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11794800 No.11794800[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is The Alternative Hypothesis a good youtube channel? Is he factual and scientific?

>> No.11794813
File: 294 KB, 1080x1116, Screenshot_20200613-172136_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Taleb debunked him.

>> No.11794833

He does good work, his history is a little shoddy especially on the third Reich but the rest of his work is thorough and accurate.

>> No.11794865

Nah, he's a pseud.

>> No.11794881

Pretty fucking stupid, even the most braindead breadtubers have dunked on him before. If you search hard enough, there are archives of videos of him getting his shit pushed in by smarter people.

>> No.11794885

All I know is that I can't stand his egotistical style
man talks like he's a messiah

>> No.11794899

I think he's good at debunking others. His own content I don't give much credibility.

>> No.11794901

>breadtubers dunking on anyone
ROFL literally the exact opposite. Your are def double digits IQ material. A great filter to see how retarded you are instantly is that you watch breadtubers. You literally watch tranny communists as some kind of intellectual voice of reason. You have serious fucking issues and need to be exterminated. Go back to your discord cult tranny

>> No.11794904


>> No.11794953

He is far better at presenting an argument than most other right wingers. However, he's nowhere near as objective in some respects as he might like you to think, which is a problem given that his draw card is objectivity. His video on "Jewish power" was purely ideological. Sad to see someone who is obviously quite bright drop the ball in favour of romanticism so obviously on that one. His argument concerning the expulsion of the Jews was stale and completely ignored the fact that the Jews were the only prominent religious minority in Europe for centuries (something which obviously would have made their mistreatment as a perpetual scapegoat more likely). He is a bright lad; there's no way he would not have been able to put two and two together to explain the stats, so it was odd to see him resort to spouting the same shit you might hear from your average, garden variety wignat.

>> No.11795017

Dude thats like one stat in a 20 minute video. The rest was sound.

>> No.11795054
File: 492 KB, 732x622, 1496682019790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That part was sound too that anon is a clueless idiot, the Jews were never scapegoated for anything, they have always acted as a criminal cartel everywhere they go

>> No.11795055

He brings up good points, but how we should govern is primarily a discussion of theology. He plays too hard on data which is inherently flawed. The data itself he presents is good and should be taken into consideration, but to draw a conclusion of what we ought to do with blacks based on it is an is-ought fallacy.

>> No.11795101

100% bullshit artist. He's good at it, sure. But anyone putting in decent effort would discover the cherrypicks and faulty logic.

>> No.11795108

He literally called them braindead in his post... and nice pivot to ad hom tactics.

>> No.11795110

>hurr one "Jewish" guy says it so it must be tru!!
>check out this wicked sick infographic
This is why nationalism is floundering. Too many low IQ mouth breathers obsessed with the most primitive forms of romanticism. The sad thing is you don't even want to actually win. You're just happy swilling in your own shit.

>> No.11795118

Jeez, look at all the /pol/cuck SEETHE

>> No.11795120

Name some.

>> No.11795122

>the data itself he presents is good
It's no longer good when you cherrypick it and make flawed interpretations of it.

>> No.11795132

Stfu kike you aren't fooling anyone

>> No.11795140
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>Stfu kike you aren't fooling anyone

>> No.11795144

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=lNzB6cbtaZg you mean this guy

>> No.11795158

I've done this before. It takes so much time digging through his gish gallops. Just tell me a claim you think I'll disagree, link his work, and I'll point out the flaw.

One big flaw that "race realists" use in general, is they point out a bunch of specific factors and how each can't explain the racial IQ gap, thus the gap isn't caused by those factors. Of course no single factor will explain the gap, if only it were that simple.

>> No.11795159

autism speaks

>> No.11795166

>I can’t, now here’s a straw man

>> No.11795171

Taleb is a certifiable fool.

