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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 205 KB, 960x720, nodosaur_dinosaur_discovery_science_1_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11787858 No.11787858 [Reply] [Original]

What let dinosaurs get as big as they did? Higher oxygen levels? Stronger magnetic field? Better ozone layer?
Why aren't there animals as large as dinosaurs nowadays?

>> No.11787893

A blue whale is the biggest animal we know to have ever lived

>> No.11787900

came here to post this

>> No.11787908

Meant to say on land. They make up all kinds of bullshit excuses like the blood won't pump to the brain, the bones will shatter, etc

>> No.11787917

magnetic fields what type of retarded schizo shit is that. why would magnetic fields allow dinosaurs to be bigger.

>> No.11787922

>magnetic fields

>> No.11787971
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Much lower gravity, due to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmlcbeFUHLw

>> No.11787975

Ebner effect

>> No.11787976
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>> No.11787988

I don't get why mars and Venus were supposed to be so close to each other though? What was their orbital trajectory supposed to be like? Is that stuff supposed to be plasma to electricity?

>> No.11787990
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To be perfectly accurate, The Ebner Effect is about electrical field - not magnetic.

But yes, taking The Ebner effect into consideration is a valid point. With the Earth in a different electric field and thus lifeforms on the Earth being born under a different electrical environment than today, it /did/ cause them to look different. But probably their huge sizes and the ease with which their muscles could support those sizes, is most likely due to the lighter gravity experienced during the Polar Configuration.

>> No.11788005
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You can see them in motion here at 1:06:21 https://youtu.be/oophJNlP-fk?t=3981

Countless ancient accounts, in rock art and myths and stories point to Saturn having been extremely close to Earth and acting like a dim star, with Venus in front of it radiating rays (which must have been plasma filaments -- which are Birkeland currents in glow mode), with Mars as the pupil in the "eye" in front of Venus. All those ancient accounts can only be explained if the alignment/configuration actually happened.

>> No.11788271

We killed them:

>> No.11788290

Sôy hadn't evolved yet so there were no phytoestrogens tainting the land and sea

>> No.11788661




>> No.11788680

The earth was smaller so lower gravity, also more oxygen and C02 so more efficient metabolism.

>> No.11788795

I keep seeing this nonsense all the time now
which schizo is behind it?

>> No.11788799

Why human so small? See wrong question. Shape up dumb fucking retard.

>> No.11788813

By what mechanism can a stronger magnetic or electrified field or whatever allow larger creatures to form. This makes no sense.

>> No.11788818
File: 115 KB, 900x700, Kaban Tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
They are reptiles who cheated the system by having "bubbles" inside their system that allowed them to grow bigger at the same weight. And that's about it.

You can't do that with Mammals because we are warm blooded and have different body system

Fuck off, /x/

>> No.11788823

By bubbles I mean stuff like hollow bones and bloats of fat under the muscles to increase size without getting heavier

>> No.11788988

Dinos were warmblooded as well. You really think you can have giant sauropods with passive coldbloodedness?

>> No.11789016

Dinosaur is a large amount of species but overwhelming majority of them are cold alright.

Point is, they are lying bastards.
Their hollow bones and large air sacs outright reduces every shock that their body suffers as they continued to grow.

Larger as they come, they are bound to lose against the much nimbler mammals.
Even if the Meteor never fell, evolution would favor the one who can adapt the best and mammalians high metabolism, high reproduction, and higher sensitivity/intelligence would ensure that they would always find a way to outcompete the large retards.

It would take longer of course but there is a reason why the giant reptiles were unable to make a comeback.

>> No.11789071

The bones expanded over time

>> No.11789073

Dinosaurs weren't bigger, the earth was smaller. The meteor that killed the dinosaurs merged with earth. That's where the egyptians came from. When the earth got bigger, we got smaller

>> No.11789087

Shut the fuck up.
The gravity of the Earth remained mostly the same and the meteor could hardly be big enough to make an actual noticeable effect

>> No.11789100

This is fantastic, got half a mind to save it and send it to a poster maker.

>> No.11789103

lol, schizoposters running wild today

>> No.11789115

I like this level of shitposting, its original

>> No.11789423

But mammals have been around since dinosaurs were smol. They couldn't compete then, how do you expect them to do well when dinosaurs got big and dominate? You're also forgetting that mammals during those age weren't as robust and evolved as mammals now because they got outcompeted hard by dinosaurs and had to find a niche for themselves in the bottom of the food chain. And dinosaurs themselves were constantly adapting as well. You can observe in their feathered descendants. They would have become progressively warm-blooded, smarter, more agile just like how mammals are today

>> No.11789455


>> No.11789553


>> No.11789589

What about the spinosaurus?

>> No.11789881

Where did the moon come from?

>> No.11789920

What's wrong with the idea that the Earth expanded and was smaller back then? If you look at the continents and how they would look on a smaller globe it makes sense

>> No.11790326

We got hit by a Martian size asteroid and the thrown dust coalesed into a moon

Fuck off, /x/

>> No.11791432




>> No.11791440
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Air sacks

>> No.11791450

>Critics have claimed that, without avian air sacs, modest improvements in a few aspects of a modern reptile's circulatory and respiratory systems would enable the reptile to achieve 50% to 70% of the oxygen flow of a mammal of similar size,[10]

>> No.11791453
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>> No.11791539

By what mechanism does your emf do anything to the potential size of ani Animals.

>> No.11791714

See this for some basic info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i69p0lldbGY
And this, a thought-provoking commentary: https://files.catbox.moe/ga936v.webm
Also related, more in depth, in German: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUfOiW0_bZ0



>> No.11792119

>cant answer a quesiton other then to post youtube videos
classic schizo.

>> No.11792275

Stay ignorant bro, stay ignorant.

>> No.11792342

no thats your mom