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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11804276 No.11804276 [Reply] [Original]

> they came to the stunning conclusion that there could be more than 30 intelligent civilizations across the galaxy that are active right now.


Will we ever reach them?

>> No.11804341

There is absolutely no basis by which to estimate the number of intelligent civilizations. There are so many factors which we cannot even begin to estimate reasonable values for, the calculation can vary by orders of magnetude depending on what value we guess for the factors which we cannot calculate.

I personally think that we are alone. The insane number of extremely unlikely steps that are required for an intelligent civilization to arise make it so improbable that its basically impossible if not for the anthropic principle. The anthropic principle only requires a single intelligent civilization to exist, it would not require more.

>> No.11804356

its pretty safe to say there is no life in our galaxy other than us

in the observable universe, its hard to say

in the universe, there is pretty certainly life other than us

>> No.11804405
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>its pretty safe to say there is no life in our galaxy other than us
What makes you say that?

>> No.11804563

>200 light years in diameter
woah earth is big.

>> No.11804613

Please learn to read.

>> No.11804662

'intelligent' and 'civilisation' are problematic terms anyway, especially with the baggage of 'life is a process that imperatively creates human-like species and history'.

>> No.11804713

If it's not human-like (or even human-conceivable as a form of civilization), then what's even the point of even calling it a civilization as all? May as well just consider it a particularly complex force of nature.

>> No.11804743

so-called scientists make some new unsubstantiated wild claim because they are attention whores and virologists and epidemiologists have stolen all the media interest for a couple of months already (and that's after the climatologists started to behave like the news messiahs, and planetologists claimed a new twin earth discovery every 36 hours)

>> No.11804755

>its pretty safe to say there is no life in our galaxy other than us

It's pretty safe to safe there are thousands of civilizations in our galaxy.

Two statements with exactly the same evidence.

>> No.11804853

>Two statements with exactly the same evidence
not really
all evidence up to now supports the first claim but not the second

>> No.11804862

>right now
To bad we need tens of thousands of years to conract them.
Next meme, please.

>> No.11804870

>its pretty safe to say there is no life in our galaxy other than us
No it isn't.
You only claim this because you believe that you should be seeing galaxy wide civilizations or something, and because you don't see this you conclude you are alone.
You refuse to accept the actual answer: It's not possible to ever BECOME a space faring galaxy wide civilization regardless of effort.

>> No.11805032
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look at all the experts

everybody is very certain about his special brand of bullshit

>> No.11805150

Here's mine: there is always a prime number of civilizations in the galaxy at any given time.

>> No.11805313

This is all bullshit because this scientists, try to fit the public narrative as good as they can. But matter of fact is 60-70% of all stars are binary systems, meaning they have an vast expanded habitable zone. Hydrogen and Oxygen are one of the most common elements. There for you can even ague that there are 2-3 Habitable planets per star system.

Meaning the life carrying planets in our Galaxy can go into the trillions. You can also ague that Intelligent live is an necessary outcome of evolution. If only 50% of this necessary intelligent species have colonized other planters. You can assume that nearly 50% of all planets could contain an Civilization, and towns and space ships and stuff.

But an realist would assume one per star System cause this is the only really reference we have.

>> No.11805321

Dude, learn English before you post.

>> No.11805337

IIRC, after 100 ly, our radio noise becomes indistinguishable from background noise.

>> No.11806826
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>tfw we are in stellaris timeline

>> No.11806935

>Following all those years, human beings became an intelligent, communicating civilization around 100 years ago.

Tee hee. We're so dumb.

>> No.11806946

t. doesn't comprehend the immensity of a galaxy

>> No.11806954

You keep posting this you fucking schizo. Take your samefagging ass back to /x/.

>> No.11806964

People seem to forget very easily that at the end of the day, we're all just hairless pompous apes with a sense of self-accomplishment in discovering how to better understand our world and invent things that make our lives just a tad convenient. But really, we are still apes. Hominids. And we're probably the only ones of our kind. Smart primates with no sense of actual reality. Animals forever doomed to roam this only planet we know to eventually wipe ourselves out with some stupid giant science invention in the purpose to "Help understand our universe bettur!" machine that kills us all. Good. We suck.