>> No.11795175

>You literally watch tranny communists as some kind of intellectual voice of reason
t. watches some pseud right wing youtube channel as some kind of intellectual voice of reason

>> No.11795179

So he's a perfect fit for /sci/?

may Jesus forgive you, I know I can't

>> No.11795183

This is very based. I can only assume you think it is damning in some way while being the exact opposite. Being an NPC you don't understand how to analyze and describe raw human emotion and psychology which is why you have latent psychological issues described by Freud as anal fixations and such. Your abhorrent degenerate psychogical defects manifest themselves because you are unable to do what he did in that video which was cold hard analyzation and honesty about your feelings and desires. You are the kind of freak that will be caught in BDSM dungeon eating literal shit later in life which is why your wife will cuck you for BBC before leaving with you with kids and house while you live alone balding donating the little money you have left you don't give to her to some twitch thot like pokemane because of your lonliness

>> No.11795203
File: 105 KB, 579x431, retard2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no you

>> No.11795205

Absolute cringe. This is how you actually express love, if you're not a raging autist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KrQTQwgWDo&t=135s

>> No.11795213

I guess gish-gallop is an auto-win tactic. Give me one point that you like, I'll go through it with you. This isn't too much to ask.

>> No.11795251

Not him but let's see what you've got kid, latest video refutes the police brutality on blacks narrative; is he wrong and is there actually solid evidence backing up BLM's claims? If so demonstrate how

>> No.11795260

>Your video “A Celebration of the Jewish People” came as a surprise to some because not long ago you released a paper called “Re-examining the JQ” which triggered a lot of sperging and led to accusations of philosemitism. But “A Celebration of the Jewish People” came out guns blazing and more or less “named the Jew” (as the kids say). What could have caused such a sudden change? Have you had an epiphany? Or are your thought more nuanced than that?

>Sean Last did all of the research on that, and even made a video presentation that was far more detailed. My video was just meant to be fun for the viewer to watch and follow along; it wasn’t as thorough as Sean’s actual article the video was based on. Basically Sean Last did a deep dive for about 2 weeks, presented some stuff to me, and convinced me. So talk to Sean about that, that’s kinda “his video.”

>> No.11795266

I am a youth of 20 and never in my past did I think I'd be a jew hater or anything more than libertarian.
The extent at which weimar has enveloped country, and the manner of nationalists online, has influenced my change in perspective.

I highly doubt I am alone.
Nationalism is certainly changing. Floundering it is not. This scares you.

>> No.11795274


^ Should have mentioned, I am not the anon you replied to.

>> No.11795282

This doesn't refute my assertion. It merely provides context for the misplaced romanticism on display. The fact that he seems unwilling to actually defend the position himself and essentially evades the question by delegating responsibility elsewhere is interesting. I think Ryan resorted to "playing to the crowd" with the release of this video and others in relation to Jewish people. My point is that even Ryan isn't above twisting facts to suit some meta narrative he feels is beneficial over all or might increase his audience. This is a mistake long term I reckon as his entire "brand" is predicated on objectivity - objectivity that he seems to be losing.

>> No.11795302

6 minutes in and all he's done is complain about fake news.... Please please give me a tl;dr, for my sanity. What do you think of police brutality that you think I'd disagree with? Do you think it doesn't affect blacks more than whites? Do you think the disparity is justified? Give me a claim with some evidence for me to work with.

>> No.11795309

If you think "da Jews" are the problem, you are a useful idiot at best. The issue is far more involved: the coalition of interests that threatens the integrity of western identity is comprised of a variety of "elites" from various ethnicites. They are united by a shared sociopathy, not by a shared religion. If anything, Jews are the scapegoat now just as they were previously. Advocating for the killing off of a load of otherwise innocent and mostly powerless individuals is only going to inspire revulsion. If you cannot acknowledge this rather obvious line of logic, you are likely compromised by ideology. You have been hoodwinked; you have willingly become the antithesis your enemy wants you to be.

