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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11800264 No.11800264 [Reply] [Original]

The new dawn has begun for the modern era of technology. Most of Math majors are hating Computer science, major, over the fact that they are changing this era.

One of the prominent computer science major is Mark Zuckerberg, he depicted that social media causes the downfall of mathematics in the industry.

Elon Musk, he used to be a Computer nerd and sold his Programmed Computer games at a young age--he founded OpenAI to open more industry for Computer Science major resulting in the large market of Computer-related courses and a university diploma.

Now, Mathematical Departments of most research universities dealing with lacking of Math majors. Most of the students prefer to Major Computer science, Data Science or Computer engineering over Math.

How we can encourage the next generation to choose majoring math?

>> No.11800368

>Most of Math majors are hating Computer science, major, over the fact that they are changing this era.
No. I hate CS majors because most of them are fucking idiots in it only for the degree with absolutely zero investigative interests.

The issue will sooner or later solve itself. CS majors exist because it is the only reasonable way to become a programmer, although being a programmer should never be the outcome of a university degree.
At some point we will need to have trade schools for programming, where people with a Highschool degree can get 2 years of training in one or two programming languages and then be released onto the job market.
But Universities love money so that is a far bit off.

>> No.11800403

What is going on in your mind? Computer science should be a university and majoring it is worth.

Do you think Comp sci is not actually a science?

>> No.11800405

Are you a liberal art major? How do you cope with the fact that you can't find a better paying job?

>> No.11800420

>Computer science should be a university and majoring it is worth.
Did you even read what I said?

Most people major in CS *to become a programmer*, that is fucking retarded. Most people can learn how to program in one or two years. There is absolutely no need to train programmers at a University. The result is that you have people who train for 3-5 years and have to learn an enormous amount of courses that they will never need. *Nobody* needs to know multi variable calculus to do webdev, or GUI, or whatever.

>Do you think Comp sci is not actually a science?
For many of the students who take it it isn't. Becoming a programmer is not a science.
The goal of a CS degree should never be to create a competent programmer.

>Are you a liberal art major?

>How do you cope with the fact that you can't find a better paying job?
I can become a programmer too. It isn't fucking hard.

>> No.11800441

CS prepares you for a range of careers not just software development, thats the point of university breadth. Also, programming is just a part of software development. You could also say that you could prepare an engineer for a specific career in just 2 years.

>> No.11800446

>You could also say that you could prepare an engineer for a specific career in just 2 years.
You do NOT study engineering to become a car mechanic.

People study CS *to become programmers*. That is like studying mechanical engineering with the goal of becoming a car mechanic.

A University degree is about scientific investigation, if your goal is not scientific investigation *you should not be getting a University degree*.

>> No.11800502

> if your goal is not scientific investigation *you should not be getting a University degree*
Most people get a degree to get a job not to do science.
>That is like studying mechanical engineering with the goal of becoming a car mechanic.
More like a mechanical engineer studying with the goal of building robots, you could create a 2 year degree were you only teach him the needful to build robots. Also, software development is not a blue collar job, do not compare it to a mechanic that is a meme.

>> No.11800528

>Also, software development is not a blue collar job, do not compare it to a mechanic that is a meme.
What the fuck.
It is the prototypical blue collar job, something that basically everybody can do with a reasonable amount of training.

>Most people get a degree to get a job not to do science.
False dichotomy, mechanical engineers will have to do science in their jobs. Most software developers will not.

>You could create a 2 year degree were you only teach him the needful to build robots.
That is just false.
Creating robots is something a mechanical engineer would specialize on during his degree, most of the things he will be doing are relevant to that area and MOST IMPORTANTLY he will have to do all the basic courses a Bachelor degree has.
You can not cut away 3 years to have a "robot building" degree, you do not know what you are talking about.
ESPECIALLY since the first 2 years of a mech eng degree are basically just preparation for what is to come, you can not do Robotics without those basics.
My University has a Mechatronics degree program, which comes closest to a "robot building degree" and guess what, it is a fucking 5 year program for a M.sc. because that is what is fucking needed.

>> No.11800548

>Most people get a degree to get a job not to do science.
And thats bad

>> No.11800581

there are also 5 year software engineering degrees. the basic courses can be reduced to just teach to use tools to do the job instead of understanding the theory which is what bootcamps do

>> No.11800587

>there are also 5 year software engineering degrees.
Which are literally a waste of time and only exist because they make Universities a LOT of money.

>the basic courses can be reduced to just teach to use tools to do the job instead of understanding the theory which is what bootcamps do
You can NOT have a bootcamp to do the job of a mechanical engineer.
Such a thing does not exist and if it did, its graduates would be extremely under prepared since the job of a mechanical engineer actually DOES require years of knowledge, while anybody can become a webdev in a few months.

Programming is something which almost almost anybody can do. It should be taught like carpentry, mechanics or similar trades either as an apprenticeship at a company or a trade school degree, because that is all that is needed.

>> No.11800589

you're a bachelor, you're an idiot to everyone too.

>> No.11800594

>you're a bachelor
I am nearly done with my masters though?

>you're an idiot to everyone too.

>> No.11800599

>Programming is something which almost almost anybody can do.
Easy programming jobs like wordpress can be done by many people but hard things like high frequency trading, computer vision and robotics software require education. Easy CAD monkeying can also be done by many people.

>> No.11800606
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have fun being poor bro
people go to university to get a jib
you need to go to university to get a job
you don't need a job or university to do science.

>> No.11800608

>hard things like high frequency trading, computer vision and robotics software require education.
Sure. But those high skill jobs are much rarer.
Computer vision, just as an example, is something which actually does require scientific investigation to do, but for everybody who does CV there are a dozen of programmers doing basic web dev or UI stuff, which does not require any University education.

>Easy CAD monkeying can also be done by many people.
But nobody becomes an Engineer to do mundane CAD work for the rest of his life.

>> No.11800611

>have fun being poor bro

>people go to university to get a jib
That is awful.

>you need to go to university to get a job
No, you don't. And you SHOULD NOT have to go to University to become a programmer.

>you don't need a job or university to do science.
Well. How much science is done by people without a University degree...


>> No.11800634
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This is the problem with some mathematics retards. They can't accept the fact that the math is for retard. Anyone can be a math tutor or math educator even you came from liberal arts or computer programming.

>> No.11800732

that's already the case kinda. A lot of people go to community college and get degrees in computer programming where they are well trained in the industry standards and such.

>> No.11800735

>Also, software development is not a blue collar job, do not compare it to a mechanic that is a meme.
It is more difficult to be a mechanic than a computer programmer

>> No.11800772

>CS majors exist because it is the only reasonable way to become a programmer
Very wrong. Firstly, I had a programming job before going to uni (and I left the job when I did). A person can teach themselves what's needed for a reasonable programming job (not advanced stuff though, obviously). A person going for CS to learn webdev or using a game engine is a retard who will drop out in first semester in a good school.
Second, most CS programmes have barely anything, and I mean it - almost Nothing, to do with programming in a company.
For example I'm doing algorithmics and optimization (meaning combinatorial AND continuous) with few courses in signal processing and ML. The program could easily be called applied mathematics and maybe sci mongoloids wouldn't shit on it.

>> No.11800776

math is just a tool and "mathematicians" on this board are form over function elitist retards, the field is now inescapably tied to computers - deal with it losers

>> No.11800819

>math is just a tool
I have no idea what people mean when they say this.
Mathematics can be used as a tool for things but it is not a "tool" in itself and it is not "just" a tool.
Every field is tied to computers in the modern era because of how useful they are. That is not unique to mathematics and it doesn't somehow change the nature of mathematics.