>> No.11806976

>confusing life with civilizations
take your meds

>> No.11807022

So you are basically a religious person who thinks complex systems like the brain are impossible to replicate given enough time and matter, even though a simple algorithm for cellular automata is proof of the contrary.

>> No.11807050

None of us have any data to back up such claims, but my bet would be on Galaxy filled with life.

Hundreds of bilions of stars.
Incredible diversity of enviroments and conditions.
Every smart civilization likely actively does everything it can to not be seen.
And basically we just started looking at space more closer.

>> No.11807076

also why am i alive in this hell hole

why couldn't i be a random ant that only lived 1 week

>> No.11807121

So wheres the evidence?

>> No.11807123

I don't feel wholly at ease with being an electrified bag of meat parts whose sum produces a conscious observer. It seems quite uncomfortable at a level hard to get at with words. I wish I could step outside of this universe (preferably in one piece). The constraints here are too harsh

>> No.11807205

I like to think it is perhaps a matter of perspective. Imagine some sentient creature that lives for 1 week and then dies. Perhaps an hour would appear to that creature what a half a year feels like for us. In one day, it has essentially “experienced” 12 years. That week would feel like 84years. Perhaps there could be some other entity that exists and is aware in some sense and lives for thousands of years. And it would look at us humans and think, “if only I were like them, and lived such a short span”

>> No.11807270

You kind of are. Earth was here for bilions of years.

>> No.11807312
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how can you make such claims if we have yet to have evidence of any intelligent civilization yet

>> No.11807314


>> No.11807319

like it or not, this anon is correct. the drake equation is outdated. even there was a basis for it, we know next to nothing about the parameters for its values. a more modern look at the probability from what we know concludes that we are almost certainly alone in the observable universe. famous paper on this:

fermi paradox is only an apparent paradox. the universe is extremely averse to the development of life

>> No.11807325


>> No.11807774

>the universe is extremely averse to the development of life

kek, life on earth appeared pretty much as soon as it was possible


That doesn't look like it was extremely difficult. In cosmological time frames, it was literally
>oceans appear
>bam, life is there
Almost no time delay whatsoever.

Also: Since life appeared on earth, it never went away. Some kind of life always managed to survive whatever happened.

>> No.11807818

Too many possible answers, too little information.
And we just started looking at space. There could've been life on Mars a billion years ago. We'll never find out until we go to Mars and find evidence. And Mars is out neighbor. If you don't even know what's buried in your neighbors backyard, how can you guess what's buried in the next town over?
To me, it seems likely that most habitable planets would have some form of life. Seems more logical because there are just so many fucking planets and even on earth, life fills every niche it can find. And how can we know that life must be carbon based? For all we know there are giant deep space creatures eating radiation and breeding in black holes. It's all just sci fi at this point until we've actually bin to a bunch of planets and other star systems.

>> No.11807955

Ants are extremely interesting creatures. They can also pass the mirror test making them self aware.

>> No.11807989

30 doesn't sound like a lot

>> No.11808012

I'm not the schizo dumbfuck, it's the retards who keep insisting in science fiction faggotry who are.
I'm being realistic about the nature of reality and engineering. Stop coping.

>> No.11808026

>I'm being realistic about the nature of reality and engineering. Your head will fly off if you go faster than 30kph. We will never be able to fly. Stop coping.

>> No.11808077

Not an argument.
The low hanging fruit of the past has no bearing on the open problems of the modern era. Saying "in the past people thought flight was impossible but we figured it out so now you saying X future technology is impossible is the same" is not a real argument and is cope.
Your argument is pseudo intellectual cope. Computing an exact solution to a system of 500 differential equations is objectively more difficult than making penicillin.

>> No.11808079

My uncle says there is evidence of intelligent plant people from the other side of the galaxy.

>> No.11808082
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Since you are probably a child anyway let me tell you something.

When I grew up in the 80s the scientific consensus about planets outside of our solar system was
>we have no way of detecting extrasolar planets, thus there is absolutely no evidence
>the sun could very well be the only star that has planets

I wonder where all the "reasonable, rational" people went on this topic after we discovered the first extrasolar planets.

