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11746979 No.11746979 [Reply] [Original]

>Sick with Covid 2 months ago
>Still feel fatigued
>Still have headaches
>Occasional muscle soreness still

I have the antibodies so I should be over it but for some reason I still feel a bit fucked.

>> No.11747095

>Still feel fatigued
>Still have headaches
>>Occasional muscle soreness still
>for some reason I still feel a bit fucked.

........and why aren't you boiling grapefruit peels?

>> No.11747368

Viral infections fuck with your bodies ability to make neurotransmitters. Take precursors, choline, tyrosine, tryptophan, glycine, etc.

>> No.11747413

Don't worry anon, it's probably just cancer.

>> No.11747451

Same for me months after being ill. I don't have fatigues or headaches, but I have these lingering muscle and joint sores that travel all over the body and sometimes muscle twitches in legs. Fucking weird.

>> No.11747471

That's because of HIV that was mixed with coronavirus.

>> No.11747898

I'm at 4 months now and felt fine for the last 4 days, don't give up.

Had weird heart issues and breathing problems up to last week. Often couldn't sleep or only sleep in sitting position.
Doctors still don't know wtf is going on, but this is definitely a multi-organ-damage virus also attacking your cns. I guess there are still remnants inside the cns that antibodies can't reach.

>> No.11747958

i got it and recovered in 4 days, i feel no pain and think nothing of the experience

>> No.11748084

Reminder that the chinkvirus rampages through all the body causing nasty blood clots


You all better excercise more frequently and get checked asap.

>> No.11748310
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it's also confirmed to come back every 6 months (hence the new outbreaks in korea and co) and does more permanent damage on every reoccurance sorry op

>> No.11748358

since when was there a new outbreak in Korea?

>> No.11748422

How did you get it?

>> No.11748452

Went out for drinks with mates and partied on the last night before lockdown.

Became sick as a dog about 5 days later.

>> No.11748463

Well that was fucking stupid

>> No.11748482

Yeah, well, sue me. I'm 23 years old, I'll do what I fucking want.

>> No.11748493

You can do what you want but I can still judge you

>> No.11748605

I am so glad to hear this. I got covid from my retarded roommate who refused to shelter in place like the state ordered. Got tested positive and everything. Two weeks of headaches, bodyaches, and chest pains and I was glad of it. I'm the only person in my family who can go outside without worry. My mother and grandmother call me constantly to run errands for them.

Meanwhile I keep getting headaches and feel so fatigued I can't seem to get enough sleep. Knowing I'm not the only one lets me know I'm not getting it a second time or some shit.

>> No.11749887

>lists the most vague possible symptoms with no index of severity, frequency, or activity
Fuck I hate you fucking retarded normies, this level of retarded garbage combined with your blind faith in medicine you dont understand is why we are stuck with this pandemic in the first place.

>> No.11750700
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Fucking headaches.
Ever since I got infected (~1 month ago) I get daily headaches/fatigue after being up for only like 10 hours.
I used to be hyper and wanting to stay up until like 4am unless I tired myself out with exercise. Now I need 8h sleep minimum. God I miss having time and shit.

Another weird thing is about 2 weeks after all the distinctive wuflu symptoms ended, I got a short 2nd wave of the same symptoms again for about one day. What the fuck, now I don't even know if I'm still contagious or not.

>> No.11750831

Symptoms will come back some days. Don't give up.
I thought it was over after 2 months, but it came back with symptoms roughly every second day. Same situation as with you. I slept 5-6 hours max each day and was very active. Went to shit, but after 4 months I'm almost back to baseline. Just don't think you won't recover.

>> No.11750845

>the brain cells
That one was specific.
>no issue of crossing the blood brain barrier
You do understand that most viruses can do that? It’s not a question of where you find a RNA/DNA of a virus which most tests look for. But live Virus you can grow in cell culture. Also you don‘t just need the virus to get somewhere, but also the cell type to be susceptible and permissible. Meaning the virus can attache, in other words the right receptor is there and no other receptors or surface proteins, which prevent binding and the virus being able to replicate in the given cell type and leave it as virion (live virus).

