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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11772247 No.11772247[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How would you revolutionize the education system?

>> No.11772252 [DELETED] 

Step 1: Completely eliminate the influence of Jews.

>> No.11772253

I would:
>abolish the no child left behind act
>force schools to stop teaching anti-white narratives and teach history objectively
>prohibit overusage of holocaust media
>cut funding for big ass meme universities like harvard

>> No.11772255

recognize that history is a thing made by cultures, not races

>> No.11772257 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11772261

Biology is the seed, culture is the tree. Race/blood is the soil it grows in.

>> No.11772269

Oh, and of course, this.

>> No.11772289

Base most high school/collage physics classes off the Feynman lectures at Caltech (with modern updates of course). In math, try to eliminate the new philosophy going around that real world examples are bad, and you should understand math without them. While at some point, you will have to throw them away to advance further, why throw away a useful tool from the start?

>> No.11772299

Incredible. At the ripe young age of 13, this girl already knew that she would rather be a degenerate leech than a scientist. She should have been allowed to drop out of school to study or do whatever she wanted.

>> No.11772302

Programmed approach to learning. I.e doing guided exercises and mastering through problems. None of this 'read the textbook' crap

>> No.11772304 [DELETED] 

Higher education (uni): Eliminate oral lectures, have written material handed out to everyone. Use in person lectures for consultation, where students can ask questions about what they couldn't understand. Also I might be biased but lower the number of labs and have more theoritical classes.

Lower education: There's so much bs in this I don't even know where to start. Reduce the amount of humanities but also add some law. Allow more specialisation earlier, like high school or middle school. Kill every teacher.

>> No.11772305

>Teaches objective history
>Ends up teaching predominantly Chinese, Persian, and Roman history and then on to how the UK ass raped the world for 300 years, thereby solidifying anti-white narratives.
>cuts funding for the school that consistently produces math/physics geniuses year after year.

It's better to just be honest and teach black history as part of the curriculum; it would take no longer than a month the entire K-12 school years

>> No.11772311 [DELETED] 

>>11772247 (OP)
Higher education (uni): Eliminate oral lectures, have written material handed out to everyone. Use in person lectures for consultation, where students can ask questions about what they couldn't understand. Also I might be biased but lower the number of labs and have more theoritical classes.

Lower education: There's so much bs in this I don't even know where to start. Reduce the amount of humanities but also add some law. Allow more specialisation earlier, like high school or middle school. Kill all teachers.

>> No.11772316
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Depends entirely on what the community/government wants. The current system (if we're talking US here) is a mishmash of ideas with no clear direction or a legitimate end game. You are basically pointing a gun to kids telling them to attend school until their 18th birthday and figure life out afterwards. In the meantime you are rolling the dice on their parents having some sensibility to help them decide what to do afterwards.

The first step to revolutionizing education is to create a system that helps kids manifest and optimize their own desires/talents. Instead of trying to compete for the highest scholastic marks which most couldn't give a rats ass about.

>> No.11772318

Depends on subject. I think they should have way more labs/ computer practicals for chemistry.

>> No.11772323

Higher education (uni): Eliminate oral lectures, have written material handed out to everyone. Use in person lectures for consultation, where students can ask questions about what they couldn't understand. Also I might be biased but lower the number of labs and have more theoritical classes.

Lower education: There's so much bs in this I don't even know where to start. Reduce the amount of humanities but also add some law. Allow more specialisation earlier, like high school or middle school. Kill every teacher.

>> No.11772331

You know what wouldn't solidify the "WHITE MAN BAD" narrative? The Arab and Barbary slave trades.

>> No.11772352

Oh don't worry, they'd say the same thing christcucks say, "it wasn't slavery because it was there own people" and "they released them after x years of labor, and some even married into the family, so it doesn't count as slavery"

The far left will always say white man bad no matter what. It's the educators' job to be honest and say "We're teaching you about the Renaissance because art, philosophy, and medicine will aid society better than dancing around a fire for thousands of years. Public school is for the good of the collective, so if you want to personalize your education, go to a private school or wait till college to get your gender studies degree"

>> No.11772371

for science students, get rid of the required humanity courses. No joke, my sociology teacher spent 30+ minutes talking about average male penis size after a student suggested it as a troll.

