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11777662 No.11777662 [Reply] [Original]

Is science trying to prove that reality is an illusion like how religions have been saying?

>> No.11777680

>Is science trying to prove that reality is an illusion
Science can not prove things.
"Reality being an illusion" is not a scientific claim.

>> No.11777685

>what is hologram theory
>what is quantum mechanics
>what is string theory


I admit I could be retarded though

>> No.11777688

>>what is hologram theory
Pseudoscientific wanking.
>>what is quantum mechanics
A description of physics at very small scales.
>>what is string theory
An attempt to describe physics at very large and very small scales together.

What the fuck is your point?

>> No.11777691

>>what is hologram theory
>what is quantum mechanics
>what is string theory
Pseudoscientific wanking.

>> No.11777694

>Pseudoscientific wanking.
QM is a perfectly scientific theory.
String theory appears to me borderline.

>> No.11777703

>what is the unified field

>> No.11777714

What is it?

>> No.11777718

Illusion is that which appears to be real but is not real. So reality cannot be an illusion because that would contradict what an illusion means.

>> No.11777721
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>> No.11777726

Lmao based retard

What an elementary understanding I used to think like this

See non-dualism

>> No.11777730

And what does that have to do with anything at all?

>> No.11777740

Explain how I'm wrong or shut up.
>See non-dualism
I can do that too: see a textbook on basic logic.

>> No.11777742

Alright I'm done with you

You're either being purposely obtuse or are just stupid. If you're being stupid ill take the time to explain things to you

>> No.11777746

You don't even know what nondualism is.

Do yourself a favor and just Google it. Evolve your thinking.

I've taken logic 101 too anon btw

>> No.11777747

What does the concept of unifying QM with GR have to do with a holographic universe?
Where is the connection?

Are you trolling?

>> No.11777766

Anon are you serious?

This is all physics number one. Did yiu even know what the unified field was? Just read up. My capcha is acting up so responses will be slower

>> No.11777771

>Did yiu even know what the unified field was?
Yes. A theory unifying QM with GR.
What are you trying to suggest here?

Why are you bringing this up? It has literally nothing to do with "reality being an illusion".

>> No.11777776

>This is all physics number one.
Classical mechanics is physics 101, by the way.

Shizo theories about reality bring an illusion is not physics at all.

>> No.11777794

Okay anon Plato was a schizo

Thanks for the input

>> No.11777798

>Plato was a schizo
What does Plato have to do with unifying GR and QM.

Also where did Plato say that reality was an illusion?
And even if he did, so what?
It's still totally unscientific.

>> No.11777818

You're so uneducated that it's depressing, I don't think it's worth having this discussion. I might have bad reading comprehension but you implied that realizing the illusion is a schizo idea when that isn't the case.

If our reality is a hologram then reality is an iusion. QM is a bunch of of wacky science that indicates that it's an illusion. The people that know the most don't know how anything works. This is a low effort post on my part.

See the allegory of the room
Plato pretty much states that reality is an illusion. Socrates came to this conclusion too Iirc.

>> No.11777823

>QM is a bunch of of wacky science that indicates that it's an illusion.
Which QM experiment specifically?
Also what is "wacky" about it, besides being highly unintuitive?

>realizing the illusion
The premise is already false.
And again, the claim is, per definition unscientific.

>Plato pretty much states that reality is an illusion.
>Socrates came to this conclusion too Iirc.
And if so, what does that change? Some guy believing something does not make it true, or even scientific.

>> No.11777826

Have you taken psychedelics at least

Honestly will be difficult to have this conversation if you haven't done that at least. I'm sounding like a dick or maybe even retarded but I assure you I'm speaking truth.

>> No.11777835

Not only unscientific, but even incoherent and meaningless.
But I doubt that you care since you are out wanking pseudo intellectual ramblings and telling people they are dumb because they do not have a severe misunderstanding about physics.

>> No.11777838

>Have you taken psychedelics at least
No. Destroying my brain (possibly temporarily) is not a thing I do.

Psychedelics induce a severe temporary mental illness which makes rational or even coherent thought impossible.

>I'm speaking truth
Your drug ravaged brain is generating delusions.
What you say isn't EVEN true.

>> No.11777839

I literally gave you the source where Plato came to this conclusion

See Death of Socrates for his realization

You need to unironically explore philosophy more

Whether reality is an illusion or not is a classical question and many of history's greatest minds, and many of the greatest minds today have come to this conclusion. This ain't to say that a popular idea is true even though this isn't necessarily a popular idea. This also isn't to say smart person think that so me think that too.

