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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 41 KB, 482x424, Sunny Delight Happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1179296 No.1179296 [Reply] [Original]

>Ph. D. In Mathematics
>Any Job I Want
>$300,000 Starting

>> No.1179307

My flat mate got a first in mathematics.

He's currently being paid to train to be an accountant by deloitte.

He's got bare cash.

He hates his job.

>> No.1179325


>> No.1179336
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>> No.1179353

Learn English, you dumb motherfucker.

>> No.1179361

>Ph. D. In Mathematics
>Lucky to get a job at a high school
>Doesn't even make as much as the admins do

>> No.1179364

Enjoy jacking up the cost of stuff programming trading robots that trade faster than humans can.

>> No.1179730
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>> No.1179742


Jacking up their cost? I'm going to be designing them silly.

>> No.1179762

Fun Fact: Math majors can work in ALMOST any field.
Fun Fact: Math majors will make LESS than people trained in that field.
Fun Fact: Even though math majors can get jobs in any industry, they are the LAST to be picked.

OP is going to hit the work with zero experience expecting 300k? I'd suggest OP move to a bustling financial hub such as tokyo where the Yen can make his dream come true.

>> No.1179782

if you're looking for money, get a BA in actuarial science and fuck grad school.

if you want to be a mathematician, then get your PhD in math, and enjoy being poor for the rest of your life.

actually, get your PhD in math, get a job as an actuary, and do math research in your spare time as an amateur. math may be the only field in the world where this is remotely possible.

>> No.1179784
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>implying I don't deserve more for being a god emperor on earth
>implying I will hit the workforce with a BS in math
>implying I masterminded my academic career to score a teaching job

>> No.1179803

ITT: stupidfags don't realize that people who understand math can work in any field, get paid more than the people that trained in that field, and are highly sought after by every type of industry.

>> No.1179809
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low achiever

>> No.1179834


Even if he does find an actuarial position without an MBA, he will have to be productive as fuck to compete with the cheapass currybreaths who, while retarded, are inexpensive, which is all the CEOs care about.

Enjoy your life teaching at a community college, OP.

>> No.1179851

>implying anyone gets what they "deserve"
>implying life is fair.

>> No.1179855


Enjoy your eight million years of post-doc.

>> No.1179862


>implying I masterminded my academic career to score a teaching job

implying you don't have a real passion for math, which means you aren't good at it.

>> No.1179864


You do realize that when someone completes their bachelors they can skip to PHD without doing a masters? Zing!

>> No.1179869


Umm... you do know that post-doc work comes after your PhD, right? Not sure what point you were trying to make there...

>> No.1179874

nobody believes you

>> No.1179877


Not if their post doctoral work is for the company that snatched them off campus. Zing!

>> No.1179885
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lol wut? I'm going for a PHD because I hate math?

>> No.1179897
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for the record:

"Median annual wages of mathematicians were $95,150 in May 2008. The middle 50 percent earned between $71,430 and $119,480. The lowest 10 percent had earnings of less than $53,570, while the highest 10 percent earned more than $140,500.

In March 2009, the average annual salary in the Federal Government was $107,051 for mathematicians; $107,015 for mathematical statisticians; and $101,645 for cryptanalysts."

Oh I forgot to mention, most of these fags don't work on Wall street or anywhere near chitown. C.O.L.A. mean anything to you?

>> No.1179901

the point I was making was that he said he "masterminded" his academic carreer. Meaning he read that quants make lots of money and quants have PhD's in math, so he decided to get a PhD in math, even though he doesnt really care about math, and he just wants the money, and there is no way someone could be REALLY good at math if they were doing it for the money, math is some shit you have to have passion for or you will fail at it. Its not some technical certification, I assume getting a PhD in math is hardcore shit.

>> No.1179936

OP, what was your thesis about?

>> No.1179942


Wrong! I've been messing with dad's portfolio now for years and due to my success I was able to easily convince him to make me a forex play account which grew 70% steadily over it's first 18 months until I moved to spinning derivatives where I have been able to score between 10% and 80% gains each MONTH with an average of around 15% ROI each calander month.

>> No.1179954


I'm still a junior. Isn't it obvious I don't have a job yet?

