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11791519 No.11791519 [Reply] [Original]

Who was the brightest person that you've met?

Share your stories, /sci/

>> No.11791533

I once got lectured at a bus stop by a man who said "If you don't spend all your money on prostitutes and spit on every hippy liberal you see, your life was wasted." So I spat on him paid his mother a visit.

>> No.11791575

I have met one genius in my life who transformed everyone and everything around him, who understood things deeply. He understood people and guided them, he devoured books constantly and would talk about nothing insignificant. Unfortunately, I was nothing but a disappointment and a failure in the end, but even now I know he is right

>> No.11791590

This one guy covered himself in glowing paint. Pretty bright

>> No.11791619


>> No.11791629


>> No.11791631

kek only met bright retards. once the "brighest" kid in the class (whom i wasn't friends with) offered me his (excellent) school work to help me out, and i was like ha ok thanks. but then on some other day he took the same bus as me and sat on my side, and then wouldn't stop talking about every irrelevant plot sequence on some videogame that i had played, like holy cringe, then i'd try to politely tell him that i didn't want to talk about that in a bus full of people and that i didn't care about the subject, and he still wouldn't stop doing that shit

>> No.11791689


>> No.11791690


>> No.11791783


>> No.11791822

I am the smartest person I've ever known. The rest of you brainlets can fuck off

>> No.11792540

You sound really insecure and take yourself way too seriously.

>> No.11792580
File: 31 KB, 400x400, Mario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Montano. He eventually figured out that this reality is a simulation and most people are P-zombies/NPCs, and later killed himself.

>> No.11792601

Who is this guy in the pic OP?

>> No.11792655

I am the brightest all around person i have met unironically. Unfortunately I have not lived to my fullest potential and have been generally lazy. To be fair, the state I live in has a small population and I will be moving to a state with much higher population for grad school so it will probably change

>> No.11792674

Howard "Niggerman" Lovecraft

>> No.11793392


>> No.11793417

I did meet a guy who seemed really smart once. Just a feeling because he didn't talk much.

>> No.11793423

I was in the leading political party in my city for some years back in my mid-twenties. I got to interact with some of the people who coordinate the party behind the scenes and do most of the work. There really was no ideological drive in them and they sure had to deal with a lot of people who were blinded by the supposed political ideology of the party. I really appreciated the work of those behind the scene leaders when I realized that 95% of the party is comprised of either the aforementioned useful idiots or some machiavellian wannabes that think they are pulling some elaborate scheme to uplift themselves using the party.

>> No.11793456

Virgin anxious social approval seeker vs chad big brain ASPERGER man.

>> No.11793458

And by the way,
The ASPERGER man is the epitome of male intelligence and tenacity.
Let's start by looking at his brain. His brain is large. His domineering intelligence makes his
presence known without his research papers known without even needing citations. He is
a genius, as a result of his high levels of prenatal testosterone and pyramidal neurons I his
somatosensory cortex, CA1 region of the hippocampus and embryonic GABAergic neurons
in the midbrain. This gives him the appearance of class and brains. He is then covered by his
pale skin. This pales skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being
exposed to the cold darkness of his mother's basement, made to withstand such an extreme
condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The pale skin reminds us of our
dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.
The ASPERGER man's demeanor is one of aloofness. He is asocial, shy, and can shoot up
schools. His behaviour strikes fear into the mindless, passionless races of man(n**Rotypical
The summit of expression of his intelligence is his IQ. The ASPERGER brain is largest of all
the races. As the brain is the penultimate symbol of intelligence, this alone would suffice to
make the ASPERGER man the most intelligent of men. This large brain is able fulfill the desire
of the most rigorous real analysis courses, being able to more than fill all the recesses of
the maxima of wave functions. Its size ensures that when it proves a conjecture, the potent
ASPERGER intelligence will immediately enter the pure maths department at MIT and stun all the professors.
In total, the ASPERGER man expresses this intelligence in a most exemplary manner in
academia. When he proves previously unsolvable conjectures, he unleashes the entirety of his
special interests and desires upon his professor without any restraint.
All this is the reason why the ASPERGER man is the epitome of intelligence and tenacity.

>> No.11793492

There was a guy in highschool from Finland who very athletic, slept in class yet knew the answers to the teachers questions and even explained things teacher couldnt, and he spoke 5 languages fluently and was very good in video games like pro-tier.

