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11787492 No.11787492 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11787506

>expecting a book by Big Autism Don to be "really easy"
Why would you do this

>> No.11787525
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People see the first chapters being high school level and think the rest of the book is like that.

>> No.11787600

I really liked CLRS. I wouldn't say it was that hard desu, but it really doesn't need to be.

>> No.11787634

Dummit Foote

>> No.11787645

if you've taken a course on discrete mathematics, all those books shouldn't take much longer than a month each to work through

>> No.11787664

Working through CLRS in a month would be a very impressive feat even if you were already familiar with it. That's like 40 pages a day of reading plus 40 problems a day

>> No.11787684

if you cut the section at the end of the crap u will never use/need then its around 700 pages which is 23 pages a day for a month, if you have a strong background with discrete math then i don't think it's too difficult if you spend 2-3 hours a day on it

>> No.11787749

>then its around 700 pages
>you'll never use string matching
>you'll never use linear programming
>you'll never use matrices
codemonkey detected

>> No.11787776

Lmao half of concrete math is continous (literally CON from continuous and CRETE from discrete)
The majority of the latter chapters of Knuth's book hail from analysis and generating functions, and are definitely nontrivial, especially if all you've done is discrete mathematics.
CLRS isn't super *hard* but it's comprehensive and full of material - more than a month's worth for sure, if you want to do everything.
Theory of Computation by Sipser is legitimately very easy though, and can be done in about a month up to complexity. That's the only "trivial" one on the list.

>> No.11787799
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failed this class twice

>> No.11788019

my cousin is a welder. he went to Harvard and then Berkeley. what's your pedigree?

>> No.11788023 [DELETED] 

>>you'll never use linear programming
Get an actual linear optimization book, then stop being a dirty pleb and get convex and nonlinear optimization books.
>>you'll never use matrices
Get an actual numerical linear algebra book. >*checks CLRS coverage*
>*it's literally baby's first LU decomposition and least squares*
Holy shit the blue CS meme is right

>> No.11788027

>you'll never use string matching

>> No.11788030

>>you'll never use linear programming
Get an actual linear optimization book, then stop being a dirty pleb and get convex and nonlinear optimization books.
>>you'll never use matrices
Get an actual numerical linear algebra book...
>*checks CLRS coverage*
>*it's literally baby's first LU decomposition and least squares*
Holy shit, the blue CS meme is right

>> No.11788036

wow you sure have saved a lot of time by replacing 70 pages with two entire books

>> No.11788412
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>he doesn't get it
Jesus have mercy

>> No.11788474

This. It seemed easier than Artin at first...

>> No.11788486

>Big Autism Don
Trump didn’t write that book, anon.

>> No.11789797

if I read Discrete Mathematics by Rosen, will I be able to understand CLRS. I've tried CLRS and its way too fucking hard for my smooth brain.

>> No.11790101

See >>11787776
CLRS is a collection of algorithms and techniques for the early undergrad canon. You would be better serviced doing optimization and algebra books (especially given the ridiculously important role of ring theory and linear algebra in algorithms), but CLRS remains a good reference book to start with nonetheless.
>blue man meme is right
Eh maybe for undergrads in CS, but when you hit grad all of that falls to the wayside and all people care about is your research.

>> No.11790211

Ireland & Rosen, Introduction to modern number theory

>> No.11790247

>especially given the ridiculously important role of ring theory and linear algebra in algorithms
linear algebra i understand, but how is ring theory important in algorithms? are you talking about computer algebra (factorisation of polynomials and so on)? that's not exactly what one typically understands by "aglorithms", it's more specialised than that
>Holy shit, the blue CS meme is right
i forget, which one was that again?
D&F is encyclopedic, it covers a lot more material in more depth than Artin does

>> No.11790265

Sure smells like csnigger cope in here desu!

>> No.11790270

>but how is ring theory important in algorithms?
almost all of modern cryptography research, images and signals (segmentation), cyclic linear codes, etc. is predicated on ring theory. More generally, semirings show up broadly in TCS, and algebraic geometry shows up in geometric complexity and communication complexity.
If you name some field of mathematics, chances are it's relevant in TCS.

>> No.11790282


>> No.11790289

You say this, but the majority of math discussions, in and out of the general thread, is
>waaaaaaah Rudin is haaaaaaaard
it's funny to think these are the same people trying to dab on people from struggling with knuth's book

>> No.11790296

what did I do to you?

>> No.11790298

>almost all of modern cryptography research, images and signals (segmentation), cyclic linear codes, etc. is predicated on ring theory
so this is what you meant, you could've just said "cryptography", you fucking faggot, these topics are typically broached in a separate subject, not as general "algorithms" (the kind of thing CLRS covers)

>> No.11790321

>you could've just said "cryptography", you fucking faggot,
i listed more than cryptography dumbfuck
>not as general "algorithms" (the kind of thing CLRS covers)
Where did I say otherwise? See >>11790101 where it says
>You would be better serviced...
>...but CLRS remains a good reference book to start with nonetheless.
Learn to read before pulling out faggotry, fuckface

>> No.11790325

didn’t have a textbook for the class, but a combinatorics class I took just to fill in my schedule was way harder than I expected

>> No.11790353

combinatorics usually takes people by surprise.
almost every "pure" analyst I've met (ie, the people who like real and complex analysis and nothing else) either shits on combinatorics because they've heard the memes but never taken the course, or they were completely assblasted by the course. The only part they remotely liked was the intersection, which was generating functions...and even then they were more wary after the class.
So if you see analysisfags shitting on combinatorics, know it's almost always in cope or ignorance.

>> No.11790776
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>>Holy shit, the blue CS meme is right
>i forget, which one was that again?

>> No.11790787
File: 97 KB, 233x335, dddd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reverse post; all the shills here said this was hard but was actually ez

>> No.11791474

It's not that bad, especially if your professor assigns you harder problems as well.

>> No.11791506

>analysis fags
you seem upset. are u mad?
analysis isn't difficult if your ancestors were not subhumans

>> No.11791547

Keck. I spent 40 hours a week doing algebra homework for 4 months.this books excercises take a lot of work

>> No.11791703

Don’t forget abstract algebra can help you write the better fizzbuzz

>> No.11792462

>you seem upset. are u mad?
no I am an analysisfag myself who grew to love combinatorics through generating functions.
fizzbuzz is not CS

>> No.11792500

Anons I'm having difficulty solving even the first chapter exercises of Concrete Mathematics as a CS undergrad. What can I do to improve my base? Are there any other books that I should start with first?

>> No.11792518

how to solve it by polya and book of proof if you're struggling with proof techniques

>> No.11792529

how new can you be so that you read faggot as an insult here. jeez

>> No.11792561

It was the incessant cope-seethe not the use of the word, faggot.
despicable race traitor nigger

>> No.11792712

Thanks !

>> No.11792740

You have to be 18 or older to browse this site, even in your containment board.

>> No.11793424

What made you think the people who wrote these posts are the same?