>> No.1179968
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>> No.1179974

Most research shows that the happiness gained from increases in income flat line at around 60k. There's no real reason to make more money than that, unless you can do so without it impacting on your free time and lifestyle.

Of course, working in finance or as a surgeon, you'll make much more money than that, however your life style will be drastically degraded, and you'll be spending much more time at work than other workers. Overall, therefore, your happiness level will probably be lower than someone making 60-100k who has a better life style.

There is no real reason to chase huge money, unless you have a deep seated inferiority complex which makes you feel the need to prove your worth to the world instead of merely enjoying life.

>> No.1179991

>forex play

faggot detected.

>> No.1180001


>Implying it's fun to deal crack on the side to finance your yacht because 60k won't cover a decent one
>Implying it doesn't make people happier switching between porches, merc, bmws and jags
>Implying multiple houses on multiple coasts don't improve happiness

>> No.1180014


yeah you can make that argument when your 25, but what about when you're 55, and you are still taking it in the ass from corporate america for 10 hours a day, making shitty money, while the surgeons and finance people and business owners are traveling the world?

>> No.1180018
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>> No.1180042
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Oh look what I found. I see actuaries here but mathematicians are off the scale(as in not worthy). Oh well at least OP has a chance to go to community college so he can score a real job--no wait, you'll be overqualified for most middle income jobs.

>> No.1180045

I don't really care about any of that stuff actually...

>> No.1180054

>engineering technology
>systems engineering
Can't you get those with associates degrees?

>> No.1180057

hey don't diss >implying, if it weren't for the >implying "meme" there wouldn't be any logical disscussion on 4chan at all.

>> No.1180059
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> He admit's he's going to need to deal crack in order to meet the monthly payments on his boat

>> No.1180065

>implying implications are nessesary for a decent discussion and not just a way to be saracastic asshole

>> No.1180078


Systems engineering is some overglorified mainfame programmer job with like COBOL and such, right? I think so. Not sure about the other one.

>> No.1180083

>implying being a sarcastic asshole isn't the main purpose of this website.

>> No.1180093

>Work as a Janitor
>Do nothing all day
>Get paid $8.10/hr

>> No.1180098

>implying it is

>> No.1180117

I doubt it will feel good when you are 65 and you live in a trailer while other people your age are scuba diving.

>> No.1180149


>I doubt it will feel good when you are 65 and you are getting kicked out of your trailer while other people your age are scuba diving.


>> No.1180159

>>I doubt it will feel good when you are 65 and dead.

>> No.1180173

>There is no real reason to chase huge money, unless you have a deep seated inferiority complex which makes you feel the need to prove your worth to the world instead of merely enjoying life.
We're nerds
Ofcource we have inferiority complex
Why do you think we keep reposting that tier list?

>> No.1180234
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fuck you

>> No.1180243


>Make 8.10 an hour for 20 years
>Live freely off of parents for 20 years
>invest salary into a mutual fund for 20 years
>retire a millionaire

>> No.1180255
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oh god, Wendell, the look of all that money on you makes me so sopping wet

>> No.1180265
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>> No.1180269

>Live freely off of parents for 20 years
son I am dissapoint

>> No.1180281

gonna take a lot more than a million to get you laid after that

>> No.1180289

lol maybe you forgot about taxes, inflation, buying food, and paying rent. but then again, what else would I expect from a janitor, janitor is literally the lowest IQ job out there.

>> No.1180292
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scruffy can't complain about his job

>> No.1180295

what part of live freely off of parents didn't you understand

>> No.1180298

> buying food, and paying rent
>doesn't understand what "living freely off parents" means

>> No.1180304


>> No.1180311
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you like apples ?

Bitch ?

>> No.1180317


Probably the part where you would need to work if your parents made more than $10/hr themselves?

>> No.1180330

well that's how you become a millionaire, by making money with no expenses. You really didn't understand his post, did you?

