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File: 7 KB, 225x225, thunk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11773022 No.11773022 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on nuclear energy.
On paper it seems ideal, but all the pseud (Reddit) support it has makes me think there's a catch.

>> No.11773087

Australian guy a few bit of memes in it but got some good stuff

>> No.11773148

The catch is, its super expensive to set up and you also must deactivate it. So no profits forever

>> No.11773163

Lmao imagine being unable to think for yourself

>> No.11773166
File: 170 KB, 962x721, 28085538-8294057-image-a-24_1588795731941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The construction and decommissioning costs make it economically untenable compared to natural gas or most other sources. The environmental impact is a non-issue, and there are promising concepts for new reactor designs, fuel recycling, and other features that unfortunately will never be adopted. Solar and wind are actually worse for the environment, but have much better marketing.

>> No.11773175

Reddit just supports whatever the Chinese government is in favor of. I don’t think the fact that China is in favor of nuclear power really tells you anything in this case. Try simple.wikipedia.org

>> No.11773177

Pretty much this, the only major argument against it is you can't make a quick buck on it.

>> No.11773182
File: 64 KB, 600x483, Baka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with nuclear is that people think it's expensive. They think it's expensive because NPPs are not built in large numbers in western countries. It's quite cheap in Asia where economies of scale push the price down by a lot.

For example, look at Barakah nuclear power plant in United Arab Emirates. That's 4 reactors (APR-1400, South Korean model) for $24.4 billion USD.

Assuming 90 % capacity factor, 1345 MW output per reactor, 1 % interest rate, 40 year economic life (technical life is 60+ years), $20/MWh operating + fuel + decommissioning + waste disposal cost, the cost of electricity would only be $37.52/MWh.

That is not expensive, especially when you consider it's base load and the plants can do load-following as well.

>> No.11773204
File: 125 KB, 630x446, Nukes fast to build.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nukes would be optimal for lowering CO2 emissions fast.

>> No.11773208
File: 57 KB, 942x517, Fatalies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nukes would be optimal for saving lives.

>> No.11773214

Intellectual dishonesty

>> No.11773215
File: 47 KB, 696x530, LandReq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nukes would be optimal for land use.

>> No.11773221

Try using big boy arguments next time so you wouldn't be laughed at.

>> No.11773224
File: 44 KB, 584x451, Materials.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nukes would be optimal for minimizing mining.

>> No.11773225

Stop playing dumb

>> No.11773229

redpill me on peat, why does it kill so many?

>> No.11773232
File: 28 KB, 900x600, Emissions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nukes would be optimal choice for CO2-free electricity production.

>> No.11773237

Seeing how death rate is pretty similar for bio and oil, I'd guess mostly due to the PM 2.5 emissions it causes when burned.

>> No.11773243

How am I playing dumb? It's not news that nuclear energy kills the least amount of people per Wh produced.

>> No.11773258

Super expensive. The elements that may have better uses than fuel in the future are irrecoverably destroyed.

>> No.11773285

It's not super expensive when economies of scale and cheap capital (goverment loan interest rates are often zero) are utilized.

For example, a Finnish university found nuclear to be the cheapest source of electricity in Finland when all costs were calculated (cost of renewables almost never includes grid-related costs).

>> No.11773290

What does economies of scale and cheap capital mean?
There is a basic cost of any power source in relation to others regardless of that isn't there?

>> No.11773296

No, there is no "basic cost". Go look up Wright's law.

Nuclear is heavy on CAPEX so having a lower interest rate for that makes a huge difference.

>> No.11773715

fission bad fusion good

>> No.11773728

fusion is the ultimate goal of technology, it would give us infinite cheap energy. Fission is meh

>> No.11773736

gen II worked but was unsafe (TMI fukushima chernobyl)
gen III is safe and modernized but expensive and challenging to build due to long investment times and hard regulation
gen IV is all about making new designs that will make nuclear powerplants easier to build (most important factor) but also run at higher temperatures (more efficient) and produce less waste (alternative fuel cycles)

Nuclear is based but the current economics and regulation is to poor for companies and politicians to peruse

>> No.11775409

It may well have a very cheap $ per MWH once up and running but it's still so expensive and time consuming to get going that nobody is willing to invest in it. Nuclear is a huge financial risk compared to the emerging renewable markets

>> No.11775607

How long until fusion is viable? There’s the “always 30 years away” meme, but how is it really?

>> No.11775674

at our current pace, infinity years away

>> No.11775704
File: 367 KB, 1600x900, external-content.duckduckgo-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That is not expensive,

Don't forget to add the cost of the inevitable Chernobyl-sized dead spot in your country. Which totally won't be the fault of Nuclear, just one guy's fault for making a human error.

>> No.11775718

>gen II worked but was unsafe (TMI fukushima chernobyl)

Everyone said Fukushima and Chernobyl were perfectly safe, right up until the day they weren't. Then is was some obvious error that no one would ever make, never mind that they just did.

If gen IV reactors are idiot proof, some suit will start trading safety for profit until it explodes.

>> No.11775804

25 years away now, it will be 20 years away in about 30 years.

>> No.11777021

Since when have Chernobyl-sized "dead" spots been inevitable? Are you maybe stupid?

Also, it's not a dead spot. Nature is thriving in the exclusion zone due to fewer humans being around. I would say it's a natural park if anything.

I will choose an extra natural park any day over extra human deaths. Nuclear kills less people than even wind or solar (Chernobyl statistics included) so why would you choose anything else?

>> No.11777024

Who the hell ever said Chernobyl and Fukushima wrere safe?

There were a lot of safety complaint against Fukushima over the years.


>> No.11777030

Every place with a winter season looks like a desolate wasteland at some point of the year. Post pics from the middle of summer and stop the propaganda.

>> No.11777034

If all the elecitrity generated by nuclear power plants was made with solar instead, we would need 4.5 exclusion zones for the panels.

>> No.11777605

what about the thorium reactor concept?
could that make it more economical?
is there a way to reduce construction cost?

>> No.11777641

The easiest way to make nuclear cheaper is to simply build more of it. Even a piece of shit Lada-car costs as much as a Ferrari if you only build one of each.

Asian reactors are cheap because multiple are being built all the time.

>> No.11777681

You're not wrong.
But it's initial investment, vs how long it takes for it to be profitable.
Also the investment required for state owned entities will mean a temporary increase in power bills to offset this which is not a good way to win elections.

>> No.11777689

also nuclear plant projects always overrun in costs and time.

my country wants to build 2 new reactors and the project has been stalled for 2 years now cause allegedly the rooskies can't manage EU regulations