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1175501 No.1175501 [Reply] [Original]

How do you explain this with science?

>> No.1175514

it's a parasite.

>> No.1175519

there is no science

>> No.1175526

Living in a place that lacks proper nourishment which you need in order to do something more with your life then working to get by and have where to sleep and what to eat.

To have technological advancement first you need a situation in which you don't have to sped 99% of your time trying to survive in the harsh reality.

>> No.1175534


>> No.1175543

isn't it true that hunter/gatherer societies provide the most amount of leisure time which led to the first advances in technology, society, etc?

seems to have worked for everyone else.

>> No.1175542

So wrong. Science emerges out of despair.

>> No.1175551


>> No.1175564


Well... I'm not entirely sure. What I am pretty sure about is that you need resources first. You wouldn't have Socrates or Plato if they had to work all they to live. But I will be happy to hear any arguments against that thesis, it may be wrong.

>> No.1175568

But they dont have jobs! and we do

>> No.1175569


Do they really? Interesting, I will have to investigate that.

If that is really the case then my idea falls down, thanks.

>> No.1175577

The way I see it is that when you have a "harsh" life like these negros did, the most logical action would be to decide to change your situation by finding ways to improve said situation.

>> No.1175588

humans originated in africa, some ones moved up north, they were under the pressure to invent something against the heat hence clothing, complicated housing, fire
Pressure = intelligence strained = higher intelligence means an advantage = intellecutal evolution = space planes in 2020

>> No.1175590

Except even that requires a base to start from. How the fuck do you improve a village/town or anything then99% of the populace doesnt have enough food for basic functions, there are no reasources to harvest, and disease/starvation is crippling the young, the ones who are most able to make the changes?

>> No.1175592

That's some nasty filariasis right there.

>> No.1175598

>You need resources first

The first human species did not have the resources. They had to work all day to survive. Didn't stop them from inventing the wheel.

Science always came first. Human race started with nothing.

>> No.1175602

Shut the fuck up

>> No.1175599


It makes sense.

Let me think about it. They don't have writing right? They never did, maybe that is what is needed to have real technological advancement? A way to save and spread the knowledge and inventions we already have. Though that should be doable by they way of tongue.

I'll have to sit on this.

>> No.1175608

Africa has much more natural resources than Europe, what are you talking about?

The problem is that Europeans and other cultures stoop up to improve their livings. Africans however, did not. The question is why.

>> No.1175609

Hunter gatherers had more leisure time and likely a better overall quality of life than the very first farmers. It wasn't a voluntary change.

Unless you saw someone with a better lifestyle how would you know that yours is harsh?

>> No.1175614

temperature was right, food was right

up north stuff was much harsher.

>> No.1175615

thread hidden

>> No.1175617


Humans didn't start with nothing, they had the limit although variable amount of resources depending on the climate, place and time. As they were travelling they difficulty with which they found food an shelter changed, that's what I'm talking about.

>> No.1175625

I can verify the veracity of this statement

>> No.1175633

Are you retarded? Animals were hostile and could not be domesticated, and the majority of land was desert or plains, both of which contain very little natural recourses.

>> No.1175632


So... europeans had it harder to survive which is why their culture and technology flourished so much? I'm confused.

>> No.1175638

We had to develop technology in order to survive

>> No.1175642

it was harder meaning more was asked from your capability to reason meaning more intellectual evolution
easy life = nothing changes
hard life = natural selection kicks in

>> No.1175657

Pretty much. If you can survive by gathering why invent the plow? If the weather is warm why invent complicated buildings? If you don't have complicated buildings you likely won't invent plumbing and can't build cities. Technology causes the invention of more technology.

>>1175633the majority of land was desert or plains, both of which contain very little natural recourses.

Not if you're talking about Southern Africa. You know, the part that was still backwards until the Europeans came and turned it around in no time.

>> No.1175664


Okay, it sounds nice but it does sound like an incredible generalization. I have to research this, this is a really interesting topic.

I mean hell, if that is true niggers should have strived towards technological revolution. Why didn't they invent agriculture? Or have they, I'm sorry if I'm spouting bullshit.

>> No.1175665

You can't simply say that life in Europe was harder thus they had to invent stuff in order to survive. Think about the Egyptians or even better, think about the Greeks. Mediterranean climate isn't exactly hostile and this is still the birthplace of many things.