>> No.1180332

Dude you can't seriously be considering living with your parents for 20 years for god's sake
If you can't afford a house then just go live at the trailer park with all the other lazy white trash

>> No.1180340

>implying >>1180093 is the same person as >>1180243

>> No.1180345


>He doesn't understand what $8.10 X 40 X 52 adds up to
>He doesn't realize the money he doesn't make to raise his own kids is coming to him from their [non]grandparents
>He thinks his parents will happily pay for his food and clothes and be all the more proud for 20 years

>> No.1180370


>>1180243 here

I wasn't even coming close to considering working as a janitor and mooching off my parents for 20 of my working years. But to say that a janitor is always doomed to retire to a trailer park is silly.

>> No.1180376


I did, it was you who didn't understand mine. If his parents are rich and he bums off them then they wouldn't let him work as a janitor. If his parents are poor they won't let him leech off them and be too happy about it either. They'll be paying extra for their house, food, car insurance and what not.

>> No.1180384


Janitors aka custodians have decent jobs and benefits quite often. But then you got the $8.10/hr perpetual "temps" which the poster was identifying with.

>> No.1180387

you cant make any assumptions about his parents.
you cant make assumptions at all
you would know this if you were a mathematician

>> No.1180397
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Probability theory

>> No.1180401

BS in math is garbage. Doubled in Stat and Math. Went back to grad school for engineering. I make more as an RA (counting tuition waiver) than I did with my shit BS degrees.

>> No.1180414


Reading comprehension problems? "implying I'll hit the workforce with a BS" is sarcasm.

>> No.1180415

if you weren't a dumbass math fag who doesn't comprehend the real world, then you would understand that $8.10 per hour is nowhere near enough to retire as a real millionaire (inflation adjusted), regardless of whether his parents pay all his expenses.

you have to consider taxes, social security payments, inflation, and have a realistic rate of return.

>> No.1180435
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>> No.1180453
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>1) PhD in Math
>2) Any job I want
>3) 300K starting

You only get 1 out of 3. Two are always mutually exclusive of the third. Hey! You lika da set theory, mathfag?

>> No.1180463


actually it could work.

for roth IRAs you pay taxes on the money you put in (fuck all when you are making 8 bucks an hour) and then it all accumulates and you can withdraw it tax free when you retire. the limit for this is 5 grand per year and gets adjusted for inflation regularly. just filling one of those up every year with solid index funds or w/e will make you somewhat rich at retirement.

also the 8.10 will increase for inflation as minimum wages increase, shit thats already over a dollar below minimum where I am.

>> No.1180479

can't... stop... feeding... troll...

>> No.1180493
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>He doesn't understand what $8.10 X 40 X 52 adds up to
>He doesn't realize 16848 is for 52 weeks of work a year
>He won't know that 16848 has to be multiplied by one plus X raised to the power of 20 and equal a million
>He's also forgetting FICA, federal and state taxes
>He'll probably be convinced it will turn into a million anyway

>> No.1180510
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if im not mistaken, i believe you have become trolled

>> No.1180524

Listen up mathfags and listen good
Finance is not fucking deterministic
You will not use number theory, topology or any of that shit
And if you want to work in finance then you should be fucking majoring in Finance

Why the fuck would you major in math if you want to do finance?!

Also 3/10
fucking troll

>> No.1180533
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>he thinks finance isn't math
>he thinks people who study finance know more about math than people who study math
>he's probably debating between taking algebra and geometry for elective credit

>> No.1180534
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lol, b/c you understand this, right?

>> No.1180541


I think the implication there was that people in FINANCE know more about FINANCE than math majors. carry on "doctor" troll.

>> No.1180564

looks simple enough, but out of context it's meaningless ofc.

>> No.1180576

> trying to justify the existence of finance majors

>> No.1180586
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I think the implication HERE is that while you and others may have felt really l33t using Quicken to do your lemonade stand's business taxes and save $150 in CPA fees the finance I was referring to has nothing to do with any of that.

Stock market speculation is nothing but math, pure math. It doesn't matter how many accounting classes you took or how many $50/month "investment advisories" you subscribe to which pop up on your laptop on Sunday morning while you try to feel important at the breakfast table reading the WSJ. The extra money you fail to make is my money. The money you lose while trying to be too clever is my money too.

Because of math.

>> No.1180598

i think them implication is finance is like applied science, where you only know how to do lab work and shit. and math is like theoretical physics, where you know how shit works, and you have a good knowledge base to come up with new theories.

