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11763303 No.11763303 [Reply] [Original]

And that's a very, very, very big deal.

To learn about Kirchoff's law and exactly why it's invalid, see these lectures:

> What is Kirchoff's Law? Blackbody and Cavity Radiation!

> Is Kirchhoff's Law True? The Experiment!

> Kirchhoff's Law - The Second Experiment!

> Kirchhoff's Law, Max Planck, and the Carbon Particle!

> Kirchhoff's Law vs the 2nd Law: The "Boxes Side-by-Side Experiment"!

> Kirchhoff's Law vs the 0th, 1st, and 2nd Laws: The "Box in a Box" Experiment!

> Linking Planck's Equation with the Physical World!

> The Big Bang, Photons, & The Microwave Background!

> History of Kirchhoff's Law - Presentation at German Physical Society (Munich)

>> No.11763394
File: 94 KB, 1200x913, staircase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If KVL is valid explain this libtard
2 + 2 + 5 + 5 != 0

>> No.11763401

>Cavity Radiation
is that what you get after you take huge smelly shit and don't wipe afterwards

>> No.11763834

Wrong law.

>> No.11763902

How does this affect his current and voltage laws? who cares about his quantum shit lmao

>> No.11764030

>eu garbage
into the trash it goes

>> No.11764116

For 99% of things it matters and more importantly what EE deal with. Edge cases fuck with it definitely with really high frequencies and other shit

>> No.11764123

wrong law

>> No.11764124
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this thread is copypasta bait to trick people into explaining KVL and KCL when in fact OP is being a massive faggot and talking about some thermo concept that no one uses.

>> No.11764127

Who cares?

>> No.11765622

caffeine is bad

>> No.11765666

exactly the only thing that matters is his electrical ones not the dumb ass cavity radiation or whatever airport security agents look for with their groping

>> No.11765717

Not gonna get into this and there is no way i'm gonna check the videos OP has linked but electroBOOM made some videos recently against the whole "KVL is invalid" thing, you can go check them out if you want to.

>> No.11767128

Kirchoff is just assuming two things:
1. Conservation of charge
2. Conservation of energy

If you can show why any of these don't hold, you'll will the Nobel prize.

>b-but much utube videos!
Lmao I had a good laugh watching your schizo shit, faggot. Now where's that BigMac I ordered?

>> No.11767158

>As a result, Max Planck’s long advocated universality [8, §164] relative to time, length, mass, and temperature does not exist. The concept is absolutely dependent of the fact that Kirchhoff’s Law is valid and this is simply not the case. Physics thereby loses the universal significance of Planck’s constant and Boltzmann’s constant as well [17].

LMAO at that "paper" in the first experiment. And yeah that law might be false cause of the lack of understanding about atoms. The failures in laws actually inspired quantum physics in the first place.

>> No.11767175


>In the last years of the 19th century, Max Planck was investigating the problem of black-body radiation first posed by Kirchhoff some 40 years earlier. Every physical body spontaneously and continuously emits electromagnetic radiation. There was no expression or explanation for the overall shape of the observed emission spectrum.
>...With this new condition, Planck had imposed the quantization of the energy of the oscillators, "a purely formal assumption … actually I did not think much about it…" in his own words,[12] but one that would revolutionize physics.
>The black-body problem was revisited in 1905, when Rayleigh and Jeans (on the one hand) and Einstein (on the other hand) independently proved that classical electromagnetism could never account for the observed spectrum. These proofs are commonly known as the "ultraviolet catastrophe", a name coined by Paul Ehrenfest in 1911. They contributed greatly (along with Einstein's work on the photoelectric effect) in convincing physicists that Planck's postulate of quantized energy levels was more than a mere mathematical formalism. The first Solvay Conference in 1911 was devoted to "the theory of radiation and quanta".[14]

>> No.11768056


>> No.11768209

wrong law

>> No.11768872

OP is talking specifically about Kirchhoff's actual law. Looks like you don't know what it is. Most people don't understand it and think Kirchhoff's law is Stewart's law or Planck's law. In contrast, The Sky Scholar dude perfectly understands it.

