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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 43 KB, 1280x720, Vsauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11808058 No.11808058 [Reply] [Original]

>Starts off with a ridiculous sounding premise
>Explains it in the most accurate and scientific way possible
>Goes off on a completely different tangent
>Masterfully loops the tangent around and shows how it validates his original premise

Damn bros, how does he do it? This guy's videos are a masterpiece in scripting and editing. Very few, if any youtubers, have ever managed to capture the type of magic that goes into one of these videos.

>> No.11808080
File: 74 KB, 217x226, vsauce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's great and all but what about the fact that he has a beard, glasses, advanced male pattern baldness and his mouth is open sometimes? Checkmate vsauce fags.

>> No.11808085

hey vsauce faggot here

>> No.11808088

>calls himself vsauce
what a cuck

>> No.11808095

>not poo pee sauce

>> No.11808098
File: 6 KB, 250x147, 1571764066317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only he wasnt pic related

>> No.11808099


>> No.11808463

The music certainly helps.

>> No.11808472

But he's not.

>> No.11808491

as much as I loved vsauce in the past, I don't enjoy his videos anymore since I got my physics degree. You realize that the majority of what he says is useless trivia that doesn't have any overarching theme.
>spit facts

>> No.11808603

>the majority of what he says is useless trivia that doesn't have any overarching theme
And that's already more than what you've done. Let's see your videos dude. Post them.

>> No.11808642

I'm not claiming some superiority over him, I'm just saying his content does not interest me anymore. It's an ocean an inch deep. There are channels out there with way more specialized and in-depth content like Flammable Maths or Historical Italian Cooking and that's what I've leaned towards recently.

>> No.11808727

I find it convenient that you /pol/ brainlets are so effective at proving to anyone who has the misfortune of encountering you that you are almost literally brain dead and can’t think in anything other than vapid uninsightful memes. You are easily in the running for worst people alive

>> No.11808732

ooh a physics degree. smart boy went to 4 extra years of HS because he’s too much of a mental midget to self teach and now thinks he’s above trivia as entertainment

>> No.11808739

>t. seething brainlet

>> No.11808741

>everyone who disagrees with me is /pol/

>> No.11808755

All of the people on this site who are so stupid they barely seem human are from /pol/.

>> No.11808786


>> No.11808813

The pol hivemind was the birthplace of what you call modern memes, so stfu and go back to creddit

>> No.11808862

I don't disagree with you, his content is more of a primer to certain subjects.

>> No.11808870

He's had a very long time to get good at what he does, he is also far more intelligent than 95% jewtubers.

>> No.11808889

to a degree thats true but there arent many youtubers who even tried to be a science guy. most stick to 1 category and thoughtemporium is stuck doing experiments instead to finding data others had done and putting it forward. theres like 3 science guys on youtube. hundreds of talking heads for politics. used to be tens of thousands just 5 years ago

its partially the lack of competition. if the existing chemistry or electronics guys branched out early it would be different probably. his budget would be lower and that would impact the result even though he doesnt spend a lot on footage it would impact the perception of him and how willing any one is to give him the time of day and more data. if he had half as many views on vids he might not get as many call backs

>> No.11810093

Well yeah, his videos are for layman's on a subject.

>> No.11810108

offering the layman a hand to understand concepts that are above them isnt such a bad thing you know, given it doesnt promote a dogmatic view of science or give people impressions of science being simple and absolute

>> No.11810150

The truth is vsauce isn't doing much science really. The main reason why people like his videos is that he knows how to manage the average viewer's attention span. He doesn't compete with science guys because he isn't doing the same thing. Veritasium, for example, explains things. Michael doesn't. He just starts with a clickbaity premise, and then jump from fact to fact while making sure the viewer feels smart by listening to him.

What vsauce really does is not so much teach you about science than it is about making you think.

>> No.11810160

Now I know who to blame. Modern memes are shit and it's thanks to /pol/.

>> No.11810586

If he had any talent he wouldn't be on Youtube

>> No.11810588

Where else would he be, if he wants to do science education videos?

>> No.11810834

Name some modern memes that came from /pol/

>> No.11810931


>> No.11810953

if he wants to do science education videos, he’s failed hard. His videos are entertainment, not education.

>> No.11811693

>makes a bunch of dick jokes while providing a superficial overview of a wikipedia article

>> No.11812671

How are they not education?

>> No.11812674
File: 2.86 MB, 480x262, Based department calling.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11812798

>>Explains it in the most accurate and scientific way possible
lol not really

>This guy's videos are a masterpiece in scripting and editing
true. funny to think of how the channel started off as one of these "TOP 10 FACTS ABOUT XYZ" channels.

>> No.11813924

how are some useless fact and numbers education? If you want to learn something I’d recommend spending that time on a wiki dive or reading a chapter in a paper or subsection in a textbook.

>> No.11815661
File: 259 KB, 1500x1500, soyboy is angry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I find it convenient that you /pol/ brainlets are so effective at proving to anyone who has the misfortune of encountering you that you are almost literally brain dead and can’t think in anything other than vapid uninsightful memes. You are easily in the running for worst people alive

>> No.11815674
File: 34 KB, 557x305, go back to reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11815702

/pol/ has to die. You're too dumb to understand your own memes at this point

>> No.11815745

I visit /pol/ from time to time and was part of that #goBaldforBLM stuff, 90% of threads thought it was a legitimate campaign and /pol/ just hijacked it / just watched it happen. It's an absolute shitfest. Also being deleted by K-Pop stans was embarrassing.

>> No.11815751

*defeated by K-Pop fags

>> No.11815759


>> No.11815820

(((they))) won