>> No.1180609

Only with honours. That takes dedication and passion that OP does not have.

>> No.1180621

Let's all just agree that Gauss got shit done, and none of us will probably be as awesome as he was.

>> No.1180627


I'm so fucking sorry! I think I forgot to mention at least twice in the last 10 minutes that I just love math and love doing what I love. Been so busy shattering the janitor's wet dream of becoming a millionaire by living 20 years in his mom's basement and all.

>> No.1180636



i just opened some random investment return calculator, put in 5k per year for 20 years at 8% return (historical average return of s&p 500 is ~11% minus historical average inflation of ~3%) and it gives me 247,000.

then you would wait 20 years to retirement age while it continued to accumulate at 8% per year, 1.08^20 = 4.66, and 247,000 x 4.66 = 1.15 million dollars.

And this is only filling up a roth ira with no other investments, it would only be 416 dollars per month and even on minimum wage you would have money to buy some pot and vidya games.

>> No.1180676
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>then you would wait 20 years to retirement age

So now it becomes 40 years not 20! Bahahahaha. 40 years of not gettin wiped out in the stock market, driving and insuring a car with money from a nonexistent black hole unless you want to be a reptile 40 years lol. Oh yeah let me guess your mom drops you off at work after she comes home every day?

>> No.1180686

>The extra money you fail to make is my money. The money you lose while trying to be too clever is my money too.

HAHAHAHA where do these troll faggot get this shit? they think they are actaully fooling anyone?

The stock market is unpredictable by anyone. Quants only work on extremely short (<1) term price changes, they can't predict long term price changes better than anyone else (almost not at all). The only people who really do predict long term price changes are insider traders, or economists like the guy who bet against the housing bubble and made $1 billion because he understood that the derivatives that quants were cooking up were bullshit and would inevitably fail.

>> No.1180689

>Stock market speculation is nothing but math, pure math
this is what mathfags actually believe

>> No.1180693


lol he said he'd retire a millionaire in 20 years and now he's not sure if he can do it in 40. We're making some progress at least.

>> No.1180704


Go to youtube and type in "making millions the easy way" and skim through the videos. Then look up Ed Thorpe.

>> No.1180716
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>Implying that all up and coming smalltime daytraders have an inside feed and otherwise have no clue
>Implying George Soros lost a billion in forex capital because his insiders must have lied
>Probably realizes all trades have a 50% chance of success or failure yet cannot explain why he loses 75% of the time
>Butthurt liberal arts major just learned his best excuse for losing in the markets--insider trading

>> No.1180720

what does card counting have to do with anything?

>> No.1180736

lolololol what the hell? I can't make heads or tails of your poorly articulated nonsense.

>> No.1180740


Everything. Evidently you forgot to look up what Ed Thorpe did after he got tired of the Vegas scene.

>> No.1180758

>He was a professor of mathematics from 1965 to 1977 and a professor of mathematics and finance from 1977 to 1982 at University of California, Irvine.
>and finance from 1977 to 1982 at University of California, Irvine.
Cool story bros

>> No.1180761


Ok. I'll simplify it for you: You are fucking clueless, people like you either get milked or raped in the markets and you can never understand the main reason is because you are just plain dumb. The wisest fools among your kind are the ones who lie to themselves and say insider trading is the only way to make money in speculation because that's one of the few lies which comfort you and prevent you from acknowleding over and over what a fuckarded moron you are.

>> No.1180773

no, I already knew he began using math to exploit ARBITRAGE opportunities, like mispricings between two related assets, but those are short-term mispricings not long-term. And now, those short term mispricings have become extermely short, like milliseconds.

>> No.1180777


Edward Oakley Thorp (born August 14, 1932, Chicago) is an American mathematics professor, author, hedge fund manager, and blackjack player. He was a pioneer in modern applications of probability theory, including the harnessing of very small correlations for reliable financial gain.

>> No.1180794

I personally believe that even if you have insider trading or not the stock market is still a gamble
Look at nintendo for instance
Some people might of invested on nintendo before the wii came out, thinking people would like it
Well people liked it and those investors probably profited from that
See no maths involved, its just gambling

>> No.1180805


Only morons like you can lose money long term as well as short term. It's not hard at all to make a little bit long term nor is it hard to keep your gains long term. What's hard is making money on short term fluctuations without losing your shirt. That's where math, discipline and emotional control come into play.