>> No.11777845

>I literally gave you the source
Which book, which page? That would be a source.

>Whether reality is an illusion or not is a classical question
It isn't a question. Since it is incoherent.

>and many of history's greatest minds, and many of the greatest minds today have come to this conclusion
No. Again. The question is incoherent.

>> No.11777850

the greatest minds took psycheldics retard lmao
You're just upset I called you a retard for having an elementary view of "reality can't be an illusion cause it's real"

Would you say dreams are an illusion? Do you realize you're dreaming when you're dreaming?

>> No.11777860



Anyways not like it matters you're just going to dismiss it

>> No.11777864

>the greatest minds took psycheldics
No, they did not.
It makes rational and coherent thought impossible.

>I called you a retard for having an elementary view of "reality can't be an illusion cause it's real"
You did not do that. Stop taking drugs.

>Would you say dreams are an illusion?
For me to call something an illusion I must be in a position where I consciously observe something and observation and later observation contradict each other.
Since I am not conscious while dreaming the question is meaningless.

>> No.11777869

It is not a book at all.
Seriously, have you read Plato?

>> No.11777905

You're arguing semantics... Useless

Its a writing that has page numbers

>> No.11777949

Is this not you or is your memory that atrocious

You obviously aren't conscious because you can't even entertain the question

>> No.11777961
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No, the current line of thinking science is focus on views reality as materialistic but human perception of said reality inherently flawed. Basically human perception misses out on way too much information for us to truly think our perspective is objective.

We can only view an extremely small percentage of the electromagnetic spectrum, our range of hearing is worse than a ferret and our sense of smell gets outperformed by dogs. To top this off our perspective of events is highly subjective from a case to case basis due to everyone not being exact genetic clones.

>> No.11777965

Are you Christian by any chance? The Bible was heavily inspired by the use of psycheldics

>> No.11777973
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Nonsensical suggestions the universe may be a simulation and other equally retarded shit is just modern pseudoscientific versions of thought experiments conducted by stoners in the 1960s, like "duuude what if our whole world is just a grain of dirt in the pocket of some giant, maaan? What if there's a whole universe inside one grain of dirt in our pockets brooo? What if the world is really just an experiment created by evil aliens who watch us suffer?" etc

The fantasies of modern mainstream scientists in these fields, about parallel and virtual universes are probably invented because they genuinely have no real meaningful science to do or present, they're so out of ideas they need to manufacture fantastical bullshit in order to get attention and funding. And these kinds of schizo theories are of course made easier in a social environment where schizo shit like dark matter and black holes are already accepted as okay. So they feel enabled by that, they're basically encouraged to engage in this behavior.

It's really completely unscientific and irresponsible, they should know better and be ashamed of themselves. When these kinds of "theories" are passed off as science, shouldn’t they have at least a remote chance of being empirically corroborated? Otherwise how do they differ from ideas like intelligent design or the schizo thoughts of a druggie? They don't.

>> No.11777987

You could he right

Ether was a thing at one point but the whole strangeness of time leads me to belive that they're on to something. Does that makes sense?

>> No.11778172

In a sense...
Imagine life IS a hologram, but you anon, are one of the hologram pieces. Now what? There's no differences between the hologram and you.

>> No.11778571


> Destroying my brain (possibly temporarily)

Most psychedelics actually have regenerative neurological effects, most famously psilocybin. You probably just have a prejudice based on ignorance, check out erowid.com if you ever have the spare time.

>> No.11778601

Yeah, alternative druggies are spouting the same bullshit with the same old twist. "It's not QUANTUM Mechanics, it is CONSCIOUS Mechanics!"

>> No.11778609
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>> No.11778656

I was trying to find something like this

Retards will dismiss it though

>> No.11778660

Woahhhh cool popscience articles

>> No.11778663

>Nonsensical suggestions the universe may be a simulation and other equally retarded shit is just modern pseudoscientific versions of thought experiments conducted by stoners in the 1960s
that is not true, I can't speak for all of it but much of it is based on math and our physical understanding of the universe

>> No.11778665

actual curious freethinkers vs. bigotry

>> No.11779513


>> No.11779684

>If our reality is a hologram then reality is an iusion
No, holography says gravitational physics in n dimensional space is equivalent to non-gravitational physics on n-1 dimensional space.