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File: 104 KB, 1280x936, alc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11750487 No.11750487 [Reply] [Original]

I see these images all over the internet, are they true?

They were made by a prominent British scientist who was fired for saying that Ecstasy is harmless

>> No.11750514


>> No.11750524

If you had access to pure heroin, clean needles, and were able to control your dosage-- yes. Alcohol rips apart your insides

>> No.11750531

Your chart says heroin in deadlier than alcohol, learn to read.

>> No.11750597

Yes, alcohol is unuronically one of the most awful drugs out there. It's hilarious how many self righteus boomers look down on people using (relatively) harmless drugs like acid or shrooms even though they themselves drink a bottle of nerve poison every evening.

>> No.11750646

I think focusing on the drugs is mostly misleading most people kill themselves with bad diet and medications etc. It’s harder to get these numbers, because it isn’t as easy as an overdose and clear cut deaths caused by drugs but in total life years lost too much sun bathing, very unhealthy diet, bad living conditions and too much prescribed/ over the counter medications are much worse. Many drug users just kill themself with the substance knowingly or while trying to medicate a health condition.

>> No.11750685

Seems like some of those scores could only be measured by total impact on society as opposed to impact per user (community costs, crime, etc.). It would stand to reason that alcohol would have a disproportionate impact due to its widespread presence in human culture compared to other drugs.

>> No.11750828

I gave my response >>11750646, but I agree this is what I also thought about including. The measurement of how bad a drug is isn’t easy. Especially given the old approach to toxicology is mostly dead since next to nobody except rare cases of accidents and suicide attempts will show up with the exposure level to one substance being the problem. It’s mostly about added toxicity effects of a group of substances like in the case of aerotoxic syndrome or people being being prescribed twenty different medications on which combined effects no study was ever done. “General“ “harm“ is a question of how widely the substance is used, how easy you can get too much of it and how it interacts with other substances you are exposed to.

>> No.11750893

>amphetamine more dangerous than benzos
High grade bullshit.

>> No.11752097

Just looking at your picture tells you why. Alcohol makes people violent, ecstasy does not.

>> No.11752753

I want to add to this post: while I am semi-addicted to amphetamines, I don't go around murdering people like how my sister's benzo addicted husband did to her.

>> No.11752759

Well that is made clear in the graph itself. What isn't laid out is the amount of drug consumed to produce these values. If the drugs were compared per kg of consumption, then alcohol would be dead last in this comparison.

>> No.11752763

They both have the potential to cause erratic behavior, it just depends on the individual. From a physical health standpoint, amphetamines are much more taxing on your body.

>> No.11752861

I'm not gonna trust you. You're a junkie

>> No.11752966

Not only this. But alcohol is the real "gateway drug". It lowers your inhibitions which makes it easier to dabble in all the other bad stuff.
Particularly cigarettes - most alcoholics are also heavy smokers, and I doubt many of them have the strength to quit smoking while they get drunk every day.

Basically if you're an alcohol, add one or more addiction substance to your addiction list - probably tobacco.

>> No.11752997

I actually dont believe the image except for the fact that the damage due to alcohol is way underestimated.

If things like mushrooms and lsd were legal you'd get a lot of people just randomly walking out into freeways.

>> No.11753831

Alcohol is cheaper and more readily available which makes it far easier to abuse than heroin.
Per unit mass, heroin is more devastating to the individual. This is completely discounting any social effects, of which alcohol has many.

>> No.11753838

>I see these images all over the internet, are they true?
Drunk driving is a hell of a drug

>> No.11754233

No because it's WAY more available. Imagine if heroin was advertised and thought of s cool. You think the numbers would stay the same if you could buy it at walmart for a party?

The fact you can't figure this out makes me angry.

>> No.11754384
File: 301 KB, 1062x942, 1562000930273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drug harm score

>> No.11754407

lmao “why is a widely available drug that is part of culture that everyone uses cause more harm overall then heroine”
Kill yourself OP you are a retarded brainlet I hope you OD on heroine and get aids from the needle

>> No.11754453

doesn't help that the Brits have got a bad drinking culture.

>> No.11754542

People calling alcohol extremely dangerous are poltards who also obsess over sugar.

>> No.11754549

I live in the netherlands. Xtc isn't harmless.