>> No.1180814


Yeah for people with partial frontal lobotomies that's how it works. But you see, I'm on the opposite side of the table from you guys. Thanks for playing!

>> No.1180821


I'm not the one that said it, I'm just the one that brought up roth iras and ran it through the calculator. The 40 years was the way I understood it, 20 years of paying and 20 of waiting. I don't think you can draw money out of a roth before a certain age or you get raped with taxes hence the 40 years.

You would have to use a different tactic to retire a millionaire at 40 off of minimum wage, you would pretty much have to research and buy individual stocks and either be good at picking them or get a little lucky. It really wouldn't be that big of a stretch though if you literally put ALL of your income from the job into a fund of some kind.

I'm 23 and have around 100k in my roth ira from just 20k worth of contributions so I do know a little bit about these things. (5k worth of dndn at $3 per share fuck year.)

>> No.1180828
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Yeah, sure dumbass, go back to watching Cramer's mad money. I don't trade the markets because I don't have any money, the only time I did was when I started a play money account and made 80% in a month off of Martha Stewart Omnemedia. Does that mean Im a genius? No, it means I got lucky.

You think because you beat the market for a couple years you are some kind of stock market genius, not realizing that even the average return of hedge fund managers is no better than the return of a monkey choosing stocks by throwing darts at the stock pages.


>> No.1180850

well probably some financial analysts went like
According to my calculations if nintendo manages to sell all their wii's during the first quarter there will be a 300% profit margin and according to recent polls 60% of their demographics are considering getting one and blah blah blah pointless statistics here some other pointless statistics there

>> No.1180854

I, too, read a random walk down wall street

>> No.1180868


Cramer is a fucking moron who gets paid under the table to spout nonsense and generate excitement among a certain niche of fucktards. Where the fuck did you even get the idea I would even consider listening to Cramer? I used to use stochastics on forex and major stocks and commodities and gradually I refined everything to work better and better. Cramer? It's obvious to anyone with a clue that Cramer is a lying sack of shit as well as a fucking moron. He only appeals to lazyminded overworked greedy SOBs who just don't do their own due dilligence.

Funny thing is that you criticize him now but if and when you actually start investing I bet he will become one of your favorite prophets LOL.

>> No.1180875


Listen moron, that's called fundemental analysis not technical analysis(which is what pure quants really do). You have no fucking idea how math is used in the stock market, do you?

>> No.1180880

the EMH is mostly bullshit, the market is mostly irrrational, but the fags who think they are "day-traders" and are going to sit at home and watch mad money and become rich are shitting themselves.

The only people who consistently make money are the brokers, who are basically like the casino, collecting commissions while other people gamble.

>> No.1180911

Sorry but I just don't believe that the market is logical like you mathfags like to believe

>> No.1180913

The best quants generally speaking are either autistic or semi autistic which means they have absolutely no spatial IQ compared to a regular person which means they repeatedly have to be told what to do and how to do it and only by virtue of their immense powers of being able to concentrate a massive amount of effort in a very very narrow math-centric arena do they even end up being useful TO THE TEAM. The quant who manages to figure out next month's trend in advance with an expected 55% success ratio only did so because he was directed to do so by someone much better able to grasp the broader picture and... ahh I give up. OP is either completely deluded or a troll. I can't believe any of you take him seriously.

>> No.1180923


Are you saying the market defies physical law?

>> No.1180927

>Ph.D. in finance
>I can get your quant job because I know the same maths as you, but economics, finance, and statistics too

>> No.1180937
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> He thinks statistics isn't a branch of math
> He doesn't mention anything about probability theory
> He probably thinks knowing how to program his TI is l33t financial knowledge

>> No.1180939

Yes actually
The market is based on people
People are irrational
People are affected by different unforseen events and motivations and a bunch of other crap you just can't quantify

>> No.1180960


>People are affected by different unforseen events and motivations and a bunch of other crap you just can't quantify

Unless you are a quant who lives and breathes this stuff. Science is all about identifying predictability in a sea of seeming randomness. English majors will never understand this.