>> No.11768909

Linking a video by Robitaille, who is a notorious idiot crackpot, amounts to shooting yourself in the foot.

>> No.11768956

>waah, waah, kook kook kook!

>> No.11768984

Yeah, facts are hard to deal with, aren't they.

>> No.11768990

You got absolutely zero facts or arguments. You are 100% unable to defend the idea that Kirchhoff's law is valid.

>> No.11769031

That was not the issue of my comment anyway. You seem to want to change the topic of discussion any time it pleases you.
Anyway, there is no "idea that Kirchhoff's law is valid" to defend, apart from your seeming inability to being comfortable with the meaning of the adjective "valid" in the English language.

>> No.11769038
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>Friendly reminder Kirchoff's law is invalid
Anyone who knows Kirchhoff's law of thermal emission should have zero difficulty seeing that it indeed is. A vast array of physical evidence readily proves Kirchhoff's law is false and fallacious. Every resonant cavity proves Kirchhoff wrong. If Kirchhoff was right there would be no lasers, no MRI, no resonant cavities. Since these technologies all exist Kirchhoff is wrong and so is Planck. Planck's equation for thermal spectra is not universal and strictly applies only in the case of an opaque cavity at thermal equilibrium and made of a carbon.

>> No.11769094
File: 362 KB, 1040x736, The Teams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Team Kirchhoff's law is invalid: Here's the science, facts, observations and experiments which clearly demonstrate Kirchhoff's law is invalid.

Team Kirchhoff's law is valid: Kook! Schizo! Kook! Schizo!

Absolutely delicious and glorious :)

>> No.11769165

Kirchhoff's laws has limitations, they never were universal laws.
I thought this is common knowledge. Whats next you will prove that another law of classical physics is "false" in a quantum physics concept? Wow, amazing.

>> No.11769233
File: 157 KB, 767x767, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relativity proponents and Big Bang supporters are quietly seething over this. Big Bang theory requires the cosmic microwave background (CMB) to be a real thing; it's inextricably intertwined with the theory, and the CMB in turn requires Kirchhoff's law and Planck's equation for thermal spectra to be flawlessly correct and universal.

>> No.11769630

great videos anon, thanks for sharing

>> No.11769723
File: 60 KB, 764x512, milkies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope milkies are still valid...

>> No.11769730

Kirchhoff's actual law is the one about circuits.

>> No.11770172

Wrong law. This is about the law of thermal radiation.

>> No.11770919

They are top tier tits

>> No.11770948

tldr these lectures for me pls

>> No.11773034

Kirchhoff's thermal law is fundamentally flawed in a certain way. This in turn destroys the validity of theories like the big bang and black holes.

>> No.11773085

The whole argument was started by Walter Lewin, who was a great prof at MIT (now fired/suspended due to some sexual harassment case). ElectroBOOM could not reproduce his measurements and politely argued in the comments of one of Lewis’ vids. The old prof (maybe because he is getting senile or maybe because he is a faggot sometimes) was reluctant to ElectroBOOMs reasoning and kept spamming his own vids in his answers while calling ElectroBOOM and his fanbase retarded (which is true in a way: EB does fuck around with things you shouldn’t encourage people to, like shorting power outlets on purpose etc.).

Luckily, that’s not all there is to it. After some rounds of namecalling and spamming the same vids again, prof Walter Lewin directed EB to an other prof at his lab, who turned out to he very based, and wrote a great summary on the matter; link: http://www.electroboom.com/share/FaradaysLaw_Mehdi.pdf

See EB’s summary vid on the discussion also: https://youtu.be/Q9LuVBfwvzA

>> No.11773347 [DELETED] 

Wrong law.

>> No.11773350

>>11765717 & >>11773085
Wrong law.

>> No.11773497

Yeah I know, but >>11765717 was talking about the drama around the KVL. My reply was about his post, not yours, sorry for not making that clear.

>> No.11774652

>boobs bait