>> No.11772383

>average male penis size
>male penis size
What's the average female penis size?

>> No.11772385
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I would make detention or scholastic punishments be watching a dedicated lazy teacher/parent/Elder shitting or jerking off.

That way you humans keep having a career or a constant reminder that some of you are only good for shitting and masturbating.

>t.Elder NPC

>> No.11772387

China has zero global relevance or presence.

>> No.11772408

Not all of them. Languages, local history and culture, intro philosophy, logic, and writing (technical and creative) should all be mandatory. Science is not the only important thing for an undergrad.

>> No.11772415

>make school optional after the 6th grade
>remove public funding for schools
>institute a scholarship system for poor kids with an exam they can take after completion of the 6th grade
>fund education in trades for the dumb kids who don't want to continue with schooling
>now that 50% of kids do not need to go on after 6th grade, we can accelerate the rest of the kids and have them finish their remainder of schooling in 3-4 years
>make teaching a lucrative and prestigious profession
>make getting an educational degree as hard as getting into med school or law school (with appropriate monetary compensation)
pretty easy

>> No.11772448

I took all of those on your list, but logic. It's hard to say I got any real benefit from them. The writing classes in particular were based more on writing what the teacher agreed with, than grammar or writing ability. I guess I learned how to bs, but that was about it.

>> No.11772497

Teach kids to study at home, tell them what they have to figure out to level up. Make school hold classes for interests (animation, 3d-modelling, clothes design, car engines, space technologies, programming, music, math, poetry, whatever kids actually like.
Universities shoud eliminate lectures, because they're brainwashing and waste of time, there are always better lectures online, those lectures you can pause and rewind when needed.
Also what they say should be taken into consideration:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebqAH5mLZNk (the second half of the speech)

>> No.11772556

Abolish the public schooling system. You can have your own private schools if you want, I don't care, but public education has got out of hand. For literally all of human history (until 100 years ago) parents raised their children, but now we've completely flipped that around, the government raises your children (with daycare, schools, after school activities, college) and parents just feed and water their children. It's sickening. Public schools only came about because small communities took pity on the families who, for one reason or another, couldn't teach their children at home, so they set up small schools for kids from multiple families.

This has lead to homes becoming glorified condos, where parents are children are almost entirely segregated into their own rooms. Children are closer to their friends than they are to their parents and siblings. This has the effect of delaying maturity; instead of Dad teaching you how to be a man, you just run around with your pack of friends until...what exactly? You leave high school, or even college? So now we have 25-30y/o boys in men's bodies. They never grew up, it's sad. Men as young as 15 used to lead other men into naval battles, but now we have boys in their 20s who's major daily struggles involve what colour jeans to wear on a given day.

Tl;dr: the public education system is cancer and has to go.

>> No.11772614

Then I would say that's more an issue with teacher oversight. I took all of those classes and felt unironically enriched by them, especially, speaking of, my creative writing course. It was laid bad and relaxing, while not being just a throwaway class. I legitimately got a lot of writing confidence by reading my writing out loud to the class for discussion. However I will mention writing was already a passion of mine, so of course I'm a bit biased there. It's definitely all on how the teachers are.

>> No.11772651

The clitoris is typically 2 to 3 cm.

>> No.11772663

Well, I agree with you about the teachers. Perhaps we could agree then that a better way to filter the good and the bad would improve things?

>> No.11772669

Oh jeeze, I'm so glad you figured out the fatal flaw in this system. Let's just replace it with a loose collection of privitized learning and then place the burden of properly educating children on parents of variable intelligence.

The only real thing this post showed was how poorly you ended up internalizing interpersonal interactions.

>> No.11772671

I'll tell you. Turn the focus completely onto epistemology, critical thinking, forms of valid
inference and basic proof-making/problem solving in fundamental math and physics.
No introduction to history, politics, economics, social sciences or unsubstantiated physical
sciences--anything "opinionated"--until this very important groundwork is laid down. Otherwise,
education remains nothing more than a pile of random anecdotal garbage thrown at students until they
can pass a test.

