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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11770872 No.11770872 [Reply] [Original]

Are we ever going to get back the "normal life" we had before covid?

By "normal life" i mean things like
>Being able to gather and meet friends without worry
>No enforced 6 feet distancing
>Able to go to bars, pubs and restaurants with zero social distancing measures enforced
>Businesses at 100% capacity
>Cinemas fully open
>Concerts and festivals back to 100% normal

Will this ever be possible? Because I am seeing so much talk from health officials, doctors, scientists, politicians and journalists alike that suggests we are never going to get things back, that permanent social distancing is going to become the "new normal" as they say literally forever. I can't live like that forever, it sounds like a totally joyless society where all we are permitted to do is go to work all day, then skitter back home and watch our government-approved netflix series.

Can you give me any reassurance, /sci/?

>> No.11770883
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Don't worry. The guberment needs money so they would rather sacrifice normies Stalingrad style than shut everything down again.
Everything will be back to normal in September, bar the many excessive deaths the guberment will sweep under the rug.

>> No.11770886

if you allow them, they will torment you forever

>> No.11770903

Sounds fucking excellent, particularly if working from home becomes standard corporate practice. No more hours of my life wasted commuting to a concrete jungle shithole.

>> No.11770905

>No more hours of my life wasted commuting to a concrete jungle shithole.
No, instead your home becomes ruined because you mentally start to associate it as "the place to work" rather than "the place to relax". You will also be expected to work all hours of the day, because you can now, as you are living 24/7 in the same space that you work. The work never starts, the work never ends.

>> No.11770907

it would benefit the environment as well

>> No.11770926
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Exactly, and God forbid you if your home life (family etc.) gets in your work life.
>Are we ever going to get back the "normal life" we had before
I'm 100% sure humans have asked the same at every pandemic. And every time a portion of the population has gained immunity and things have eventually gone back to normal -- this will most likely be the case for COVID too as recent studies have shown. The only reason we've been so drastically affected is that capitalism requires that firms produce an unrealistically high surplus to function properly, and is also horribly inefficient at assigning resources when they're required urgently. Planned economy in first-need goods (this is feasible given today's technology) and free market in luxury goods should be the way to go.

>> No.11771028


>> No.11771038

It's not even that, it's just that corona evolves pretty swiftly, we need a vaccine from the middle evolutions to wipe the major infection rate off the map. Once everyone has had the disease from the major middle groups of covid-19 we should be able to return to that.

>> No.11773106

People like you that think you can just "mix socialism and capitalism" are the living version of that midwit meme with the 140+ iq pepe and the <=80 pepe shaking hands. Retards with just enough kmowledge to be unreasonably confident in your solutions and ideas without actually being competent at all.

>> No.11773115

At this point the government is just seeing what they can get away with. It doesn’t matter if they lift it because they can just tell us to stay inside again and we’ll probably even do it faster next time. The American servers are getting boring.

>> No.11773116
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Don't worry bro, the virus "disappears" when niggers and liberals protest

>> No.11773659

>Normal life
>meeting friends
>going to bars and clubs
>having a job
This lockdown has had zero effect on me with the exception of not having to pretend to apply for jobs to get stolen taxpayer money.

>> No.11773663

Just like people who think the fed don't print money because they've got a business degree.

>> No.11774587

Probably not, since it's too difficult for fucking idiot normies to stay at home for three weeks to let this shit die out and continue.
People will look back at this year and tell their grandkids "see, this is where everyone just could have manned up and stayed at home for a short time to save us from having this crap permanently" while coughing the rest of their lungs out and pissing themselves from kidney damage. That is, unless the dementia induced by the brain damage destroyed their capability to speak coherently.

>> No.11774589

>Being able to gather and meet friends without worry
You can do that now.

>> No.11774595
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>> No.11774596

>Once everyone has had the disease from the major middle groups of covid-19 we should be able to return to that.
That's gonna be a loooooooooooooooong time though

>> No.11774606

All I want is to see people denied their small happiness until no one ever laughs or smiles in public again.

>> No.11774639


>> No.11774647

>No, instead your home becomes ruined because you mentally start to associate it as "the place to work" rather than "the place to relax".
Wrong. Try not living in a shit box in a shit hole. My work is strictly on my work computer in my office. If I'm not in there, I'm not working. The rest of my house is sanctuary and family. My yard is a beautiful spot for exercise, play and relaxation. My commute is now ten seconds of walking but the isolation is the same. Since doing 100% WFH my quality of life has improved dramatically. As breaks become real breaks and I'm not wasting 90 minutes a day driving the same exact route back and forth.

>> No.11774671

most people are already walking without masks and don't respect social distancing so i guess yes, soon