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File: 25 KB, 339x382, christopher-langan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11754014 No.11754014 [Reply] [Original]

He is so often mocked but after actually reading his Cognitive-Theoretical Model of the Universe, it makes a lot of sense to me. Essentially the universe is meta-darwinian, constantly evolving and learning more about itself, self-determining its course.


>But there is another possibility after all: self-determinacy.

>The CTMU has a meta-Darwinian message: the universe evolves by hological self-replication and
self-selection. Furthermore, because the universe is natural, its self-selection amounts to a
cosmic form of natural selection. But by the nature of this selection process, it also bears
description as intelligent self-design (the universe is “intelligent” because this is precisely what it
must be in order to solve the problem of self-selection, the master-problem in terms of which lesser problems are necessarily formulated). This is unsurprising, for intelligence itself is a natural phenomenon that could never have emerged in humans and animals were it not already a latent property of the medium of emergence. An object does not displace its medium, but
embodies it and thus serves as an expression of its underlying syntactic properties. What is far more surprising, and far more disappointing, is the ideological conflict to which this has led. It seems that one group likes the term “intelligent” but is indifferent or hostile to the term “natural”, while the other likes “natural” but abhors “intelligent”. In some strange way, the whole controversy seems to hinge on terminology.

>> No.11754023 [DELETED] 

No idea who that is and know nothing about his model, but judging by your post it seems to be someone the establishment has told the NPCs is "wrong". That doesn't surprise me, since he doesn't look Jewish at all. Anyone with a theory of the universe or any other unique/alternative scientific ideas who isn't a Jew and doesn't base his theory/idea on Jewish "science" must be opposed.

>> No.11754034

based and REDPILLED

>> No.11754044

>This is unsurprising, for intelligence itself is a natural phenomenon that could never have emerged in humans and animals were it not already a latent property of the medium of emergence. An object does not displace its medium, but embodies it and thus serves as an expression of its underlying syntactic properties.
I have met schizophrenics who formed more coherent statements than this.

>> No.11754095

fuck off chris. your word salad is for >>>/lit/ not here

>> No.11754151

Certified retards or shills. Take your pick

>> No.11755195

No one knows if he's right, no one knows if he's wrong, and no one has the patience to find out.

>> No.11755210

why are people being called shills for saying this is word salad again?
Not gonna outright say he's "wrong", but idk why this should make more sense than any other theory, because it doesn't.

>> No.11755333

default schizo defense mechanism

>> No.11755955


>> No.11755995

chris langan literally has modern science in a choke hold and he's refusing entry

>> No.11756005

The reason some people believe this retard is because they have fallen for the "IQ meme" trap.
There are many pshychology explanations for this, some of them are: They are incels, short dick, insecure, ugly. So they feel the need to boost their self steem with jewish modes of control already proven wrong.

>> No.11756077

Because nothing he's said is in any way scientific, verifiable, falsifiable, predictive, or even remotely useful. Everything he says could be true and it wouldn't make any difference then if it's all false.

>> No.11756110

How does Chris build muscle? I can't build muscle.

>> No.11756297

>How does Chris build muscle? I can't build muscle.
The more intelligent one is, the easier it is to build muscle.

>> No.11756481

sound like he is another hegel rip off

>> No.11756547
File: 180 KB, 494x1410, Langanpill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because midwits don't understand what he is saying.

Those of us who are above the midwit line can read this and understand that he is using a reductio-ad-absurdum to show why identity politics doesn't make sense. It is effectively a very robust way of explaining that advocation for the type of identity politics you like requires by logical necessity the acceptance of identity politics you do not like.

Unfortunately, your standard standard BA degree midwit will read this and think he is advocating for neo nazism. They can't understand that this post is entirely based on logical conjecture, and more importantly, they can't accept the fact that he just pretty much used pure reason to blow collectivist ideologies out of the water fully exposing them for the brainlet-only clubs that they are. But neo Marxists can't accept that. Oh no. They have social justice and equality on their side, so they must be right, and therefore Langan must be a nazi.


>> No.11756799

I have a relatively high IQ and there's no way I could compose his abstract even if I was making up the terms. At least his verbal IQ is very high.

>> No.11756815
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>I don't understand what he is saying therefore it is schizophrenic

See, this is what Langan is useful for. Exposing retards.

It's like the test with 3 boxes that have balls in them that are gold/gold gold/silver silver/silver and you pick a box and pull a silver and brainlets will say that the probability of gold is 50%.

Fucking kek.