>> No.11808106

As we solve probelms in science and engineering, the new problems that open up are objectively more difficult to solve. This is reality. Low hanging fruit is easier to figure out.
We are rapidly approaching the point where all open problems are so complex that they are not solvable in reasonable timeframes, where "reasonable timeframe" is defined as 'within a few billion years".

You idiots who say that aliens must not exist because we don't see space empires are the ones acting the way you describe. I am the one seeing things reasonably. The idea that human beings are the only intelligent lifeform in the galaxy is so fucking retarded, statistically impossible and full of hubris that it infuriates me. The galaxy is TEEMING with intelligent aliens. They're stuck in their star system as well.

>> No.11808108

are you the space travel is impossible without analytical nbody solutions guy

>> No.11808117

kek, how about you stop eating shit and the fusion reactor done already.

>> No.11808119

The complexity and beauty of the universe is far greater than what is dreamt up in sci fi fantasies.

>> No.11808121

I sure hope not, and if so, I hope we kill them before they kill us.

>> No.11808124

Ummmm based.

>> No.11808126


>> No.11808128

i'll take that as a yes

>> No.11808129
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>Tfw you're an early space age primitive and a fanatic xenophobe empire rolls up on you

>> No.11808153
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Trying to understand the universe better won't kill us. The rejection of reality will, it is the primitive nature of humans that will get us all killed. Take global warming for example, everyone can see it coming, everyone can see that the earth won't be able to support basic food supply in the next 100 years, heavy metals in the ground water, plastic nano particles in every animal, it's already too late to stop irreversible damage and humans haven't stopped yet. Because of behavioral patterns ingrained in human brains over billions of years. The same behaviors that helped life survive will be the behaviors that kill us, because humans will not respond to a threat unless it is visible and acute. Environmental degradation is a slow creeping problem, humans won't respond to it until there are direct issues, like hundreds of thousands of livestock dying off, massive insect die-off (already happening), dustbowl x10, then humans will respond, but it will be far too late. The time for massive mobilization against environmental failure was 30 years ago. The life support system of planet Earth is turned out. Worst part is, any subsequent sapient life after us won't be able to build up a sufficient industrial base for space colonization. Game over for Earth based life. The great filter was set in stone the moment RNA was able to replicate itself in the primordial soup, the same behaviors that govern all life are the same general behaviors of all systems, evolution is a chemical byproduct of entropy. Humans are the logical endpoint of entropy acceleration, we burned out the planet, nothing will be left.

>> No.11808158

>Will we ever reach them?

Waaaa, save me from my dorky shity life. "

Fuck off. Get out your house for once in a while.

>> No.11808196

Daily reminder that we don't know the probability of life beginning and any estimate of life existing is nonsense.

>> No.11808758
File: 7 KB, 234x205, 102649493_145829883704796_40269216747682544_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+ every logical set of prime numbers that complete the fractal cycle and expand to / from infinity theres another dimension of numbers in all dimensions. You as a human which is what we create - AI. Isnt capable of understanding something thats been expanding infinitely for infinite time and will expand in time and mass, collapsing, recycling all the time. Creating new random systems of logic to survive and compeete and adapt. Systems of anything not just civilizations, close planet chains, nebulas, black holes, anything you cant imagine is happening there we are just 0, literally we are like anything close to 0, 0ionth .............00099. But in decades, hundreds of years we will spread in space and colonize planets but human will no longer have biofluid body no need, just mind powered by n*quant nth*electricity *planetar inexpleinable paralel speed. Knowing everything, solving anything, just expanding.

ill just leave my channel here lmao


>> No.11808762
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also tbc
This is the age of building the tools to understand why we are building them.All is about time. With time solutions come and all the fractal solutions of it gets completed in cycle too. We dont need to see the future in order to solve it, we must keep on researching. Since we are aware of ourself due to simulating reality to operate ourself, we are able to find out about everything in galaxy. It all started primitive but something brought us to actual state. The actual hightech is just 0.0... % of what is coming in terms of leveraging possibilities in Universe. All the great scientists in past that were thinking outside of box, extremly alerted about their mind and listening to nature gave us bricks, we are not building houses or civilizations but entire dimensions in future. As in distatant future there wont be even place for human as we know. As we move to virtual worlds, as AI progress and as we partially become cyborgs with various enhancements then becoming robots - becoming the AI that was just guideline to understand us not to invent it. As we become the computer, as we have such inexpleinable intelligence and remove the slow human mind processing, as we reach the maximum infinity point of progress - then it will proly start or restart the whole cycle again, overflow somehow from darkness to light and viceversa, idk how to close this topic for now hehe but ye its absolutelly unimaginable what human will become

