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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11781075 No.11781075 [Reply] [Original]

I spent most of my teenage years learning humanities out of interest, politics, laws, history, architecture. Now I regret it. Deep down I wanted to learn STEM. Is it too late for me? Are humanities not that bad?

>> No.11781363

>learning humanities out of interest in your leisure time
This is good
>going to a university to major in the humanities
This is bad

>> No.11781485

Same shit for me. Wasted 3 years in arts school because I "hated" math. Was a debate captain etc. No job prospects three years into my degree so I just cut my loses and walked away from it. Decided to learn math. Now I'm almost finished my technical degree and my job sector is growing like crazy. Good to have a bright future.
Oh and just learn the math. Who the fuck cares if its ingrained into your brain or not, pick it up. Are you telling me youre not going to learn anything for the rest of your fucking life?

>> No.11782606

I went and got an Electrical Engineering degree with nothing to show for it but an expensive piece of paper.

>> No.11783217

Eh, I'm finding in my CS PhD program that being conversational about humanities goes a pretty long way towards talking to professors and such. You have to really be an amazing researcher to get away with being a social autist.

>> No.11783227

you don’t learn social intelligence from reading nor will you gain advantages in research science by knowing your latin and greek. What you gain is not something that would be of value to the job market, and if you seek this kind of utility from literature and art you ought not even bother with it but instead spend as much time as possible contemplating a good means of killing yourself.

>> No.11783266

>Is it too late for me?
Do you still breathe? Do your limbs yet function? Seriously, quit with this fatalist bullshit. I feel like everyone is living through some crisis of comparison where the failure to be the next historical genius with their PhD by 18 paralyzes them.

Just cut the shit and live your fucking life you cocksmoking cuck.

>> No.11785340

Thank you. I really needed that

>> No.11787186


STEM, career wise, is often not all it's cracked up to be. Of course, studying purely humanities usually has worse outcomes.

If you gravitated towards subjects in the humanities that's not something you should kick yourself over, you don't get to pick and choose your fascinations.

Try and leverage that knowledge and combine it with new skill acquisition - for example become a data scientist for social science.

>> No.11787345

Got my MA in a humanities degrees and im doing better than expected. People need to stop thinking that degrees are the only source of your income. I worked some type a job up all my years and school and wrote for literary magazines for extra cash to invest in crypto, etc.

If your intention was to teach you'll be fine, otherwise bank of something else, maybe learn another language?

>> No.11787350

You can always change. Apply humanities theory to some stem experience and it may help. Good luck!