Second, abolish testing. It is stressful for students, makes learning for its own sake pointless, and is not revealing of talent or genuine competency.

Third, individualize learning. Few students should have to attend classes or lectures. Some are more hands-on; others prefer to read, watch videos or have conversations. It should not be that hard or expensive to tailor education for each student.

>> No.11772672


The Optimum Institute.


Modeled after Einstein's Institute for Advanced Study and Sabine Hossenfelder's Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Study.

The idea is to think of education as being self guided and project based.

Eric Weinstein and Stephen Wolfram are also doing a lot of interesting things in the space.

>> No.11772681

>Let's just replace it with a loose collection of privitized learning and then place the burden of properly educating children on parents of variable intelligence.
Yes, let's return to the way basic education was conducted for the almost entirety of human existence.

>> No.11772690

>the public education system is cancer and has to go.
Along with any hopes of solving our current wealth inequality problem, which will get even more unbelievably out of hand with your system. In fact, Republicans have been trying to do this for years, somewhat successfully, by defunding public schools.

Assuming you're talking about the US, of course.

>> No.11772703


Set up Optimum Centers, everywhere. Self guided, project based learning. Why would anyone spend 18 years memorizing things that are easily accessible through the internet? We should be BUILDING in our education centers. Self guided. Let the students decide what they want to work on. Eric Weinstein is kind of doing something like this now, but he still thinks he has to dictate the projects. LET THE STUDENTS DECIDED THE ENTIRE PROCESS.



America 2.0

>> No.11772730

Smaller classes with more professional and higher paid teachers. More one-on-one learning and an open environment where kids can ask questions and engage the teachers and have conversations. Not gym teachers earning $20/hr to read a lecture they don't understand to 40 kids that aren't paying attention.

Stop wasting time with useless projects like making posters.

STEM and trades should be given higher priority, then art+writing, then everything else.

Understand that some kids are retarded and will never contribute anything. Teach them to push a broom and get them working, rather than slowing down the rest of the class.

>> No.11772746

Great, so now even more white girls will become unemployed marine biologists while black men all sign up to be sportball stars and rappers. How many of the millions who desire to be in those areas can the market support?

>> No.11772777
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med student here + blog

We got chewed on for 30 minutes by our teacher because we didn't research and know what the average male penis size is

>tfw me and the boys knew but no one said anything
>tfw the girls probably knew too but stayed quiet
>tfw had to bring at least 3 research papers about the male penis for next week

>> No.11772783

>Also I might be biased but lower the number of labs
lol why? labs are the best part

>> No.11772786

>Assuming you're talking about the US, of course.
Incorrect assumption. Regardless, there is nothing wrong with wealth inequality. One man earning more than another is 100% ok

>> No.11772789

>>tfw had to bring at least 3 research papers about the male penis for next week
based trips, I hope your paper was based on dick r8 threads on /b/ and /soc/

>> No.11772796

>There's so much bs in this I don't even know where to start.
More hands on classes that actually put to use the other class. Smaller classes, less repetition homework, less testing, more physical activity that's not just running in a circle with thumbs in your ass.

>> No.11772800

>but no one said anything
So you guys were little bitches and tards. Should have had the length, grith, and vagina length/circumcision. Before and after arousal.

>> No.11772804

>Incorrect assumption.
Apologies. I tend to assume everyone is thinking the same things as me when I read. Must be the autism.
>Regardless, there is nothing wrong with wealth inequality. One man earning more than another is 100% ok
Agreed. But wealth inequality in the US is abnormally high. It's only a matter of time before it bites us in the ass.

>> No.11772815

The average /soc/ penis size is probably 4.7 inches because of the dicklet threads

fuck off Mrs.S we already gave you what you wanted

>> No.11772838

That sucks, yeah seems like they wan't to teach med students to be rude and crude if necessary to get the job done. I've been on rounds so I seen it first hand. Ironically, all of "new" doctors I've worked with are as nice as they can be.

>> No.11772853

It's way too much work for way too little extra knowledge. If you know theory you can easily learn everything later anyway.

>> No.11772885

It was a shit test, you're (unfortunately) going to be doctors eventually, you can't act like a bunch of prude fucking grade schoolers. Unless you're saying that somebody guessed and she got angry that it was wrong, it was more you're all fags for being too scared to speak medically about an anatomical part.