>> No.11795313

>jews dindu nuffin, they’re the real victims in all this
you can’t possibly expect to convince any wignats like this

>> No.11795323

>they’re the real victims in all this
If that's what you took from that paragraph, your focus is absurdly skewed. We are each of us victims of the pervading spectacle. No-one, jew or gentile, can really thrive unless they are willing to embrace a system that demands sociopathy of one sort or another. The existence of a largely labyrinthine, transnational elite is the central issue. It's an issue of power; it always will be. Many of these people are not Jews. If they are Jews, their Jewishness is ultimately ancillary.

>> No.11795324

Gave it a little more time, around 7 mins he starts talking stats.

First, we aren't just interested in killing by cops. We are concerned with police brutality and violation of liberties. He says blacks aren't killed more as a percentage of how many blacks kill cops. We don't care about those people, they deserve to die. What we care about, is abuse by cops for lesser crimes (or no crime at all). TAH is making this about deaths by cop, and using black crime rates to justify the stats. That's not a very honest outlook, as BLM is about over-policing in general. Cops do patrol black areas more, and that leads to way more bullshit like getting arrested for jaywalking, which just recently happened.

>> No.11795338

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.11795340

>If that's what you took from that paragraph, your focus is absurdly skewed
it’s literally what you said though
poor jews getting bullied and turned into scapegoats like they always did :( everyone is always so mean to the jews, white people are so evil and cruel :(

>> No.11795345

*or ethnicity

>> No.11795347

>We don't care about those people
you should tell the people who just spent the last 2 weeks burning down major metropolitan areas that, I don’t think they got the memo

>> No.11795350

>white people are so evil and cruel :(
This isn't what I said at all. Nothing could be further from the truth anyway.

>> No.11795356

someone must be scapegoating the poor little dears

>> No.11795367

Yes. The transnational elite I referred to (some of whom are "Jews" in name only). Certainly not white people as a collective (who are fast being turned into yet another scapegoat themselves). Can you not follow a line of argument?

>> No.11795374

I'm pretty sure they're mad about George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, etc. idk man they only say these names over and over and over and over again. Do you think the cops took appropriate action in these killings?

>> No.11795376
File: 362 KB, 449x449, jewworldorder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though you have a point here, it is a miniscule one. Though it is true the average kike on the street is not the problem, jewry as whole is most certihnaly a problem. The kosher power structure is the greatest threat not only the western world but the entoire world.

Just because there were also white and negro gangs doesn't mean the FBI said "oh well fuck it the mafia isn't all that bad cause other people do bas stuff too".

If you do not address the JQ first and foremost you will; never solve anything else period, full stop. They are the root of all anti-wqhite movements all through history all over the world, again period full stop. If you don't know this then what you think doesn't matter because you don't really know what you are talking about.

>> No.11795383

One of the best youtube political channels, and far ahead of the typical nutcase trannies polluting the intelligence sphere with lunatic leftist ramblings.

>> No.11795391

>One of the best youtube political channels
Fucking yikes. That's why you shouldn't get politics from YouTube btw. Try a podcast maybe?

>> No.11795395


>> No.11795412

>Though you have a point here, it is a miniscule one. Though it is true the average kike on the street is not the problem, jewry as whole is most certihnaly a problem. The kosher power structure is the greatest threat not only the western world but the entoire world.
Please proofread your work. Holy shit.
>Just because there were also white and negro gangs doesn't mean the FBI said "oh well fuck it the mafia isn't all that bad cause other people do bas stuff too".
It's not a question of there being separate gangs. The elite are remarkably unified in their desires and responses. The supposed Jewishness of some of them is a red herring.
>If you do not address the JQ first and foremost you will; never solve anything else period, full stop.
Your myopic focus on Judaism will bear no fruit. It's a canard.
>They are the root of all anti-wqhite movements all through history
Sweeping statement. The fact that a handful of the diaspora like to prattle on about white privilege is not sufficient evidence. They, like you, are useful idiots whose purpose is to distract from the truth of wealth and of the disproportionate and unchecked power of transnational networks of these wealthy.