>> No.1180965

I said it once and I'll say it again
Finance is not fucking deterministic
You can only make educated guesses on where to invest
And if you haven't studied about the market for 4 years chances are you'll have to catch up if you want to even consider it; in other words nobody from wall street will whisk you off with a $300k offer so they can train you for the next 2+ years.

>> No.1180969

then howcome LTC lost billions of dollars?

>> No.1180972

invent new super weapon > money

This is simple kids.

>> No.1180979

nitially enormously successful with annualized returns of over 40% (after fees) in its first years, in 1998 it lost $4.6 billion in less than four months following the Russian financial crisis and became a prominent example of the risk potential in the hedge fund industry. The fund was closed in early 2000.

>> No.1181002


>Finance is not fucking deterministic

You math retarded fools complementing it with subpar spatial IQs don't know how the world around you even works lulz.

Consider just this, even if "finance" is not deterministic then when retards like you make a yes or no decision in the market with your "educated guesses" then you should still have at least a 50% chance of succeeding right? One would think so! But nooooooo! Somehow you manage an epic fails where you lose 60% to 75% of the time. Why you ask?! Hint: the answer lies in that empty space between your ears. It's working against you, not for you! The same space I am tirelessly training to be use with masterful effect.

>You can only make educated guesses on where to invest

No that's in your foggy world perhaps but I can trump you and your kind.

>> No.1181006

Gee I certainly feel confident about financial analysts and quants ability to predict the market
Specially after the major fuck up following the house market crash that threw us into a deep recession

>> No.1181008


I'm curious as to what you mean, precisely, when you say you applied stochastics to equities, etc.

If you're using stochastic analysis then, as we both know, you can't accurately determine drift, only volatility, through statistical calibration. I'd guess then that since you can not be making money through statistical arbitrage on long and shorts then you must be looking for miss-priced options on the underlying. You calculate volatility and then take positions on discrepancies in the implied volatility of various options.

If not, what is your basic approach?

>> No.1181023

The stock market is like poker, there is luck involved but skill as well. Evidenced by the fact that the same people can do well consistently.

>> No.1181036

With millions of players getting random hands of cards it is very likely some will get a royal flushes one after the other.

>> No.1181037

actually it's basic probability that a monkey throwing darts to select stocks will win on about 60% of them, in a normal market. If you were losing 75% of the time all you would have to do is reverse buying with selling short, and you would making money hand over fist.

>> No.1181038

>throw a dice three times
>get six every time
>according to my calculations there is higher chance you'll get six if you throw a dice
Wow thank you Mr.Quant

>> No.1181040

>you can't accurately determine drift, only volatility, through statistical calibration.
good thing stock options fluctuate predictably with volatility and not price of the stock.

ever heard of black shoals or yates stochastic models for stock options?

>> No.1181049

It must be just coincidence that these same people have degrees in finance and work at investment firms.

>> No.1181058


I'm fairly familiar with Black-Scholes. I'm less certain I know what the Yates model is.

I think we're on the same page, though. I made the point about volatility in order to ask if your investment strategy was to take advantages of implied and model volatilities or are you doing something more interesting.

>> No.1181071

not the same guy you were talking to before, lack of punctuation and capitalization might have been a clue

>> No.1181082


I see. Too bad, I really wondered what this guy thought he was doing.

>> No.1181148

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>> No.1182442
File: 34 KB, 451x445, 1276390753967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Implying starting salaries of every undergrad from everywhere working for everyone doing everything are comparable to a PHD from a top uni working on wall street

>> No.1183757
File: 94 KB, 1022x768, 1272364577696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>ever heard of black shoals or yates stochastic models for stock options?

Fun fact: Black-Scholes is pronounced "black-shoals" which means you probably heard it somewhere without reading it anywhere.

>> No.1183909

Yes actually
undergrads make more than phd's
undergrads who major in something USEFUL

>> No.1183981
File: 2.08 MB, 320x180, 4482328355_89090e6d9f_o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Implying a quant on wall street who can reverse engineer the Goldman Sachs robot algorithms in his sleep isn't providing anything useful to his firm