Most of time it is hard to to distinguish how much stupider or brighter someone is, but he was clearly in another level than I am. Apparently he works in CERN now doing some physics research

>> No.11793500

I was sitting in my 11th grade history class. My history teacher said "quantum physics is not real". Immediately, I stood up and asked why. He said "there is no evidence". Typical low IQ statement. I started reciting quantum physics equations from my memory. My history teacher stuttered in disbelief, dropped his books and ran out of the room. Everyone in the class stood up and cheered for me. It felt great being smart. Suddenly, the principal walked in and asked for me. Everyone else sat down and I left and went to his office. He asked me why I made the history teacher cry. I replied "sir, my intelligence can not be handled by the weak minded". He thought and then brought out an IQ test. I took it, and within 15 minutes, I had finished. My score was 168. While I was not surprised at all by this number, my principal was absolutely amazed and was at a loss for words. I went back to class and my crush walked up to me kissed me. The day resumed as normal until I went home. I had a letter in the mail. It was from Harvard.

>> No.11793512

Then you woke up from your nap in McDonalds

>> No.11793519

Typical low IQ response.

>> No.11793530

>ho was the brightest person that you've met?
Professor Ted Honderich
Arnold Zuboff
Professor Bernard Williams
Anatoly Karpov
Anthony Childs (surgeon)

>> No.11793546

The smartest guy I ever met was this top guy at a hospital in Dublin. He wasn't a doctor, he was higher than that. He was actually meant to be called Mister, however that works. He was really good with women, saw him talking to the female nurses before. He was on the rowing team with the river Liffey rowing club. He had great intuition as well. He is like some type of transcendent being. I can't wait to meet him in person again some time. He's done work in other countries. He once held a conference with all the top doctors in Europe in Italy so he could come up with a solution with a patient he had and get approval for the operation they came up with.

I'm not the type of guy who likes having to admit that someone else is smarter than me. But this guy just effortlessly gets your respect. What a lad.

>> No.11793548

And then everyone clapped.

>> No.11793577


>> No.11793615

At an old job in indiana, this guy was from LA. Tall, pale, freckled, insane intense brown eyes, balding orange hair in a ponytail. Total high int/low wis stereotype liberal geek, no glasses though. Walking encyclopedia, extremely fast thinker. Head up his ass. When it comes to raw processing power and random knowledge he's the best I've ever known, but it's possible I've met quieter ones.

>> No.11793644

I met a guy on 4chan who posted a "140+" IQ test screen cap.

>> No.11793655
File: 54 KB, 412x627, 1589672171148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A 1 star General at a wedding.
He knew literally everything. Could list off every country, its capitol, its history and its stance with the U.S. Spoke like 5 languages with perfect accent (pretty sure he was a spook at some point)
He also said WWIII is going to happen and its going to start with a Chinese incursion into India. He said our intelligence agencies are getting us heavily allied with India since the cold war to either prevent it or get involved in it. This was 7 years ago and it looks like an increasing reality.

>> No.11793697


>> No.11793706

very nice

>> No.11793709

what type of doctor was he?

>> No.11793723

bro you sound like you wanna suck his dick or sth

>> No.11793773


Upper Limb. Shoulder. Arthritis. Sports Injuries. Hip Replacement.

>> No.11793778


based going against the dumb jock ortho stereotype

>> No.11793785


>> No.11793816

You met him? What did he smell like?

>> No.11793830

Went hunting with the Austrian ambassador to the USA. He seemed like a bright fellow.

>> No.11793933

I imagine it like that comftorable old person smell mixed with old money and Macdonalds.

>> No.11793940


>> No.11794138


>> No.11794150

Typical low IQ response.

>> No.11794195

Typical high IQ response

>> No.11794200

>He also said WWIII is going to happen and its going to start with a Chinese incursion into India.

Oh fuck.

>> No.11794300

Noooo way. I didn't know Mario died. RIP

Good discussions on Open Individualism/Eternalism and the like.


>> No.11794302

>pretty sure he was a spook at some point
What does that mean? I'm not an American.

>> No.11794379

Alain Connes
Gopal Prasad
Ofer Gabber
Tim Gowers
Pierre Cartier

>> No.11794410
File: 8 KB, 300x168, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11794424

My stepfather easily. He worked for JPL for 25 years designing instruments that went to space. He also did some work in rocketry meaning I could literally tell people my father was a rocket scientist.