>> No.11795414

To add to this, he continues to complain a ton about the media only portraying white on black killings, while hammering this [completely speculative] idea that it only happens 17% of the time. Again, the media is not going to portray a killing that was deserved. I'm sure black people do deserve it at a higher rate. The media is only going to show ones where a killing wasn't deserved, because those are where the systemic problems are. And it's as if TAH totally refuses to mention any stats related to undeserved or unarmed killings. He MUST know that those stats would be way more appropriate, right? A bullshit artist, I'm telling you.

>> No.11795443 [DELETED] 

At around 15:00 he is talking about simulations that show cops more readily shoot blacks compared to whites, both quicker and more in error. He admits that a bias exists, but says the bias is justified because the cops know crime stats. Come on now..... They should be reading each situation on its own, not using race to cast judgement.

>> No.11795445
File: 89 KB, 640x400, 1496673599964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys kike I can see your nose from here. You know you are in deep shit cause the tide has already turned and trying to deflect what is coming. Not gonna work, you are gonna pay the piper for the 362nd and final time you little rat

>> No.11795452

they really aren’t just mad about them and you’re obviously being dishonest to say they are

>> No.11795453

>Kys kike I can see your nose from here. You know you are in deep shit cause the tide has already turned and trying to deflect what is coming. Not gonna work, you are gonna pay the piper for the 362nd and final time you little rat
>no argument so he has to shit himself with the ad homs
lol classic

>> No.11795454

Keep listening. The simulation actually shows the reverse to be true.

>> No.11795457

lol he deleted the post, fantastic. i bet ryan never thought he’d b8 someone that hard when he did the bit

>> No.11795461

>Jewish guy says it therefore it must be true
For an anti-Semite, you seem to be awfully in awe of what certain Jews have to say. I could find countless examples of whites going on about how whites are history's greatest monsters - it doesn't make it true.

>> No.11795462

and white people just go along with it :( they’re so heartless and awful

>> No.11795469

It's not even just the weimar in my country, which is bad enough true. It's the weimar in ALL of the countries, every fucking country on the earth is subject to this assault of clearly mosly Jewish origin.

>> No.11795470

They're mad about over-policing and lack of accountability, leading to abuse by cops disproportionately on black people.

What did you think they were mad at?

>> No.11795474

>and white people just go along with it :(
Whites were the first to end slavery and dismantle the concentration camps. What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.11795475

He actually fucked up showing the stats within his fuck-up, I don't even know what to think. He still says bias is justified, which is retarded.

>> No.11795476

>disproportionately on black people
give it a rest dude, your ineptitude has already sunk you

>> No.11795480

only after millennia of oppressing jews and other POC, and building said camps. white people are horrible

>> No.11795487

POCs literally enslave each other in their own countries all the time right as I type this message.

>> No.11795488

>clearly mosly Jewish origin
Provide evidence beyond "Oh, look! These two or three wealthy, politically active families are Jewish therefore all Jewish people are at fault for all the word's ills." Soros and the Rothschilds do not represent Jews; they're a law unto themselves. Always have been.
Stop coming up with such lazy bait.

>> No.11795492

>This doesn't refute my assertion.
Why are you in this thread writing like you just saw the sticky image on /pol/ for the first time? Do you think you're having a debate? This is a mongolian basket weaving forum. I posted the context on the assumption that it might make you realize that Ryan is just a guy talking into a microphone who probably does many of his videos for just for fun, since you seem to be obsessed with your notion that he is branding himself as a bastion of objectivity or whatever the hell you're trying to say.

>My point is that even Ryan isn't above twisting facts to suit some meta narrative he feels is beneficial over all or might increase his audience.
As long as you're acting like an autist, why not demonstrate this if you want to convince anyone? Timestamp what he said there and show it's false and/or twisted.