>> No.11756956
File: 285 KB, 602x289, BVU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, fine, here it is in something even plainer than language.
*pic related*

>> No.11756958 [DELETED] 
File: 2.25 MB, 4032x3024, 1580879791172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from my personal collection

>> No.11756962
File: 1.01 MB, 608x858, 1587145242976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11756980

Chocolate mousse looks a lot like gassy diarrhea shit
Doesn't mean they taste or smell similar

>> No.11756982

I mean it makes sense, but it feels like it's a giant leap to just assume it

>> No.11756997
File: 1.82 MB, 4000x2666, MHJN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't mean they taste or smell similar
Yet they are still technically the same thing, in a different state. Ones undigested, the other digested. One higher the other lower. Your move.

>> No.11757047

How come super high iq and low iq come to somewhat similar conclusions? The best example being a "higher order of things" or "god." Seems like the midwits are the ones who have things wrong.

Low iq sees the world simplistically, so everything is just as it looks like with the easiest explanation being the reason for it.
Midwits can only see the problems but not the solutions, so they just complain about the problems.
High iq's see the problems and the solutions, which are the simple answers the low iq's see every day, except the high iq understands it.

That's my take on the matter. I'm a midwit.

>> No.11757154
File: 154 KB, 1440x900, 1414959944283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because they really don't. Low IQ people and high IQ people have beliefs about God that are just as different from each other as Atheists and Christians.

Low IQ people tend to believe in God as a result of religion and culture. They don't question it.They believe it because low IQ people generally do not diverge from what they are told by society. Proof is not needed for them. Logic is optional.

Now, Midwits are often atheists. This is because the Midwit is generally smart enough to notice that the homo centric solipsism and projection that is pervasive within most religious structures is damning evidence that religion is a man made concept.

Then comes in the high IQ person. The high IQ individual, just like the Midwit, is obviously smart enough to understand the reasons behind why religion is nonsensical. However, high IQ people also tend to use their own sense of reason behind it. They understand that religion is effectively mans attempt to understand the unknown, and that this unknown variable is still there. Denying the unknown is therefore just as irrational as making up random shit to explain the unknown. So the high IQ person often takes a more pragmatic and scientific approach to the potential origins of the universe, through examining the universe to understand how reality came to be ( where as religion does the opposite. ) The result is many people with gifted intellect come to the realization that a universe coded with the ability to support consciousness is more likely to come from a source that has consciousness itself. This is then referred to as "God".

However, this is an attempted scientific concept of God that merely uses the limited information the universe currently gives us. It does not try to assert anything else. It is purely non religious. Low IQ people who think this kind of philosophical approach to God somehow proves the validity of their 2000 year old manual of desert scribbles are vastly missing the point.

>> No.11757201

I too believe there is a "complexifying force" at the root layer of matter and what we call the 4 fundamental forces is the byproduct of the particles emerging from it.

>> No.11757227

Hermeticism knew this 5000 years ago

>> No.11759108

>"I have a relatively high and..."
See? IQ is a meme, you missed the point like a retard.

>> No.11759110

Exactly, autistic retard faggots think this guy discover something new... Ancient religions knew this since the earliest times of known civilization.

>> No.11759273
File: 157 KB, 741x623, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Langan is what mental midgets think smart people sound like. You have either been seduced by big words or reject actual theories because it gives you the comforting feeling of being able to say "see, I see further than people with actual degrees" to cope with the fact you're a retarded blue collar worker. CTMU is philosophy clothed as science and, whether it is semantically and logically consistent or not, is an untestable pile of garbage and produces 0 predictions

>> No.11759295

No, I disagreed with your claim that IQ is a meme. Complex sentence composition is indicative of a high IQ and vice versa. And vice versas for both of those and intelligence.

So what if it's philosophy?

>> No.11759521
File: 561 KB, 712x647, ObservableUniverse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alright, fine, here it is in something even plainer than language. CTMU
If the entire universe is a "brain" capable of cognition, then why is the speed of light (the fastest way of transmitting information) so low relative to the size of the universe? Pic related.

It's difficult to see how a universe can learn/adapt to changes within the universe if even within our own galaxy information takes 100,000 years to transmit from one side of the milky way to the other.

>the universe is “intelligent” because this is precisely what it must be in order to solve the problem of self-selection
Assuming its true that the survival of the universe depends on its intelligence, how will our pocket universe plan to deal with its diminished ability to transmit information as the universe continues to expand?

I don't get you CTMUfags, you have an elaborate idea of the universe being a huge brain capable of self-selection. The least that you can do is come up with some interesting hypotheses on how the universe is processing/transmitting this information.

>> No.11759677

>with its diminished ability to transmit information as the universe continues to expand?
>Speed limit of the universe is C
>Universe is expanding at a rate greater than C
Pick 1, this isn't Pokemon

>> No.11759789

How is the Hubble volume so difficult to grasp for brainlets. Do you believe in the CTMU too?

>> No.11759805

> I have a relatively high iq
Yeah like an average person has a high iq to a retard.