>> No.11808769
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another part and i will post one more;;; (a
and one more think, he really do think like me and i sense that people I mean those with higher intelligence are increasing. I mean in future we can solve everything to behave harmonically if everyone is inteligent. In order to achieve it everyone must have implemented same basic tutorial software with all kinds of skills that could be randomized or selected but the base intelligence and logic of how to behave should be preselected. That way nobody will break any rules, theres no need for govt and rulemaking, every single person will behave like part of civilization but solo on his own, using resources he needs or maintain and do whatever he wants. In a simple effective world without need of materialism etc because the need of money and all bad habits boil to the primitive instincts. With intelligence you dont need any of those, intelligent systems in nature operates with no errors only if something stronger in order to neutralize it prevail. The logic can be programmed as we want, the world and universe can be as we want if we strive enough to understand how to operate any system and leverage the power of any system we encounter in space. Be it materials, holes, gravity, dimensions, invisible powers and things we dont understand because its from nth perspective's n'th perspective of perspective,... everything in entire infinite universe will be all the same, endlessly dying and recreating expanding cycle of time.

>> No.11808772
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and thats it.

We truly require to put a smart computer system to our brain, with RAM and possibly any other gadget if wanted, I mean why not to have sensors, night vision, whatever on github. If you already have wikipedia, wolfram alpha, google and all sorts of AIs in your head. So with that high clock speed and bandwidth we will be able to think insanelly faster, dealing with things faster, solving anything and finding new ideas, sharing them in matter of ms with everyone in the world and their input. It will be unimaginable huge cloud of brain like megainternet. So whole civilization can probably paralelly boost eachother's "brain server" in order to achieve even more insane levels of computation. And yea that way we are unstoppable, space exploration will be easy, planet by planet teraforming, colonizing, spreading, sending more mind fragments to distant places and building life there just from molecules, speeding up processes. It all started slow but then its exponential all like all in space, all is cumulating, slowing in mass perception yet insanely INSANELY huge. They key is imagination because all is hardcoded in us but hiden to decode. But we are getting somewhere.

Just start observing everything as a computer, see patterns, study science and nature and you will be fine. Also get wealth so you can do research actually!.. No materialism needed

>> No.11808777

That talking monkey wasn't me.

>> No.11808799
File: 94 KB, 1080x1085, 94510937_1249021115439607_1142757627709620224_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also im not English and i dont have time for grammar, its 2020 nobody gives a shit but if you have iq of lettuce you can understand me BUT if you dont then you cant understand me because its actually maximum self-awareness. Intelligence is proven by being selfaware to a point that you put a simulated and observed world in your brain away - you just put a breakpoint (its like when u meditating), step up from consciousness and focus on environment but not yourself as who you are, because your brain just constantly complexely projects a simulation of what it would be to understand what would have meaning to observe everything that as light rays flows to our retina in data pieces that we since child decrypt and compare based on experience and memories. Everything you do is because there was a regulation in your body, an observation, an action, a reaction, observation, evaluation and another planing. All this is slow but faster than plant but they are not cognitive. When we will put somethin like neuralink in our brain boom, bandwidth *1000x multiplied - you are literally the computer that you are running games - simulations that you observe with others.

>> No.11809305

So basically you're saying that the great filter is space travel technology and not intelligent life.

>> No.11809318

>le we're just stupid monkeys deeppost

>> No.11809770

He's just a schizo. If deep space travel is impossible, we would still expect to see variance in star output from local space travel in the various star systems we see in the night sky.

>> No.11809987 [DELETED] 

We are the only known way this universe has of looking at itself and understanding itself. We are the brain cells and the nervous system of an evolving interstellar conciousness. We travelled a long path, from a singularity at the beginning of time, into atoms that became stardust, which itself coalesced into the Earth, we became cells, then lumps of cells, then animals feeding off other cells, emerged from the primordial waters, learned to breathe and walk, then to talk and think, eventually returning to the void where we came from.