>> No.11795501

You're not being honest about this at all, fuck you. You refuse to address my paragraphs of sound logic, and focus entirely on one small misconception I had from the video, which is a trivial aspect to the discussion anyway.

>> No.11795507

>Why are you in this thread writing like you just saw the sticky image on /pol/ for the first time?
>waah! I can't parse words larger than two syllables
>why not demonstrate this if you want to convince anyone?
I already have. Anti-Semistism is a canard embraced by opportunists, zealots and the terminally thick. The central issue is and always will be the existence of an elite class of individuals who, by virtue of their wealth and connectivity, exert undue influence and are able to disregard laws and boundaries. If you think these people are all Jews - or even that the majority are - you are sorely mistaken.

>> No.11795518
File: 294 KB, 1254x1063, nordicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A big red nosed clown shows up on the scene.
>He accuses another person of making fake pretenses of objectivity.
>In so doing implicitly inserting the assumption that it is in fact he, the big red nosed clown, who is truly objective.
>In a flash of pure objectivity the big red nosed clown points out that one of the lapses of objectivity of the accused person pertains to a group of big red nosed clowns who, whilst accused of much wrongdoing all over the world, have in fact done nothing wrong.
>The big red nosed clown is expecting everyone to not notice that his implicit existence in the thread can only be explained if he is in fact doing the exact same thing he accused the aforementioned person of doing.
>The big red nosed clown fails to realize that the only way he can look like he is not doing that is by not hitting "Post".

Not my idea of a clown. Not funny at all.

>> No.11795533

>In so doing implicitly inserting the assumption
Go to bed, This is a mess to read.
>I accuse another of a lack of objectivity around a certain group therefore I am lacking in objectivity and must be a member of said group
What next? Are you going to accuse me of being a witch because I float? I know that's you Ryan. Just admit that you let your emotions overcome your capacity to reason in this instance because you're **implicitly** part of a group that all but demands its adherents be anti-Semitic.

>> No.11795534

no one to my knowledge has or even can prove the claim of this alleged widespread police brutality specifically targeting blacks because of 'racism', alt hyp is not actively refuting anything here because no proof has been put forward by the side making the claim, as it stands it's no more than a conspiracy theory fueled by the usual suspects of the left

>> No.11795569



>> No.11795579

He is saying police brutality isn't a problem for black people, and saying black people kill cops so they kind of deserve it. He is using faulty logic all around. He should be focusing on undeserved brutality, but never considers this.

This doesn't have to be targeted, or acts of racism to be a racial issue. It's systemic. A broken policing system (which it is) will always affect the lowest social standing population hardest. White people are generally not affected, so it works for them, but it doesn't work for blacks. Not because it fairly punishes their high crime (the racist narrative), but because the shitty parts of the system ultimately affect them way more.

>> No.11795627

>uses antisemite unironically in current year
into the trash it goes

>> No.11795650

He at least believes in a multiracial society, which gives me hope in a civilized nation that is truly a melting pot.

>> No.11795655

He's literally an ethno-statist tho.

>> No.11795656


>> No.11795663

I wasn't sure why he used it either, but thanks to your post I now that I see it makes you uncomfortable. I will make sure to directly call you what you are as well. /pol/acks require simple messages.

>> No.11795672
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>epic levels of word salad cope

>> No.11795675

>can't parse out a sentence with two missing variables by process of elimination
Low IQ.

>> No.11795702
File: 184 KB, 1000x765, youvotedforthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A repeat performance from the most objective clown there ever was? Bozo, there's nothing more to you. I don't need to watch your clown act again. The big red nose goes squeak.
If you want to graduate from children's birthday parties I invite you to read Sean Last's article on the topic of our "elites" along with Andrew Joyce's article: '“Modify the standards of the in-group”: On Jews and Mass Communications.' Other than that, the only anti-semitic canard on display here is you.

>> No.11795707

he’s not any more desu

>> No.11795781

>The nazis could totally have won guys.

>> No.11795892
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