Whales certainly do have massive brains but they're also massive themselves. The brain-to-body mass ratio for humans is roughly 2.1% while the ratio for whales is roughly 0.2%. Comparatively, dolphins have a score of 1.9%.
(But then again, the relationship between body-brain mass ratio and intelligence is disputed.)

>> No.11817519

back to >>>/r/Hapas and >>>/r/Cuckold , Tenda Spencer

>> No.11817530

imagine measuring cooking recipes in cups and stones lmao

>> No.11818044

Earth is not flat. But it also doesn't appear to be round according to some measurements and observations. The other answer is concave.

>> No.11818085

this guy is a fucking brainlet. i recall him leading protests of the launch of several deep space probes because they used nuclear power sources on board and "if it exploded it could end life on earth"

>> No.11818093

What we call "races" are far more transient than most people would like to admit. Historically there have been hundreds of thousands of important ethnic groups that are no longer around. We'll probably be a global mono race in a few hundred years (and that's a good thing)

>> No.11818106

Academia is a scam.
Both for the majority of students and for academics. It's a ponzi scheme used to generate money for the people who own universities and give out loans.

>> No.11818398

Doubt it, if anything we'll have widening gaps between phenotypes even within a race.
A hundred years ago most people lived in small villages and never left them except for maybe a neighbouring village.
What we have now is the more successful move to more affluent cities or even different countries.

What we'll have is a concentration of ability and brainpower in a few select locations, they will interbreed with each other, instead of having to make do with a normie, giving rise a phenotype that gradually gets better average ability and brainpower.
Meanwhile, the people left behind in brain-drained communities will form some form of deformed troglodytes, like trailer trash or chavs - communities that didn't form organically but were constructed by governments as a place to put the poor and feckless.

>> No.11819837

We don't know our history. It's all speculation, but all the guessing we've done, probably missed the mark. Maybe even intentionally, throughout the ages.

>> No.11819870

awe... :)

>> No.11819892

How fucking retarded. Archeologists use carbon dating and forensic methods, just like any other science.

>> No.11820486

>redpill thread
>Itt. dropping only greenpills

>> No.11820746

Time to test that theory, with my cock.

>> No.11822226
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>> No.11822249

Go ahead Anon I want to read some interesting stuff today

>> No.11822269

based, how can science ever recover

>> No.11822691

>carbon dating
That's been shown to be extremely unreliable and inaccurate. For a full debunking on the supposed accuracy and reliable, see >>/sci/thread/S11768268#p11772350

>> No.11822705
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i dont know how my brain works, therefore my skull is hollow

>> No.11822738


>> No.11822765
File: 89 KB, 558x364, 1566102074721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people don't know how the universe works. Therefore they think it's full of dark matter, black holes and basically just an empty vaccum.

>> No.11822783

t. Ken Ham

>> No.11822788

>Vaccines have been exposed to have mercury and aborted fetus cells in them, also if a doctor drops the vaccine viles, the entire medical building/premise must be evacuated while Hazmat crew cleans it up.
source: facebook post from 2013 in a mom group

>> No.11823313



>numbers don't exist, fractality goes against the concept of intelligent design

>frequencies of what?



>yes fluoride subduing is true

>not science

>> No.11825156


Some people don't know how the universe works. Therefore they ignore mechanical forces and try to reduce everything to electricity.

>> No.11826014

I will say several things, starting from the bottom:

Helium is a light, non-reactive gas. The reason why there should be no gas from the time of Earth's formation is because it literally leaks out of the atmosphere. Thus for any to exist, it must be replenished.

I'd need to see more info on the uranium mines and excess of lead over thorium, but while the neutron-induced decay would reduce the estimated age of the earth, it would NOT reduce it by more than an order of magnitude or two.

The ratio of carbon-14 in the atmosphere would depend on a lot of things, like solar activity and whatnot. So I'm not surprised that it's not very accurate. It can still be used for very rough estimates. Also, look closely at the date when it was claimed that C-14 levels were rising (1960's). I wonder if there might have been something going on that could cause that....

Finally, we have the radius of the observable universe: on the order of billions of light years. There is no evidence supporting a change in the speed of light (and a lot that implies it is constant), and while there is uncertainty with measuring distances in space, we can be fairly certain that at a minimum it is more than 100 million light years across.

Tl;dr: Interesting points, maybe worth another look, but not earth shattering. Estimates aren't perfect, and unaccounted for variables can throw off results.

>> No.11826056

25% of people CAN'T build MUSCLE

>> No.11826064

So dating something that is 100 thousand years old could mean that it is 1 thousand years old what the fuck the bible was right all the time

>> No.11826093


>> No.11826104


>> No.11826259

can confirm

>> No.11826447

cock studies

>> No.11826509

You too have never been able to bench 2 plates?

>> No.11826838

Something something race science, but mostly that all "mainstream" science at this point is bought and paid for and many "rigorous" fields are run by midwits now, so it is difficult to tell what is trustworthy or not anymore.

>> No.11826964

If women don't get slapped enough, they start to become unafraid of violence. It doesn't have to be a hard slap, just enough to let them know that violence is in fact scary and something to be avoided. Girls that don't get slapped end up begging their boyfriends to put collars around them and "leash" them.

i am unironically for slapping women to protect their own dignity.

>> No.11827958

>Would you rather shit in a ditch?
Not a great deal of difference between a nature shit and a toilet shit. At least shitting onto the ground will fertilise the soil.
>Would you rather die from an easily curable infection/condition such as diabetes?
The infectious diseases of today would not be so common if it were not for the densely populated cities and long-distance transport means that allow them to spread, e.g. covid-19. Using insulin to keep diabetics alive allows them to propagate dysgenic effects in society's gene pool. Obesity-induced diabetes is only possible due to mass agriculture.
>Would you rather be part of the unsupportable global population without the haber process, Borlaug's wheat strains and animal husbandry?
The population will inevitably be as large as that which can be supported by society. Advances in agriculture do not solve world hunger, they just allow the population to get bigger. Hence the global population has increased ~fivefold since the invention of the Haber process, and there are more starving people (and, ironically, obese people) than there were before.
>Being for the stringent regulation of technology is understandable.
Attempting to regulate technological progress is futile since it is not possible to get the whole world to cooperate in forgoing the advantages of new technology. As soon as one country adopts a new technology, every other country will follow in order to remain competitive.
>Anti-technology is peak smoothbrain.
This is not an argument.

>> No.11827980
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If genetics can make a cow look like this I'd consider it totally reasonable that it can do the opposite too. You blood flows with myostatin and you are doomed to live as a skelly forever.

>> No.11829112

>when you control for environment

ie when you start fiddling with the results to get the data that suits you