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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 73 KB, 686x464, solar-power-satellite1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11810516 No.11810516 [Reply] [Original]

So, how far into the future is it?

>> No.11810519

they're using it for military equipment, so they have to get the tech working, then improve on it enough to constitute gen 2, and then at that point us plebs can have gen 1.

>> No.11810550

At least thirty years. It's just too expensive to build right now. It will only be viable once we create mining infrastructure and industry in space.

>> No.11810634

it's no longer possible. In order to make a solar power satellite that's better than regular solar power you need to use microwaves. A solar power satellite will interfere with microwave communication in a region 100s of kilometers away from the receiver. MEGAWATTS of power will be going to the sidelobes. We can no longer use the best frequencies(2.4GHz) for transmitting power, because wifi and bluetooth use that, with bluetooth being problematic. Having a zone 1000 km wide where you can't use airpods, won't fly with the normies. Really we need to make legislation to allow solar power sats to interfere with stuff, because at the current time if we built one we couldn't even turn it on. The time to build one was decades ago. That time has passed.

>> No.11810635
File: 3.51 MB, 1394x932, screen-shot-2016-02-09-at-4.14.33-pm-100644028-orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever heard of climate change and global heating? Using space mirrors to heat up Earth even more is nothing we will ever do. But we will need to do this once we colonize Mars. Technology is ready, we just need to scale it up.

>> No.11810637

are you a fucking retard? Human power use is fucking nothing compared to solar input. CO2 emissions heat the earth more.

>> No.11810650

What happens when it orbits away?

>> No.11810660 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11810665

CO2 doesn't cause heating at all, it follows the heating (which is caused entirely by the sun). You're both retarded NPCs.

>> No.11810719

This was one of the plans for the Fourth Reich to maintain global domination. Parabolic mirror in space. Microwave beam will disrupt the weather among other things.

>> No.11810722

>are you a fucking retard?
That's it. This should be a bannable offense. At least for a while while we purge the degenerates. This is no way to communicate, kid. What's the matter with you, did mommy never wash your mouth out with soap?

Well, my mum never washed my mouth out with soap, but my aunt did.

>> No.11810737

this isn't your hug box kiddo. Now Earth's insolation is 1.75e17 watts, while average power use by humanity in 2013 was 1.8e13 watts. With insolation being 4 orders of magnitude larger than human power use we can conclude than human power use contributes a negligible amount to heating the planet. Thus, it can be shown that you're a fucking retard.

>> No.11810754

>you you you you
Shut the fuck up. I'm not the guy you responded to.

As for the rest of it, there you go. That's more like it. Make all of your posts like that and the world will be a better place. k? k. thx.

>> No.11810764

Soon, I hope, so I can finally microwave my food at 5 AM without waking anybody up.
Space Microwaving.

>> No.11810869
File: 19 KB, 860x574, cloud.jpg.860x0_q70_crop-scale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>steals all your microwave energy
nothing personel kid

>> No.11810899

*passes right through*
microwaves pass straight through clouds. There are some losses, but even in heavy rain they aren't that bad.

>> No.11811098

Aren’t the mirrors constantly floating away because they are basicslly solar sails? I’ve heard all big scale mirror stuff in space is problematic because of that.

>> No.11811417

you turn it sideways for a while and gravity or a small thruster can move it back

>> No.11811442


This is the theme for an Isaac Asimov short story.

>> No.11811450

>That's more like it. Make all of your posts like that and the world will be a better place. k? k. thx.
What? Did the mean man hurt your feelings? I suggest you get off this site before you learn anymore bad words kid.

>> No.11811456
File: 23 KB, 1200x550, fog_bank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heavy fog bank steals all your microwave energy
nothing personal dude

>> No.11811462

Please kill yourself and never share your dumbass opinions on a science board again.

>> No.11811473
File: 11 KB, 558x279, attenuation-due-to-rain_636385429464377424.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

microwaves pass straight through all that which is why they're fucking awesome. Losses are basically nothing for fog or clouds. 2.4 GHz is fucking awesome it goes through everything

>> No.11811488 [DELETED] 

Niggers tongue your anus.

>> No.11811793

They still have station keeping thrusters and would be too heavy to get pushed very hard (but it will push it).
Its the big holdup on solar sails is that you need a super light material that is strong enough to unfurl square kilometers and not fall apart under its own weight.

>> No.11812139

How many thousands of times is this more efficient than just using normal sun tracking panels or solar towers on Earth? If it's anything less then it would be wiser to just spend those hundreds of billions on fusion or something with better ROI.

>> No.11813802

Why not just use lasers?

>> No.11814139

lasers get blocked by clouds.

>> No.11814159

What if you use lasers strong enough to blow the clouds away?

>> No.11814166

that requires impractical amounts of power.

>> No.11816496

We're in now, now.

>> No.11816547

>put receiving stations somewhere that doesn't get clouds
woah damn that was fucking hard dude

>> No.11816616

The atmosphere diffuses and reflects a lot of light. If you're in space you don't have that problem, and you don't have to worry about night time.
The most expensive part is just getting the material into orbit.
It was last year, or the year before when China lit up a city at night by using solar reflectors in orbit.

>> No.11816671

so do microwaves
(just less so)

>> No.11816683

you get about 144% of maximum solar intensity you can get on earth, but you get that 100% of the time without having to deal with clouds or daily rotation or seasons or long nights or any of that bullshit so its way higher

>> No.11816739

We ain’t found shit.

>> No.11816891

I'm not a fan of bulky mechanical satellites. Chemical, molecular, or matter wave satellites crackle and pop in orbit to a singularity. Batteries down here charge.

>> No.11816929

why not fill boxes of solar energy and save them for later

>> No.11816948

>and not fall apart under its own weight.
>under its own weight.
It's in space, senpai.

>> No.11817244

>believing microwaves can do it

whenever we get gamma ray lasers we'll get laser-assisted launches using ionocraft and laser beamed space power

>> No.11817250

lefty sci was a fucking mistake

>> No.11817293
File: 16 KB, 263x162, laser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11817315

it does not, even strong lasers build today can punch clouds and power transfer lasers would be much more powerful, but the simple solution is really to put your receiver in a desert where clouds are super rare

>> No.11817342
File: 4 KB, 318x159, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any water on mars?

>> No.11818269
File: 304 KB, 1600x1200, Kzintilesson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and power transfer lasers would be much more powerful

solar beamed power stations ain't the way, my friend.

it's just not.

>> No.11818330

that's not an answer, tripnigger

>> No.11818338

The mirrors mostly just redirect light that was going to hit Earth anyway. Turning it into electricity before some of it burns up in the atmosphere actually reduces warming.

>> No.11818349

but wtf are you doing with the bunch of power in the middle of the desert?

>> No.11818413
File: 22 KB, 300x225, 300px-Steven_Crowder's_"Change_My_Mind"_Campus_Sign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So, what controls the laser satellites focal position?

Is it a hacker?

Is it intel?

Is it the CIA?

who the hacker that lasered the world?

>> No.11818441

power my lithium mine

>> No.11818443

God you talk like a fag.

>> No.11818454

it is an inherent part of the redditor condition

>> No.11818472

Big if true.

>> No.11818488

An Industrial laser power transmission system, from orbit to ground.





are we clear?

>> No.11818507

hm, good point desu

>> No.11818508

reserve your replies for humans, anons
redditors aren't human

>> No.11818517
File: 172 KB, 760x596, cQO8k2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

much like an orbital elevator, must not exist.