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11808352 No.11808352 [Reply] [Original]

What determines if a fertilised egg gets xy or xx chromosomes?
Clearly it's down to ~50/50 chance, but what mechanism determines this?

>> No.11808367

it's like a coinflip if you get life on tutorial mode or not

>> No.11808370

fertiliser spermatozoon. Gametes have half genetic code each, so for the XY couple you can have male gamete with Y or male gamete with X, female egg have always X obviously.

>> No.11808375

independent assortment during meiosis

>> No.11808380

What's that? My knowledge of biology is up to GCSE

>> No.11808410

During the first meiosis stage during the phase where the chromosomes line up in the middle (telophase?) the chromosomes randomly swap places with the ones next to each other. That's that's just like one way it's randomized.

>> No.11808575

Is it truly random? Like quantum mechanics?

>> No.11808765

ze sperm, young lad, ze sperrrm

>> No.11808776

No. Because it is in the classical regime it is not quantum mechanical nor truly random.
Biology isnt truly random. It's just the initial conditions for factors to occur are unknown and EXACTLY, EXACTLY, how it occurs with the physics of motion and chemical micro potentials are unknown. Because of this it isn't random. It might very well be either favor men or women but we dont know.

Further chemical background in your body determine the likelihood of your body producing either weak X sperm or weak Y sperm. I know theres a certain chemical in working with aircraft that allegedly to everyone I work with is known to cause men who come in prolonged contact with that chemical to have girls for the rest of their lives with their wives. So to reiterate, it's not random and is probably mostly based on chemical factors and health. Maybe a healthier man will produce more male sperm?

>> No.11808989

>Maybe a healthier man will produce more male sperm?
a man with higher test.