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11781525 No.11781525[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have an extreme hatred towards women, especially I am competing against them. I am not an incel, I have access to sex since I am a very attractive person.

>> No.11781568


>> No.11781569

just get a gf bro

>> No.11781603

> scientific calculator
> used by many great geniuses throughout the history

Lol coming from a retard.

>> No.11781605

>basic linear algebra
you're not intelligent

>> No.11781607
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>Does hating women affects my science intelligence and mathematical ability?

>> No.11781609

yes it will increase your science. focus on the artificial womb.

>> No.11781625

Really? I am just a first-year computer science student. And you?

> artificial womb

>> No.11781631

Hating women is completely normal, even positive.
Eve was the one deceived by the Snake after all.

>> No.11781694

Honestly you might be gay. This is such as classic homosexual thing.

>> No.11781695

>being a pen-let in the current year
Buy yourself a mechanical pencil and stop humiliating yourself

And yeah you are probably a deeply closeted gay man

>> No.11781707

So you're a Jew/Christian/Muslim.

>> No.11781709

No, I don't attract men, but I attract women's pussy.

> mechanical pen
Do you mean a pencil?

>> No.11781710
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>I am competing against them
You'll never be able to give birth.

>> No.11781711

I am Asian-atheism

I don't believe in such divine things.

>> No.11781725
File: 298 KB, 528x382, Family.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> "Women are Evil!"

> About Women

> About the Sterilization of European Women

> How to attract THE RIGHT type of women!

> The Key to good Women's Hearts

> No Good Women Left?

> Natural Blonde Women

> Should Women Train Hard?

> The Role of Women


Quote by SS-Reichführer Heinrich Himmler regarding women and Christianity:

> The attitude about the inferiority of women is a typical Christian attitude, and we also who have been Nationalsocialists up to this day – many even who are strict heathens – have unwittingly adopted this set of ideas.

> I recently said to a Hitler Youth leader:"You are usually so un-Christian, but your attitude toward women is the purest Christianity that is at all possible.”

> Christianity is directed at the absolute destruction of women and at emphasizing the inferiority of women. The entire substance of the priesthood and of the whole of Christianity is an erotic union of menfor the erection and maintenance of a 2000-year old Bolshevism. I reach that conclusion because I know very well the history of Christianity in Rome. The Roman emperors, who eradicated the first Christians, did exactly the same thing we are doing with the Communists. These Christians were then the worst yeast which the great city contained, the worst Jewish people, the worst Bolsheviks that there were.

>> No.11781733


By this logic men should hate themselves the most since they were dumb enough to be deceived by a woman in the first place.

>> No.11781738

That's why I said deeply closeted.

Either that or you are just an edgy fool whose worldview has been so tainted by 4chan memes that you can't have meaningful relationships with literally most people (women being over 50% of the worlds population).

I would strongly recommend that you address these unhealthy thoughts, either by yourself or with therapy.

Then again maybe this is just some edgy child phase. But it's not healthy and nor will it bring you happiness

>> No.11781781

>I am just a first-year computer science student.
You are braindead.

It's perfectly rational to hate women. I used to be an incel and fantasized about women, until the point at which I actually interacted with them and genuinely started to hate them.

>> No.11781791

I recently found out that Hitler was absolutely cringe and supported literal scientism.
But the rest of the party is honestly just as bad, either le rationalist larpers or unironic occultists.

/pol/ told me the Nazis were based, but they are just pure cringe.

>> No.11781795

Not him, but just tell me how anybody could stand interacting with women?

>> No.11781811

>looking at an answer sheet instead of the exercises
>needs an eraser despite looking at the answers and using a calculator
You're probably an engineering student, which would explain your hatred towards woman by acute and severe homosexuality.

>> No.11781815

poltard and his schiziophrenja

>> No.11781819

Maybe you should just admit you are gay and get it over with

>> No.11781832

Never let a woman in a position where she can manipulate you with her sexuality, because she will do it.

>> No.11781833

Well billions of people alive today and throughout history managed it and found great pleasure in it. Perhaps the problem is with you?

>> No.11781937
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I doubt it
I am also extremely attractive but have never had sex
the concept escapes me
why would I want to ram my superfluous extremity into a warm gash?
I'd achieve the same thing if I poured warm oatmeal into a fleshlight
and I don't want to do that either
frankly I spend most of my time thinking rather than engaging in repulsive human rituals.
I wouldn't even say I hate women, not actively at least. fairly annoying like all humans, just particularly irksome.
However, I don't particularly think I'm a genius, or really, to me, smart at all.
I feel stupid and it frustrates me then I am frustrated I am having irrational emotional responses to arbitrary tribunates, which have little concern to the inertness of all things.
clearly my thoughts don't matter.
thus instead of continuing to elaborate.
I don't hate women.
because I love cute anime girl.

>> No.11781959

homos love women and simp for them

>> No.11781963

Wait until a woman infiltrates your male-bonding group activity / hobby and watch all your friends turn irrational and crazy overnight when it comes to this woman.

>> No.11781980

>Well billions of people alive today and throughout history managed it
Sure. I can also "manage" a lot of things, especially when I get my dick wet in the end.

>found great pleasure in it
Citation fucking needed.

>Perhaps the problem is with you?
Doubtful, since I don't want to eradicate menkind after talking to men, while talking to women is ridiculously annoying.

>> No.11781982
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what are you talking about?
why would I have such a worthless thing like that?
the idea is almost humorous.
silly animal. silly dumb stupid animal. hahhahahha. silly little dumb stupid insignificant animal.
it's almost adorable.

>> No.11781988

>He isn't friends with literal autistic incel spergs no women would want to be found around so that never happens
Yikes. Just fucking yikes.

If a woman ever tried that I would have a multiple hour long debate about autism tier strategy games in front of her.

>> No.11782018

OK fella. I'm sure you'll understand one day. Hopefully life won't have passed you by at that point

>> No.11782023

Your girlfriend is going to fucking, or ride someone else's dick
get over such a worthless attachment.

>> No.11782024

>I'm sure you'll understand one day.
Understand what?
It's not like I am a bitter incel, interacting with women was what caused me to dislike them...

>> No.11782044

>I'm competing with weemen
you are really low on the intellectual scale

>> No.11782266

Thank you oh wise 20 something Internet virgin. You make such a cogent point. I wonder what vast life experience you drew on to form this revelation.

Go spend some time in the real world and deal with your cognitive dissonance

>> No.11782335

You only argument is that he is a virgin and that "in the real world" women do not cheat?