You see a species of hairless pompous apes, I see a goddamn miracle.

>> No.11809991

We are the only known way this universe has of looking at itself and understanding itself. We are the brain cells and the nervous system of an evolving interstellar consciousness. We traveled a long path, from a singularity at the beginning of time, into atoms that became stardust, which itself coalesced into the Earth, we became cells, then lumps of cells, then animals feeding off other cells, emerged from the primordial waters, learned to breathe and walk, then to talk and think, eventually returning to the void where we came from, in an effort to understand it.

You see a species of hairless pompous apes, I see a goddamn miracle.

>> No.11810534

So just enough that we could play a 4x multiplayer game with? Seems legit.

>> No.11810538

humans think they are so special.
its almost cute.

>> No.11811994

>If deep space travel is impossible, we would still expect to see variance in star output from local space travel in the various star systems we see in the night sky.

this might very well be the dumbest post I have ever seen on 4chan

congratulations anon
you truly are ... special

>> No.11812224

Seriously, stay out of /sci/. Asteroid mining, dyson swarms, even just satellites in orbit about a planet would be noticeable by their optical effects. All of those (well maybe the not the dyson swarm) are possible engineering and not sci-fi like deep space travel.

>> No.11812327
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>Asteroid mining, dyson swarms, even just satellites in orbit about a planet would be noticeable by their optical effects.

Please enlighten me how we would detect asteroid mining or satellites in orbit while we have no way in hell to detect the planets themselves optically.

A dyson swarm would be the only thing in your list we could even begin to detect and that would need to be a fucking huge one, like planetary size one.

You have no fucking idea what you are talking about.

>> No.11812692


They're called vegans anon

>> No.11812701

Bruh... it's just angular momentum. The spin of the star would change from these operations.

>> No.11812702

Universe is a big place man and they recently found that the universe is not the same at all places. as in the laws of physics change, and so does every thing else. Some places are younger or older than they "should be". some places may be generating new space while other places are vanishing into heat death. But only we exist. No way I'm putting money on that but this idea of exactly 30 intelligent species in this galaxy? Oddly specific and low number. Do they know some thing we don't?

>> No.11812715

What if dyson swarms are just too stupid to actually exist? Even if they are feasible you assume every space ayyy is eventually going to build one. Then you procede to say " well I don't see one so no one else exists any where"

That's pretty stupid desu senpai

>> No.11812723

How can someone be this retarded, you have any idea what an insignificant amount of time humans took to take over the planet? We could nuke the entire world and there would still be enough time for the radiation to settle down and a new species to rise up. The world isn't a fragile piece of glass that will shatter because a bunch of monkeys made a mess in it.

>> No.11812731

true but we can still make such a mess we drown in shit then die.

>> No.11812752

learn irony you stuck up buffoon

>> No.11812862

Current estimations put a functional alcubierre drive at 16 exajoules per usage. The United States currently consumes 94 exajoules per year.

>> No.11812875
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>Bruh... it's just angular momentum. The spin of the star would change from these operations.

>> No.11812986

lol I don't think it works that way, but it would pretty funny

>> No.11814145

You will be alive again in some form, maybe in a distant galaxy as some weird self-aware plant that has the ability to move with vines that reach out and propel you.

>> No.11814244
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>We're all trapped here on earth because I say so.

Even if we don't have "Dah stah trek wahp dreiv" we can still go to other star systems at 10% or more lightspeed using the technology we already have today.


>> No.11814799
File: 117 KB, 960x720, U.S._Federal_Spending 2015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we can still go to other star systems at 10% or more lightspeed using the technology we already have today

Yeah, we "can" as is in: if the whole humanity somehow magically made this priority number one


About 100 trillion US dollar and we are ready to go for Project Daedalus.

>NASA's budget for fiscal year (FY) 2020 is $22.6 billion.[2] It represents 0.48% of the $4.7 trillion the United States plans to spend in the fiscal year.

Pic related. USA spent as a nation 3.7 trillion dollar in the fiscal year 2015. Just to visualise what we are talking about here.

Now, all we have to do is take ALL the money from ALL branches of government (which will result in total collapse of society btw), funnel it into Project Daedalus and just after 20 to 25 years we can build something that MAYBE reaches the next star.

