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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11801757 No.11801757 [Reply] [Original]

This discussion between Lex Fridman and Joscha Bach is one of my favorite science-related podcast episodes I've heard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-2P3MSZrBM

Lex is kind of deadweight during most of the conversation (except in some of the AI-specific parts) but Joscha has a really interesting way of expressing concepts. He's not presenting anything groundbreaking (as he says himself), but I like his world view and way of wording things. Hadn't heard of him before this.

>> No.11802354

Bach has good insight.

>> No.11802382

I was impressed. I do not listen too much of theese talks but i saw 10 min clip and the way he spoke made me curious. Never listened to someone talking so fast while concise and coherent. I watched the whole 3h thing. I encourage you to do so. Based german nerd.

>> No.11802422

Bring me the most interesting points he's making.
I have an idiosyncrasy to kike-circle-jerk.
I actually tried to watch it yeserday, but it was all so shallow that it seemed hollow.

>> No.11802590

Yeah, he's extremely articulate and seems to almost never pause or say "um" or anything. His communication style is very dense and yet not super flowery and obfuscated (contrast with Eric Weinstein).

Well I'm a Jew too so maybe I'm conditioned to it. I'd say maybe just skip ahead a bit if the beginning bores you, but I really think the whole 3 hours is worth it, if you give it a chance. I think it gets better as it goes along.

>> No.11802718

So no interesting points, just another kike promoting his tribesmen. Suck some gas.

>> No.11802792

I don't think Joscha is Jewish, and he's the one I'm recommending here. (Also, you're the tribal one, here, not me. I don't view people more or less favorably for their ethnicity.)

He has dozens of interesting points. His idea of a closed cooling chain in a hypothetical future hostile climate, the superorganism we're part of as splits from our first common ancestor cell, the behavior of individual neurons as independent goal-oriented unicellular organisms, the similarities between neurons in the brain and civilizations, meta-learning principles for achieving AGI, plant and solar intelligence and intelligence across different time scales, alternative approaches to creating social networks to avoid the pitfalls of Twitter and Facebook, the relationship between self-attention and consciousness, and a lot more.

Just give it a shot.

>> No.11803889

I liked the one with the computer chip designer, really an unusual perspective that you don't hear much (he said Moore's Law isn't dead yet btw)

>> No.11803898
File: 2.56 MB, 480x480, 1591205189308.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yooo i thought i was the only one - this is Fridman's best podcast so much fun to listen to

>> No.11804210
File: 54 KB, 647x740, onions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a good brainlets-filtering episode. I literally gained zero new insights from this guy philosophy blabbery. It's the kind of stuff that passes through your mind while having a shower or commuting. Why are people reacting as pic related?

If you want some quality podcast from Fridman, listen to Hutter, Schmidhuber, Goodfellow, Chollet.

>> No.11804229

Sounds like a psued

>> No.11805175

for reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nb2tebYAaOA

>> No.11805195

jim keller was so cool in this episode

>> No.11805198

He's a smart guy but his thoughts on computers were far more informed and interesting, when it came to philosophy, meh.

>> No.11805243

wow some sad ppl in the comments...

Joscha is able to see things in terms of a lattice-work of mental models.
The ideas are interesting, and It's simply exciting to listen to an accredited person who happens to use this type thinking.

>> No.11805249
File: 84 KB, 1068x1044, 1589085549352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls explain what lattice-work mental models are for brainlet sub 100iq reporting in

>> No.11805256
File: 266 KB, 201x300, obanana.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one was also amazing

>> No.11805269

it's when you see things, not by their image or superficial exterior, but by how they work.
The significant things that drive their system.
Then you have major significant things(can call them 'things', or factors or "Models") that are not only huge in one discipline, but apply to many other types of things.

E.g. Using a Psychology model to start a new, triggering 4chan thread.

>> No.11805277

Sounds like the scientific version of 'systems thinking'. Hopefully less fake-guru tier

>> No.11805282

>'systems thinking'.
never studied, that but you gave me something interesting to Google. Thx.

>> No.11805286


That podcast is so good. Extremely recommended.

>> No.11805295
File: 891 KB, 4030x4096, tfw2smartformemes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound smart anon :)

>> No.11805309


>Dumbass rates dumbass

God, I hate retards like you.

>> No.11805323

conversely, I love you, and others like yourself.

>> No.11805604

This guy is not quite as irritating as the two minute papers dude but he's up there.

>> No.11806057

He's a NERD!

*histerically laughs with a feminine voice*

>> No.11806531

smoothbrains detected

>> No.11807885

Don't you know you have to be 18 to post here?