>> No.11772903

We nailed the penis and the vagina after that. I can talk about dicks with anyone now.

>> No.11772916

Entirely. At the moment, as far as I've seen there's hardly any oversight on professors, especially once they have tenure. It's kind of insane really.

>> No.11772928


>> No.11772933
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>How many of the millions who desire to be in those areas can the market support?
>have every community host aquaculture hatcheries for nearby rivers, lakes and oceans for food production of fish and ecosystems maintenance
>have professional sports expand into widespread community health programs for each city that keep the public active
>encourage rappers to invest more into being multilingualists

There I just solved your conundrum.

>> No.11772951

your meme is wrong

>> No.11772955

tbf in a less general sense it's not wrong assuming both functions have the same domain. but the general notation is f(x) = y

>> No.11773020

*physics, mathematics and economic theory completely evaporate*

>> No.11773027

>cut funding for private schools
You're fucking smart bro

>> No.11773031

You guys are so autistic lol. Have you ever interacted with a child/teenager?

>> No.11773042

Ancient China is the ancient Greece of the eastern hemisphere

>> No.11773057

low IQ, low motivation student should be in completely different schools than their superiors. everyone should be in a class that operates at rougly their fastest most intense possible learning speed at all times. lower levels can have the option of going right to trades, while smart kids wont be brought down by unchallenging classes and an environment in which education isn't considered important.
this would be elitist, but everyone would benefit from it. there would be racial disparities, but that's completely irrelevant. i dont think there's a single better program with which to revolutionize education, at least in america where i live - to some extent, this is already the case in germany, a far more educated country.

>> No.11773060


>> No.11773066

Privatize it and don't make it compulsory and don't create a meme-education bubble by providing so much loan money.

>> No.11773112

that's racist

>> No.11773124

Did the the age of consent thread that comes every week pop up yet? If so then you'll find your answer there.

>> No.11773130

I feel we are also missing an important element as well in this thread. Whether or not the methods are good, if the teachers don't actually try or worse have the skills necessary then we might as well just throw kids in a cement mixer for the good these ideas will do.

>> No.11773151

Well everyone knows what it feels like to have bad teacher. The only thing I can think of doing is putting a camera in the class for the elementary schools, and constantly/randomly having their performance reviewed by an independent outside panel. It's a stretch, but I'd want it for my kids.

>> No.11773153

>abolish public education

>> No.11773160

he only thing I can think of doing is putting a camera in the class for the elementary schools, and constantly/randomly having their performance reviewed by an independent outside panel.
way to make kids terrified of getting an answer wrong. im sure the pervs will love the hours of footage of 13 yos flirting and girls adjusting their barely-existent tops

>> No.11773168

It's ok. We'll make chemical castration a requirement for the job.

>> No.11773173

this reminds me of my other suggestion for improving education: clamp down on slutty outfits with an iron will. we cant have our next generation of scientists and engineers not paying attention in physics class because they're too busy staring at tiddies. this is especially a problem in inner city schools; my aunt teaches in one and she has to spend a half hour "covering the ta-ta's" because she's the only woman teacher for the grade.

>> No.11773179

Two options:
>have a very hardline and very clear dress policy without a uniform so kids can learn to dress themselves without being spoon fed
>Blast the AC till it's hitting single digits.

>> No.11773183

>biology is the seed
>biology is the soil
> i am the highway

>> No.11773191

Are you personally okay with the fact that financiers make money off of companies failing using only calculus? But let us not forget that shorting stocks affects the economy in a negative way.

Are you also okay with your boss making more money than you because of the connections he made in college and because he is paid to do social labor?

Capitalism cannot include social labor. This is what "communism" AKA worker's party attempts to rectify.

>> No.11773194

>that financiers make money off of companies failing using only calculus
what in the actual fuck? ahahahahahahahaha

>> No.11773211

>Econometrics uses real math guys
Please stop shitposting, it's modern day horoscopes; you can't predict the market on math alone, John Nash proved that. I know this is not a fact because Chads major in finance and they all hate math.