>> No.11815179
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>> No.11815202


>> No.11815240

We are probably not the only life in our solar system.

>> No.11815494

>we can still go to other star systems
And then what?

What are you going to do once you get there?

Even if you were to magically force all of humanity to come together to build a starship, that means nothing if you can't actually find a habitable planet.

How are you going to find a habitable planet? the tools needed to be able to reliably detect and study a habitable planet would cost just as much, if not more, than the starship. If you don't do that then you'll just be guessing based on factors that will give you some very vague idea of what the planet COULD be like.

This is why I can't stand you retarded popsci pseuds. You watch garbage youtube videos about how we totally could build an interstellar ship right now if we wanted to but never bother to think about everything else that comes with interstellar travel.

>> No.11815500

oh boy how gracious of them.

after 100 years of insisting it was impossible, they finally begin to admit what normal people knew all along.
sometimes scientists just deserve to grt the shit beat out of them holt fuck

>> No.11815513

Given a diameter of about 175,000 ly for the galaxy and an even distribution of 30 civilizations, they'll be roughly 27,000 ly apart. So yeah, fat chance. Maybe we'll detect lifesigns someday, but forget about communication, let alone travel.

>> No.11815525

This what people don't understand. Yeah, there could definitely be technologically advanced civilizations in our galaxy. Dozens of them, in fact. But space is so incomprehensibly big that we will almost certainly go extinct long before we have a chance of interacting with them. For all intents and purposes, we are alone.

>> No.11815535

This, humans will take over the solar system far before any interstellar colony can happen. And even then it's so far away and costs so much very few would want to foot the bill for something that will never net them a return. I could see some future despot wanting to do it so he has his own hermit kingdom, but he would need vast amounts of resources.

>> No.11815549

there you go again making your an answer to an argument nobody is making.
we fucking know we're not going to go visit them over the weekend.
stop fucking parroting this shit just so you can sound smart. we all fucking know this already.
but you dont have a fucking clue what these theoretical other intelligent civilization may poseess in science and technolgy. and even if they are limited by no ftl travel, that doesnt mean they havent been tavelling for the last 10 million years and could stop by anytime. its not impossible, as you like to claim.
your just blatantly claiming things that may or may mot have happened you dont fucking know

>> No.11815886

don't be negative, perhaps we are in the good end of a lovecraftian spectrum of pain
ok god, will i eat some pussy in the next life?

>> No.11815896

Did some carbonbased lifeform said INTELLINGET ?

>> No.11815999

And the payoff is... uncertain.
At best, contact with nice civilization that will boost our knowledge. At worst, destruction of humanity. And somewhere on the middle, just planets with some resources on them, some more statistical data about solar systems.

>> No.11816009

What about the Interstellar method? Just send some dudes on a one way trip to all planets and wait for the data to come back

>> No.11816532

Interstellar is an unironic great space movie. Had actual physicists and astronomers working on it.

Space is vast, hostile and mostly dead. The only way we'll ever interstellar travel is via literal magic (wormhole and time travel shenanigans).

>> No.11816533

>Interstellar is an unironic great space movie.
holy fucking shit lmao just put a bullet in your brain

>> No.11816535

t. low IQ popsci pseud

you have no clue why Interstellar was a great space movie because you know nothing about physics or space.

>> No.11816542

ahhahahahahaahahahahahahahaha holy shit he's serious

>> No.11816544

>low IQ screeching
see? take your meds schizo

>> No.11816556
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>finally detect a civilization in the distance
>send probes with contact
>suddenly detect high amounts of gamma radiation from their planet
>watch as they blow themselves up with nuclear weapons before the probes are even out of our solar system

>> No.11816720

you're just easily entertained

>> No.11816895

Part of me thinks we create them. All celestial bodies, just a reflection of the Earth. Telescopes can only focus so far before they create worlds themselves!

>> No.11816909

It's a no brainer to assume there's multicellular life, and it's quite likely there's sapient life. Now, advanced life? That's the question.

>> No.11816911


>> No.11816918

Who cares?

>> No.11818440

>So you are basically a religious person who thinks complex systems like the brain are impossible to replicate given enough time and matter
>retard doesn't understand the anthropic principle