>> No.11808697


>> No.11809029

true but he never wanted to talk about it, he was made to.

both are great, keller great engineer, bach great philosopher

>> No.11809216

i really really really like this gif

>> No.11810213

>true but he never wanted to talk about it, he was made to.

good point

>> No.11810237

Agreed, had the pleasure of working with him in a limited manner. Like Carmack, his range of knowledge is staggering.

>> No.11811002

I'm probably the smartest person in this thread.

>> No.11812746

part of what made it so interesting is how he related computer science models and math to core philosphical questions. How did you not get you "new insights" from it, what did you expect?

>> No.11813192

They probably dismissed him early on in the conversation and didn't pay enough attention afterwards to appreciate the depth of his mental modeling. I've listened to fucktons of science/philosophy-related podcasts, including all of Fridman's episodes, and this is definitely not the standard philosophy/metaphysics wankery they're implying. He's a legit philosopher and definitely a lot smarter and wiser than 99% of people in this board.

>> No.11815127

science is still stuck in the dark ages of materialism.

>> No.11815264

No, it's overcome the dark ages of non-materialism that had held science back for millennia.

>> No.11815651

You're kidding right? Materialism is now widely known to be a meme. It's woo-woo and materialists can't even define what "material" means.

>> No.11815665

Really solid and rigorous philosophical analysis, there, anon.

>> No.11816370

>but it was all so shallow that it seemed hollow.

what? pretty sure this is an oxymoron

>> No.11816383

You're definitely the only one that cares

>> No.11816394

I dunno why this dweeb's podcast is so popular. He's incredibly awkward and all the questions he asks are stupid.
He is shockingly talented at getting interesting guests people to spend time on his show though, but he doesn't do much with them.

>> No.11816444
File: 669 KB, 1147x1462, dont_believe_garrys_lies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listened for a bit, is this guy supposed to be saying anything insightful? The idea that our mind creates a representation of reality that we perceive as reality isn't really that controversial nor new of an idea, but it seems like he wants to describe it with language that makes it sound more dramatic than it really is.

He comes across as a scientist who wants to dabble in philosophy without doing any of the groundwork in philosophy necessary not to sound like someone who just read a wikipedia page on consciousness.

>> No.11816452

Consider giving it a chance. It starts off a bit introductory but IMO there are some interesting parts if you watch the whole thing.

>> No.11816472

High IQ Anon here. I listened to a good chunk of that, and it is clear that he is a pseud.

Other guy is embarrassing himself.

>> No.11816479

Chad ascended jew vs
Virgin /pol/tard

>> No.11817026

Higher IQ anon, here. Listen to the whole thing and then give your critiques, please. Bach's not a pseud.

>> No.11817487

God tier

>> No.11817491

Question: How the fuck did Fridman get all those important people to come for an interview?
He can't even look their them in the eye when he talks to them.

>> No.11817501

Can you stop this meme of "having to listen the whole thing"? I have listened to the whole thing and it's embarassingly devoid of any original idea
Also stop bumping the thread

>> No.11817802

Things that he says make sense. He is spewing alot but is really coherent, unlike Weistein or whatever that dropout is called.
Unlike Weinstein (or w/e see above) he is holding a research position at top university and on his way to being a professor.
A good listener would infer that he is aware that the topics he likes to discuss are more on a speculative side and that he is on the fringe 10% of what actually AI research consists of. And he considers that his disability, such that he cannot pay attention to the work he does not consider meaningful to himself. From all the people that try to link theese various fields to present an image of what could we expect general AI to be, he is the most coherent.
I think you are wrong.

>> No.11818616

thanks for making this thread and introducing me to this guy. I really enjoyed their conversation.

Fuck the people being unnecessarily dismissive. Just because you have trouble entertaining the ideas doesn't mean the guy is a pseud. And don't expect someone else to sum up the knowledge for you just because you don't have the attention span to be engaged by these types of thoughts. If you think these topics are trivial or "below you" then it's you who's the pseud.

Either say/ask something constructive or go take your cope somewhere else.

you will likely never be content in this world and are bound for eternal frustration. May all of your hopes and desires be met with crushing disappointment.

>> No.11818708

Hi Joscha.

>> No.11818830

The things he's saying do not pair with the reality he lives. They make semantical sense, yes- but they are devoid of much meaning.

>> No.11818918

>AI channel
full of pseud garbage. AI has gone nowhere in the last 50 years and will continue to go nowhere.

>> No.11819931

Thanks for the (You) ;-)

>> No.11821173

he is able to follow most trains of thought and has the ability to ask great but uncomplicated questions

both are rare abilities for most interviewers