>> No.11773218

So you concede that trading stocks isn't "using calculus"? Thanks.

>> No.11773226

You seem more interested in debate than discussion my friend. I don't need to respond to such an obvious falsehood.

>> No.11773228

This >>11773194 is the first post I made in this thread. My primary interest is laughing at your dumbass.

>> No.11773236

And there it is. An unabashed shitposter.

>> No.11773238

Thanks for all the (You)s, retard. Let me guess: the only reason you aren't out there making millions from "using only calculus" is your epic moral superiority.

>> No.11773395

Only teach math and science. Only those who get Ph.D in math or hard science get the right to vote.

>> No.11773417 [DELETED] 

Completely elliminate mandatory education, instead offer courses that can be taken at any time. (Or regular intervals, if that would be too much to bother) Your education would consist of the courses and tests you succesfully passed, rather than a title.

>> No.11773421

Completely elliminate mandatory education, instead offer courses that can be taken at any time. (Or regular intervals, if that would be too much to bother) Your education would consist of the courses and tests you succesfully passed, rather than a title.

>> No.11773433 [DELETED] 

Yeah, it would let most whites illiterate, if you didn't force them to learn.
Why are whites so antieducation anyway? Both Asians and africans value getting educated, while whites think being smart is a good insult.

>> No.11773461

I've been teaching high school physics for 5 years now. Here's what I think:
>Abolish "grade levels". You simply have an achievement level in each individual subject. Through assessment, teachers determine when students advance to the next level. Students can repeat subject levels until they pass, or give up.
>Jobs higher not based on "degree" qualifications, but based on job-specific achievement profiles. You may only be at 2nd level in art, but if you're 15th level in math you can go work for SpaceX or whatever.
>After 6th grade, you decide if you're interested in going the "academic" route or the "trade" route. If you pick trade, you immediately begin spending at least half of your school time learning trades of your choice and eventually shadowing/apprenticing real trade workers.
>Teachers start getting paid more, and are held to higher standards.

I have a lot more but that's my dream system. Teachers waste SO MUCH time and effort trying to educate kids who are frankly just dumb and academically hopeless, and who don't even want to be learning what you're teaching.

Anyone who tries to teach you something is trying to offer you a gift, something they hold precious. It is frustrating and senseless for all parties involved if you are FORCED to receive the gift, even if you don't want it.

>> No.11773484

>if the teachers don't actually try
Every teacher I've ever known who doesn't try is either in it for another reason (i.e., wanted to coach football or just wants to be an admin), or is burnt out on trying to teach retards who don't care about their class.

>or worse have the skills necessary
This is unfortunately a reality. I'm probably the smartest teacher at my school, and I'm just kind-of smart.
Once I made up a fun challenge problem for my AP Physics students: to determine the radius of a planet made entirely of Osmium metal whose gravitational field strength at its surface was the same as Earth's. Another science teacher, who actually used to teach physics, saw the problem and decided he wanted to try and solve it. He spent literally all day working on it, didn't teach shit that day, and eventually (with a few hints...) came to the answer via the most roundabout method conceivable.
The next day, proud of having "solved" it, he took it around to all the other math / sci teachers - not a single one of them could solve it, or even begin to make any attempt at a solution. It takes all of about 2 minutes to solve if you have basic algebra skills and all the equations are sitting right there in front of you. Rant over.

>> No.11773500

The far left doesn't really say "white man bad". The far left is full of class-reductionists who just say "Capitalism-man bad". The moderate left are the ones always going white man bad lol.

>> No.11773708

I mean, I knew this thread was full of /pol/tards, but I never expected someone to straight up admit it.

>> No.11773741

glad you people have no say in our education system.. you racists are far away from a scientific mindset.

Obviously the answer is to increase individual teching and to decrease group teaching. Also make learning material free or easily available. Maybe reduce the necessity for physical attendence and lastly emphasize rewards in the grade system and deamphasize punishment.