>> No.1175672

Cause let's face it, Africans are fucking retarded.

>> No.1175676


Oh, I guess that makes sense. I like it.

>> No.1175690


Well, the climate was good but... war creates invention and we all know how many conflicts there we in the mediterranean basin.

>> No.1175702

So much fucking nonsense in this thread. From the OP and the image to every single post above this one.

>> No.1175708


Then please bring some reason to it, I'm looking for answers here, even though I'm not OP.

>> No.1175703


Africans kill each other daily.

>> No.1175721


Then... I don't know anymore...

>> No.1175725

Their wars used to be standing in a fucking line and throwing sticks at each other until shaka of the zulu showed up.

Africans are fucking idiots, really before shaka showed up they'd maybe hit a few people with sticks and whoever didn't retreat won.

It was the worst form of combat ever.

>> No.1175733

Niggers are sustainable because they don't have technology. The white man destroyed the world with his power.

>> No.1175743


Agriculture was "invented" independently at different times in different places.

Africa did in fact develop agriculture, which is why they had large civilizations such as the Mali Empire and the Ethiopian Empire and so on.

>> No.1175747

they learn to coexist the white man exploits.
one day the white man will reap the evil he has sowed

>> No.1175759

most of africa was isolated from the rest of the world. centers of trade have usually been where scientific progress happens; foreign merchants bring ideas, the local merchants provide an innovative middle class, etc.

africa also isn't very suitable for domesticated animals like horses, cattle, oxen... and without those animals to pull carts and stuff there isn't really a need for wheels, hence why they never 'invented' them.

also they have an iq 10 points lower then every other race.

>> No.1175760


>implying that pre-agricultural, ritualistic war is in any way comparable to modern war

What you're saying is like complaining about knights jousting because it's not militarily efficient.

>> No.1175784

Shit example the knights actually killed people and jousted for training and in military games.

The niggers threw stick at each other in the hopes that they would knock someone out.

>> No.1175790


The goal isn't kill kill everybody you idiot

The concept of "total war" is completely retarded on a hunter-gatherer scale.

>> No.1175806

>>1175743Africa did in fact develop agriculture, which is why they had large civilizations such as the Mali Empire and the Ethiopian Empire and so on.

Is there any evidence that the people that built the Ethiopian Empire were black or were they as white as the Egyptians and Arabs they traded with?

>> No.1175810


>> No.1175816


Bitches don't know about my disease vectors and lack of food crops (Before you say, HERP DERP WHITE FARMERS most the modern major "African" crops like Cassava actually came from South America.)

The African Sahel is life on easy modo, and up until after the industrial revolution, you would live a longer, freer, happier life as a hunter-gatherer than as a peasant serf living in agricultural civilization. It was only when the Sahel was over-exploited and starvation kicked in that humans started emigrating. Sometimes to worse places like Sub-Saharan Africa, and sometimes to better places like Europe and the Middle East.

The entirety of human history can't be distilled to WHITE MAN SMART, NIGGER DUMB

>> No.1175822
File: 306 KB, 800x1067, ethiopian-students.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do they look white to you?

>> No.1175823

>>1175816The entirety of human history can't be distilled to WHITE MAN SMART, NIGGER DUMB

No, but that is a reoccurring theme throughout history.

>> No.1175835

Something about that picture suggests it isn't 4000 years old. It's likely niggers came in and replaced lighter people in that timespan.

>> No.1175852

The yam has been farmed in Africa for thousands of years.
The empires of Ghana and Mali both had written languages.
This is getting ridiculous! Of course they had weaved cloth, it was just coarser.
They used the wheel, and they had systems of measurement too. And of course there were domesticated. This thing is almost pure lie.

>> No.1175865


Why didn't it spread over the africa?

>> No.1175871


>Its likely

Sure thing dude


>Implying that white people had always been world leaders in GDP, technology, and military strength, since the beginning of time

Are you a creationist?

>> No.1175902
File: 79 KB, 800x423, nubians-offering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep the ancient civilized Africans are clearly white.

>> No.1175912

That's a picture of black slaves you moron.

>> No.1175918
File: 40 KB, 311x475, GGS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who wants to actually understand this should read this book.

>> No.1175922


Thank you! I'll go look for an audiobook right away.