>> No.11750850

Imagine being such a beta male that you “shelter in place” from a cough.

>> No.11750872
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Everyone ignore this schizo doomer. He's been at this for a long time.

>> No.11750881

Seriously that’s superinfection(s). Not being able to clear a virus is rare. Especially if there is permanently reoccurring symptoms, that basically never happens. But if your immune system is once breached badly, often by stuff like parainfluenza or something similar, you can get a wave of other infections mostly bacterial, but even viral in some cases.

>> No.11750916

holy shit, what drives a man to fear monger this hard on an anonymous image board?

>> No.11750961

Why won't any of you listen. All this covid-19 shit was known to be caused by MILLIMETER WAVES 50 years ago!

>> No.11751070

There have been people who are sick for weeks, then eventually test negative for a few days only to feel like shit again a week later and test positive. Covid is truly a novel coronavirus. The more we learn the most questions are raised.

>> No.11751093

>A cough
Yeah, you're a retard. I dare you to go outside and get infected. I had it too and it hits you like a truck, it's really not surprising old people keel over from it.

>> No.11751099

/pol/tards really, *really* want the world to end.

>> No.11751106

Covid-19 permanently damages your blood vessels. In order for you to recover to pre-covid function, you need to do 30 minutes of aerobic exercise a day, as well as start a healthy diet.

>> No.11751136

/pol/tards switched from happening to nothingburger in March when their dear leader told them to stop tanking the Dow.

>> No.11751163

>but for some reason I still feel a bit fucked.
That's what the chinks engineered it for.

WW3 soon™

>> No.11751178

good. I hope you get it again.

>> No.11751188

You should get your sperm count tested. I heard it makes men infertile.

>> No.11751243

I don’t feel any different now, except for occassional coofing. Not even often, it’s just a couple of times per day, especially when physically exhausted or breathing in dust/smoke.
Oh, and I don’t smell some smells now, such as sweat or coffee. I mistook broccoli soup for cabbage soup, and raw salmon for raw beef, judging from the smell.

>> No.11751317

actually, now that I remember... the virus produces coagulation. perhaps that on itself can produce long lasting issues in the body?

>> No.11751341

I definitely had abnormally cold feet while symptoms were active, it made me wear socks to bed for the one time in my life. It also seemed like my legs fell asleep faster. Nothing serious though and the effect disappeared along with symptoms, I can't imagine why something like that would cause headaches & fatigue to persist weeks after?

>> No.11751381

My 93 year old gramma tested positive in a nursing home - she is asymptomatic.

>> No.11751382

well, I'm no biologist or medic, but I can imagine some parts of the body could be damaged by blood clots and recover slowly.
I guess we need to ask a medfag, though

>> No.11751396

I didn't have it very bad, which is why I said I was glad of it. My aunt ended up hospitalized for 3 days but they aren't sure she had covid yet (they didn't have access to tests). If you're over 60 this has a 15% kill rate. It's not a joke.

>> No.11751616

Huh. Okay. So you're saying my immune system is still fucked and other stuff is causing the same weird symptoms? Is there some way to help getting it back on track?

>> No.11751629

I had a few symptoms that a friend said sounded like a blood clot was going through my system. Some muscles in the face being slightly paralyzed, sudden onset of migraine etc. Took months to go away. The breathing problems also felt like there was something obstructing the oxygenated blood from flowing freely, but that might have been panic or so.

>> No.11751635

I feel like that all the time and I never had coronameme

>> No.11751639

go in for a cmp test

>> No.11751644

I started feeling better and thought a bit of training would be a good idea. Did 4 8 4 pushups, 12 12 12 squats and a few heel raises. Gave me muscle soreness for two days.
Training regimen before getting this crap was 60 squats, 30 pushups, 30 pine pushups, 30 leg raises every second day; every odd day 20 dynamic bridges, 10 clean pull-ups, grip and neck training. Cardio on off-days. I hope I can get there again, but it doesn't feel like it.
Stay healthy bros.