> Complex sentence composition is indicative of a high IQ
It can be learned. The way I scratch my balls could be indicative of a high IQ.

>> No.11759814

I guess I am one of the few people who actually understands Langan's work, because most people who read it and try to summarize it always get it totally wrong and try to frame it as something else, OP included. Kudos for trying, though.

I have never encountered someone whose work is as derided for no reason than Chris Langan. It seems like every envious midwit with an inferiority complex about his intelligence has to go out there and try to disprove him in the most laughable manner. On the other hand, others are drawn in by his powerful personality and develop a cult-like devotion to him. Almost everyone surrounding this guy is a nutcase, either for or against him, and I feel pretty bad about it.

Bear in mind that this is a man that, besides being incredibly well endowed with raw intelligence, is more versed on physics, math, computer science, and philosophy than even most PhD's. The idea that some rando with little more than an undergraduate college education from a mid-tier university would come along and legitimately challenge him on a technical topic, let alone his own work, is absurd.

By the way, I have met him a few times. Yes, he really is that smart.

>> No.11759835
File: 39 KB, 680x641, 1590478671162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It seems like every envious midwit with an inferiority complex about his intelligence
You're speaking from experience aren't you...

>> No.11759850

Not to be rude but half his words can't be found in a dictionary.

>> No.11759868
File: 48 KB, 894x773, 1590611994514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Christopher Michael Langan
jesus christ

>> No.11759881

> The result is many people with gifted intellect come to the realization that a universe coded with the ability to support consciousness is more likely to come from a source that has consciousness itself.

do they? i don’t think so. i think it is more common for the highest IQ people of recent times to accept materialism and the fact that fairies and spirits simply do not exist

>> No.11759884

Yes, I am. 90% of the interactions I've observed between Chris and strangers have been of this nature. Part of it has to do with his own imperfectly diplomatic demeanor, but the sheer number of people who don't take him or his work seriously and feel the need to disprove it is quite remarkable. No other academic or intellectual gets this kind of unprovoked ridicule from strangers.

>> No.11759906

Neither can more than half of the words in a research-level paper on mathematics. Your point? What kind of work on a new theory doesn't make use of new vocabulary? How does that even make sense?

He does define every new term he uses, perhaps not as thoroughly as you would like, but it's all out there if you are willing to peruse it with the same level of intension as you would a textbook or other piece of work that you have predetermined to be worth your time.

>> No.11759978

>accept materialism
Like religious people accept God? In other words, you think the highest IQ people take materialism on faith.

Who said anything about fairies and spirits?

>> No.11760006
File: 427 KB, 1543x1360, iRCIqzi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Room temperature IQs follow Langan because it makes them feel smart vicariously but refuting his theories based on their capacity to be tested is also dumb. Godel has already proven that truth is of a higher order than proof so its not a stretch to extent this line of thinking to empirical approaches. Don't get me wrong, the scientific method is a great approach for updating models and concepts. The feedback loop/selection mechanism gives them life and the ability to evolve and thus incrementally move closer to the truth but if we limit the validity of our understanding to what we can predict,test and measure physically we miss out on the ability to understand a whole class of really important concepts.

Langan is loser and makes IQ a meme. How can someone supposedly so intelligent lack the self awareness to realise what a fucking waste his life has been. An IQ of 200 makes him an 1 in 70+ billion intellect and yet he's contributed nothing to society. Instead he devotes himself to his CTMU cult where his hillbilly pseudo-intellectual midwit followers treat him like the 2nd coming. A TOE is such a fucking cop out, solve some lower order problems (which is technically all problems relative to a TOE) instead of spending your time inventing new words and concepts that only you understand to forever shield your ego from criticism by rationalising that those who don't get it must just be dumb.

>> No.11760089

>it's philosophical therefore it is useless

Cope harder midwit.

>> No.11760847

Any evidence?

>> No.11760982


>> No.11761001

It doesn't really sound false, as well as just empty. It's a bit like saying physics is a giant computer for simulating physics, doesn't actually tell you anything about physics (or giant computers for that matter). Completely vacuous.

>> No.11761131

Maybe that's because he's not an academic or intellectual. Has any philosopher written anything positive about CTMU?

>> No.11761179

>the speed of light is the fastest
Time to update your compendium. There's a dark horse in this race you failed to see coming. Gravity. Space-Time itself is a wave, and by extension is a blanketing force that over reaches even the speed of light.

>> No.11761299
File: 1.36 MB, 1471x2100, Steph-o Wolfson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No other academic or intellectual gets this kind of unprovoked ridicule from strangers.

>> No.11761622

b-but they are all midwits

>> No.11761856

>t. Doesn't get it

>> No.11763219

I heard he is a huge dick and difficult to work with.