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File: 41 KB, 470x356, FlatEarth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1174994 No.1174994 [Reply] [Original]

If the world is actually flat, would that mean there is only one timezone, one weather and all that?

>> No.1175001

That assumes a stationary sun.
If you're going to set up a bogus system like that you can make the sum move too

>> No.1175007

Who the fuck would make their house right next to the edge?

>> No.1175009

having a flat world makes no sense at all.

>> No.1175028

Serial killers.

>> No.1175042

the sun would set and rise at the same time for all the world

so one timezone or not?

>> No.1175053

>Who the fuck would make their house right next to the edge?
As long as you have a sturdy safety wall, why not? Clearly you've never played Dwarf Fortress.

>> No.1175061


People that don't want to take out the trash.


>> No.1175064

garbage disposal would be pretty easy

>> No.1175078

Flat earth also assumes the sun revolves around us, right? What are the consequences of that?

>> No.1175080

Even more pressing question, where is all that water going?

>> No.1175084


Some crazing fucking tidal waves I'm guessing.

Lots, and lots of heat.

>> No.1175087

There wouldn't be any seasonal variation, for one

And if you kept the relative sizes the gravitational pattern that would result would be pretty disastrous

>> No.1175091

It's going under the Earth. Then, on the Earth's flipside, it travels to the other side again. Or it travels through cracks in the Earth upwards, and that's where springs and wells come from!

>> No.1175105

well naturally the traditional theory of gravity wouldn't apply; gravity is the concept that destroyed the flat earth theory anyway

>> No.1175125

The flat earthers are retarded.

Really I'll explain how it all works, theres an ice wall at the edge of the earth and that explains antartica and the like (incidentally to stop people discovering the truth the illuminati has armies posted at the wall to make sure its never found out) the gravity issue is explains by the entire world and our solar system and everything accelerating upwards at 9.8 ms-2.

Also it explains why you can't ever see the curvature of the planet.

Those people gave me a fucking tumour from rage.

>> No.1175138

>Also it explains why you can't ever see the curvature of the planet.

>anyone with a cheap telescope can stand on a shore and watch boats go *under* the horizon

Seriously, even ancient civilizations didn't believe this shit

>> No.1175153

They believe it's because you just can't see faraway shit.

>> No.1175168

Thickness of the atmosphere prevents seeing distant objects.

>> No.1175172

That's why you can actually see the boat gradually disappear under the horizon, with the mast still visible after the deck is not?

>> No.1175181

Oh, yeah, a lot of them believe light bends upwards. That was it

>> No.1175182

Also, can anyone explain to me how the fuck satellites would work if the earth was flat?

>> No.1175184


>> No.1175185

>light bends upwards
What is this I don't even

>> No.1175189

Oh, of course. The answer of choice when the harebrained theory runs out of steam.

>> No.1175206

You can just tie them to the sun

>> No.1175210


I shit you not one of them actually said weather balloons hold them up.

>> No.1175231

Weather balloons are like the perfect excuse for anything, global warming? No man it's just those balloons again

>> No.1175259

Don't be a retard global warmings caused by swamp gas and unbalanced acceleration on the plane of the earth and us tipping slightly.