>> No.11773763
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>Universities shoud eliminate lectures, because they're brainwashing and waste of time
So what my professor said about three phase AC power is wrong? It isn't the best way to transfer electricity? Fuck.... I've been brainwashed

>> No.11773781

Make it freely available, and more importantly, figure out a way to distribute it. 95% of the material is already freely accessible online, most of the work is in composing curricula by aggregating this material. stackexchange fills the teacher void, whenever a student has a question just go there. teachers unions will put up a fight though

>> No.11773790

Teachers are functionally redundant imo, the services they provide are worst-in-class when compared to competitors, only thing keeping them alive is societal complacency

>> No.11773793

Agreed, teachers should only be present for the very basics that cannot be self-taught such as reading. From that point on they should learn to study independently, and teachers should only function as question-answering machines

>> No.11773797

I don't care how good it is, if I have to pay for it I will expect financial incentives to fuck me over at some point. Eric Weinstein actually talks about this, and I doubt that he would support whatever is going on here

>> No.11773799

Sounds like a lot of maternity leave is coming up then eh

>> No.11773800

lol, why are you trying to push yourself out of the market anon

>> No.11773874

> We used to do it so it must be good.
Yeah let's go back to dying of preventable disease too.

>> No.11773903

>The first step to revolutionizing education is to create a system that helps kids manifest and optimize their own desires/talents. Instead of trying to compete for the highest scholastic marks which most couldn't give a rats ass about.

This is hippie empty rhetoric, because kids have no clue what they want to do and moreover what is a realistic expectation. You want them to make an educated choice? You need to give them knowledge.

The real problem is that methods of teaching are antique, putting 30 kids in a room with an often mediocre adult writing stuff on a blackboard is middle age tier. Today we know a lot about the neuropsychology of learning yet there is 0 use of self-learning, spaced repetition, chunking, loci method, etc... in school while these methods should be taught FIRST YEAR of school.
I'm convinced the average kid could have 4-5 times more knowledge by the time he is out of school and this knowledge would be much more solidified.

>> No.11773910

I'd rather study black history and get universal basic income than study cell biology and get paid peanuts anyway.
I am a molecular biologist and I did study cell biology. Black history is a more stimulating use of my time.

>> No.11774029

This is very true. Everyone talks about teaching kids all sorts of stuff and wonder when a 5 years old can do highschool math, but nobody ever consider that the first thing everyone should be taught is how to fucking learn in the first place.
I study in one of the best universities of my country and boy i was surprised when i saw how many people just don't know how to approach studying in the first place.
I have seen many talented students suffer because since they were little nobody taught them to develop proper study habits, only a "if you can't learn this in 1 hour then force yourself to repeat it for 3 hours" philosophy so they just smash their heads at the classic textbooks, even when searching an alternative such as a some 5 minute animation from Youtube or some less convoluted diagram from google images could help them absorb the material a lot easier. For a minority it comes naturally but most won't really apply it unless you give them some guidance first, that's what school should be for - when they get to university it's harder to fix.

>> No.11774049

Imagine thinking that learning black history is more interesting than studying the fundamental mechanisms that lie at the core of life itself
>molecular biologist
Nevermind, i won't talk to you or your wife's son ever again

>> No.11774051

>teach history objectively
No such thing

>> No.11774087

>the Feynman lectures at Caltech (with modern updates of course)
are they really that good? I thought Feynman was just a Reddit meme.

>> No.11774099

Look if we want to go full on then I'd say school is only for jews and asians while the rest work in the slave mines and data farms.

>> No.11774128

His teaching methods are down to earth, but he still covers difficult material. He is also explains math formulas and large numbers in a way that gives you some intuition about the math. ie double the distant from a planet, and the force is gravity by a forth, if an apple was the size of the earth, then it's atoms would be the size of an apple. Also he throws in a few good jokes from time to time.

