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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11779949 No.11779949[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are any if you grads gonna participate?

>> No.11779955

Only If anyone can present evidence that black lives matter more than others.

>> No.11779958

I'm not going to support lie designated as truth that SJWs leaked from their echo chamber. It'll only slow down scientific progress.

>> No.11779965

why would I not work to support riots and violence? I only get funding in a functioning society.

>> No.11780160

What is this bullshit? Can anybody claim anything now to shutdown something they don't understand or like? Jesus Christ my grandfather did not shed his blood for this crap. Fuck this.

>> No.11780188

I like the irony of the person with the robot leg declaring that stem needs to be shut down for excluding people of color.

>> No.11780275

>>What is this bullshit?
/pol/ false flag. Looks like your the kind of idiot that fell for it.

>> No.11780276

You haven't seen anything yet mate a while back there was a de-colonise maths movement.

>> No.11780280

if it's a false flag then it is disconcerting that we even considered it possible, just how far has the overton window been shifted?

>> No.11780311

lol, grad students will join because we all know that undergraduate study is absolute horse shit and protesting is the only way to keep the money people happy. Undergraduate study at an ivy league is equivalent to an overly expensive Disneyland pass and graduate school is where you get the real research prospects and politics flies out the window. This is why at somewhere like Stanford the grad researcher comes from some who gives a fuck catholic college because he probably had time to research something he liked off campus as opposed to doing standard CV stat padding.

Just avoid academia all together and become a day trader, learn how to code without school, and if you like Maths just do it for fun on your own.

>> No.11781270

>your the kind of idiot
Yeah okay. I see.

>> No.11781294

I have a STEM job. Most days I just pretend to work anyway. I guess now I'm doing it for a cause.

>> No.11781299

It literally isn't a false flag. The phys dept at the university I go to (large university, not some tiny liberal arts school) has declared tomorrow a day of "pause" of normal activities. Obviously, this is only done because it's the summer semester and there aren't many classes, but still--it's real.

>> No.11781301

>What is this bullshit?
Biden's trying to get votes from unemployed white women.

>> No.11781322

It's not true, they "shut down" our engineering department. Which meant they run up and down the stairs teying to find the Dean's office for half the day.

Black and white kids studying liberal arts with too much time on their hands.

>> No.11782135
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>> No.11782139
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>> No.11782149
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Sure. Rome is collapsing before our eyes. Might as well expedite our fall for the Chinese.

>> No.11782155

They're scientific issues in the sense that the study of mental illness is.

>> No.11782165

>implying im an un-evolved ape

>> No.11782251
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Ooga booga free gibs for Australopithicus. Science racist, made by wytee to oppress Australopithicus. Must shut down science.

>> No.11782354
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>> No.11782359

dont worry they are only shutting it down im Amerifat. America already had super shit tier science anyway, I hate them irrational apes but we are not losing much.

>> No.11782366
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