>> No.11794444

>my father was a rocket scientist
but you just said it was your stepdad

>> No.11794462 [DELETED] 

Paris is a relatively small city with a surprisingly high concentration of math departments. If you attend social gatherings, you will run into famous mathematicians all the time

>> No.11794469

Paris is a relatively small city with a surprisingly high concentration of math departments. If you attend prestigious mathematical events, you are very likely to run into famous mathematicians.

>> No.11794698

no i sound like someone who doesn't care about a complete random. when i'd come home i was tired and wasn't interested in talking to a clown (and wouldn't ever talk about that topic regardless)

i'm a leave me the fuck alone seeker, not this garbage. and it is not just me actually, a lot of people, specially the elderly, are bothered by people screaming nonsense in enclosed spaces and it is nothing more than basic human decency to respect them. when it comes to randoms doing that, like that guy, i obviously tolerate, street vendors on the other hand... i berate them on the spot, they usually never engage and just leave.

>> No.11794925

spook = glownigger = intelligence agent spy pretending to be something other than what they are

>> No.11796401

>Anthony Childs (surgeon)
Did he operate you?

>> No.11796711

you're ashamed of your interest.

you have no balls thats it.

>> No.11796785

I'm not anon youre replying to but when autists start talking about something they like they are so fucking annoying. It's not the subject they talk about it's the way they do it. They talk without consideration of others and in very cringy ways. Thats why no one likes nerds, what makes you a nerd is not your interests but the way you act about them. Most nerds are the I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCEEEE type or the atheist and SCIENCE IS UNDOUBTABLE type. Do you understand why he wouldn't like talking to such people?

>> No.11796786

>irrelevant shit you have absolutely no memory of is your interest lol
>and you're ashamed of it cause i said so
how about no

and why are you doubling down on something that is clearly wrong and retarded ew

>> No.11796891

yeah I understand but I was assuming they shared their interest of this videogame before

ok I thought he knew you liked the topic as well. If not he's not autistic, just incosiderate and egoistic. Also he doesnt want to be out of his field, which is insecurity.

dont call everyone outist who is an asshole, egoist or idiot.

>> No.11796934

I understand, but it's completely your fault by giving inverted feedback.

>> No.11796968

>he knew you liked the topic as well.
nope, we weren't friends. he might have assumed that though. and i don't think he had assburgers, he seemed more like a compulsive talker, which is how we had that previous interaction in the first place; he decided that he had to help me by literal RNG (having no previous exchanges) and then reappeared by literal RNG that day in the bus

>> No.11797038

I can name about a handful of brilliant people I've met in my lifetime. Two of them were drug dealers who left that trade behind as soon as they could and got degrees in engineering fields. One was a model who got a perfect ACT score with minimal effort. She got tired of hedonism and moved to rural Montana. One guy was an autistic math genius who literally only talked about fishing and girls, totally belied his intelligence. Generally, intelligent people are extremely variant while dumb people kind of act the same.

>> No.11797229


>> No.11798205

thus you become the smartest one

>> No.11798237

I don't really know in terms of like, intelligence, but in terms of being able to adapt to pretty much any situation I have a guy.
An old classmate, super autistic, dyslexia, ADHD, and was very lacking in logic (couldn't do anything by himself in math) but when given literally any task he could do it. Felt a bit like a savant but it was such a broad field that I think he just had an odd brain. An example would be when we had an assignment to sketch a building and its components, mechanics, all the shit in it etc. We had several days to complete that shit and on the final day he just came into class and completed it in 25 minutes.

>> No.11798246

I failed to clarify but regarding the assignment he hadn't done any work previously, he had just stayed home and done fuckall I guess, I've never been in his autist cave but I presume he just spent the time cooming like the gay retard he is.

>> No.11798271

physics teacher i had for one year in high school. guy was overqualified and he quit after like 3 years. he spent so much effort on his lessons while the students didn't care

>> No.11798334

I have one friend who is noticeably smarter than me. He also has spongebob shower curtains, a clear toilet seat with poker chips in it and always bitches about his wife.
My Dad is also smarter than me but has never had a job, that I know of, for more than a couple years. He speaks 3 languages, had his pilots license, worked as a civil engineer, worked as a systems analyst, worked as a school teacher, ran his own business and called down to an airforce base once for suggesting to an officer he meant a potential electronic weapon that oops, they were already working on and it was a secret. The chronicle of his life will be much more interesting than my own.

>> No.11798404

Pic of toilet?