>> No.11774157

I'd say the biggest problem in high school now are all the kids getting hooked on drugs, or just getting in with the wrong crowd in general. I know how memeish "drugs are bad" sounds, but 5/5 of my grade school friends got hooked, 4/5 work crap jobs while still hooked 15 years later, while the one that got clean worked himself up to a whooping $15/hour job

>> No.11774234

Mitochondria everywhere. Mitochondrial math, mitochondrial biochemistry, mitochondrial physics, mitochondrial evolutive and research history
Also this

>> No.11774246

I would create state sponsored learning modular system which could freely be done online for education credits/certifications.
The structure would have suggested paths based on many factors, along with a complex interconnections so people can branch their studies. Some major factors I can think of are
- learning types, as not everyone learns the same way
- learning objectives, what are they trying to get out of it (i.e. understanding, fun challenge, career, money, ...)
- civil demand, publicly known preference formula to help balance study demand at large (i.e. support other subjects so society's job market doesn't get flooded a few year later with everyone jumping on the next skill bubble, then busting with collapsed wages.)
- knowledge type, focus on applied knowledge (get things done) vs fundamental knowledge (know how things work) vs discovery

The goal is to allow people to learn what they want and help them find way to apply that knowledge so they can improve themselves and society. There would also be several required sections to insure everyone has the minimum skill set, similar to high school but with more flexible learning options. An army of support educators would be active to keep it all running, and in class and hands on units would be available or even required in relevant cases that can't be automated. Limited high level target certifications would be done by public matches based on merits, and

Additional social supports for social skills development would be pushed by a parallel system involving a mix of sports, rec classes, online gaming, and other routes to help people build social skills needed.

The whole point of all this is to enable people to build their own education which also meets the needs of the society, so we get the most win-win outcomes. People would make informed compromises based on demand data so they could balance their interests with lifestyle goals.

>> No.11774251

Just do this

>> No.11774272

Not clicking the play button

>> No.11774339

what is F'(x) then?

>> No.11774360
File: 93 KB, 1198x652, 1591394468686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>This is hippie empty rhetoric, because kids have no clue what they want to do

As opposed to what? Continuing this sham of a rat race between peers and other countries for higher test scores every year? It's much more reasonable to focus on helping kids manifest and optimize their own wants and needs so they don't have to depend on financial incentives to satisfy them.

>and moreover what is a realistic expectation.

The realistic expectation is that despite jumping through hoops for nearly two decades, 95% of the student body every year are going to eventually work jobs they don't like and be underpaid because the job market can't support everyone working +80k jobs. And before you say it's because said 95% aren't working hard enough, it wouldn't matter if they did because there just isn't enough slots at the upper tax brackets for people to do this. Someone has to be the clerk, cashier or janitor...at least until automation catches up and takes it from them.

>You want them to make an educated choice? You need to give them knowledge.

They can already be told what the ""educated choice"" is already though. After graduating high school, they join a military branch, get assigned/work a spot the asvab gives them for +4 years, either stay for 20 years to get full retirement/ benefits and/or apply for a STEM degree and let the government pay for it. Then do private contracting for the highest pay possible. That's the "educated choice" because that's what cuts through all the bullshit. The problem is everyone can't do this because perks such as government paying for college exist to entice people to join since the majority doesn't. The moment the majority does is the moment those perks go away.

Giving them "knowledge" of all this basically let's them know the system is effectively rigged from the start for most who join. Thus why it's better to focus on the children's desires and talents so they won't prioritize monetary rewards they probably won't get.

>> No.11774374

Make it optional/voluntary

>> No.11774519

kek i had an entire test made up of questions like that, teacher was a russian space autist

>> No.11774541

You try studying proteins going up and down filaments, collagen being exported and unpacked, chaperones folding retards. Fuck this shit. Fuck it.
I'd rather study about malcolm X and MLK and racism.

>> No.11774542


>> No.11774546

1 semester on the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean. 1 semester on Medieval and Modern Europe (till the French Revolution). 1 semester on the Islamic world. 1 semester on China. 1 semester on the Modern and Contemporary World. Nothing on other cultures.

>> No.11774561

What did he mean by this?

>> No.11774582

>more physical activity that's not just running in a circle with thumbs in your ass
uhhh what sort of school did you go to anon?

>> No.11774614

Your suggestion is shit

>> No.11774621

Just do this

>> No.11774642

remove all white professors from unis

>> No.11774719

No compulsory education. Education paths for dumb normies.

>> No.11774722

In mathematics first expain the idea most intuitive before to jump to more abstract idea.

It is very important

>> No.11774757

>cut funding for univerisites the government doesn't fund

>> No.11774759

>he doesn't know

>> No.11774763

Bad allocation of time.