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11799020 No.11799020 [Reply] [Original]

am sorry its just a joke

>> No.11799030

if both sides aren't equal then your answer is automatically wrong

>> No.11799035

Since 2 does not equal 1 you have proven that all infinities are not equal.

>> No.11799051

cool am the new einstein thine hahah thanks you for reply

>> No.11799077

zero is a crutch

>> No.11799087

i dont understand put than you for reply

>> No.11799203

zero makes math easy for humans
zero not used by ancients
zero has many non sense edge cases

>> No.11799207

Reminder that the Greeks rejected the notion of 0.

>> No.11799247

Would this suffice as a proof by contradiction of why you can't divide by zero?

>> No.11799255

You can divide by zero.

>> No.11800185

1) You can divide by zero... in any ring that isn't an integral domain. R is a field, so it's an integral domain and hence you can't divide by 0.
2) The Riemann sphere doesn't even act the way OP is pretending it does. 0 x infinity is undefined for the same reason OP tried to use to justify this horrible thread: it doesn't have a singular value and hence is meaningless to define let alone think about just based on how the algebra works in the sphere.

>> No.11800193

You can't divide by 0, it's undefined.

>> No.11800785

infinity is a concept not a number and you just can't by zero

>> No.11800804

>all infinities are not equal.
True black infinities have a lower average IQ and just can't behave like people.

>> No.11800816

A number is a concept too, infinity can be used in the context of a number, but the rules are a bit different when dealing with infinity, similar to how the rules are a bit different when dealing with zero. Whether infinity is a number entirely depends on your mathematical definition of what a number is. If you can come up with a concise definition of a number which would work for all naturals, integers, fractions, irrationals, transcendentals, negatives, and imaginaries while also exempting infinity as technicallyt being a number, I would find that quite commendable.

>> No.11800821

>infinity is a concept not a number
I swear this is one of the most retarded phrases I keep hearing

>> No.11800834

Surely you'd have no problem pointing to it on a number line then.

>> No.11800870

it's not wrong. just retarded

>> No.11800909

Infinity is an axiom, not a number.

>> No.11800920

How can zero children have an infinite number of apples each? They can't. 1/0 is not infinite, but rather has no answer. Back to highschool asshole.

>> No.11800932

I would just go ahead here and point towards the right end of the thing.

>> No.11801004
File: 16 KB, 377x305, 1537762168965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You take that back, Abe!

>> No.11801104

Let u=1/0

What's wrong with this?

>> No.11801367

You can't divide by zero retard it's undefined

>> No.11801412
File: 241 KB, 1614x1034, Screen Shot 2020-06-15 at 10.17.21 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way to properly define infinity is in the context of a single linear fractional transformation on the Riemann sphere.
If we consider the canonical map f(z)=1/z, then we define infinity to be the image of f at 0, so as to make f biholomorphic on the Riemann sphere. Or in your words, u = 1/0. Similarly, u is just the preimage of 0 by f.
u is only well-defined in the domain of f and f-inverse, you can't just yolo "u*0", it's ill-defined.

The wikipedia article is quite good and got me through the start of a grad class on complex variables.

>> No.11802308

Wow another thread full of brainlets that don't understand limits.

>> No.11802910
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, cuboctahedron-from-sphere-packing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice pic, i'll expand, zero isn't a number it the balance of all numbers, a vector equilibrium, well represented by the cuboctahedron

>> No.11803137

Oh, so infinite is the cardinality of a set, rather than a number? That's exactly what he was saying.

>> No.11803446


1/0 would be undefined
infinity times 0 would be 0
2/0 would be undefined
infinity times 0 would be 0

>> No.11803460

All you've done it prove that 1 and 2 have the same cardinality or ordinality or something

>> No.11804245

How is 1/0= infinity?
1/(-1) = -1; 1/(-0.5) = -2...
1/0 = negative infinity, you dunce.