>> No.1175930


Those are some pretty fucking well-dressed, wealthy slaves you got there

>> No.1175935

Of course, they work in a palace.

>> No.1175949


>Implying those aren't Nubian emissaries trading their vast wealth with the Egyptians

>Implying you're not making shit up

>> No.1175952


or better yet torrent the video series...

>> No.1175960


Already doing both, thanks for the info.

>> No.1175963

I'd bet the amount of intellectual property white people steal goes way over the cost of whatever black people steal.

>> No.1175975

right here

>> No.1175978


If I had to pay for every piece of information I take from the internet I would be completely illiterate right now when it comes to various sciences.

>> No.1175984


I've heard (can't remember exact source) that the deaths and economic damages caused by white collar crime (preventable industrial accidents, ignoring worker safety regulations, ignoring environmental regulations, insider trading, tax evasion, etc.) is far greater than that of petty prime.

>> No.1175990
File: 86 KB, 200x240, mansa_musa[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember me? Anyone?


>> No.1176024

Invention comes from our limits..
Intelligence overcomes limitations.
Can't carry a load, so invent wheel
can't catch food, invent spear,
limitations, no limitations, no advancement, no advancement, culture stagnates.

>> No.1176029

I'd suggest you google "Nubian Empire" those slaves conquered the entirety of Egypt at one point.

Africans domesticated cows, hyena, dogs, the remora, and cheetahs.
Africans cultivated yams, cassava, tea, and a variety of other plants which are not eaten worldwide.
Africans also invented the Dhow sailboat, mud/grass bricks, and the first medicine for pneumonia, just to name a few things.

that "fun fact" is just willful ignorance based on piss poor research and assumptions based on a belief of superiority.

>> No.1176054

care to share torrent? All I could find was a DVD rip on fucking pirate bay.

>> No.1176057

There's no "black" ethnic group, but black people are divided into many ethnic groups.

>> No.1176065


I'm also using the dvd rip.
torrentz.com is where I found both.

>> No.1176090

Technological Revolution happens when people want to change their lives for the better,
and they have the ability to do that
niggers in Africa don't have that ability because it is impossible to trade ideas over there

>> No.1176093


>Africa don't have that ability because it is impossible to trade ideas over there


>> No.1176104

Africa isn't comprised of just black people, but Middle Eastern people, too.

>> No.1176109

Think jungles and vast deserts separate the people in small communities and they live in seclusion of the rest of the world
not wanting to strive higher
due to lack of competition
and greed they live in ignorance and
happiness :/

>> No.1176112

Egypt, decedents of Carthaginians and European Muslims

>> No.1176113



>living in happiness


>> No.1176123

>>Africans domesticated cows, hyena, dogs, the remora, and cheetahs.

>>and cheetahs

Holy shit. Why do we not have pet cheetahs? Shit would be so cash.

>> No.1176138

read #4

>> No.1176171


Well that's just Nigeria, I think you'd be pretty hard-pressed to find a happy person in Burkina Faso who's not a warlord

>> No.1176181


>> No.1176216

there are no domesticatable animals native to africa. Goats, cows, camels, etc, were all imported from the middle east. Elephants are too big to keep in fences, zebras are too violent, etc. There are few good domesticatable crops in africa too. Malaria also greatly hinders development. But Africa is not totally devoid of technological advancement, they were making steel in villages before the europeans figured it out.

Read Guns, Germs, and Steel. It's pretty good.

>> No.1176229

watch slum dog millionaire, look at how there mother dies and shit
gets blown up in their faces 24/7
literally sometimes,
how often do they cry? maybe once or twice?
now go to an american highschool
how many of these kids have problems that compare to anything in that movie
how many of them dress like emo fagots?
point proven
I'm not being anti-racist,
hell I'm so racist, I'm polish

>> No.1176240

> Cracked.com
Oh crap, and I was really hoping to get some work done today.

>> No.1176257


Wow, hello there fellow pole. Glad not to be the only one.

And that's a very good point. We really have become a whiny bitch of a society haven't we?

>> No.1176274


I'm not saying that you need to be rich to be happy, but India =/= sub-Saharan Africa. I'd wouldn't trade my current life with any of them, except maybe a Ju'hoansi bushman. Those guys seem pretty chill.




>> No.1176352


>> No.1176415

I fucking love civilization can't wait for the 5th one

>> No.1176546

what about native americans?